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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 03:34 AM

Ah, that's frustrating that it doesn't seem to be working for you.

I don't have any dark reds or browns myself but they seem to be quite popular around here.

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 04:58 AM

Apart from that Gosh stuff, I buy all my polish on Ebay :yes:

Today Wishie was talking about holographic polish, so I went looking and bought some to try out. I went for THIS and THIS.

Because I've yet to find a top coat that's any good I've gone all out and bought some Seche Vite, which is supposed to be the best top coat in the whole world...we shall see. The reviews I've read for this say it tends to go gloopy and thick before you get anywhere close to finishing it, so I was sneaky and bought a mini bottle :ninja: I just want to try it out really, I absolutely do not expect it to be anything miraculous, and at that price it's no big deal if it's nothing special.

I've also gone for some of THIS, as my nails are weak and break and flake easily. So hopefully some pampering with this will do them some good =3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 05:39 AM

Those sorts of polishes used to be really popular around here years ago. I got them to paint my nails with my friends for one of my birthday parties. It was this really pretty iridescent opal color. It's long since dried up though but it would be nice to have another like it.

I've seen some Seche Vite things but I've never tried them myself. Little trivia note though, the name means "dry fast" in French. ^^;

You'll have to let us know how your new purchases work out

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post

Because I've yet to find a top coat that's any good I've gone all out and bought some Seche Vite, which is supposed to be the best top coat in the whole world...we shall see. The reviews I've read for this say it tends to go gloopy and thick before you get anywhere close to finishing it, so I was sneaky and bought a mini bottle :ninja: I just want to try it out really, I absolutely do not expect it to be anything miraculous, and at that price it's no big deal if it's nothing special.

I've also gone for some of THIS, as my nails are weak and break and flake easily. So hopefully some pampering with this will do them some good =3
I was interested in Seche Vite since so many people online seem to love it. However I had been put off by reviews saying it was very thick, and I don't like think polishes because that is when I pick at it with my other fingers. But maybe I didn't read right, you mean it goes gloopy after a while and isn't gloopy in the first place? I don't have a good top coat, but I don't use base or top coat that much because of the thickness as I just explained, haha!

I would love to use a nail varnish oil or treatment one to make my nails healthier. The one you linked to has almond oil in it, so I don't think I could use that one because of allergies.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 01-16-2012, 07:57 PM

zigbigadorlube: Eh, it still works as a base coat, so it's all good.

Most of my colors are dark. xD It's just my nature to prefer dark colors over light. Though I do have a bright yellow on my toes right now.

jellysundae: Oooo, holographics! xD And I hear Seche Vite is very good. When I watch YouTube videos of people doing their nails, a lot of them use that.

lunanuova: The cuticle oil I use seems to help but it's kind of on the pricey side and has sweet almond oil, which I assume is the same as most almond oils. Dx


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 02:58 AM

I don't usually use a base coat myself but if I do a design on them I usually put a clear coat over top. I hate adding too many coats of polish to my nails though. It seems like they chip faster that way.

I don't have too many dark polishes. I'd say I have more midtones than anything else myself.

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wishie is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 03:28 AM

Jelly told me to post this in here. It's one of my favorite polish to use in my small collection.

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 03:31 AM

Yeah, luna, people say the Seche Vite top coat goes too thick to use after a while, but it is apparently fairly thick in the first place, and stinks to high heaven too, and shrinks and pulls your polish back from the nail tip :lol: All this is why I just got a mini bottle for £1.99 :XD


I do love that colour, Wishie =3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 04:09 AM

That sounds like weird stuff Jelly.

@ Wishie: What is the name of that shade?

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Yeah, luna, people say the Seche Vite top coat goes too thick to use after a while, but it is apparently fairly thick in the first place, and stinks to high heaven too, and shrinks and pulls your polish back from the nail tip :lol: All this is why I just got a mini bottle for £1.99 :XD
Ahh, why is it so popular then?? Weird.

I don't have any Sinful colors, I love the bottle though, they look really good. Are they quite good coverage or do you need multiple coats, wishie?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 03:30 PM

I have a black by Sinful Colors. With two coats it looks nice and dark, a lot better than the other blacks I've tried. They're inexpensive too at only $2 per bottle and come in a wide range of colors. They have a lot of nail art bottles too.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 01-17-2012, 10:25 PM

zigbigadorlube: I always use a base coat, regardless of color. I don't need my nails getting yellow or anything. xD

wishie: Very nice and cute!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:31 AM

Hm, I've never had my nails discolor from using colored nail polish on them. It does seem like a good idea though.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:34 AM

So I heard they were making nail polish for guys..hows that work? ^^'

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Codette is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:38 AM

that makes no sense, as my sister and I just paint my brothers nails with colours that we have.

Perhaps they last longer or are tougher?

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:41 AM

Heck if I know. But it's still lulzy

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:51 AM

zigbigadorlube: It usually is because of dark polishes.

Alura--x--Uneii: I think they are just more guy colors. And maybe matte instead of shiny. Dunno how popular it's gonna be though.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 03:05 AM

@ Alura: I think I've heard of that as well. I believe the polishes are matte rather than shiny.

@ Secret: Ah, I guess I wouldn't really need to use one then.

I just redid my nails tonight--turquoise with sparkles on top.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 04:32 AM

zigbigadorlube: There we go, doing our nails again at the same time. xD Mine are bright red.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 06:17 AM

Really? Again?! What a coincidence! I don't often do mine red but I do have a bottle of red polish that was a gift. I prefer to use coral for my own nails.

The Colors of a Dae
secretdae007 is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 02:23 PM

Really! xD

I've only recently gotten into all the different colors. I almost did yellow but with all the winter weather, I feel like dark colors are more appropriate. xD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 06:09 PM

I've never been one to follow the "in" colors/styles really. If I want to wear something I'll wear it. This turquoise color I have on is probably more of a summer color but I don't really care. ^^; I really don't care much for the muted colors you're supposed to wear in the winter anyway.

I was looking at these color swatches the other day though so I might as well share:

Fall/Winter (2007-2008)

Spring/Summer (2008)

Fall/Winter (2008-2009)

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 07:30 PM

Ah I wish I had some (or many) of those colours! Thanks for posting, Zig. I would like to own Cantaloupe, Vellum and Emerald City! I don't have anything like them. Are these to do with a certain Nail polish brand or are they just general names?

I'd like to wear an 'in' fashion colour - but I never know what they are! Or even if I have one similar.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 07:48 PM

Me too. ^^; I do have some similar colors buy my palate is pretty limited.

I think it was actually for a glassblowing company? But I think it's still nice to look at the swatches and get an idea of seasonal colors. I tried to look up some specific nail polish things. Here's a color wheel I found though I'm not sure I really like it:

Essie's winter collection:

I really like that last one on the left...

One of OPI's winter collections:

And here are some swatches someone posted for fall/winter colors:

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 07:55 PM

Essie always has such wonderful colors. I'd love to be able to buy them out, but individual bottles are too expensive for my taste.

I'm not big on nail polish and don't use it too often, but I picked up a new color last week on a whim. I'm pretty excited to wear it around:

(Not my picture)

It's NYC's "Backstage Brown," but it's really more of a shimmery bronzy color.


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