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whiterose20021 is offline
Old 12-27-2011, 10:33 PM

I floated over to him now."So you still think you can defeat me?"I asked in a hushed whisper in his ear as I walked around him,running a finger over his shoulders as I circled him,stopping on his left side now,leaning on him lightly."I should tell you this now before I end your life,even if I did let you live,you'd be under my charm,helplessly fascinated with me in all ways."I said with a soft chuckle."Right now you're paralyzed and if I gave you a command,you'd follow it without question."I then thought for a moment."Hmmm,nah.I rather have the pleasure of taking you out myself.Your kind have been hunting my people down like we were some sort of vermin,without any questions of why you had to kill us on sight.We didn't even do anything do you and yet we are killed mercilessly.You probably didn't have to sit in hiding while you watched your parents slaughtered before you as a child."I shook my head taking a few steps from him now before turning and looking at the helpless soul reaper."You don't know what it's like living on the run in fear for your life,not knowing whether or not today was going to be your last.No,you have the luxury of living a carefree life doing what ever you please."I folded my arms,tilting my head to the side with a bored look on my face now."Maybe I should just let you live,you are,after all,the first soul reaper to fall victim of my song."I stood there for a moment,thinking the possibilities over now as I put a hand on my hip while I planted the end of my scythe on the ground next to me.

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Old 12-27-2011, 10:41 PM

I felt her finger going around me, not able to stop smiling. I watched her, wishing for her to be closer. That wish became granted when she leaned against me. I wanted to hold her, touch some of her perfection, but I was unable to move as she spoke. A little part of my brain that wasn't completely obsessed with her was screaming at me, fighting for control of any piece of me. But I was all hers, completely. I just kept smiling as she told me why I had been sent to kill her in the first place and I shook my head slowly. Soul reapers were so stupid... I just watched her as she put her hand on her hip, my eyes grazing over her and wishing I could move. That little screaming voice finally made my fingers twitch, raising my soul pressure and fighting off the spell. My entire body soon began to fight it off, roaring at the effort it was taking me. I managed to step a foot forward and clenched my hands into fists, fighting and feeling as if my entire body was about to combust in an instant.

whiterose20021 is offline
Old 12-27-2011, 11:08 PM

I looked over at him a bit puzzled now."Why must you fight it?It's not healthy for your brain."I said lightly tapping the side of my head now with a small shrug."Oh,well.If you insist on fighting then I'll just kill you now while you're helpless,because in your state right now,you wouldn't be able to handle your own zanpakuto right now."I pointed out,kicking his sword further away from him now."You'll live for now,but until I die,you'll forever be fascinated by the sight of me."I then blew him a kiss before flying away.Once I was far enough away,I landed and changed back to my human form, suppressing my spiritual pressure so he wouldn't come after me again.I ran the rest of the way home,once inside,I felt safe.This house had a nice spell over it that would hide their spiritual pressure from the outside world.I smiled,even managed laughing a bit before I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink.I had escaped a soul reaper tonight with my life,grandfather would be proud,but then again he might be disappointed that she didn't kill him."Maybe showing them some mercy might change their minds about us."I sighed and shaking my head at the pointless thought.

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Old 12-27-2011, 11:14 PM

I snarled wordlessly as Hakan-To was kicked away, still fighting against it. After she was gone, the paralyzing effects of the spell seemed to vanish, causing me to collapse in a heap. I caught my breath, trying to find the strength to get up. I eventually did, grabbing up Hakan-To and going back to where my gigai was. I didn't see any purpose in following her. I didn't stand a chance... And that spell? Pfft. Not a chance it would work.
When I found my gigai, I swallowed thickly to find Ikkaku leaning against the tree I had nearly broken, a grin on his face.
"Ya didn't win. You're wounded."
I rolled my eyes, picking up my gigai and swinging it over my shoulder, not wanting to go inside of it yet. I winced a bit at the distress the action gave my stomach. "No. Like you would! You told me it'd be easy! And I'll be fine. I'll heal up soon enough."
He shrugged a little, his pole in the ground. "So I lied. Look, I figured I'd give you some tips. You gotta learn your bankai before you'll stand a chance. Siren's aren't a push over, so get to doing that."
I blinked. "How am I supposed to learn my bankai?"
"You don't even know yours!"
He glared, then tossed me a bottle of sake he had been holding. "This is for celebrating when you master it. You're strong, Arata. You can do it in a night."
He left me there, but not before scowling at my gigai. "Get that thing some better clothes..."
I rolled my eyes and sighed as he walked off, dropping my gigai and the sake to stare at Hakan-To. "Well... Trying wouldn't hurt."

whiterose20021 is offline
Old 12-28-2011, 12:22 AM

I walked into the kitchen,flipping the switch for the lights on,lighting up the kitchen,walking over to the fridge,and opening it.I glanced around before pulling out a bottle of juice,closing the fridge,and sitting down at the table.I wondered when grandfather would get home from work,he should be getting back soon.In the meanwhile,I probably should get dinner started."Damn that stupid soul reaper..."
"What stupid soul reaper?"A familiar voice asked with stern curiosity.I froze with a shooked look on my face."Gees,did you at least close the door when you got in?"I said catching my breath now looking over at my grandfather now.When did he become a ninja?
"So you ran into one already?"The elderly man asked as he took off his hat and set it on a hook on the wall,next to a few different other hats,revealing his white streaked and bright green hair sticky up into wavy spikes held their posture.
"Yeah,but it was easy.I got away unharmed."I pointed out,now noticing his frown."But I didn't kill him."I said looking down now.
"That's a shame,but at least you're back safe and sound.Now we'll have to find another place for you to train if he's going to stick around now."He said with a small smile as he opened the fridge looking around in it for a minute,grabbing a bottle of water,and closing the fridge.I already knew this was going to be a big worry to him.Moving around all the time was stressful at times.Especially when we had to up and leave everything behind just to avoid getting caught by the soul reapers.I opened my juice and drank some now before placing it back on the table.
"So what's on the agenda tomorrow?"I asked looking over at him as he opened the bottle.
"We'll have to lay low for a while to see what this soul reaper does next."He said shaking his head before drinks the water.

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Old 12-28-2011, 12:34 AM

I sat down on the ground heavily with Hakan-To in my lap, staring at the blade. "Okay... Teach me bankai?" I asked, not very surprised when I got nothing in response. I sighed and let my eyes close, deciding to ask him in my mind.
"How did I get stuck with such a stupid soul reaper?"
I jumped a bit at the voice, opening my eyes to see a yellow dragon eye staring at me from the blade. "Sorry, I... I need to learn bankai by tonight."
"You most certainly do. You call that run-in with that siren a fight?! I'm ashamed."
I frowned. "I'm sorry, Hakan-To..."
The eye rolled at me. "I'll teach you bankai. But, if you let me down again, I won't hesitate to leave."
I smiled. "I won't let you down."
"Good." The sword glowed and I let go as it shifted, turning into an enormous grass-colored dragon that weaved through the trees in his size. I held nothing but a soulless sword now. "If you can defeat me, I'll grant you my power."
I had to admit, his size was terrifying. His face was about as big as I was. I stood up and struck a fighting pose.
He huffed a bit. "I'll give you the first strike."
I jumped forward and was flicked away by his foot, but I wasn't about to give up that easily.
(( You can time skip to the morning if you want. ))

whiterose20021 is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 07:38 PM

I sighed as I awoke to my alarm going off,telling me I had to get up,and get ready for school.Sighing as I hit the off button and sat up yawning.At least it was friday,the weekends was my personal favorite,it was a break from the other students at the school and I got to train with grandfather.I stretched a bit before going off and taking a shower.Once done I got my school uniform on and drying my hair,brushing it out before braiding it for the day.I headed down to the kitchen to find something quick to eat,when I noticed a note on the fridge.I plucked it out from under the magnet,reading it lightly."So he's off finding a new place to train at?"I said with a sigh as I opened the fridge and pulling out an apple,closing the fridge as I headed out for school.This was going to be an interesting day,as long as I keep my head down I'll be fine until school let's out.I took a bite of the apple after I locked the door to the house,heading down the street now.

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Old 12-29-2011, 07:48 PM

I looked at my gigai in the mirror in the shop, liking the new clothes a lot better. "So are these what they wear?"
Kisuke was picking up my old clothes that I had unceremoniously shed. "It's what they wear in high school."
I stopped, turning to him in a bit of horror. "Wh-what?! I don't look that young!"
"You can pass for 18, if you shave your five o'clock shadow," he said bluntly. "Your books and bag are in the other room. School starts in an hour, so you had better start walking."
I sighed and got my things after I shaved, pulling my hair back and heading in the direction he pointed me. I had a feeling why I was being this forced into a mortal lifestyle. Kisuke didn't have to explain that to me. I was going to this school to get closer to the siren. Maybe I could catch her after school and fight her again with my newly learned bankai.
But that didn't mean I liked this.

whiterose20021 is offline
Old 12-29-2011, 11:40 PM

I finished the apple as I came up to the school and stood in front of the building for a minute,tossing the apple core in a trash can,before I headed inside.Avoiding a few of the other students was something I had grown use to over the years so it was more then easy when I entered the school,heading to my locker to get everything ready for today's lessons.After I switched shoes and grabbed my books,I locked up my locker and heading upstairs for my first class of the day.The halls were crowded,which was good to blend in with to avoid getting spotted by the wrong people.Once I got to my class room,I slipped in the back to my seat as others entered the room,sitting down at their seats.So far,so good.I was in the clear for the morning classes for now.

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Old 12-29-2011, 11:50 PM

As I went into the school, I was way out of my comfort zone. There were too many people bumping into me and a few of them made snide remarks on my hair. I made it upstairs to the class I was sent to, looking at the schedule that Kisuke had given me. I walked in the room and went to the teacher, who assigned me a seat in the back. Wishing this day was over, I turned around to take my seat. I looked up after I took a seat and felt my entire body flash in attention. There she was, just a few seats to my left. That stupid siren...

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Old 12-30-2011, 12:51 AM

I was busy finishing up a sketch in my notebook when I felt a familiar presence in the room and the eerie feeling of someone staring at me.I glanced up,looking around the room before I spotted him,the soul reaper from last night sitting a few desks over to my right.My body tensed up at the very sight of him,but how did he find me?Damn,damn,damn.This wasn't happening now,not today.Some luck,huh?If I don't get ambushed by the girls,then I'm getting attacked by him after school.I looked away,cursing under my breath.I then remembered he was still under the charm of my song from last night,maybe if it still had full hold over him,I could get away without having to fully face him head on.I looked forward as the teacher started wring today's lesson on the black board.

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Old 12-30-2011, 01:28 AM

The teacher began to talk, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I wasn't sure if it was the leftover effects of her song from last night, or if she really was just that drop-dead gorgeous. What I would give to get her alone...
I turned, reluctantly, to look at the boy next to me. His eyes narrowed.
"You gonna pay attention or what?"
I glared at him until he looked away, then started looking over at the girl again. I couldn't do this mission... I couldn't kill someone so beautiful.

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Old 12-30-2011, 01:53 AM

I tried ignoring the soul reaper for now,but I could feel his gaze on me the whole time throughout class.Maybe the charm was in full effect,I glanced over at him and noticed the look on his face,in his eyes.I looked back up at the teacher,feeling a wave of flush rush through me.Damn,I had to control myself,he was after all under the charm,if it wasn't for that,he would be trying to kill me right now.No guy around would want anything to do with someone like me,I wasn't fit for this world.I sighed to myself as I jotted down some notes and the assignment for monday before the bell rang.This was definitely going to be an interesting day.I quickly got my stuff together before bunching in with the leaving crowd to avoid the soul reaper now.I had to hope he wasn't going to show up in the rest of my classes for the day.I settled in my next class without a problem,or so I thought as I spotted two other girls looking at me with utter distaste.It was the two who were unable to keep up with me last night.Great,now that they know I'm here,I'm definitely getting ambushed after school."Great..."I sighed under my breath.I could never get a break,not even once,my life was a constant struggle before trying to fit in among the humans and fighting for my life against the soul reapers.

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Old 12-30-2011, 02:47 AM

I jumped a little out of surprise at the bell, not expecting it. I quickly followed her, but I lost her in the crowd. Muttering under my breath, I grabbed out my schedule and followed the directions. Sure enough, I was in another class with her. I began to approach her, but a strong hand on my arm stopped me.
"Hey, New kid."
I turned around to the owner of the voice, suddenly getting a face full of knuckles. I stumbled and hit a desk, blinking in shock at the boy who just hit me. My eyes narrowed and I straightened up. "You shouldn't have done that," I snarled. I returned the favor, a bit too strongly, and knocked him a good ten feet away before I left to my seat, the boys standing in shock without even bothering to help their bleeding friend.
I took a seat behind the siren, staring at the back of her head. I leaned forward a bit to whisper to her. "Recognize me?" I purred, grinning. What would be even more beautiful about her, albeit hard to fathom that she could be improved, was the sight of her own blood on her perfect skin.

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:05 AM

I looked up,more than alarmed to see the soul reaper here,but then almost jumped out of my seat at the sight of one of the boys in the room sucker punch him.My mouth dropped a bit at the scene as the soul reaper returned the blow.I flinched a bit before acting like I was busy looking at my text book as he took the seat behind me.A chill ran down my spine as he spoke,damn this guy.I took in a deep breath before glancing back at him."Yes I do.I didn't think you would follow me to school though."I said calmly with a droll look on my face,I wasn't excited to see him let alone be in the same classes as him now.I just wanted to leave and run away as fast as I could,far far away.

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:08 AM

I chuckled lowly, mostly at the boy that was being rushed to the nurse's office for a broken nose. "I wasn't expecting it either," I said softly, still leaning forward. Damn, she even smelled good... No! Focus... "How about a little rematch later on?" I asked, acting as if I was asking her out on a date. "I'm got a present for you, Gorgeous." I laughed again, my eyes darting to see the boy's friends sit as far away from me as possible. At least I had made an impact on my first day, right? Maybe now all these brats would know to leave me alone. I really didn't want to deal with anyone but the siren. "By the way," I murmured, thoughtful, "I never got your name."

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:17 AM

"You murderers will do anything to kill your target."I stated coldly,I wasn't enjoying the fact that I had to side in front of this guy now,let alone be around him."A rematch?I don't think you're ready for one."I said with a smirk now."You didn't hold up that well last night,your superiors must be so disappointed in you."I glanced over,noticing the other guys in the room,at least they won't be near me to taunt and torment me like they normally did during class whenever the teacher wasn't looking.At least this guy had something useful about him for now.Wait...Did he just call me gorgeous?Yeah,he was most definitely under the charm,but it wasn't strong enough to keep him fully fascinated with me.I frowned now as he asked for my name."You murderers never stop to ask us our names before you kill us."I snipped."So why should I bother giving it to you?"

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:34 AM

"And you'll do anything to make sure I'm head-over-heels for you," I countered. I really hated it, but I couldn't help but love everything about her. Her smell, her appearance, her voice, her strength... "I think I am," I argued with a smirk. "My superiors helped me out last night. I have a few tricks up my sleeve." I clucked my tongue, not happy when she denied me her name. I needed a name to put to her. I didn't know why, but I just felt like I needed to. "I'm Arata," I introduced. "Now, it's only fair that you tell me your name. If you don't, I'll just have to keep calling you Gorgeous, Gorgeous." It took a lot of self restraint not to kiss her, and the little sane part of my brain scolded me for that urge. "Or would you rather I call you that?" Why wouldn't my mouth shut up? Why wouldn't I stop being seductive? Shit.

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:59 AM

This brought a smirk to my face and a chuckle to escape my mouth now."I only do it to make sure I get away with my life whenever I encounter a murderer like you."I stated lightly,it was the truth though,I'd never use my charm to make someone fall for me without them wanting to."I said with a shrug now,this guy was unbelievable,if he thought for a second I did it for that purpose then he's wrong."Just because you think you are,doesn't mean you are ready."I pointed out,shaking my head now.These soul reapers were always so full of themselves just because they thought they were better than everyone else.i laughed now."So an old dog can learn new tricks.Don't worry,I barely showed you what I can truly do anyway."I looked him in the eye now with a sly smirk on my face."You'll never learn my name and calling me gorgeous won't get you anywhere."I raised an eyebrow now as he told me his name,Arata?That was a rather shocking first,no soul reaper ever gave a name whenever they came rolling around to kill them.This charm was getting a bit creepy,but then again I still didn't know how to remove it from someone once it's placed upon them.This situation was getting a bit out of hand,but it was kind of funny seeing a soul reaper suffer under the charm for once."That is an interesting name,but it still doesn't earn you the right to know my name."I chimed playfully before turning my back to him now as the teacher came into the room now,starting today's lesson now.

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Old 12-30-2011, 04:18 AM

I hummed a bit. "Well, it worked on this murderer. And now I still have it on me. You mess up, Gorgeous? Or are you just playing hard to get with me?" I teased. Maybe she did have a weakness. Maybe she just couldn't control her abilities that well. That could be both a good and a bad thing, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Am I senseing you getting cold feet here? Are you ready?" I chuckled lightly as she shook her head and laughed. "And I didn't even get warmed up last night," I countered right back. I leaned back a bit when she turned to face me. "Well then, Sexy, I guess I'll just find another name for you," I said with a smirk, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms over my chest. I couldn't look away when the teacher walked in, much like the last class period. A bit of her hair had fallen onto my desk and I began to play with it, marveling in how soft it was.

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Old 12-30-2011, 04:44 AM

I merely smiled at this now."It can be removed,but I find it to funny as I watch a soul reaper like you act so foolish."I said lightly now.I have to ask grandfather how to remove the charm if I can't kill this guy before he kills me.I scowled a bit now,cold feet?"Sorry,but I don't fight for fun,nor do I kill without meaning.I'm always ready to protect my life whenever your kind comes around."I pointed out with a sigh,he was dumber than he looked."Useless killing for a useless being.."I watched the teacher now,ignoring his last comment.This day couldn't go by any faster,one more class before lunch,then four more to get through for the day.Damn,why did school have to be so long?I was more then glad that the bell finally rang at the end of class,I had already had my stuff together in anticipation to get away from Arata.I had zipped out of the room,squeezing through the crowd as I rushed to my next class,praying that he wasn't going to be there,again.I took the farthest corner seat I could take,more than glad to see a few other students come in and sit at the desks around me,more or less the other misfits of the school.

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Old 12-30-2011, 05:29 AM

I managed to glare at her through the charm, albeit it didn't last very long. "Are you certain about that, Doll?" Doll? Where had that even come from? I chuckled again at her. "Then what on earth do you do for fun?" Personally, I liked to blow off steam or boredom by fighting. It was relaxing and even a bit therapeutic at times. "Have I killed you yet?" I challenged. I pouted when she left so fast, her hair slipping right through my fingers. I sighed and stood up, but the door was blocked by the friends of the boy I had sent to the nurse.
"We don't appreciate you hittin' Luki!"
I rolled my eyes. "Well, I don't appreciate being hit either."
One of them took a swing at me, but I easily caught his fist. "Move."
He glared, but I could see fear behind his eyes. "No!"
"Fine." I pushed his fist forward until we were out in the hall and twisted his arm, getting him on the floor. "Leave me alone," I growled, kicking him roughly in the ribs before going to my next class on my schedule. I walked into the class to see her again and sighed. I knew this was the purpose, but I was finding it repetitive.

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Old 12-30-2011, 06:10 AM

I snickered a bit at this."You're just a clueless soul reaper.I don't even know why I'm bothering trying to explain what my people are capable of,it's not like you really care,if you did you wouldn't be here trying to kill me."I rolled my eyes,shaking my head now.I" have no time for fun,I'm to busy training or fighting to survive.Between you soul reapers and these spiteful students of every school I had to endure over the years,I'm surprised I'm not dead yet."I snapped angerly now.Man was I glad for the bell,but in my next class,again,I spotted Arata walking in.I was just glad there was no room for him around me so he wouldn't talk anymore.As the teacher for this class came in,they started the lesson as usual.This day couldn't end any sooner,I was lightly hitting my forehead off of my book, regretting I ever sang that song,but at least he wasn't attacking during school hours.

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Old 12-30-2011, 06:20 AM

I felt a little bad for her, then that little voice kicked my ass for it. She was the enemy! I wasn't supposed to be feeling sympathy for her! What the hell was wrong with me?!
I was a little upset that I couldn't sit near her, sitting on the complete opposite side of the room. I was trying to pay attention, but something caught my eye. I turned a bit to see the siren hitting her head repeatedly on her book, and I couldn't help but grin and bite my lip to hold in a chuckle.
"Can you tell me the answer, Mister Haikyo?"
I turned to the teacher and the question on the board. I smiled a little in relief, spotting a mistake. "The Opium Wars, or the Anglo-Chinese Wars, were divided into the First Opium War from 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War from 1856 to 1860. There wasn't one long war."
She blinked, looking at the board. "Th-that's correct..." She corrected her statement on the blackboard, a little flustered.

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Old 12-30-2011, 06:50 AM

I looked up rubbing my forehead a bit,resting my chin on my free hand now.I think I actually beat some knowledge into my head.I glanced over at Arata as he answered the question.Of course he knows all the answers,he's older than dirt.I sighed a bit shaking my head now,show off.I sat back in my seat now with a sigh as I took a few more notes down for this class,making sure I got the assignment for the weekend down,but I guess it didn't matter if I did it or not.That's if I even survived this weekend while grandfather is away,the only safe place to be was cooped up in the house,but what fun was that?Oh,wait.I don't have fun.I stared down at my text down,feeling a bit depressed at the thought.What use was learning any of this crap if I was only going to die by the hands of a soul reaper.I aimlessly started to doodle in my notebook,blocking out the rest of the class until my mind snapped to as the bell rang.Lunch already?I sighed as I gathered my stuff up and headed off to find a nice solituded spot to eat without this soul reaper starting a fight.


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