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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 11:31 PM

Allie looked shocked as the other girl slid under the table with her. Shocked but not altogether uncomfortable. She didn’t have a clue what drew her to these people, they all seemed warm and inviting though. They had all immediately come to her aide too. So she felt at ease. Tired from the excitement, but still at ease.

The girl spoke to her in a whisper, could she write? Allie was not able to speak anymore, but she was affably able to write in many languages, language, to Allie, had always come easy. She nodded her head at the girl and shook her hand when she offered. After which she politely took the notebook and wrote simply, “My name is Allie, Nice to meet you”

A new woman walked up to the table and spoke to them in a heavy Russian accent. Something about this woman was warm, but she also made Allie a bit uneasy, what was that feeling of uneasy.


Anya studied them a bit, especially death. She knew he was death, and for that she smiled. Life always had to work most closely with death. Without death, life is weaker, but without life, death too feels the pain. They create balance for each other. Twice in her life she had lost death, and twice she had felt the weakness that brought. Therefore it was happy to see them, but especially him.

She thought maybe the easiest way to start the conversation was through death when she heard the twins address each other. She heard the words “Chaos” and “Order” and her eyes went wide, could it be that they knew? Could they possibly know the truth.

She looked up at the twins, “Do you….?” she thought about how to address the question, she never had to do this part before. She was never the one who had to introduce them to it. She tried to remember what it had been like for her, but 800 years was a long time in the running, a long time to forget those moments. Those first knowledgable moments where so…..very long ago. And she was also the only one then, this was….different. “I am sorry” she said to the two, “My name is Anya…..and I wish to as you a question. Do you know who you are?”

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-07-2011, 01:29 AM

The twins glanced at each other as another woman joined the table, blinking at each other as if to ask if either of them knew her. Both responded with equally blank faces. When she started talking to them, Yue picked his head up and removed his hand from his brother's, resting both hands on Yui's shoulder as he peered around Yui's head. Yui turned his head as well to stare at her.

"Do we what?" They chorused in quite a rude tone.

They listened with small frowns on their faces to what she was saying. "Know who we are?" "This isn't one of those psychological things is it?" "'Cause we've really gotten tired of those." They gave Anya an unamused expression. "We can tell ourselves apart just fine."

There was no offense meant on Anya's part...mostly. It was just, the twins got so tired of people asking them if they ever mistook themselves for the other because of how many times they'd switched roles. Really, it was like asking some random stranger on the street if they thought they were another random stranger on the street. The stupidity of some people just couldn't be explained. Not that they were calling Anya was just the general society was rather...uneducated.

Angelo is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 09:29 PM

"It's good to know that you can communicate," Dani said, smiling. Was the girl mute? Or maybe she just didn't like to speak? "I can teach you sign language, if you want. That way you don't have to write everything down." It certainly would be easier than passing around a notebook all the time; Dani's hands often turned paper to dust. Teacher always wondered why her homework was always yellowed.

"So, why are you hiding?" she asked, more to fill the silence than from curiosity. "I pissed the orphanage worker off, so that's why I'm under here." She could almost see the woman's face when she found her. It would be horrible. Shuddering at the thought, Dani wrapped her arms around herself. Then she shivered as her underwear sent a cool sensation to her skin. She had wet it again. Grumbling to herself, she waited patiently for Allie to answer. Writing took longer than speaking, after all.

((I'm so sorry if you guys were waiting on me! I completely forgot! :oops:))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-12-2011, 08:45 AM

((I'm actually waiting for all profiles to get done, admittingly mine are amongst them))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-18-2011, 04:40 PM

Anya's face fell a bit, they didn't know, either that or they where hiding the fact that they knew, which was good.....but bad for her. She contemplated the situation as she looked at them, wondering how to approach the situation. " not exactly what I meant" She looked down at the table and thought for a moment. "Chaos and order" she mumbled to herself in her thoughts.

For the moment she would appear crazy, certainly to the untrained eye she was speaking to herself. "And death. Chaos and order and death" She looked from one to the other, and also to the unidentified ones. She was getting closer and at the same time, she was still so far away. The boy standing a bit distant from them, that was the place to start. She would approach things somewhat differently. She walked up to Ren and smiled, "You can see them can't you. The lights. Thats how he always described them, as lights. Aura's shinning around a person, you can see them can't you....."

She knew she sounded crazy, to them she was out of her mind. How much worse could it get if she didn't tell them....if they didn't know. The truth was she really needed time, and she didn't have it. Soon the Ingarnates would be all over this place, sanctuary or not. She knew they where coming....they always did. And She would be among them.

Allie looked at the girl in front of her. Something about her was extremely like-able, but maybe that was because she was silent in her thoughts. Allie wondered, what she was thinking, and that for Allie was extremely comforting. Allie didn't know it yet but languages was one of her specialties. She would learn that in due time. So when the small girl, now Identified as Dani offered to teach her sign language she was delighted. She nodded but once again took up the paper.

"I can hear peoples thoughts." she remembered that the girl had told her that she made the ice cream melt, and something about this made her trust Dani, Dani was different, just like her. "My nanny has extremely mean thoughts.....I hate her" She got a little angry at this point. Not at Dani, but at the nanny all over again. She took a deep breath and smiled, after which she simply wrote, "Thank you"

She listened to the newest comer to the table and thought she sounded a bit....strange. First the Accent was like nothing Allie had ever heard, there was also the way she kept addressing the others that made Allie both think she was psychotic and yet she was intrigued. Clearly the woman was trying to tell them something but didn't know how. She slowly crawled out from under the table and walked up to the woman, did she say her name? Anya...thats right....she called herself Anya.

Ivanka stood tall before her troops. There was no doubt that she was the strong leader of the group around them. As they walked down the street people gave them strange looks. After all it wasn't often that one was seen walking down the street clad in armor, not that she cared. All it took was a growl, and any one of them scampered. Pitiful mortals. What good did they do to anyone?

She paused for a moment and raised her head to the sky. Sniffing the Air. Yes, Anya had been in this alley. She could smell her scent. The scent of a woman she loathed above all else. She smirked, "At least the wench is good for something. I can smell her, she was here."

Tracking was something she was trained for. An expert at it too, once she had the path nothing would stop her from meeting her end. Destruction fore told her of this day, the day of the rising. The rising of power of the immortals. The day the war would resume just as it had all those years ago. Resume as if it had never ended. Blood, a byproduct of war was something Ivanka loved. She stroked the hilt of her sword, "Soon my lovely soon you'll see the blood of Anya on your blade."

Callie looked ecstatic as she danced down the street after her leader, and at the moment guardian Ivanka. It was so nice to be off house arrest even if it meant being under the slave driving Ivanka. She grabbed Cora around the neck with her arm, "Isn't it so wonderful to be outside!?" She let out a howl like a wolf and continued to dance down the street, still with Cora under her arm, "Just breath in the fresh Air!"

Cora, on the other hand, looked less then thrilled, and even less so when Callie grabbed her around the neck. "I can only smell oil and smoke" she said with a scowl. Her nose turned up in a characteristic scowl. "Let go of me Cal!" She struggled with her sisters arm for a few moments before carefully extracting herself from underneath. She looked down at her usually carefully pressed dress, " I'm a total mess....thanks...for nothing."

"Oh lighten up, you stiffy" Callie was now playing with an array of things on her belt. "Just learn to have fun for once, like this!" She took a pair of dice and threw them, the result was and explosion that caused Callie to squeal with delight. "BOOM!"

Cora Smacked her upside the head, "CALLIE!?" she looked possitively furious, "DO YOU WANT TO GET US GROUNDED AGAIN!?"

"Sorry...sorry" she waved it off with her hand. Nothing really truely ever got her down.

They stood before the mall looking in, they where in there. She could smell it. The strong stench of filth. The Strong stench of her mortal enemy. Soon it would be time, time for all the stops to be pulled, to squash those bugs before they could reach there full potential. To her right Chaos had errupted in the form of an explosion and order was yelling at her. Ivanka rolled her eyes, "Will you two please grow up"

She put her hand on her head, those two could be such a handful, but there was a perpose in bringing them. Well at least in bringing Callie. "Callie, the ingarnates are through this door. Give them hell, create as much chaos as you can. DO NOT hold you understand."

A smirk played Callie's lips, "As you wish"

((Get in your last minute calm posts. All hell breaks loose in my next one. ))

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Last edited by Cora; 09-18-2011 at 09:19 PM..

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 09-18-2011, 09:38 PM

Erin raised an eyebrow at the woman, she seemed to be asking pointless questions. How could someone not know who they were? She watched the woman walk to the boy who entered just before her, listened to her talk about lights. Light around a person? Auras? The term seemed mildly familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before. Her skirt moved, and she jumped, stepping away from the table as one of the little girls came out from under it, walking over to the lady. Anya. Was her name familiar? She jumped again at the explosion. "What is going on?" she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

Aiden followed Ivanka and the twins, frown deepening when Callie caused an explosion. He really didn't think he was needed, but the castle was boring, and Darius tried too hard to get him alone sometimes. He needed to be around people. he stretched his power out thinly, draining the hope out of the populace around him, leaving his fellow ingarnates out of it. He just drained a little, not wanting to be noticed, but not wanting to hold back, either. He almost smiled when they came to the mall, so many people would be there.

Darius paced his room, the chair already smashed against one wall. It was his third in the past two weeks, and he knew he'd have to find another, but he didn't care. He wanted out. This place was too confining, and there was no one to really mess with. He gave a kind of growl, picking up a piece of the chair and hurdling it at the opposite wall, smile on his face when it splintered further. That felt good. He bent down and picked another up, throwing that as hard as he could as well. His anger gave way to a fierce pleasure at destroying the chair, continuing until there was little more than splinters.

Last edited by Drakina; 09-19-2011 at 02:35 AM..

Angelo is offline
Old 09-18-2011, 09:58 PM

The mention of telepathy intrigued Dani, whose eyebrows rose in slight shock. Was she psychic? That would be rather interesting. Unless she couldn't turn it off, which would explain her muteness. Hmm, it certainly was something to think about. Then she said about her Nanny. Sighing, Dani put her hands over her tummy and slid down, frowning. Why did people have to be jerks?

"I guess I can control time then," she said at last. "Things get old really fast around me, so I must not be able to control it willfully yet." She was glad that the other girl took her up on the offer to learn sign language. It would certainly help later on.

"People are awful," Dani consoled. "I'm treated like I'm little more than a two year old. I know that I look like that, and have some of the physical limitations of a child that age, but I'm a registered genius. It'd be nice if people treated me my actual age for once." Staring at nothing, Dani was shocked when something appeared in the window of the ice cream cooler. It was like the vision from before, but worse.

A group of individuals stood outside, whereas one girl came in to the ice cream shop. As she walked in though, things began exploding. Dani literally began shaking as she watched several of the others die, and, as they did, the world seemed to grow darker and darker. As the image became completely black, Dani jumped up, banging her head on the table.

"Guys! Something bad's going to happen soon!" she shouted, scrambling out from under the table while holding her head.

((If you remember, the visions she sees are possible futures, not set in stone.))

((I'm going to post a short blurb about Creation. Y'know, kind of give you a look into her personality?))

Opening her eyes slowly, Chouko squinted in the darkness, trying to see something, anything. But it was useless. It was just too dark. Shivering violently as a cold draft rolled across her skin, she curled up into a ball, trying to preserve any body heat she could. Waking up had shown her one thing, and that was that her Immortals were slowly becoming awakened. But she was still too weak.

Frowning, she pondered where she was. She had a relatively good idea of who had captured her, but where would he have taken her? Stretching out her power, minuscule in its entirety right now, she created a small flame, similar in size to that of a modern-day lighter. But it was enough light to see a little bit. Not to mention the simple joy that filled her every time she created anything.

It was a regular everyday cell. Except for the skeleton hanging in the one across from the hallway. A prison? Frowning slightly, she created decomposers to eat the bones. It wasn't right to refuse the prisoner a proper burial. But she could at least stop the horrendous use of his body as a nest for various bugs and vermin.

The decomposers had taken a lot more energy than they should have, causing the flame to diminish by at least half. However, it was right, and that's what counted. It was actually amazing how many places worked as a nexus of life energy nowadays. Prisons, hospitals, schools, and office buildings were great for allowing her to create life, though she usually left that to Life. Anya was her name, right? It was so hard to remember.

Absently, she noticed that it was dark again. Her energy was gone, and so was the flame. But she had used power, which meant that the Immortals were growing. And that was all she could hope for right now as she slipped back into unconsciousness.

Flicking a piece of dust off of his hoodie, Jai'kar sighed as they neared the mall. His prisoner back home could have died by now, and he wouldn't get to see it. The pain that flashed through their eyes before they finally succumbed to the final sleep made him tingle with eagerness. It was a joy he lived for. It was a shame that he was forced to go about in his old body though. His natural form was so much more enjoyable. All he had to do was look at someone to send them running off in fear. Why the scythe at his side didn't do the same, he never knew. Probably on account of the number of assaults lately. It wasn't suspicious to need a weapon for defense anymore.

"Ivanka?" he said at last, rolling his eyes at the twins. "We will capture Time alive, right? And maybe some of the others? The screams they would produce would be most satisfying. Especially Time." That had been part of the bargain if he came, but Ivanka had been known to turn back on a properly reasonable deal for no reason whatsoever.

Pulling his Droid phone out from his pocket, he opened up the video cameras watching his victims. They were sobbing fitfully. Cackling madly, he flipped on the speakers. "Do you want out?" he asked tauntingly, grinning with ecstasy as they nodded hard enough to damage their spines. "Too bad!" and then he switched on the audio track, allowing the high-frequency buzzing to fill the room. The looks on their faces as he denied them their plea brought tears of mirth to his eyes. Oh, he couldn't wait to do the same to Time!

Last edited by Angelo; 09-19-2011 at 10:04 PM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 09-18-2011, 11:59 PM

Ren shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The small shop seemed very crowded, the room feeling more and more claustrophobic as he tried to keep his eyes to the floor, away from the bright lights around the people around him. His head ached and his core throbbed as he started to feel dizzy. He thought about leaving when the woman with the pulsing aura spoke to the twins, her words catching his attention.

She seemed very serious, her tone showing she meant something other than the obvious. Still, it did not surprise him when they brushed it off, even becoming a bit angry at the question. He frowned a bit and rubbed the wooden charm in his fingers, watching her as she muttered something before turning to him. He was nervous, something about the woman drew him in and that made him want to pull away and run even more.

Still, when she smiled to him, he smiled back, but his face changed to mild shock as she spoke. "I...." he started, a bit unsure of what to say. "Yes... I can, but wha-" he was cut off by the sound of an explosion, and a young girl came rushing out from under the table, yelling that something "bad" was about to happen. He looked down to her, brows furrowing as his gut churned, instinct telling him that something definitely was not right.

Kyrie stayed at the back of the group, one hand playing with the metal tube at the small of her back. She was not as vocal, nor as energetic as the other Ingarnates, but she was just as anxious to attack the fledgling immortals in the room beyond. She paced a bit, light shoes making little noises as she twisted every few steps. "After Callie creates her havoc, we attack, ne?" She asked, her light voice sounding firm and serious. She was determined to stop this war before it could start, Tarashi made it very clear that they must all be taken out, one way or the other. With those immortals around, the world could not start again like he said. She would not fail in taking down the boy that was her opposite and rip out his soul, even if it was the only thing she did.

Heiro swiftly made his way though the crumbling halls of Destruction's fortress, his passive face carefully covering the turmoil in his head. He wanted to be out there, he wanted to be in this fight. He honestly though Tarashi was being a fool by not sending all of his forces, he was underestimating the immortals again. Even though they have just come to power, they are a force to be feared, especially if they are together in one place. They also knew that Anya was with them, she was the only living old one and powerful in her own right.

It was foolish, he was sending Kyrie and the others into the lion's den and would not listen to any advise. Tarashi was too afraid of them to see that attacking outright was folly. He sighed, raising his head as he came to he large doors that lead to Destruction's throne. With a gentle push the worn doors creaked inwards, revealing the elegantly decorated room with crumbing stone pillars and cracked glass windows.

"You wished to see me, Tarashi-sama." He said, low voice carefully respectful in tone as he gave a formal bow.

Tarashi's bright eyes settled on the slavic-born Japanese man, mouth curving into a smile. "Yes, I did." he said, sultry voice echoing off the fractured stone walls. He moved to stand, the motion seeming fluid and cat-like, seamlessly becoming him walking forward. "Do you know why I kept you here?" he asked, circling behind the tense warrior. "Because I cannot trust you to do what I say." he said, voice lilting some as he wrapped an arm around Heiro.

"Your opposite is a small girl. Such a pretty little thing, she is....You can't kill a child, can you, Heiro?" He said, running his hand through the man's hair.

Heiro stared at the floor as Tarashi spoke, face expressionless and hands at his sides as he fought to keep his emotions level. He knew the man was playing with him. These games were tests of his loyalty, even though Tarashi knew the answers.

"I will do whatever my lord commands." he said, voice empty.

"Tsk, Tsk... you know I hate it when you lie to me, Heiro." Tarashi said, eyes narrowing even though his tone remained playful. "You know the punishment for lying to me, don't you Heiro?" he asked, letting go of the man and stepping back up to his throne. "Go to the lower chambers and await your punishment. I have chaos to watch." he said, voice switching to a harsh, disgusted tone.

"Hai, Tarashi-sama." The response was stiff, as was the bow he gave before he walked off, making his way to the dungeons.

Last edited by KageShio; 09-19-2011 at 02:28 AM..

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 02:02 AM

The sounds of an explosion had the twins both stumbling away from the table and turning as one to stare out of the store with wide eyes. What was..."That wasn't normal." Yue muttered before pulling away from his brother and going over to where the woman...Anya was. he had no doubt in his mind that she knew what was going on. "Yui...go check out what's happening. but don't get caught." He muttered, mind going through way too many scenarios than was normal. All joking manner was gone from both twins as they heard Dani's exclamation.

Yui swallowed dryly before reaching into his jacket and pulling out his sai, holding them loosely in his grip. "Right. Don't get caught." he repeated dully before heading for the door. This was probably a bad idea. No, correction, it was most definitely a bad idea, but if Yue told him to do it, well recon it was.

Though they had grown up in a well to do family, the twins weren't spoiled rich brats...okay, maybe they were spoiled but they weren't brats. they knew how to fight, and they always had each other's backs...but then again they'd never actually had to do anything in a serious fight before.

glancing around the corner Yui ducked as pieces of burning debris rained around the area. Whoever had done that...he sucked in a breath of air through his teeth as he caught sight of a group of people. One seemed to be wearing armor...and...he mentally took a picture before darting back into the ice-cream parlor, somehow knowing he'd been seen.

While Yui was doing this, Yue had approached Anya and, with a solemn expression, demanded, "You know what's going on, don't you?" Even when Yui practically slammed his full weight into Yue, whispering frantically into the blue-haired twins ear, Yue's expression did not falter.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 09:24 PM

Ivanka Heard the doubt in his voice and turned to Jai'kar, "Is that doubt I heard in that voice of yours. Are you daring to doubt me." Her eyes bore down hard on him, it was a look that most people would be terrified of. Ivanka was the last person you wanted to mess with, and she looked positively pissed off at the moment, "I will be telling tarashi about this upon are return, but now is not the time. This is an important mission, we screw this up and there is no telling what Tarashi would do to us, any of us, Including me, he's not known to be the most forgiving"

She addressed the group as a whole but it was kyrie's question she was addressing. "First Callie goes in an creates as much chaos as she can, in the confusion we take out as many of them as we can. Capture them alive if at all possible" she once again looked at Jai'kar when she said this, truth was she hated being doubted, and she would see him punished later, but now....was not the time for that.

"on my command" she turned facing the inside, saw the boy dart back, it was now or never. "CHARGE!"

[*]Callie Squealed with delight as she headed into the building. She danced along causing more explosions, more destruction in her path. This was her territory now and she couldn't be more happy. With each explosion she would yell, something like "BOOM" and then laugh at the path of destruction it caused.

Fire erupted in her path as well as a result of the explosions and she willed the fires to be higher, and more chaotic. Fanning the fires. Throwing people and debris around the place as she went. She was the unstoppable force of chaos. And this was fun. The further inside she went, the happier she became. "Oh how much fun is this!?"

"Cora cora isn't this fun!" another explosion, more fire. A group of people near her screamed out in terror at her path of chaos....her path of destruction, "BOO!" she yelled as they ran screaming in all directions. The people where now running in all directions trying to avoid the fires. And the explosions. But Callie kept them running in circles. "no more straight lines for yoooou"

As where the orders for her Cora followed callie inside with the others. The path of chaos Callie always knew how to leave had to be commended even if Cora hated it. In fact the sight of it made her sick. But that didn't mean she was useless. Just a little bit of order in the chaos makes the chaos even more deadly.

Cora faned the fires, ordering there path towards where she had watched that boy run. They would need to run if the shop was on fire. Either that or burn alive. Either one suited there needs.

Anya watched as one by one they started to realize the situation was dire, and that she in fact held the answers. She knew her time was coming to an end and they wanted answers. Answers they knew she had, and answers she had no time to give them. "You all are very special people, with very gifted powers under you. A chosen elite granted both immortal life and immense power..."

An explosion went off in the distance. Damn, time was running out, and she hadn't even braised the surface of the things she needed to tell them. One of the twins demanded of her what was going on, and soon the other whispered something to the first. "We're running out of time, this was once a safe haven for the Immortals but......" she stopped herself. She realized the group in front of her had no idea what she was talking about.

"Listen closely, what I am about to say is very VERY important. There is a group of people, who's power far out weighs your own in the current state, who are going to try and kill you. Right now our only option is to run. This place is no longer safe for us. Creation isn't as strong as she once was....the wards around here where broken only moments ago."

She walked up to the counter where the ice cream had been sold and spoke to the man behind the counter. "asvier" she said the word that was a trigger, opened the mans mind to what he really was....a gardian of the sacred place.

"Anya!" he said in a voice he hadn't used before, "What is it you wish"

"Take these guys somewhere safe. I need to face my sister......but I'll meet you soon."

She turned to the group, "I can't risk taking you into the battle. Asvier will protect you from what is about to take place. I'll explain everything later."

Allie looked scared as she listened from one person to another. But she still looked composed. She was tough for her age she always had been. Allie trusted Anya, well at least trusted that she knew what she was talking about. Outside the shop explosions and screaming could be heard. Allie smelt fire.

when Anya told them to trust the guy to get them to safety, Allie merely nodded, it was worth a shot right. Seemed it was there only option at the moment.

Last edited by Cora; 09-19-2011 at 09:43 PM..

Angelo is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 10:15 PM

Rather spooked by the visions she had seen, Dani seemed a lot more toddler-like than she had before. All reservation had fled her, which was why she found herself holding onto Allie's sleeve. It was sort of meant to be a gesture of comfort, for both parties, as Dani couldn't reach much higher than that without being awkward. Allie was taller than her by a good bit after all.

Anya's description of them was also rather unbelievable. Her, have power? The very idea was preposterous. Her rational mind would've protested immediately under normal circumstances, but she was still too stunned to do much than nod dumbly. To be honest, if she had to pick out the weakest member of the group, it would be her. She was much to small to do much, and would just drag everyone down.

Suddenly realizing that she could end up costing one of the others their lives, which she still saw as more valuable than her own, Dani let go of Allie and stepped away. She would follow, but she wouldn't hesitate to turn and try and by the others more time. They wouldn't have to wait on her then.

Frowning at Ivanka's outburst, Jai'kar put his hands up in surrender. "No need to freak out," he muttered as he walked a little ways away. "I was just making sure that what you told me is what you meant, you silver-tongued eel." Really, his mouth got away from him sometimes, but punishment never really affected him. Unless it was being forbidden from his pets. That was irritating.

When Ivanka ordered the charge, Jai'kar slipped into his true form easily, his skin melting off to reveal bleached white bones. The hourglass that appeared in his hands only served to enhance the image that he was Death, which Death did not enjoy. Nor did he really. Death was sloppy. Torture was truly an art form, and it was one he had nearly perfected.

Using a simple trick he had learned a long time ago, Jai'kar began to float, gliding through the emptying mall. Oh, how the shrieks and screams of the injured and dying filled his heart with joy! It truly was a song of immense and wonderful beauty!

But then his attention was switched. He could feel her. Time. The push to his pull. Jaw cracking in a wide grin, he howled with delight. This time, she would see that his pull was the stronger of the two! And oh how sweet her screams would be!

Aoi Kazuya
"I'm nobody, who are you?"
Aoi Kazuya is offline
Old 09-20-2011, 01:06 AM

Yue 'tch'ed when he realized he wouldn't be getting the answers he wanted, but the frantic whispers of his brother could go ignored no longer. Yue reached out and snatched Yui's hand, pulling him along, muttering to himself as he reached and took Allie's hand almost reflexively into his free one.

Yui decided against saying anything and quickly caught a hold on Dani's hand before Yue had pulled him too far when he noticed her taking a step back and glanced over to Anya and then to Asvier. Then from there he glanced back out and paled at the fire that was raging towards them. Anya couldn't have been crazy enough to think that she could handle this on her own did she? Even if she was more powerful and actually knew what these...powers? wait...they had powers? he stopped walking, his arm going limp in Yue's grasp, making the blue-haired twin look back to see what had happened. "i want to help." he murmured. Yue's jaw clenched and he glanced past his brother.

In that instant, Yui's eyes alighted on the fire and his dark eyes widened behind their pink frames. He sucked in a breath before releasing his brother's hand and swiping he frames from his face, tucking them into a pocket as his eyes darted around the room. Fire...rage, destruction, chaos....that could be combated with water right? calm, healing, order. Except...where the heck was he supposed to find water in this sort of situation?

He muttered under his breath when he saw the containers of fully melted ice-cream. "I suppose it can't be helped." he muttered. He looked to Anya again. "Even if you say that, what kind of people would we be if we left you here to fend by yourself?" He thought back to what she had mentioned to him and his brother earlier. "Order and Chaos. That's what you called us. Maybe a little more chaos could help us here." he suggested, glancing to his brother and then to the melted ice-cream.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 09-22-2011, 07:02 PM

Erin bit back a scream, looking from the woman to the twins, then everyone else before back to the woman. Anya said the man would lead them to safety, what were they waiting for? They had their invitation! "I'm sorry, but supposing we do have powers, I'm pretty sure none of us know how to use them," she said, walking forward and picking up the smaller of the girls. Short legs can make it hard to keep up with people. Thank goodness she learned how to run in heeled boots. "Where are we going, now?" The question held an edge of panic, there were more explosions, and they sounded closer.

Aiden pushed his power out farther, strengthening it and sapping people of any hope. Several of them just stopped running from the explosions, dropping to the ground crying, only thought in their mind being they would never get away in time. He pulled out his knife, fiddling with it before settling down, focusing on what they were here for.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-24-2011, 07:13 PM

Anya looked from one to the other first the smallest of the group held back, ready to not run to .....what was her purpose in buy them time? Then the twins stood up before her offering to lend to the fight. she was both touched and also scared for them. They truly had no idea of the power that was behind that door, most of them had had hundreds upon hundreds of years to prepare for this. She needed to make them understand that they where no match in their current state and yet she hesitated. the very hesitation that could cost them the entirety of the war that was only just beginning.

The tall, thin girl grabbed Dani and the movement brought Anya to her senses. "As touching as your will to fight is, and its also very strong. I can not let you take part in this fight. You will have to fight....but right not the time."

An explosion went off at the front of the ice cream shop causing Anya to dive and push the twins and Allie out of harms way. Now....they very well may have to fight after all. She looked out through the hole in the wall at the wreckage and chaos that ensued in this sanctuary. And yet this was only a partial fraction of destruction's forces. There odds where looking very bleak indeed.

Allie felt one of the twins grab her hand as if to pull her with them out of harm. The room had become chaotic. The group was becoming frantic, and yet each held to there own. Some wanted to run, others to stand and fight. Allie didn't see how she could help in this situation. Plus the voices where back, and at the moment exceedingly loud. Peoples thoughts where screaming fear. She felt herself wanting to be somewhere.....anywhere but here, but unwilling to leave her new friends behind.

The moments became too much, she felt someone.....was it Anya? Push her and the twins out of the way. And she put her hands on her head. She wanted to scream out...."MAKE THEM STOP!" she never intended to say it out loud but she did. Moments later she couldn't handle it anymore and she felt herself feinting into the darkness.

Ivanka stepped into the wreckage and smiled. Perfect, the perfect setting for the ill begotten plot. She closed her eyes, listening, and smelling the air. The right moves for a expert tracker. She watched as Cora pushed the explosions, causing the right amount of order in the chaos, and suddenly there they where. There she was.

She was quick in her movements. Years of training in speed and agility kept her light on her feet. She was there in no time, avoiding the flames that where consuming so many of the enemy. Mortals, they where all the well as those who would support them.

She stood in the wreckage that was the door to the ice cream parlor and laughed at the pitiful sight. A group of new, inexperienced newbies. This should be a cakewalk, but she new Anya would make it anything but such. "So, my dearest sister......we meet again. So sorry that I must kill you now"

((Nothing really for Cora and Callie so done for now ^.^))

Last edited by Cora; 09-24-2011 at 08:30 PM..

Angelo is offline
Old 10-01-2011, 02:54 PM

Squirming in the strong woman's grasp, Dani was being quite unruly. But if there was one thing she hated, it was being picked up and held, or worse, carried. Not to mention she would just slow everyone down, even being carried. Her weight, while tiny, could still cause issues with whoever was running with her. Not to mention Allie would then be the one trailing behind.

Suddenly, she had an idea. She could control time, right? Well, then it could be used to keep those on the outside from moving. Reaching out, she "grabbed" the threads of time, and wrapped them into a dome around the small group, watching in awe as the people on the outside just stopped moving. Then a grin descended on her face. They'd be safe after all! It wouldn't be hard to move the dome with them.

Immune to the effects of stopped time, Jai'kar watched with sick satisfaction as his inverse half attempted to stop them with such a simple trick. What was she? Three? Cripe this would be fun! Especially since the other Ingarnates were currently frozen in the time-stop. Nothing to stop him now!

Darting down through the doorway, he threw his scythe at the glowing pink bubble, laughing himself sick when it smashed. Unfortunately for Time, that would mean that the threads she had been holding will whip back into shape. But he didn't let them settle. Fashioning his own bubble, this one a sickly yellow, he grinned in satisfaction as all movement of the Immortals stopped. Oh sure, in a few moments, they would be free, as would the Ingarnates, but his target wouldn't have the time.

Gliding forward silently, he was a little surprised when she noticed him. He hadn't made a sound, but she knew he was there. The previous Time had been able to do the same thing, though he hadn't been the size of a small child. Why should this one be? Ah well, it mattered not. The widening of her eyes when she noticed his face was erotic to him, causing him to smile with glee. Fear was such a delicious emotion!

Standing over the pair, Jai'kar reached out a plucked the girl from Nature's arms, smiling even wider when she began squirming. "Do you know who I am?" he asked breathily. He was so close to having his desire! His joy led him to carelessness, however, and he wasn't so much paying attention to the other Immortals, who were slowly beginning to move again.

Her terrified shake of the head made him frown. How could she not? She didn't sense time itself straining as it wrapped itself around them? The screams it made were truly delicious, but as a non-living thing, it didn't feel, and was therefore no fun to torture. "I'm the opposite of you. The pull to your push. You can't sense the very opposing nature of me to you?" he said, a little irritated. Where was the fun in torturing your nemesis, if they didn't know they were your nemesis?

Dangling from the skeleton's hand, which held her by the back of her onesie's collar, Dani was truly frightened. For starters, the man was a freaking skeleton! And he also acted like one who was full-out nuts! Only aware of her body vaguely, Dani shivered as her Pull-up alerted her that she had wet herself again. No surprise there. She wouldn't have been able to stop it if she wanted to. But the wet spot that appeared on her jeans was embarrassing. She hadn't realized that she needed a change.

His expression morphed into one of true delight as he noticed the wet spot. This man was pretty sick in the head. The scythe in his hands kept her from speaking her mind though. Who knew what he would do? Especially with her dangling helplessly from his bony hand. Maybe he just thought she was thoroughly terrified, and that that was why she had wet herself. He seemed rather sadistic, after all.

"I, uh, don't suppose you'll let me got then?" she offered weakly. She did sort of feel a strain in the air around her, but if it was time, she couldn't tell. Maybe he was just tripping? Could a skeleton trip? That was an interesting idea. Not like it could be tested though. He just gave a rough, raspy laugh in response. "Yeah, I didn't think so."

Why wasn't he killing the others though? Wasn't that his mission? From over his shoulder, she could see others, but they were barely moving. A shimmery yellow veil seemed to curtain them off from the rest of the world. He could control time too? Is that what he meant by opposite? Her thoughts stopped there though, as a tingling sensation came over her. Her eyes grew heavy, and her mind cloudy. Absently, she was aware of placing her thumb in her mouth, like she often did when she fell asleep. She also felt on the verge of crying due to the cooling wetness between her legs, and that brought her to attention. She never cried!

Oh God, she thought with panic. He's regressing my mind! And then she shoved... something at the sickly energy entering her body. It appeared to cancel out. She wasn't getting better, but she wasn't getting worse either. The tch sound from the man told her she was right, but she was more focused on what age she was. It seemed like two or three. She could kick her legs on command, but it was feeble.

Then she noticed the shimmery veil was gone. Time had restarted, but she and he were locked in a stalemate. Faintly, she could feel him tying his strands of time around her, giving the impression that it would be a while before she returned to normal. And then he started hovering, gliding away with her in his hand.
Christ came to pay a debt he did not owe because we owed a debt that we could not pay.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 09:57 PM

Ren clutched at his necklace and pressed his back against the wall. Everything was happening so fast! His eyes went back and forth from the small group in the room and the fiery chaos that had erupted beyond the parlor. He felt a bit sick, a sinking feeling overcoming him as his hands began to shake and he flinched every time an explosion went off outside. Part of him wanted to believe this was a dream, that he would wake up in his apartment any moment now.

Then, as he looked out the window at the screaming people and burning mall, something inside him sort of broke, a wave of stillness overcoming him. He watched as the front of the parlor burst and Anya pushing the two boys and one of the small girls to the ground to avoid the glass with a strange sort of serenity that he couldn't comprehend. It was when the strange woman with an accent not unlike Anya's appeared that he finally moved again, his right hand quickly finding the handle of the mop that was next to him.

He was pulling it from the bucket when the world around the small group froze, the woman stuck with a wicked smile on her face. Instead of letting this confuse him, Ren took the this to his advantage, stepping on the mop head to yank the handle free. He raised his makeshift weapon just in time to see the cloaked figure throw his scythe, breaking whatever spell Dani had created. Ren hesitated, not truly wanting to fight, then swallowed his fear and started forward only to be frozen in place as a new veil of power swept past him.

Kyrie ignored Jai'kar and gave a firm nod to Anya as she stopped pacing. Once the Russian woman gave the call, Kyrie nimbly ran beside the others, calling her power as she ran past injured and dying humans. They gave anguished cries as their lives ended abruptly and painfully, their souls escaping their bodies on her command. The translucent, tailed orbs trailed after her, swirling and weaving past living humans, some of them pausing in their panic as they felt the chill of death near them.

She slid to a stop as Ivanka called to her sister, and started to flick her wrist to extend her staff, but became frozen in mid-motion as first Dani's then Jai'kar's power took hold.

When time returned to Ren, the first thing he saw was Dani being dragged off by the skeletal figure with the scythe. Instinct took over as he found his legs again and rushed forward, raising his make-shift staff in what he knew as the third step in the Gun Qi. In what looked to be a delicate dance step, he leaped and spun, bringing the mop handle down on the back of the cloaked figure's wrist. As his feet connected with the ground again, a shocked look crossed his face as he registered that he actually hit the person.

Once Kyrie was able to move again, her action finished and with a deft flick, her metal staff extended, becoming a formidable weapon. She watched as a young man, who she almost instantly recognized as her opposite, brought his own staff down onto Jai'kar's wrist in an attempt to make him let go of a small girl he was holding. She was a bit surprised to learn that her other half was also a staff weilder, but she did not let this slow her down, instead she rushed past Ivanka to strike at the shocked-looking man.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 10-05-2011, 01:25 AM

"Of course not, we don't even know what we're doing!" Erin replied to Anya's statement. She turned so that her body was between Dani and the glass, grip firm on the struggling child. She turned back to see that everyone outside their group seemed frozen. "strange," she whispered, just as a skeletal man stepped into sight and threw a scythe at them. Next thing she knew, Dani was in the man's grasp, and the quiet boy was performing what looked to be some sort of martial arts move, aiming his mop-turned-staff at the skeleton's wrist.

Her hand darted into the purse at her side, fingers finding her can of mace immediately. Pulling it out, she stepped towards the skeleton and took aim at his face. Her other arm reached for Dani as she pressed the button on the can, releasing some of the contents into the thing's eye sockets. A far-away thought came to her, what if it didn't work? It didn't have any eyes, just the hollows where they belonged.

Aiden kept a little back from the other ingarnates, watching the group in the parlor for someone to run. He would take them. He noticed the time change only because Jai'kar was suddenly holding a child, when just a moment ago he was outside it. "They are learning," he said, voice bland as he stepped forward, pushing his power out before him. His lips twitched almost to a smile before dropping back to his perpetual frown. He had no opposite to combat his power, no one who could keep the immortals from feeling his despair. That thought, in and of itself, could almost make him happy.


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