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Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 02-27-2012, 06:21 PM

I've got a new story that I'm working on and need some help with ideas about the characters.

The general basis for the story is that there are 6 dragons that have to fight every so often (usually when the earth is in peril), the winner gaining the powers of the loser and the ultimate winner staves off the catastrophe. I've managed to work on one of the characters (simply because I had a dream through this one's eyes) but I need help with the others.

Element - Name - Generics
Shadow- Shannai - The youngest out of the siblings, and female. Very shy.
Air - Tosh - Fishyfey
Earth - ?
Light - Baelryn - Male, bossy
Water - ?
Fire - Akane - Kyung hyun

There is also a human that gets involved, but I can't come up with a name for him either.

Human - Merrick

I would like the dragons to have exotic names, and a mix of male and female (I don't want all the dragons to be female or male). The dragons can turn into human form.

I would really appreciate the help on this.

Last edited by Roxxi Shiagami; 04-20-2012 at 07:42 PM..

fishyfey is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 08:40 AM

tada! Making characters is fun. Use him or not, but here is Tosh the Air dragon!

Air - Tosh - Male -

A middle sibling, Tosh has a tendency to pick on his younger brothers and sisters. He can sometimes be a bully because he is impulsive and is out to prove himself as the strongest (even though he really isn't.) He gets hurt often, usually due to some situation he has gotten himself into or backed himself into a corner. When he is healed up, he usually goes back for more punishment. He just can't help himself.

Most people never get to see the softer side of Tosh. He only ever confides in his sister Shannai, whom he trusts implicitly. She is too shy to share his secrets, and he likes it that way. He still picks on her when his brothers and sisters are around so that they don't figure out how much he needs her strength and gentle ear.

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 11:56 PM

I really like that, fishyfey. Thanks! It's kind of funny because I did see something like that in the dream. So now I still have the others to think about.

fishyfey is offline
Old 02-29-2012, 05:28 AM

no problem :D good luck with your other characters!

kyung hyun
kyung hyun is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 12:59 PM

I hope this helps ^^

Fire - Akane - Female - click to view plot (trying to avoid page stretching sorry)X

❝ The second youngest of the siblings.

She whom is widely known as the notorious one has got a terrible temper, often quarreling with the older siblings but over-protective of her little sister, Shannai.

Despite her personality, Nayuki Akane is a very sensitive girl whom does not like violence though her actions are contradictory to her thoughts.
(this is what happens when my mind wanders off somewhere else while typing.... sorry :rofl: )

Like all girls, she hopes to have a man to protect her though she'll never admit that she has a crush on anyone. ❞

(Side note: Akane means brilliant red. I've left a lot of space in the plot so as to not interfere with your plots.)

Btw, I love to draw.
When you do come up with the plots for all of them, I could help you come up with sketches for each character's profile if you like. For free of course, just because I love drawing :>

Last edited by kyung hyun; 03-04-2012 at 01:01 PM..

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 08:42 PM

Thanks Kyung hyun! I appreciate the offer, and for the second (well technically third) character! My only question is who is Nayuki? Just wondering if you meant Akane.

How would you do their sketches?

kyung hyun
kyung hyun is offline
Old 03-04-2012, 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Roxxi Shiagami View Post
Thanks Kyung hyun! I appreciate the offer, and for the second (well technically third) character! My only question is who is Nayuki? Just wondering if you meant Akane.

How would you do their sketches?
Ah....hahahahaha.... Yup, I did mean Akane....
Fingers and thoughts not in sync and that's what happens :sweat:

I do inking, then scan it and edit it into what they call digital art....
in a sense, I guess you could call it hybrid art LOL.
I can do the sketches according to however you like it.

something like that.... probablyX

Human form:
Dragon form:

:eager: I can get started anytime.
Just tell me whatever you need.

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-04-2012, 05:15 PM

kk, just thought I'd double check. I do like the name Nayuki; it could be used for one of the others that still left to be decided.

On their images, the scales in their dragon forms are the same color as their element. Ie, shadow=black, fire=red (obviously :P). But they also carry a trait into their human forms as well of something in their element. Like for Shannai, I sorta envisioned her as having Native American coloring. Or for whoever is going to be the light dragon, they would have platinum blonde hair.

I kind of thought it would be interesting to have the human form in front, their dragon form in the background, and something of their element. Like Akane, holding a fireball for example.

I also can kinda see that the females are very similar to the Chinese dragon, and the males take after the more Westernized version.

Would it be possible to start with Shannai first? lol, I'm kinda anxious to 'see' her face - to - face. If that makes sense.

kyung hyun
kyung hyun is offline
Old 03-04-2012, 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by Roxxi Shiagami View Post
Would it be possible to start with Shannai first? lol, I'm kinda anxious to 'see' her face - to - face. If that makes sense.
You betcha!!
I'll get started on it ASAP ^^
When I'm done, I'll PM the completed profile to you.
Shouldn't take any longer than 3 days :yes:


Originally Posted by Roxxi Shiagami View Post
On their images, the scales in their dragon forms are the same color as their element. Ie, shadow=black, fire=red (obviously :P). But they also carry a trait into their human forms as well of something in their element. Like for Shannai, I sorta envisioned her as having Native American coloring. Or for whoever is going to be the light dragon, they would have platinum blonde hair.
Hmmm.... Black should be alright to work on....
However, I'll need a little something to spice her up....
Would purple be alright?? (most commonly associated with spirit)
I just need a color for her eyes and highlights on her outfit so that it wouldn't look too dark.

Last edited by kyung hyun; 03-04-2012 at 06:05 PM..

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 10:00 PM

Yeah, it sounds good to me. I was ... what's the word ... describing, trying to give an example of what I meant, so that you could see what I was talking about. Eh. lol, and I'm supposed to be writing a book? :P

I am open to interpretation. I can't wait! :)

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-09-2012, 10:14 PM

I would like to keep this thread open for a little bit longer as I am still having trouble coming up with four characters. Three are dragons, gender is still up in the air. (Although of course, it will be male or female. :P ) One is a human male. I've been trying different names but none of them seem to 'fit.' So I still need help, lol.

kyung hyun
kyung hyun is offline
Old 03-11-2012, 06:12 PM

I'm sorry I'm taking so long.... I'm gonna have to go to school to get it scanned ^^
I'll get it done by the 14th this month ;)

People!! Please do help!! >_<
I'm getting really excited about this ;-;
Please help get the plot done soon....

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-11-2012, 06:15 PM

That's okay. I totally understand. I'm glad that you're keeping me updated. Oh, man! I can't wait to see her!

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 06:42 PM

How is Shannai's sketch coming along?

I'm thinking of having the water dragon as Nayuki. What do ya'll think about her being kind of serene? Less able to rile up but once you get her going she's a force to reckon with. There are already a few temperamental dragons, lol. :P

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 04-02-2012, 08:33 PM

Does anyone have any suggestions for the other nameless characters? I'm still looking for help. :P


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