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The-Black_King is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 05:39 AM

Asmodeos was in his room he woke up to the sound of people talking down stairs he got changed then walked down stairs he never hid his magic and it sometimes stood out because of his demon nature "Meila is it another healh inspector because if so I'm not here". He made his way to the bottom of the stairs when he saw Miela and someone talking "oh a customer . . . there here for the caves I'm guessing". He walked up to the person and bent down a bit with a smile on his face "Hi I'm the cook nice to meet you" Asmodeos just wanted to know if he would have to cook or not.


Staria is offline
Old 01-25-2012, 07:31 PM

Such bitterness... it made Mei pity him slightly unconsciously. Still, she briefly wondered if he knew much of the Anasarie. It was unlikely of course, even angels had been unable to enter their cities for the remaining 4500 years of their culture before they disappeared. The Anasarie had kept just about everything out for so long, and from such an early time as the first people ever to exist in the lands now known as Numeria or in much of the world for that matter, that even their god would be unlikely to know them. They'd deliberately hid from the world, to protect themselves from those that sought to use them or simply their own desires no one really knew.

She'd once tried to ask one of the ghosts why but as usual they never spoke to her. Occasionally they'd lead her off to some secret place and once had even led her back here the one time she got lost so they seemed to approve of her as they had no one else... but they still only stared at her silently when she asked questions. It was better then being lead astray like they would many they associated with 'invaders', but it was a little spooky the way they stared at her with those sad mystery-filled smiles of theirs. They regarded her as an ally, a 'tribe friend' but she could never be one of them... no one could. She might have mused on this further but he asked to see the ruins.

She started to answer when she heard the cook enter. She made a face at the crack about the health inspector, not seeming to approve. She kept the inn and kitchen spotless, and her cats kept out any critters that may try to enter from the caves or desert outside. She already had the highest grade that the inspector could give, always had, always would so they rarely came. Still, the Cobbs would have served E Coli on a plate and not gave a damn so she could imagine why he and the inspectors did not think of each other on the best terms.

"Yes, this is a costumer. I will be taking him to the ruins momentarily... " She responded in conformation of his question, nodding towards the demon. She briefly wondered if there would be a problem... a demon and an angel in the same room could spell trouble sometimes after all. Still, he had left heaven of his own will apparently so perhaps was not quite so... hard nosed about it all. She wasn't sure honestly, and so she waited, tense, though the only sign was the release of her shiny black claws. She was no push over and would break them up if she had to but she was hoping for the best here.

"Do you think you'll want to have a meal when we return Sameal?" She asked quietly, hoping to diffuse any potential tension. Honestly it was probably a question she should have asked from the beginning she realized absently. She'd assumed he hadn't wanted anything because he requested only water but he may have been being polite. She did not know him well enough to be sure yet...

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 01:27 AM

Samael suppressed a shudder as he felt a pulse that had the distinct vibration of Demonic energy. He turned to look at the entrance of the dinning room just as Asmodeos called from the stairs, his flame-colored eyes narrowing slightly. As the shadow demon walked in, and his hands tensed slightly, but he made no aggressive move. While he had no issues with most demons, they tended to have an issue with him, even if he was a fallen. He found it better to be on guard and prepared to defend himself than to give them the benefit of the doubt.

When the man showed no signs of aggression and merely introduced himself, Samael relaxed some, but was still cautious. "The pleasure is mine." He said with a nod. He left out his name, partially because the other man did, and partially because his name could turn the situation southwards. Demons would either come to respect him, thinking he was the actual half-fallen archangel Samael, or attack him for that reason. Then there were the ones who attacked him for being an imposter, and the welcome few who did not know the biblical and demonic connotations of the name. Understandable, then, why his was suspicious.

Of course, it was only a moment later, when Meila spoke, his name was revealed to the demon. He instinctual tensed again, but managed to outwardly seem calm. He looked to Meila and smiled slightly, giving her a nod as he spoke. "Yes, I think that would be a good idea."

The-Black_King is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 02:08 AM

Asmodeos saw that the angel was tensing up around him he new that this angel had to let louse Come on you don't have to be like that we all aren't that bad are we Asmodeos walked into the kitchen and started to grab supply's for the angle's dinner he leaned his head back into dinning room how about some angle cake no pun intended I just have all the materials .

(sorry guy's im brain dead ill post tomorrow)


Staria is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 05:33 AM

"He is not one for sweets Asmodeos, perhaps something such as a stew or some sort of pasta and a light salad would be better. Which ever you prefer. You can have some of my chocolate cherry cake while we're out if you like too" She suggested easily, thinking of earlier. It was clear that she had remembered her and Sameal's earlier conversation. It was one of the reasons she did so well in her job, she easily remembered what certain guests liked or didn't like. Then again she had to have a good memory to keep all her cats and horses straight!

She shooed her unwilling cat out of her lap after she finished her last bite of her piece of cake and slowly stood. She walked over to the door way and leaned on it, turning her mismatched eyes on the red headed angel and smiling. She tilted her head to the side, glad that no conflict had happened. Absently she thought he had tensed when she said his name and she would have to ask him why later...

"you coming? we should probably take some horses, they need the exercise anyway and some of them are pretty far out She said simply, saying nothing of her inner thoughts. She would ask him later.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 01:32 AM

Ryn entered the establishment, wrinkling his nose and frowning just slightly at the fairy. He shrugged though, dropping the donation into the box and signing in. Hopefully he wouldn't have to be here to long, he took the room key he was handed with a nod and shoved it into the front pocket of his dark blue jeans. There was a hint of annoyance in his eyes as he moved further into the establishment. He had nothing with him. No bags no extra clothes. Absolutely nothing. His hair bluish purple color and his eyes a greyish blue color, Ryn wore a purple button down shirt that hung open, the shirt seemed to be missing all of it's buttons and the human wore no undershirt beneath it.

He stepped lightly, his traveling boots oddly quiet as he moved. He heard voices and went towards them. There was supposed to be treasure here, somewhere. Glancing this way and that, Ryn certainly didn't see any treasures. A light sigh passed his lips, he hadn't really expected the treasure to fall into his lap, but Ryn hardly wanted to go looking for it either. He scratched the back of his head as he came into view of the other people. The human didn't hesitate. "So...where's all the treasure?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 02:38 AM

Samael said nothing, Meila having spoken for him, but gave a small, wry smile at the demon's attempted joke. When Meila shooed the feline off her lap to stand, he took a moment to lean down and hold his hand out to the fluffy creature. It mewed lightly and sniffed him before headbutting his shin and rubbing it's ear on his boot. When Meila spoke from the doorway, the cat walked off and he stood, giving her a nod as he walked over.

"I'm alright with that, as long as they'll take me." He said, remembering that her equine friends were not of normal breeding. It was usually a toss-up on whether or not an animal will like him, though there were quite a few that tended to react in a rather violent way to his energy. He was trying to remember the last time he came in contact with a horse of any sort when the blue haired man spoke up. Samael's eyes flicked over to him, immediately sensing something off about the man's vibrational pulse, but unable to place what it was.

That aside, Samael wanted to roll his eyes. Here was what seemed to be one of those disrespectful fools that was after the supposed riches hidden away in the land. He hardly wanted to be around such people, finding them to be a waste of space on the earth's timeline. Then again, he was probably judging too soon again. Though the man sounded ignorant with his statement, he could have a more noble cause to be there....maybe.


Staria is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 03:14 AM

((some are normal, with a little more intelligence, and the normals will accept anybody xD))

"No one really knows...I can provide catalogs of found objects and a few ruin site locations but that is all. I'm taking another guest on one such tour, you may come if you like" She responded easily as the other man entered and spoke. As she spoke, however, she was inwardly trying to hush the fairy who was mentally shouting about how the man had been 'rude. She knew the fae well enough to know she was probably being over sensitive... again. She suppressed a mental sigh and tilted her head as she looked at the man up and down curiously. She gave him an easy smile as she did most guests but she had found the usual sort of costumer in him it seemed.

She then turned towards Sameal and grinned, shaking her head at his statement. She pushed off from the door frame and glanced towards him. She would wait for him to catch up to her before heading for the doors that ultimately would lead to the stables, the ones opposite the kitchen. She would only start speaking once she was nearing the doors, giving the human time to decide before she continued no matter what his choice.

"Oh I have many horses and one will doubtlessly accept you. We may not get the Pegusi or the Unicorns to cooperate but my more normal ones will accept any. The pegusi are the more unpredictable, I can't tell you how they'll behave half the time so i'd avoid those unless you really need to fly. If nothing else I have Miss Gray, a simple off white horse who would never be so undignified as to buck a rider." She smiled to herself as she said undignified though of course to anyone else it would sound strange. Still that was the word the horse itself had used... Undignified.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 03:26 AM

Ryn shoved both hands into his front pockets. He really didn't mind being away for a long while, but he knew if he was away too long he'd pay for it. One way or another. A shudder passed over him and he shook his head lightly. It would've been better if the woman had said 'of course the treasure is thattaway' and pointed him in the right direction. Things were just never that easy. He watched the woman and the male for a few moments before he began moving towards them. Though the woman had started off. Well, at least he had arrived just in time to go on the tour and maybe find some treasure. Ryn trailed after the two.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 01-27-2012, 05:54 AM

Rough paw pads smacked the packed earth path, the coyote's rangy form trotting along easily, eyes bright and taking every detail in. The Inn was just around this last bend of the path up the may'sa, and the lands of his supposed ancestors beyond it. Supposed because it was so long ago that they were starting to fall past history and into legend. He'd been told, like his parents, and their parents, and their parents before them, that the first were-coyotes had been birthed there. They'd had a different name, one still remembered by a few outside his kind.

He stopped short, the door suddenly in front of his nose. Too much thinking, he'd missed the rest of the trip. His tongue lolled out, eyes moving up to the handle. A sigh, and he slipped into the human form he had. Hand deftly opening it, he almost slinked inside, then stopped. Blinking his eyes at the assault of feline scent he'd just endured, he walked forward, looking at the three walking away before scribbling his name down and dropping a bit more than five dollars in the box. He took the key handed him, smiling, before turning and starting to explore the inn, the scent of cats explained as he startled a few, startling himself just as much.

The-Black_King is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 01:39 AM

Asmodeos was cooking dinner a couple steaks shrimp and sallied when he heard someone walk in he peeked his head around the corner to see a man walking around he smelt like wet dog and he was flinching around the cat's he turned the oven down and walked out wiping his hands he looked at the male and put his hand out "Welcome you wouldn't be staying fr dinner would you if so please tell me so I can cook up more meat" Asmodeos sensed something about this man he couldn't put it on his finger but he new this was no human.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 03:44 AM

Meysa was back in the kitchen. Being that she was a dragon she would use her fire breathe in case the stove wasn't working, she spouted a flame from her mouth as she tried to get the heat right, not that it was an issue for a dragon. She was a maid and a waitress but sometimes she would act as assistant to the chef when she didn't have anything else to do. She thought it was very boring to be cook, she didn't have a stomach so she never needed to eat. Her tail twitched as she worked happily in her own little world.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 03:51 AM

Samael smiled slightly and nodded as Meila talked, but in his head he was momentarily lost on the thought of flight. He could, if he got one of the Pegasi to agree... No, it foolish to waste his time on such a sentiment. After letting his thoughts turn bitter for a moment, he shook his head slightly, bringing himself back into the present.

He continued to follow Meila, noting the human was following them, obviously to join the tour of the ruins and caves. Samael wasn't too happy with this, seeing as it cut down on the subjects of discussion during the trip, but he tried not to let it irk him. There would be plenty of time later to talk to Meila one on one.

As they stepped out towards the stables he caught a new vibrational pattern in the building. It had the low thrum of a therianthrope, but he was unsure of what kind. It seemed lighter, almost flighty compared to most others he had come across. Turning his head, he caught sight of a slim, slightly disheveled looking man walking up to the desk and Fae that tended it. Pushing away the urge to discover the man's breed, Samael continued after Meila into the stables, taking the time as they walked to admire their construction. They did suit the original building just fine.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 04:08 AM

Lotus walked briskly towards the Inn while looking over her shoulder. There was something pulling her to this place, and by now the nineteen year old had learned to trust those tugs. As she walked into the Sunset Traveler, she smiled upon smelling roses. This place was just so beautiful! It took her breath away, and that took quite a bit.

As the fairy appeared, she moved forward gracefully to drop down the needed money. Signing her name, Lotus smiled as the fairy gave her the key. She wondered for a few moments what her room might look like, but after hefting her bag onto her shoulder, Lotus decided she wanted to explore more. Her feet took her to wandering a little ways away where she came across a disheveled looking man. Frowning Lotus tried to figure out why she was getting this strange sense form him, like he belonged in these desert lands, but at the same time didn't.

((If the color's too light I'll change it, and she ran into Drakina's character.))

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 01-28-2012 at 04:23 AM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 04:22 AM

((I can barely make out that there are words there, Pap-chan ^^' color-blindness can suck.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 04:24 AM

(That better?)

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 04:29 AM

(I hurt my hand so my posts will be short for a while >_< takes too long to use the other one :p and that is horrible D: )

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 04:30 AM

(( Hai, Thank you! ))


Staria is offline
Old 01-28-2012, 05:09 PM

Mei nodded as Sameal and the other male followed her, back to her usual human act. It would be nice to be able to take her hybrid form later and briefly she wondered what the angel would think of it. He didn't seem to mind demons but that still didn't mean that she might not look disgusting or stupid to him. Some thought it exotic, pretty, or simply odd instead of those reactions but there was always those people that found aberrations to the human form almost personally offensive. People's reactions were always so unpredictable... she'd even found a fetishist who told her how good she'd look dressed as a maid and tried, poorly, to seduce her on the spot when he caught her in it once.

She shook herself free of the thoughts as she heard her new guests, the fae likely telling them they could find her in the stable hall or stables before telling her about them. The fae seemed to think most of her guests were inhuman, but it could be her flights of fancy. Oh well, if mei got a good wiff she could tell herself later. She shrugged off the thought and stepped through the hall. It was slightly more simply decorated with no furniture but her usual paintings, many of which she'd painted herself. She opened the door to the stables, the wood it was built of enchanted to hide the small of the horses... leavings but not mar the other smells. It still smelled like horses themselves and hay, a familiar and much beloved smell to Mei herself.

She noted the unicorns reacted to the human much like they did demons, stomping their paws and looking at him nervously. She said nothing about it however and simply lead them to the normal horses. If they spent all day they could probably find a pegasi who would chose them but the normal horses seemed better. They were of human intelligence so sometimes didn't accept certain riders but the majority of them would accept anyone that Mei, their trainer, said to allow. There were horses of every color and size, there was even a foal in one stall nestled against its mother.

"Take your pick boys, though these three can be... temperamental so I wouldn't recommend them if you don't ride much." She said with a note of pride in her voice, her eyes glittering as she gazed at her beloved horses. She then pointed out the three she meant, a large black, a small but muscular chestnut, and a slender bay colored horse. They each looked at her as she said temperamental and didn't seem to approve of the word. They would have used the word prideful more than likely, They simply saw no reason to tolerate some treasure happy rider who was inexperienced and didn't know how to ride and held no respect for them... which described many of the guests who came here.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-29-2012, 01:30 AM

Ryn had been silent as he followed the two. When they entered the stable he inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of horses and hay. It was a delicious scent, to him it smelled like freedom. Though if someone asked him why he associated such a smell with freedom he would be hard pressed to come up with an answer. He eyed the unicorns for a few moments, they seemed to eye him nervously, it caused a shiver to run down his spine and he reached up gently to rub the side of his neck. Hiding that mark for a few moments, then he lowered his hand. Ryn glanced at the horses the lady had labeled as temperamental, no he didn't want anything that was temperamental. Though he wouldn't be surprised if none of the horses let him near, cautiously he moved towards a horse that hadn't been included in the temperamental category.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 01-29-2012, 07:27 PM

((Wet dog?! He's not wet! How can he smell wet if he's not wet? He'd smell like a dog, yet, but more of a dusty kind of dog, not wet.))

Mike jumped close to a foot in the air, the cook speaking so suddenly that he spun in mid-air to face him. "I, uh, yes? I'm staying," he sputtered, trying to calm himself. Then he caught sight of the girl, no woman?, in the dress, turning to meet her. A grin broke out on his face, curiosity and mischievousness all rolled together. She looked confused, something he was very used to, especially if someone could sense things and had never met one of his kind before. "What's got you looking so befuddled?" he asked, sure he already knew the answer.

Alura--x--Uneii is offline
Old 01-30-2012, 07:19 PM

Meysa was finally satisfied with herself and left the kitchen. She decided to walk outside and stretch out her wings. By this she stepped far enough away from the inn to transform. When she became a full dragon she was quite large, with a giant wingspan her scales were a bright orange. She felt so good she let out a large roar that echoed through the lands even those inside the inn could hear it. It was said that her roar could create earthquakes, but that wasn't true. She took off to the sky to do some exploring of her own. As everyone knows dragons love treasure and shiny objects. She would be back later after she went to explore some of the caves.

Her large body covered the sun as she fly over, it felt good to stretch out once and a while, she just hoped she wouldn't be needed while she was away.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-30-2012, 07:38 PM

Jumping a little upon being addressed, Lotus started fiddling her thumbs nervously. Clenching her hands together, the young woman looked to the ground sheepishly with her purple eyes. Well, umm, I was wondering if you lived here or not?" She was completely uncertain. Lotus didn't usually speak up about her feelings, her intuition .. It had gotten her into quite some trouble. Right now though, it still tugged and pulled but not as much as before. That meant she could take the time to speak and relax a bit.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 01-30-2012, 09:02 PM

Mike jumped as he heard the roar, pupils dilating, then returning to normal. "I just got here, but I'm told my ancestors lived here," he responded, quickly glancing around to try to see whatever had roared, though he knew it was outside. "I do plan on staying for quite a while, so maybe I will be living here? What about you? How long do you plan on staying?" he turned the question to her, scooting a little closer, nervous glances slowing, but not entirely stopping.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 01-31-2012, 05:21 PM

After hearing the roar, the young woman looked around a little nervously before returning her violet eyes to her companion. Shrugging off the slight fear and great curiosity she felt, Lotus concentrated on this conversation. 'I've no idea, I'll be staying for as long as I must." And that was the closest the light brown haired woman had for herself as well. She'd had dreams of this place, and the insistent tugging she'd felt had led her here. For what reason, Lotus had no idea. The one sure thing was that she did indeed need to be at the Sunset Traveller.


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