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Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 10:52 PM


One company that had the most power in our economy was Etor Tech. The place started right in Ofesta, it grew to be the worlds most used communication device company. Etor created tons of jobs and wealth, but that power became to big for Ofesta to hold. Soon Etor Tech began to move farther out, it began closing things in Ofesta and remaking them in other cheaper parts of the world. Things started to fizz out horribly, when people started losing jobs crime began to take on a new life of its own. The Ofesta balloon had popped. Companies began to pull out of the city, people began to rush out of Ofesta in hordes. Then he showed up, he had big plans, he had hope in his words. A young man by the name of Lasso Woods, had becaming popular with the citizens of Ofesta. He said flowery words and got people behind him, Lasso had ran for Mayor and won. Things seemed to start to get better, he was creating jobs that started with cleaning up the city.

Then rebuilding old building on some of the poorest blocks in the city. After a few years in office, he was shot, killed, murdered in cold blood in front of a group of high school students while giving them a speech about education. This has said to have been the shot that finished off the dying city. The killing was done by a James Pac, an ex cop that was receiving money from a bank account owned by Lasso woods. The media made it seem like James Pac was going to get away with murdering the mayor. Anger and tenseness with past police brutally had created a weird air. The City was becoming violent, a small riot had formed where James Pac was being held. Like fire that small riot spread, the hurt and anger of the city people had exploded. The police did all they could, even the military had stepped in but by the time they did half the city was gone. When everything calmed down Ofesta was hurting bad. Crime now was a must, the police couldn't handle everything, and the city government was fighting among itself.

Years had gone by and Ofesta was now just dead, it was only full of crime and death. The wall in idea came from a woman named Kristy Morn. It was a quick effort to create jobs and get government funding by creating a cheap jail system. In a years time the wall had been created, with the help of the government and private backers it was built. Ofesta city was now Ofesta super prison


Last edited by Faith_Fire_Mistress; 10-06-2011 at 10:56 PM..

Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 11:01 PM


Who are the OR?

The OR are a group that wants to take back Ofesta from the crime and government. They are mostly old citizens of Ofesta. There gang control a large part of Ofesta and known for using the symbol of a fist with an OR on both sides. There one of the few gangs that provide medical assistance to people they see fit.

The 7th list whats that?
The 7th list is a gang that started before Ofesta was a prision. They are nasty and vile but you'll have to deal with them because they control most of the food. They are known for their symbol of a rat.

Who are the bark?
The bark are a motorcycle group that specializes in getting people though the city with ease and speed. They work for the OR mostly but do business with everyone. They are known for the symbol of a wheel. They hang out at old gas stations.

Whats with these 108 sons guys?
The 108 sons are a gang that formed after the Prison was formed. They grew in popularity when they had enlisted four of the most notorious murders. They rival the 7th list with harmful intent and want the OR gone. They are known for their symbol of a circle with 108 in the center.

Is everyone in a gang?
No but if you want to live a long horrible life in Ofesta you better get your numbers up fast.

So there are only three gangs and some sort of police?
Basically, both the 108 sons and the 7th list have talked gangs in their area to join them. If there are any smaller gang in Ofesta they aren't big enough to talk about.

Who are the 4?
An urban myth mostly. No one seems to know if they are real.

Why do people fear these little kids?
Those kids are like primitive animals. They have no fear and they have huge numbers. At first you'll feel sad for killing a child but when you start to lose friends you'll change your tone fast. They are cannibals don't seem to speak anything we can understand.

Closest thing to doctors are at the Or med station. They don't let just any one in. 108 sons,and 7th List are enemy of the Or so there not aloud. The bark of decent med stations as well theyll let any one in for a price


Last edited by Faith_Fire_Mistress; 10-06-2011 at 11:08 PM..

Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 11:28 PM

I'll keep these rules simple for now because I trust that everyone is responsible enough to handle it.
1. Send all profiles to me. You don't have to label it I trust that you can read rules.

2. No cypering, really don't do it. Don't even go to PM. Don't be those people.

3. Please please give someone something to reply to, sometimes you don't mean to give them so little to reply to.

4. Be nice. Its not hard.

5. no using things like this *kick* -kick- as actions. This is a semi-literate RP.

6. No one liners those are just annoying

7. Pretty posts please

8.Post daily

9.Post your profile

Last edited by Faith_Fire_Mistress; 10-06-2011 at 11:37 PM..

Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 11:34 PM

Tip One: Don't trust anyone your first week.
-You can be robbed, taken, killed, or raped your first week and that can ruin the next several months for you.

Tip Two: A belt can save your life.
-This is a prison. This isn't just for women, remember there are a lot less men then women in this world.

Tip Three: If it looks like clean food then save or eat it.
-There is not enough food to go around so wasting anything is not a good idea.

Tip Four: Don't anger a gang member if you don't have some back up.
Most gang members here in Ofesta are petty and bored. Don't give them a reason to mess with you.

Tip Five: No one is innocent in Ofesta.
-You don't get sent here for less them murder, and not just like you killed one person. You had to have killed them in an awful way.

Tip Six: Don't get on the bad side of the Bark or The cells
-You'll need them at some point.

Tip Seven: The police here are not going to help you.
-They think you are scum of the earth, they care nothing for you.

Tip eight: Whatever your skills are use them to get you though life here.
-If you can cook then you better start making food, if you are a born murder you better start talking to gangs, if you are a hooker....well.

Tip Nine: Joining a gang isn't as easy as it sounds, but it can keep you alive for a long time.
-You'll maybe have to do something awful most likely.

Tip Ten: Become cold, become inhuman.
-Everyone else has done the same.

Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 11:36 PM

Short back story: (This can be as long or as short as you'd like.)
Tools of trade:


Last edited by Faith_Fire_Mistress; 10-06-2011 at 11:44 PM..

Faith_Fire_Mistress is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 11:45 PM

Name:Rose Eli Ember
Crime: killed for survival, no crime I was born here.
Affiliation:None at the moment
Skills: Excellent with any weapons. Or really anything sharp. Also shes attractive though thats more like a curse around here
Short backshort: Rose was born of 2 criminals. Though raised tell 10 years old by a man who took pity on her. He was killed, leaving her to fend for her self witch she had done a good job of so far. She wont think twice in killing you if you try anything to hurt her.
Tools of trade: A dagger from her caretaker, twin pistols. What every she can get,or steal.
Appearance:Rose Eli ember


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