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arcticfoxxy64 is offline
Old 03-12-2012, 07:21 AM

I hear about it EVERYWHERE, all over Funimation's Youtube, Facebook, and in a BUNCH of advertisements!!

I would rather hear about it from a fan than on a confusing, long summary on Wikipedia.

I would like to watch it, but I want to see if it is worth my time first...


Bronia is offline
Old 03-13-2012, 05:17 AM

Okay then. There's a clique of geeks living together in the "nunnery." They're all female and they all have their different quirks. They all share their inability to talk to 'cool people.'
So one day, Tsukimi is visiting an aquarium and she sees a jellyfish in a tank with another fish that will kill it at the petshop. She tries to tell the clerk to move the jellyfish, but can't because the clerk is a 'cool person.' Another chic woman enters and helps Tsukimi rescue the jellyfish by buying it have bringing it over to the nunnery with Tsukimi. Stuff happens... And then Tsukimi finds out that this chic woman is something even worse (as in she and the nerds can't talk to them) than a cool person... She's a man! Now Tsukimi has to hide this fact from the rest of the nerds in a (too short) over-the-top comedy anime.
If that summary made any sense at all I'll be happy. The show is definitely worth your time.

Legos on the floor
Legos on the floor is offline
Old 03-13-2012, 05:58 AM

Sadly, the whole series won't take up that much of your time, so even if our explanations don't make any sense, feel free to take it on anyway... unless you hate short anime.

Bronia had it about down -- A group of geeky, obsessive, socially incompetent women meet someone who isn't. The outsider keeps coming back, other people and events get involved, hijinks ensue. Short but sweet, and definitely worth watching.


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