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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 08:44 PM

A thousand years ago, the Angel Raziel mixed his blood with the blood of men and created the race of the Nephilim. Human-angel hybrids, they walk among us, unseen but ever-present, our invisible protectors. They call themselves Shadowhunters.
The Shadowhunters obey the laws set down in the Gray Book, given to them by the angel: their mandate is to protect our world from the interdimensional parasites they call demons, who travel from world to world, razing and destroying everything in their path. Theirs is also the task of keeping the peace among the warring Downworlders: the human-demon crossbreeds we know as warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and faeries. In their duties they are aided by the mysterious Silent Brothers. Their lips and eyes sewn shut, the Silent Brothers rule over the City of Bones, the necropolis below the streets of Manhattan that holds the dead bodies of slain Shadowhunters. The Silent Brothers keep the archival records of ever Shadowhunter ever born. They also watch over the Mortal Instruments, the three divine objects the Angel Raziel gave to his children. One is a sword. One is a mirror. And the last is a cup. For a thousand years, the Nephilim have protected the Mortal Instruments. But that was before the Uprising, the civil war that almost tore the Shadowhunters' secret world apart. Though Valentine, the Shadowhunter who started the war, is long dead, the wounds it left behind have never healed. Now once again the shadowhunters world and ares is in danger the accords need to be resigned but there are some who don't want it signed.
Accords-the peace treaty between the shadowhunters and downworlder
Downworlder-magical creatures like
Faeries: “The fair folk.” Immortal cross-breeds of demons and angels. They cannot lie but enjoy “creative truth-telling.”

Vampires: “The Night Children.” Blood-sucking creatures who can only roam after the sun has set. If a vampire goes out in the sunlight they will be charred to ash. Mortal enemies of the werewolves.

Warlocks: "Lilith's Children." Warlocks are half-human and half-demon. They have magic powers with no actual source, though their powers can be depleted, as seen in CoA when Magnus helps keep the truck afloat.

Werewolves: “Children of the Moon.” Living beings who are cursed with Lycanthropy, a disease which turns them into werewolves on the night of the full moon.

Conclave: The ruling people of the shadowhunter kinda like congress.

Idris: The shadowhunter homeland protected from demons and hidden from humans only downworlders and shadowhunters can get in but only shadowhunters live there.

Stele: a kind of dagger but it helps make marks

Marks: Black tattoo type things that work as spells each one does something diffrent like giving you strength and healing you to a point. Most shadowhunters bodies are covered in them when there fighting when not well there not.
((anything else just ask))
1:follow mene rules and mine.
2:I'm the maker of this roleplay there for don't do anything against the plot with out asking me
3:You can kill people just ask me and that person if its ok. Ask that person first and tell me what they said.
4:Semi-lit more then a sentence less then a book.
5:don't leave anyone behind
6:sorry no angels.
7:Title your profile "Apple juice" so I know you read the rules and pm them to me
8:have fun
9: Please don't post here till were open.
10:I reserve the right to add or subtract rules

Mene name:
Age: ((shadowhunters 14 to 40, vampires within reason no 3 year olds that are actually 100 same with werewolfs and demons, warlocks 16 to within reason. Fairy 16 to within reason))
Race: ((Shadowhunter, vampire, fairy, Werewolf,demon, and warlock))
Position: ((what rank are you? for shadowhunters, werewolfs , vampires and fairys cause those are the only ones that have a system. shadowhunters would be conclave memeber, person that teachs the younger shadowhunters, or in training shadowhunter. Vampires would be the clan leader, there second in command, or just vampire. same thing with werewolfs. Fairies queen, her guards and fairy.))
Weapon: ((shadowhunters always have a stele. So a sword, lasso, or bow and arrows please pick only one.))
Warlock mark: ((for warlocks or witchs it can be basiclly anything like cat eyes))
Sexuality: ((Straight, gay, whatever as long as its not to wierd not loving animals))
Picture: ((anime please.))

Mene name:
Warlock mark: 
Picture:((anime please.))
Mene name:finx15
Name:Rena Archer
Position: tutor and runner of the Manhattan Institute
Bio: Finx grew up in idris the shadowhunter homeland with her mother and father when she was old enough they moved to new york and rebuild the old institute back to its former glory. She know runs it singlehandedly trying to joggle the place as well as the downworlders in that area.

Last edited by finx15; 03-26-2012 at 01:57 AM..


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