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Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 04:14 PM

Jack stood just outside the doorway as Sean dared to enter the house first, to see if it was safe. With the sun setting, it was definitely getting darker out, and the house had no lights on, so naturally it looked dark and creepy to Jack. But the last thing he wanted was to be stuck outside with a bunch of zombies, and so when beckoned by Sean to come in the house, he did just that.

"It's freakin' dark in here." He said before the setting sunlight showed him a pool of dried blood on the floor, in which he was then compelled to let out a shriek of terror, backing up slightly. "The hell man! There's freakin' blood on the floor!" It was dried blood, but still! Damn, there was no telling what was in this house now!

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-25-2011, 06:08 PM

Snorting a bit, Sean replied, "Could be worst. If there's only this much blood, at most, two people died. meaning that there are, AT MOST, two zombies, maybe three." He shouldered his rifle, and pulled out his pistol and knife. Holding them "call of duty style" as his squad called it, he advanced into the building.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 08:01 PM

Jack gulped with the mention of more zombies. Two or three, he'd said? Oh yeah, that's just great. As Sean shouldered his rifle and pulled out his pistol and knife to advance into the darkened house, Jack remained standing there, clinging to the shotgun. "Oh, come on..." He let out in a whine, very much not wanting to explore the rest of the house now. Man was he stupid to help break into this place or what! But Sean was already a good ways ahead and Jack hurried to catch up, following close behind. "There any lights in this place or what?" He had to comment, nervously looking around every which way as they walked. That is, before a loud crash came from the back room, the door to it only slightly cracked open as an eerie glow came from the crack.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-25-2011, 09:37 PM

Sean crouched, and aimed at the light. "Hello?" He motioned for jack to catch up, and whispered just loud enough for the kid to hear him, "you've got the better gun for this. Keep an eye on me." And he began to move towards the door, "Is anybody alive back there?"

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 10:26 PM

With the loud crash, Jack jumped two feet closer to Sean before freezing in his place, frozen as if he moved even a muscle the whole house would explode. He couldn't believe this crazy guy was actually calling out to whoever, or whatever, it was back there.

"Not this again..." Jack groaned, slapping a hand to his head as Sean told him to keep an eye on him, seeing as how he got 'the better gun'. So he was to cover him, huh... with a shotgun in a closed-in place... with Jack of all people as the one firing... Oh yes, this would end well. Still, he lowered the gun in a firing position and watched as Sean moved forward towards the door, asking if anyone was alive back there.

There had been a bit of rustling noises coming from the room before, but all had become silent when Sean had called out. Finally, a voice spoke up. "Y-yes! I am alive!" It was an older man's voice. "Please don't hurt me! I was only looking for some medicine!"

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-25-2011, 11:33 PM

"Come out where we can see you sir." Sean called, he stopped in place, and aimed at roughly where the person would appear, he guessed. He turned to Jack, "Back up a bit. If there's a problem, I don't want us both taken down at the same time." He checked his pistol, and determined that it was loaded fully. "Come on out now sir!" he said louder, "I'll be honest, We're freaking out, and hearing a disembodied voice isn't helping. We'll help you find your medicine later sir, but for now, We just want to see you." He didn't lower his gun. Sean wanted to help, but he wasn't stupid.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 12:09 AM

"Don't haveta ask me twice." Jack said, backing up a good ways, shotgun still pointed at the door, of which was partly blocked by Sean's body. Human voice or not, after that incident with that woman and demon-baby, Jack didn't find himself trysting anything anymore.

The old man was silent for a moment, seeming hesitant, before speaking again. "Oh... but I'm sure you wouldn't want to see me." He said. "I've got all kinds of scratches and bruises... even bite marks! I'm sure you wipper-snappers wouldn't want to see any of that..." Another pause. "Say son, you wouldn't happen to have any antiseptics on you, now would you?"

Even having backed up a ways, Jack leaned into a harsh whisper. "You hear what he said?" He started. "Let's get the hell outta here! This old fart's as good as dead!"

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 08:54 PM

Sean felt a little dead on the inside. "I want to see you anyway sir." He hissed at Jack, "Keep three feet between you and him at all times, and don't look away. Be ready to shoot." Moving away from the door, he said a bit louder, "We need you tom come out here sir, and show us your wounds. if you don't, I may have to treat you as if you were infected, and use proper force. I'll see to your wounds as best as i can, but i can't do that while you're back there."

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 04:35 PM

"Ya mean we're actually staying?!" Jack harshly whispered back in surprise.

But Seth's words seemed to finally get to the man in the room, the door finally coming open, very slowly, until it showed an older man in the doorway with a faint yellow light behind him, illuminating what seemed a small study-room. He was in worse than bad shape, having scratch marks and bruises all across his arms and face, as well as welts, parts of his flesh even gone, replaced by oozing sores and even worms and maggots crawling inside. His gray hair was matted, chunks even missing, and one eye seemed to drift off to the right. It was as if he were already a part of the living dead, being physically destroyed and mentally delirious... but just hadn't quite died yet.

Jack froze in place, at his instructed 3-feet mark. "Oh, shit..."

"Medicine?" The old man questioned, more wearily than before. "I... need some... medicine."

(( Bleh. Sorry it took so long to reply. School got the best of me. ))

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 08:47 PM

((it's cool, don't worry about it man.))

Sean flinched inwardly, but remained passive. "what kind of medicine do you want...... and how did you come by those injuries sir?" He couldn't bring himself to shoot. Hie cocked and aimed his revolver, and told himself that the old man was dead anyway
He half hoped that Jack would do it... but he still thought, sort of, that he could save the old man.... but he worried that there was no chance.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 11:25 PM

The old man looked over his body, as if he'd forgotten all about his own injuries. "I... don't... remember." He said waywardly. Even when Sean cocked and aimed his revolver, the old man didn't seem to take notice. He then looked back up to both Sean and Jack with a lost look. "Do you... have any medicine?" He asked the two, as if he was just seeing them for the first time.

"Damn, this is gettin' sick." Jack commented, now having backed up more than three feet, holding a hand over his nose while still holding onto the shotgun. The old man already reeked of death. "Sean, man, put this guy outta his misery already."

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-29-2011, 01:26 AM

Sean aimed, but was unable to force himself to pull the trigger. The poor man was still asking for medicine, and Sean couldn't help but just see a frail old man. "I-I can't." he stuttered at Jack, "I can't do it.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-29-2011, 01:42 AM

Jack continued to hold his hand over his nose and mouth. "Whadd'ya mean ya can't?!" The fiery young man let out with irritated surprise, watching as Sean pointed his weapon, but couldn't bare to fire it. After that brutal display of zombie-bashing, he couldn't just off one pretty-much-already-dead old man?!

...Of whom was still looking about the room as if it were the most unfamiliar, distant thing in the world. That is, before he lurched over with a groan, tightly clutching his stomach, some maggots and worms falling out of his already decapitating body as he did so, in which Jack was then forced to 'make a face'.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-30-2011, 01:34 AM

Finally, Sean was able to shoot. All six shots rang out. Five of them hit the mans nose, while the sixth missed. Automatically, Sean reloaded. then he screamed at the corpse, "DON'T MOVE! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" over and over for a few minutes. he soon realized that the man was dead, and began to get sick. "I joined the Army to HELP my people," he said when he was done, "Not gun them down cuz they seem a bit sick." he was clearly in shock.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 05:26 PM

Before Jack knew it, it was like the whole room had exploded. His eyes grew wide as he went to cover his ears from the six fast-paced shots from the gun. Sean even seemed to continue to pull the trigger for a moment, even though all of the bullets had been shot, all while screaming at the already dead old man.

"He's dead, man!" Jack screamed to Sean, having finally uncovered his ears. When Sean finally stopped shouting and began to comprehend what he'd done, Jack was somewhat fixated on the now unmoving dead man, but his attention slowly drifted back over to Sean, who seemed rather out of it now.

"Sick or not, the old dude was already dead." Jack told him, not helping but to frown as the other seemed to struggle with his emotions. He came in front of him. "You did 'im a favor. Now he can go... be happy... somewhere else. Or somethin'..." Okay, so moral support wasn't exactly his strong-suit... He outstretched his arms with emphasis and a grin. "And hey, we're still alive, right?"

It was only then that the 'dead old man' behind Jack began to move. Apparently a part of his brain was still in-tact as he actually stood up, left only with the overpowering urge to attack and eat anything with flesh.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 09-30-2011, 07:46 PM

Sean looked up, and opened his mouth to say something emo to Jack, when he saw the movement. instantly, he want from miserable human, to Emotionless, well-trained ranger. His rifle was on his back, and his pistol was unloaded. Drawing his knife, he threw Jack to one side, and lunged at the old man. They went rolling around the floor, fighting for their lives. the old man was already one of them, and just kept trying to bite Sean. Sean, for his part was trying to stab the head of the old man. After a few minutes of struggling, blood and puss and whatever else the old man had inside of him where every where. For a while, It seemed the Zombie had Sean, but Throwing the thing off, Sean was able to stab it in the eye , killing it.

(sorry about the shorter posts earlier))

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 12:27 AM


And that's all Jack got out before being thrown to the side, now lying on the ground. He instantly sat up, wide-eyed at what the hell Sean thought he was doing... until he actually saw for himself the scene. So that old guy wasn't already dead?!

Ass still glued to the ground, Jack scrambled to grab his shotgun that laid beside him and pointed it in the direction of the mangled Sean and zombie-man as the rolled around on the floor. "H-hey! Quit squirmin' around!" He shouted, trying to get a good sight. Unfortunately, there was too much movement for him to get a shot in without hitting Sean. Fortunately, Sean didn't need the help in the first place.

Seeing Sean win the fight, Jack remained on the ground, still pointing the shotgun at the newly-developed-but-dead-zombie. "Is... is it dead this time?" He asked, starring at it.

(( Aww man, you don't ever have to worry about post size with me! It's just whatever flows at the time. And on the contrary... sorry if my posts are kindda big sometimes. xD ))

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Alex_Silvermane is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 09:08 PM

Standing up, Sean was obviously not as bothered as much as he had been when he killed the old man. He reloaded his pistol, and held out a hand to Jack. "i think so.... but just to be sure...." He fired a bullet into the things head, and watched it splatter all over. "It is now.... You gonna get up or what?" He continued to hole out his hand to help Jack up.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 10:51 PM

Jack instantly flinched when Sean fired one last bullet into the already-dead zombie's head, splattering its brain matter all over the floor even more than it already was. That old man definitely wouldn't be getting up again, that was for sure! Though now Jack was even more hesitant to accept Sean's hand to help him up, just staring up at the older male for a moment with an unsure look.

But with Sean promptly questioning him on it, Jack let out a "tsk" and finally accepted his hand in being pulled up off the ground. He quickly dusted himself off, shotgun in hand. "Well... that was eventful." He said with as much sarcasm as he could muster, looking back to the twice-dead old man with half his head blown off, trying not to cringe or gag at the grotesque sight. He turned back to Sean, eying him curiously. "You, ah... okay?"

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 10-03-2011, 01:35 AM

Sean sighed sadly. "I think so man..." Strangely, Sean didn't care that he'd killed the old man when he was a zombie. Shaking his head, he looked around, and said, "Okay, we gotta make sure that no more of the fuckers are around." He pointed at a nearby staircase, "You head that way, I'll go this way... Shout out if you need help. He turned down a hallway, and began to search the nearby rooms. It wasn't a big house, so it wouldn't take long, he thought.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 03:11 AM

Well, Sean seemed alright anyway. Damn, he could sure be brutal sometimes!

Jack nodded when Sean told him to go upstairs, then did a double-take when he saw how dark the up-stairs looked. "H-hey, wait a minute-" He said, turning back to Sean... only to see that he was now gone, having walked down the hallway. He looked back to the staircase. "...shit."

He REALLY didn't want to be alone, yet somehow, Jack had mustered up enough courage to go to the staircase by himself. He flipped on the switch and a faint light in the stairway came on. Luckily the power from the city hadn't gone off yet and the house still had power. He slowly made his way upstairs, shotgun tightly in hand...

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 10-04-2011, 12:43 AM

Sean crept terrified, through the house. He thought he heard a few noises. The sounded like something eating. gulping, He made sure his pistol and knife were ready. Holding them "Call of Duty" style, he approached a door. There was a faint green light coming from inside, probabally from a night lite or something. The eating noises were coming from insid.e Sean waited, and slowly opened the door.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:42 AM

Meanwhile, Jack had finally managed his way up the sitars. He now found himself in a long corridor that split off into different rooms; two rooms on the left that were twin bedrooms, one on the right that was a bathroom, and one at the very end that was the master bedroom. It was dark, the only light being from the stairway.

Gripping the shotgun tightly, Jack slowly made his way down the hallway. "This is SO stupid..." He told himself, not believing he was actually doing this. "H-hey. Any z-zombies around?" He asked, actually wondering if he'd get a reply. This was just insane... He wondered how Sean was doing on his end of the house.

My heart and world are hers, and...
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Old 10-04-2011, 09:46 PM

Opening the door, he saw the body of a dead woman on the ground. He didn't hear anything, but the eating noises continued, uninterrupted. Looking around, he saw that he was in a baby room. There was a soft green nightlight, and a few toys, along with a cradle. The noises stopped when he walked in. looking around, he saw a baby, and it had blood all around it's mouth. Sean quickly put two and two together. the baby had turned, and attacked the mother, who clearly had come to check on it. Sighing a bit, Sean aimed, and slowly pulled the trigger.

Mayor Mayhem
Mayor Mayhem is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 12:36 AM

Jack had finished checking all the rooms but the last, at the very end of the upstairs hallway; the master bedroom. The wooden door was closed, and as Jack approached it and twisted the door knob, it was locked. "Thank God..." He said to himself, relived he now had an excuse not to check another creepy-ass room.

It was then that he heard no more than a single gun-shot, making Jack jump at least two feet off the ground. "What the?!" He shouted. No sooner was he at the end of the staircase, peering around the corner, yet refraining from actually going any farther. "The hell, man!" He shouted, only hoping that Sean was still there, though he couldn't see him for he was in the baby's bedroom. "What's goin' on down here?!"


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