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MistWater is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 04:45 AM


Name: Ren
Age: Looks around 18
Height: Around 6'1"


Name: Marisa
Age: Looks around 16
Height: Around 5'2"

Last edited by MistWater; 03-01-2012 at 04:56 AM..

Tsukasa Usa-chan
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Old 03-01-2012, 04:55 AM


looks 21


looks around 16

MistWater is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 05:11 AM

It was one of those boring days again and Ren was just sitting at a table drawing on birch bark with what looked like blood, but was really an ink made from bitter and poisonous berries, slightly watered down. He looked up from the bark and set the pen down before heaving a large sigh onto the ceiling of his room. There had to be other things to do than just draw all day. He wasn't one to read and he wasn't about to go exploring either.

It was late in the morning, almost near noon, and Marisa was still in bed, sleeping like a log. The blanket was over her head by this time as she curled herself into a tiny ball to keep the warmth in despite it being warm outside. She was happily dreaming about something she'd never tell anyone about as she wore a smile on her face even though no one could see it. She was laying quite still however and hadn't budged for hours.

((She's adorable!))

Tsukasa Usa-chan
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Old 03-01-2012, 01:06 PM

(Thankie hehe I think Marisa is adorable and Ren does have a certain evilness to him)

Another day in paradise Alaena plucked the petals off a flower playing the whole he loves me, he loves me not game. Of course she got he loves me as she did every time she played. Throwing the useless steam away she wasn’t surprised when it landed on the ground immediately took root and burst into bloom again. It was always the same, day after day, week after week, year after year. Nothing ever changed at least for some of them. Those that were kept away from the war between heaven and hell, Alaena were kept away as too young, too innocent. As the angel of purity she supposed she understood the reasoning but since everyone was away fighting it meant there was no one to talk to. Floating past the little field of flowers she headed towards Marisa who of course was still sleeping like a log. “Marisaaaa! Wake up you sleepy head” she called out in a sing song voice floating about five feet off the ground. Shaking her friends shoulder she tugged the blankets off exposing the curled up girl to the colder, though still warm, air. “It’s another beautiful day of paradise, another day of monotony in store for us”

Bright flashes of light and the ringing of metal on metal signaled the start of a skirmish between the angels and demons. Heaven and hell had been at war for about a hundred years now with no clear sign as to the winner. Acheron’s eyes glowed red as he stood over the body of an angel. It was a sad sight to see, her body torn and bloody, her wings once a snowy white stained red with her own blood, her once beautiful face turned ugly by terror. Smiling a small smile Ash kicked the body aside and walked away from the skirmish. It was clear who was going to win and it was time for him to go enlist an old friend in the fight. He appeared In his room in a puff of black smoke to find his old friend lounging about painting. Ash shook his head what a silly pastime in his opinion when there was a war to be won. “Hello lazy been having fun doodling your little pictures?” he asked leaning against the doorframe examining his nails as though nothing else in the world interested him more. “You should come and do something really fun. I personally have an idea on how we can have the upper advantage to the little holy fliers”

MistWater is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 03:02 AM

The girl was soon curled into a tighter ball as she felt the blankets swept off her by what she thought was an invisible force at first before faintly hearing words being spoken through her pillow. It was a habit, and a weird one, for her head to always become the center of a sandwich between pillows as she slept. Felt comfortable to her and blocked out the bright light shining in. Marisa was not a morning person and would often prefer to start her day near dusk, but her friend made that impossible. Not that she minded. Being up during the day was nice sometimes. "I'm still dreaming... Five more minutes..." Five more minutes would seem more like five more hours if no one woke her up at all. She'd enjoy that, even despite being groggy later on. She'd fight the sleepy urge.

Ren looked up from his paper again and eyed his friend in the rudest way possible. He didn't like to be interrupted when inspiration came to him while doing anything. But luckily Ren wasn't feeling all that inspired today when the guy showed up. He'd finished drawing out the outline, but after that... Nothing... Having him barge in when he was inspired or in the middle of doing something could have severe consequences however. "You're quite lucky, you know that? Had you come sooner, you'd have a hole in your stomach." Ren's mood was pretty fierce today as he spoke those words, even despite being harmless. No one else dared to tease him about what his hobbies were, but this guy was an exception. "Ever since this war became this bad, there's really nothing we can do about it. I know what you're thinking, though, and to tell you the truth... It won't make things any easier." This guy was one Ren could easily read without having to hear a word. "You can do whatever you want if you think it'll help, but keep me out of it." Ren was old enough to enlist in any war, but was also smart enough not to do anything crazy such as that which would eventually become regret.

((With him... Somehow he made me slightly jump in my seat. :P))

Tsukasa Usa-chan
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Old 03-02-2012, 06:34 PM

(Lol that's kind of the point he's supposed to be evil)

“Yeah instead you want to while away the years in this room painting your little pictures, people like me actually fight that war that enables you to stay in this room. I’m proposing a way to stop this war entirely. Despite my love of bloodshed even I grow weary of this fight that seems to go nowhere.” Ash rolled his red eyes mumbling something under his breath as though asking god for patience, or more likely the devil. “Fine I’ll do it myself but you get to watch her” he taunted before disappearing in a puff of red smoke, it was a rather flashy exit but sometimes flashy was nice.

“Yeah right I let you sleep for five more minutes and come back and then it will be oh Al let me have another five more minutes please” she made a face unseen by her friend a sort of scowl with her tongue sticking out. It would have made Marisa laugh if she had bothered to look. “Ohh. Fine I’m going down to the gates to check on the other angels maybe they’ll give me news of the war” tossing the blanket on top of her sleepy friend she speed away heading towards the gates of heaven. There was no one there she hadn’t really expected there to be. The golden gates winked down at her shinning in the light. Easing one open she slipped outside and looked down over the edge at the world below. Suddenly strong arms had her wings and arms pinned and then the next thing she knew was darkness.

Ash threw the unconscious angel into the room with his friend a dark smile on his face. “I didn’t get the other one with her but I’m going back for her. For now watch her Ren feed her and such when she wakes. The angels are such wimps they would stop fighting if only to free their little angel prisoners. Well at least these two young ones, one of whom I must still catch” he looked down at the girl and sneered such goody two shoes how sickening. Turning on his heel he disappeared with no flashy exit he was just there one moment and gone the next.

MistWater is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 05:52 AM

Also sorry about the late reply. My computer's been acting up recently. I'll have to get that looked into...))

Ren wasn't sure why he wasn't like the others. Being somewhat of an outsider had made him a bit self-conscious. In the past he had tried to act more or less like the others when it came to enjoying war, but... His pictures however, despite what his friend had just said to him, were pretty dark and full of dark humour. The unconscious angel who lay beside him somewhat stirred and it made him jump, not thinking she was alive! Luckily no one was around to see it... He dropped his pencil and stared at her a moment before grabbing a war-based book. Maybe reading more of these would help him like war more... So far nothing else had...
The bleeding angel freaked him out and he needed something to take his mind off it anyway as he opened to the first chapter and started to read, not forgetting what his friend said about watching her.

Remembering the war going on made Marisa shiver. She wanted no part in war at all. It scared her. All that noise... Shouting... Guns being shot. It was no wonder she stayed in bed a lot, but she knew at some point she'd have to get out of bed and help somehow. Or even try to enjoy life with it going on.
She slid off her bed and put a silky robe on which matched her two piece pajama set perfectly. Having done that, people would know she wouldn't be getting dressed anytime soon as she exited her room and started walking toward the direction her friend had.

The angel started to leak quite badly and soon after opening the book, Ren had to care for the almost dying corpse that lay beside him, caring for it and feeding it as requested. It grossed him out and his evil side would show soon if he couldn't control the bleeding. In that state there was no telling how bad he'd become as his eyes became a darker shade of red.


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