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TheRavenMonster is offline
Old 03-10-2012, 11:30 PM


nce, there was a magician. This magician was incredibly powerful, and the only one of his kind.
It was rumored that the magician knew the secret[/size] to eternal life.
he magician was hopelessly in love with a girl/boy by the name of Raven, but the girl/boy had no interest in the magician.
So the magician tried everything in his power to impress the girl/boy, so that she/he might be his lover in eternity.
ut one day, there was a terrible accident.
The girl/boy died.
hen the magician learned of her/his death, the magician was driven to insanity by his grief.
In his state of delirium, he attempted to bring her back from the dead despite knowing it to be impossible.
hat he created was not the girl/boy, but a monster with her/his body.
Vowing to return the girl to life, he created more and more of these monsters in an attempt to perfect his new magic.
n order to use this new magic, he needed dead bodies.
So the magician killed people in an attempt to resurrect them.
he magician began to play god.


1. Follow the rules is an obvious one.
2. Swearing is allowed, but don't over do it.
3. Don't godmod. It's lame.
4. Being literate is not about how much you can type. It's about quality. I'd prefer a paragraph of good writing to a page of nonsense, though typing at least a paragraph would be appreciated.
5. PM me all profiles, and wait to be accepted before posting. You will see it in the profiles section.
6. Title your pm Cows and put a {^_^} somewhere in it.
7. I've changed my mind. Completely ignore rule number 6. And title it your favorite food, with no smileys.
8. For the love of god don't use ** for actions.
9. Romance is allowed if not encouraged, but no cybering. Hinting at it is fine. But when the clothes come off? Take it somewhere else.
10. Oops. I've changed my mind again. Ignore both number 6 and 7, and title your pm Stop Changing the Rules! Hopefully all rule skippers have died.
11. I love confusing you guys.
12. When talking in OOC, give some indication such as {[()]}.
13. Only join if you plan to stay! If you are inactive for more then a week your character will be removed. If there is some reason for absence please note me beforehand so you are not removed.
14. Try to purdi-fy your posts. It doesn't have to be totally over the top, but try, mkay?
15. RP in third person, like writing a storybook
16. Violence and fights are definitely encouraged, but only within the RP. Please do not argue with one another.
17. You may have as many characters as you can handle. Please don't abuse this.
18. I honestly don't give a damn whether you're gay or straight or think your reflection in the mirror is the sexiest thing ever.
19. Have fun!!


Profile layout:
Name: [First and Last please]
Mini-bio: [Optional]
Looks: [Url please]
Sexual Orientation: [Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Straight]
Others: [Optional]
Status: [Alive [as in your Human], Zombie, Ghost]


This is long. REAL long. Get ready for a long read. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Alright guys, this might be a bit confusing, but let's clear up some of the mechanics of this RP. For one, killing. Killing is kind of a special case in this RP, considering that humans are really the only ones that can die. Zombies can too, but they'll simply be revived by The Magician, so as long as The Magician lives, so will the zombies. The Magician is practically invincible due to his magic, and ghosts...are already dead. Duh. That said, you might-no, must be confused. Everyone - EVERYONE - starts as a human, with the exception of me. killing. Humans, humans be wary. You can die. However, zombies will not kill directly - they will simply try to lure you away from other humans and get you alone so The Magician can kill you.

The Magician is probably the only one in the RP who can actually kill. However, there are rules of course - you have to be alone before he can attack you, and he can't kill you unless you're truly cornered and completely unable to defend yourself. That being said, don't get caught on purpose because you want to be a ghost/zombie. That's not cool.

When a human player is killed, two things happen. The first is that the player becomes a ghost. Ghosts side with Raven in trying to defend the school and protect the remaining humans from being killed. It is also up to the ghost team to decide how they want to deal with The Magician. They can either try to reason with him, bring him back to his senses - or team up and attack him. Try to kill him and end everything once and for all. Ghosts can show themselves to humans, but only when they are alone with the human. This is risky since it means the human will be vulnerable to The Magician, but it's the only way for the ghosts to establish connections with the humans in an attempt to warn them about The Magician. That being said, if you are playing as a human and your character has found out about this whole thing going on - you can't tell other humans. That would ruin the fun of it. Also, please don't let your human believe the ghosts too easily - make them at least a little suspicious, doubt their eyes, think they're hallucinating/dreaming...I don't care. Just don't believe them without a question, that would be boring.

The second thing that happens is that The Magician takes the body and turns it into a zombie in his twisted quest to perfect the revival spell. Zombies are quite obviously on The Magician's side and as stated earlier, have the purpose of isolating humans, making them easy targets. They are also responsible for preventing the ghosts from protecting the humans, which can be achieved in all sorts of ways, from convincing the humans that the ghosts mean them harm to simply preventing them from contacting humans.

You can choose to play as either the ghost, zombie, or both if/when your human character is killed. A slot will be opened for someone new to play as the position you didn't accept, and until the position is filled the char will be a NPC.


Main Profiles:

The Magician: Open/Closed
Username: TheRavenMonster
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Mini-bio: His age and true name have been lost to time. Discovering magic at a young age, it wasn't long before he became isolated from other humans - and he preferred it that way. Nothing mattered, nothing except his magic - and when he became able to give himself eternal life, he dedicated himself all the more to his studies. He shut out everything and had no contact with the outside world. He didn't care, he didn't need it.
But then...but then he met her and everything changed.
There was nothing else. He could look only at her. There was nothing, nothing he wouldn't do for her. But...she passed away...and he. Just. Snapped. Now on a quest to perfect the impossible revival spell, he does not realize that he's creating monsters. He does not realize that her ghost lingers still, watching and despising what he's doing...He can not see them, the spirits of those that have died, those he's killed. He can not see them, and he will do whatever it takes to bring back his love, not knowing that all the while she has been there...

Looks: Click!
Sexual Orientation: He only has eyes for one person...
Others: Not much is known, other than his title of The Magician.
Status: Unknown

Raven:[girl/boy]: Open/Closed








& It is now Open. <3
I want my Innocence back and if you cant give it to me I'll cut you down. - Emily Autumn, I want my Innocence Back

Last edited by TheRavenMonster; 03-11-2012 at 12:00 AM..


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