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Darkness Has Yaoi
Darkness Has Yaoi is offline
Old 10-19-2011, 08:13 PM

(Lol, wow now THAT was a turn of events I was not expecting lol)

Even though Kankuro struggled for the longest of time, he screamed as the branded bar touched his skin, he didn't care of getting branded as something else, only to get his brother out of there. "Gaara stop it, snap out of it!" Kankuro was resisting his brother, it wasn't too easily done, but, he couldn't do anything in a place like this. "Gaara listen to me, I will do whatever you wish" Kankuro spoke thinking 'Except getting rid of Hinata' and then he continued "If you let me get you out of here right now. I don't know what that fancy anklet you are wearing does, but, I don't have one" Kankuro didn't wait for his brother to respond, he quickly (as much as he would hate it) smacked his brother across the face.

"Gaara, f*ckin listen to me. We have to get out of here now, if you don't, so help me I will go off and kill myself that you never have me ever, not even once!" Kankuro was angry now, his brother was trying to rape him, but, that wasn't why he was angry, he just wanted his brother safe.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 10-19-2011, 09:02 PM

Gaara squeaked and his face turned all red as he understood exactly what he was doing. He grabbed his maids dress and saw a butler's uniform that he threw on Kankuro. He grabbed his hand and pulled him to the fireplace. Gaara used the metal fire poker to bash the anklet off of him. Grabbing the firepower as a weapon, he ran out the door, Kankuro's hand held tightly in his grasp. He wouldn't let go no matter what. "I'm so, so sorry.." he whispered over an over, feeling tears in his eyes as he thought of what he'd done in his crazed lust. He wanted to die. He was embarrassed and ashamed. He just kept repeating the same sentence over and over, as if he was in a daze. "So,So sorry.." he would murmur as they ran from their prison.

When he was finally at the house, Gaara snapped. The whole series of recent events weighed on him heavily. He'd been raped, and then he raped his own brother, well he'd tried to. He locked himself in his room and refused to leave it for any reason.

Darkness Has Yaoi
Darkness Has Yaoi is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 12:19 AM

Kankuro didn't leave Gaara alone, Hinata had gotten Temari to calm down some by getting her drunk and watching her pass out. Hinata did the thing wanting to drink some more, eventually the only two active and moving was Gaara and Kankuro. Kankuro hadn't moved until about half an hour later "Gaara listen to me. I understand what happened, why everything was happening the way it was, I get it, just..."

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 12:51 AM

Gaara stared at the wall, refusing to lay an eye on Kankuro. He felt horrible. He wanted to be alone and instead, hos brother was in here, making him feel even worse. He wanted to change so bad right now. The dress that he still wore made him feel naked and dirty. He just grabbed a blanket and wrapped up in it. It was a temporary solution. He then managed to look at Kankuro as his brother spoke to him. " would be best if you just left ok? I don't really want to be around you right now." he phrased it so it'd sound mean enough for Kankuro leave. He had a longing for him that had become even stronger since he'd acctully kissed him. He'd felt the softness of hos lips and he wanted to feel that agian more than anything. He didn't want to explain that to Kankuro, for fear that it might freak him out even more. He sighed and turned back to the wall. He really hoped he'd offended him so he'd just leave. Then agian, with Gaara's luck, Kankuro might just get pissed off and start yelling at him. He really hoped that didn't happen. He didn't want to be alone wit Kabkuro ever agian in his life for fear of his overwhelming feelings:

Darkness Has Yaoi
Darkness Has Yaoi is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 04:29 AM

Kankuro sighed "Alright, Temari and Hinata are passed out, don't go sitting on them if you go to the couch" Kankuro tried to joke but was too tired to make it sound like that. He left the room not going to return as he went and picked up Temari taking her to her room. Once done, Kankuro went back to Hinata, afraid she might do something she would regret, he just decided to carry her to his sister's room and laid her down next to her in the same bed. "They can wake with hangovers together" Kankuro whispered kissing both of their foreheads and leaving the room going to his after making sure the house was locked up. Kankuro made sure to have a team of special forces to keep an eye on the house for a full week for Gaara's sake. If Gaara got attacked again and this was the situation once more, Kankuro wouldn't be able to live with himself. Walking into his room, he closed the door, he wasn't about to have his alone time as much as he would want to, he was too tired. Once he sat down on the bed and laid down, he was out like a light.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 10-20-2011, 08:58 AM

Gaara grabbed the biggest suitcase he could find and stuffed it with his belongings. He wouldn't live with this anymore. Once he was packed he slums his gourd on his back and left a small note. "gone to kohana, be back soon." he was pretty sure he'd come back, well, eventully. Maybe. Possibly. He didn't want his siblings finding him, so he changed it to a suicide note instead. He was sure they'd be pretty damn upset, but they'd forget in a month or two. They'd just move on with their lives like he'd never existed. Before he left, he put a sand barrier over Kankuro. It would protect him agianst himself and any other. It would last until Gaara himself took it down. He poofed out the door and started running until he was at the sdge of the village. "Ya know...if you always have such a negative attitude you'll never find a love. You can't just run away from your problems all the time....Gaara..." he heard a voice and spun around to glare at the one who spoke. It was Baki. His sensei always had a dumbass motto for everything. "Shove off Baki." he mumbled. Baki glared. "Gaara! If you step one foot in that desert I'll--" he was cut off as
Gaara entered the desert completely. Baki reached after him but he ran off. Baki knew he wasn't strong enough to face the dangers of the desert. He also knew Gaara might not be either. He'd always thought Gaara to be invincible, but recently, he and the village had seen that wasn't true. Everyone knew what had happened to him and Kankuro. Baki went to Kankuro's house and shook him awake. He saw the note sitting one Kankuro's dresser. It was in Gaara's fancy, neat handwriting. 'dear Kankuro, I will be killing myself due to the fact that I will probably so something horrible to you if I'm around you any longer. It's nit safe for you to have to be near me all the time, i've been thinking about doing this for years now anyway.' it was signed with a tiny heart and the Gaara in cursive. Baki rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure your idiot brother just left this so you wouldn't try and find him. He took a damn suitcase bigger than him. I'm pretty sure people don't carry those if they plan on killing themselves." he was really annoyed by how childish Gaara was being. "Hmp..good riddance." Baki said quietly. "This village finally got rod of that creep." Baki was only saying all of this in anger. "Good job Kankuro. This village has been trying to get rid of him for years." Baki walked out of the house with a spring in his step as if Gaara's leaving was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Many people in the village were talking about it. A few said that they hoped he really DID kill himself so some other village didn't suffer having to put up with him.

Gaara ram faster than ever before. He made the three day trip To Kohana by sunset. He was admitted into the village and greeted a bit to warmly by Ino. "Gaara-kun!" she squealed and jumped on him. "What are you doing here in the leaf?" she asked, her smiled turned to a frown. "Were's your siblings?" she cocked an eyebrow. "They needed a break from me. You DO know the whole village wanted me gone right?" she sighed. "'re such an Emo kid..." she made a funny face. "Why are you wearing a kinky maid dress?" she looked a bit disturbed. Gaara screeched the back of his head nervously. "Well I'll explain all of that later." she looked at his feet and saw he'd traveled all the way to Kohana in six inch platform heels. She knew his feet had to be killing him. She took him back to the house with her, telling him he was as welcome as long as he cared to stay. She wanted know the real reason why Gaara had ditched his siblings. " they even know you're here?" she asked quietly and he shook his head ever so softly. "No...they don't.." he looked so depressed. Ino ran a hand through her hair and thought. "So you just ran away without telling them?" she tried to understand. "No. They think I'm dead." he answered her, beliving this to be the truth. "What happened.." she wanted details. He explained how he'd really liked Kankuro and how he'd been naked with him in the bathtub at the whore house and how he'd jumped all over his poor brother and tried really hard to rape him. "Did you say you were sorry?" she thought Kankuro would forgive him. Gaara nodded. "Yeah, but Ino....I want him. I can't control it and I'm afraid I'll do something horrible to him.." she nodded. "You know they'll be really upset about you killing yourself." she thought of how she'd feel if she lost one she loved to suicide. Gaara shrugged. "They'll hurt for a few months, then they'll forget about me all together."

Darkness Has Yaoi
Darkness Has Yaoi is offline
Old 10-23-2011, 09:55 PM

(If this is short, sorry thought I would give you something at least, trying to think)

Kankuro had read the note before Baki got there and freaked out. He didn't believe Gaara would go off and kill himself, but, then again he didn't know anything about his brother anymore than he did before all of this. Baki read the note and cheered on Kankuro seriously, however, Kankuro hid the note from his sister Temari. Kankuro wrote a note to Temari

Going out to find Gaara, not stopping until I find him, keep an eye on Hinata, it was a mission from the Kazekage. If you have to pretend to be her lover. Oh and one more thing, Shikamaru called saying that Lee would like his girlfriend (Hinata) back and Shikamaru wants to go on a date with you. Do me one last favor and if you have chance go after that blonde idiot Deidara who broke in along with Kiba since he did hit Gaara.

Ps. I will bring him back. Somehow, one way or another, don't worry and just keep up things at the house.

-Love Kankuro
Kankuro went to his room bagging some clothes, he changed into fresh, clean clothes, and then even grabbed his puppets. He wasn't going to be returning for awhile and would walk for hours as long as it took. Not taking anyone with him, he left seeing Kiba along with Deidara. Walking over he whacked them both on the back of their heads "Better not let Hinata catch you or you will turn out like Naruto" not to mention Hinata was sober and would love to go after them. The boys both watched the puppet master walk away, they were a tad confused on why they would wait until now to go after them, but, Kankuro wasn't there to fight as he left the village ignoring all warnings.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 12:25 AM

Ino wa frowning ad Gaara stared out the window. "Gaara..let's go get some ramen..if you're going to live here, you'd best get aqquantied to the food. She took him to a small ramen bar and watched him play with his food, but not really eat it. She just sighed. He really did live Kankuro, she could tell. She just didn't know if it was right for him to feel that way. It didn't make sense. He just seemed so upset without his family, so unsucure. She took him back after about an hour. He'd only eaten half a bowl of ramen, but had insisted he was full. She ran a hot bath and forced him to get in it. She went to get him a towel while he bathed. Eventully he had finished bathing and was in his pajamas. She laind his head in her lap as she sat on the couch. Ino gently stroked hid hair and hummed. He feel fast asleep after crying for a little while. She didn't know how he was going to live like this.

Temari sighed when she read the note. Gaara was stiring up so much trouble and he didn't even know it. She just had to hope Kankuro would be ok, and that he could somehow convince Gaara to come back home. What if he couldn't even find him? Kankuro was a good tracker, but she wasn't sure he could find Gaara when Gaara didn't want to be found. She also wondered if Baki was wrong and Gaara really had gone out in the dessert to kill himself. She thought it was a thing her little brother might do. He wasn't really very happy with his life and she knew he'd always acted really emo when bad things happened.

((it's not to short ^^))

Last edited by Monte Gray; 10-30-2011 at 03:02 AM..


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