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GypsyDancer is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 05:15 AM

A slight smirk tugged at the corner of Sinclair's lips, but he hid it expertly by taking a rather large sip of his wine. He felt the urge to smirk for many reasons. Maybe it was because he could almost tell she could see what it was like in the old days, maybe it was because they shared a few common interests, but who really knew. Since his wine glass was now empty he set it carefully on the floor beside the leg of the chair he was sitting before returning to his regular sitting position. His left elbow rested on the arm of the chair so he could rest his chin on his fisted hand.

"I'll have to bring that in here for you after I read those last three chapters then. Similar to your musical productions interest would be my interest in the opera. More specifically, the Italian pieces. They're quite magnificent. And one of the colors I have a fondness to is blue. But more of a sapphire blue. That's the color of my eyes, so I really do have to enjoy that color. The quality of a sapphire can be measured in its color. The darker the color of the sapphire, the higher the quality of the gem is. Most people think it's the brighter and more vibrant the blue, but nay 'tis not." He sort of rambled, just sort of saying what popped in his head. He knew she was expecting him to bite her, but he wouldn't he would be satisfied at least until the next night came upon them. "What else about yourself?" It wasn't that he ignored her other interests, it was just that he knew more about archery than fencing.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 10:23 PM

Tilting her head to the side, Theodora smiled. "Have you ever seen La Traviata? It's the only opera I've seen, but I love it. What a tragic ending though..." A little laugh left her as the young woman stood to pace around her room. Being cooped up was not conducive to thinking. She wanted to go outside and, explore the city and see all the sights! Instead Theodora was forced to stay with a vampire. The silly thought that this wasn't all that different from being captured by a dragon, led her to stop and stare at Sin quizzically. She'd always felt sympathy for dragons, so why was it that she saw him as the bad guy? A yes, he would kill her in the end when he didn't have to, although that point could be argued.

Even so, this situation was different from the usual kidnapping cases. Sin needed blood to survive, and this was probably the only way he could sustain himself, or at least the only way he knew. "I hate horror movies. It drives me crazy just hearing people talking about them. Give me a romantic comedy any day! Romance again... Let's just say I don't have too much experience with that. I've had one boyfriend, and that didn't last long because he was a liar." Liars grated on Theodora's nerves. She had no room for them in her life. Though, there were a few circumstances where she saw lying as alright. To save a loved one, it was easily acceptable. As she spoke, the young woman had been moving her hands to express her opinions and emotions.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 05:36 AM

Sin watched her silently, even when she just sorta stopped and looked at him. "Most operas end in tragedy. So does life when you think about it. Actually... life is one big tragedy. Think about it. You have to watch the world around you deteriorate daily, loved ones pass you by... sometimes forever, and eventually you die." For one who had a rather long life span, he sure wasn't too optimistic about it. It sort of made one wonder why he just hadn't figured out a way to remove himself from that particular equation.

"Ah, what's your favorite romantic comedy? I'm not too into cinematic topics myself, but I do enjoy them sometimes. Although I prefer documentaries. They're fascinating." He said, popping one of his knuckles on accident. He rather liked how she spoke with her hands. It was very amusing and sort of accentuated what she was talking about. But when she talked about liars, it made him smile a rather honest to goodness smile. "But doesn't everyone lie? In a way didn't you lie when you gave me only a nickname? I lied sort of in return and I'm lying by not telling you where you are. But I don't expect you to like me. The fact is, everyone lies in some way or form... except for infants. However, I'm sorry about the unfortunate turn of your romantic endeavors."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-23-2011, 01:50 AM

Under his gaze she smiled and raised an eyebrow. "That's a pretty depressing view of life, don't you think?" Sitting down again, this time beside Sin, the young woman tugged her tank top down as she did so. It was beginning to annoy her, but it was serving a purpose. Today at least they hadn't spoken once of the fact that they were captor and captive, though it was always in the back of her mind. A yawn escaped Theodora, reminding her of the fact that it was nightime and she hadn't spent too long sleeping the night before.

Turning her mind to her favorite movies, a small laugh left her. "Ghosts of Gilfriends past! It's a great movie, and takes it's storyline from A Christmas Carol. You might actually like it." As he continued on, the young woman let her hands move to her knees. She listened with rapt attention, until finally interjecting with her own opinion. "Yes, I'll admit that we do lie quite often enough in some way. But this wasn't just a little lie like not telling you that my name is Theodora. This was along the lines of making believe that he didn't have a girlfriend.... But thank you." It was actually comforting in a strange kind of way.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 08:35 PM

Sinclair felt the corner of his mouth twitch as he tried not to smile. It was a rather depressing view of life, but Sinclair had only ever been disappointed in life and really didn't see much to look forward to. He kept his mouth shut on this matter though because she appeared tired and he knew he should probably let her sleep, but he wasn't ready yet. As a vampire, Sinclair was a bit selfish. Her enthusiasm over the movie was refreshing and caused him to let loose a genuine small smile.

"Could I persuade you to watch it with me, in the screening room, sometime?" He asked tilting his head to the side for a second. He listened as she relayed her past partner's lie and shook his head. "That's why when asked about relationships most women have a view much like how I view life. But it's nice to meet you Theodora." He said the last part with a grin that replaced what would have been a chuckle. "My name is actually Sinclair. Now we know each others names."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 09:15 PM

Blinking away sleep wasn't as easy as it sounded. Nonetheless, Theodora managed after a few tries. When she did, tired laughter bubbled forth at the question. "Are you kidding! I'd love to get out of this room, if only for a little while." It wasn't that bad really, but she knew it would be if there were no breaks at all. Just staying in the apartment, or house, would become a horrible ordeal after a while. But this would only happen if Theodora didn't manage to escape. Shaking her head, she realized that she had absolutely no intention of ending anyone's life, even that of the vampire who had captured her.

The young brunette was simply too softhearted to even contemplate the idea for very long. "But we've already met haven't we? At the theater, while watching The Phantom of the Opera." At the mention, images flooded her mind of that wonderful time. The lights were had been so bright and the singing absolutely wonderful! Which reminded Theodora of something she rather missed, even so soon in her captivity. "I was wondering if I could have an mp3 player or something, I'm usually always listening to music." And singing along, but he would find that out soon enough.

GypsyDancer is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 04:39 PM

Sinclair couldn't help but to smile. If he thought she wouldn't leave, he would let her stay out of the room all the time. But the truth was that she probably would leave if left out, so he wasn't thinking about it too hard. However as time progressed maybe he would allow her out for extended periods of time. "Ah, yes. We did first see each other at The Phantom of the Opera. It's one of my favorites, and is always beautifully executed." He said, recalling in his head each showing he'd seen and how he'd never once been disappointed.

When asked about the MP3 player, the vampire tilted his head slightly to the side. "Ah, yes. Yes, you can. I'll also bring you some other things that should occupy your interests if but for a little while. But tomorrow is the earliest I can get them for you." He carefully picked up his wine glass and gently kissed the top of her head. "Go to sleep now, but tomorrow you shall leave the room for the movie. Until then, sweet dreams." His voice was soft, almost caring, as he spoke before picking up the tray but leaving the glass of water. "And as always, knock on the door here if you need anything. I'll be up for several more hours, but either way I'll be able to hear you." Then he wasn't in the room anymore.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 06:50 PM

Upon hearing this response, Theodora realized what was already happening. She was beginning to expect to have to ask everything from him... And even beginning to like having Sinclair's presence there, because it meant she wasn't alone. If the young woman wanted any chance of escaping, she simply couldn't let that happen. It was essential to remember what they were, and it was anything but friendly no matter how fond Sinclair seemed to be sometimes. "I'll remember that," stated Theodora quickly before he left.

Turning away from the door the young woman went to change quickly and settled herself into the bed. Curling up tight, she tried to remain silent but small sobs escaped her at the thought of never seeing her family again. Slowly, she fell asleep into haunting dreams and nightmares which remained with her even after she awoke. Instead of getting up like usual, the brunette remained in bed and managed to fall into a dreamless sleep. Most of the day went by like that until Theodora finally decided to stand and explore the room again.

Going to the door, she examined the handle carefully then remembered the knife hidden under her bed. A little laugh escaped her as she fetched it and began trying to get the door open. Taking turns between trying to gouge the handle out and using the knife as a screwdriver, the young woman didn't notice how fast time flew by.


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