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The Chosen One
Zidane is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 01:03 AM

Discuss FMA here!

lzkiwi is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 12:45 AM

i loved that anime show.
when i first watched it i thought it was bad.
but when i continued to watch it, it was getting interesting.

xRhii is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 05:30 AM

I love FMA, Edward is just so amusing especially when he is freaking out about being called short. Although I'm not quite sure how I feel about it being retold in Brotherhood.

Urchie is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 01:21 PM

Brotherhood isn't so bad. That series follows the manga all the way through like most manga based anime do (with a few filler eps, like the 1st episode), while the original anime went and did it's own thing at about half way through.
FMA is a good series, plenty of action, drama, humour (mostly from Ed over-reacting when called short, though the best moment is when he admits he's short albeit unintentionally). Was sad to see the end of it, but it's probably one of the best Anime/Manga series ever!

Teh Toaster Basher
Teh Toaster Basher is offline
Old 04-30-2011, 09:55 PM

How I love Fullmetal Alchemist, it's definitely my number one! That goes for all three series, the manga that started it all, the original anime, and the second anime Brotherhood. I got to say, I really liked how Hiromu Arakawa was able to create a smash hit shounen manga without using sexual scenes or such (not to say there were none) to entice readers, and that the whole story was really a well put together one, as it wasn't an easily put together battle manga. She did a very good job, and it was especially nice how most characters looked more realistic in the sense that they didn't have pink or blue hair with one red eye and one red or silly things like that, and they really felt realistic as they didn't always say things to sound cool, if things sounded cool, it was because they were cool, and the lines never felt forced. Characters never went out of character, they always made sense. An extremely deep story, nice artwork with nice shading (though it could have been better as it was a monthly manga) and it all worked together seamlessly.

Not to mention that it's iconic. No one's going to forget Fullmetal Alchemist. Considering all the crappy manga out there that gets published and popular and whatnot... I'm really glad that Fullmetal Alchemist could make a stand and prove that manga can be amazing in its own right. That it doesn't have to rely on "kawaii" drawings and sexual matters.

PuppetGoddess is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 06:41 AM

I love FMA from manga to series to movie! :D
Typically because, I like reading and listening between the lines...
and honestly, I seriously think that the Philosophical perspective of that anime is somehow correct.

graveyard fenceline
graveyard fenceline is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 01:35 AM

Meh, not the greatest thing I've ever read, certainly nothing in my top ten. Edward was kind of obnoxious, and the most interesting characters tended to get killed off early on. I was more interested in characters like Armstrong, Roy and his team, and even Izumi, and pretty much dropped the series when Greed was killed off and replaced by Ling. I picked it up again and read it all the way through finally, just a little while ago, and I still want to punch Edward in the face for a lot of the really mean-spirited things he said and then never apologized for.

Not that it's the worst thing I've ever read or anything, and it was one of the first things I got into after the usual phase of Pokemon/Digimon/Dragonball Z, so I guess it's kind of got a special place in my heart, but to be fair, for a shounen manga, it's nothing amazing.


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