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BeautyMonster is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 05:13 AM

OH My Goodness thank you for helping me, I thought i was gonna die if i couldn't get it posted. It's so funky nowadays.


Role: ( warrior , princess)
Small Bio:
Looks Like:


Name: Ashley May Heart
Age: 16 years old
Role: Princess May
Personality: She is a pretty shy girl, timid at times, protective, fights back, honest,
Wants: This War To Stop
Small Bio: Ashley is 3rd heir to throne, She has 10 siblings, though she is the most mature of them all. THats what she thinks. She is afraid easily, her older brothers like to pick on her. Her father taught her how to fight, She now knows how to use a bow-n-arrow, and a knife looking thing .Her father calls it a dagger, she refuses to use anything else. All her life she was not all so great. She is wanting to fit in and to help with this war.
Looks Like:when her hair is down it reaches to her sides.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 11:48 PM

Name: Alexander Diodotus
Age: 20
Role: warrior
Personality: self-centered, just a little stuck up, often weary of others, protective.
Wants: To be remembered
Small Bio: At around seven or so, Alexander began his military training. Both he and his cousin lost their parents, their mothers to sickness and their fathers to war, the two grew up supporting one another and eventually went on to learn combat together. Alexander, the older of the two, had always been the more aggressive out of feeling the need to protect his cousin. This aggressiveness went on to serve him well through tough training, as he quickly went on to prove himself as a warrior. By the age of eighteen, Alexander was fully accepted into the army and given high ranks. Again, he went on to prove himself a valuable resource, but also a handful.
Looks Like: Thor.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 03-29-2012, 02:07 AM

setting: they invade the town and kidnap the princess

Ashley was wearing a pretty gown, strapless and bright pink a few white dots everywhere. the dress ending to her ankles. Wondering. She bit her lower lip. Looking in the mirror she twirled her hair with her left hand her set of fingers walking along the stairs there were screams as she ran to see what it was, hearing clicking from her shoes , she had straps on her upper thighs they had daggers on them. she knew how to use the bow-n-arrow. She glared she didnt want her people hurt! Her long hair dangled and swayed side to side. Her tiger rubbed against her as she tried to run towards who was causing the mess..

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 04-03-2012, 12:56 AM

((I forgot to check this section for any roleplays. Sorry, I'm just use to always being in the fantasy area~))

There it was- the thrill of a battle. An intricate dance performed by the most magnificent and fearsome creatures ever created. One slashed forward with his glistening props, dressed in an equally clean and polished costume while his partner jumped back to just barely be scratched by a blade that came too close. There was no time to think of a proper reaction. In the dangerous dance, thoughts almost became an enemy more threatening than those that came with weapons. The mind had to process each idea with no time between thinking and doing. So, in the spirit of these steps, the partner, after leaping away again dove forward with his own sword to dig the metal between cracks in armor. The dramatic tension only ended when the show was finished off with a soul floating away from body.

Again and again he performed this ritualistic number with innumerable partners. Somehow, he’d always managed to take the lead last minute, when it really mattered, to close the curtain on the show. Before he even knew it, before he could even look up, the setting had changed and Alexander and the men had pushed through the town, setting it on fire in their play as destruction served to be proof the dance moved and pressed onward toward the palace. When the commotion finally calmed enough for a quick breath, Alexander found himself already standing near the foot of the grand building, leaning against his young cousin to catch himself.

In the distance, both warriors found their eyes caught by a surreal sight. Someone actually ran toward them. Even in all of the destruction and violence, they were able to exchange looks of confused amusement and share a laugh.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 04-03-2012, 02:19 AM

Ashley stopped and looked, It was. It was the men laughing at her. She said, " Stop laughing its not funny!! " She glared and looked down and bit her lower lip. She stopped she placed the Dagger away . She gulped and wondering.... Seeing the men.. She looked around seeing that her sister came out, ' get inside i don't trust these men. now go inside." The little girl said, " but..." And the little girl went away. Ashley looked at the men glaring running outside and ran up the stairs and into the room with her sister to keep her save.

( wait its on stage?? cant it be in the realistic time?? )

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 01:45 AM

((Lol. I think it should be in real time. My entire post was just an extended metaphor. War is a performance, battle is a dance, soldiers are the dancers and death is just the final dance step- that sort of thing. I apologize for lack of clarity. I never meant to make it sound as though they were actually on stage~))

Droplets of the most horrendously beautiful liquid, in that bitter red, dripped from swords and faces of the living and dead alike. It wasn’t until he’d been able to regain his mind from the impulse setting that Alexander first thought to wipe the blood that dripped down his face, running over his eyelids and even making it boldly to his upper lip from a gash on his head that seemed to have suddenly appeared. In the dodging and slashing, allowing oneself to experience every harsh blow and painful wound was submitting oneself to death. But how easily Alexander had always been able to shrug of pain was amazing even to the other experienced fighters.

It was the first time his cousin had charged in with everyone else- his first year as a true warrior. But, despite this advancement in rank, Alexander still clearly looked down on the boy’s skills, as he’d followed and paid extra mind to watching his cousin’s back. This single act had been what earned Alexander his new bruises and cuts.

When the girl turned to yell and even glare, the pair could only find it in them to laugh harder. While the older seemed to feel no fear, it was fear that drove the younger to imitate. Someone so ready to fight, someone so out of touch. Surely that someone was worth something, and both knew that. Without any exchange of words, the two parted from the group to follow the girl up those stairs, as if they had a moment where their ideas took one form.

BeautyMonster is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 11:41 PM

Ashley held the little girl and as the men barged in, " Why are you following me!?" She glared finally standing up, her dress going with her. Swaying side by side. But the little girl , which was a toddler and a sister to ashley. Looking at the men scared with big eyes. In the background people screamed something about getting the king. She wanted to say, No sh*t. But a princess shall never cuss with little ears in the room.

She looked at the little girl, Then back at the men, " You guy's need to go i mean don't disturb us," she paused thinking since they didn't move, " I see why my father and your king are fighting... Because you... the people are so stupid!" She so wanted to say something else. So she made her little sister no older than four to cover her ears. " Go to hell you motherf***ers!" she sighed and wondered and sat on the bed watching them She grabbed her knife quickly.

As she grabbed her knife she stood up twirling in a circle causing her long hair to twirl outwards and she went to try to struck the guy in the chest. She gulped but she looked down, seeing how close she was.. She was caught. She was scared... What shall she do now Fight for her life or run with her sister who was screaming to let her go and demanding it too. She finally struggled against the grip, actually getting out she grabbed her sister as she stabbed the same guy in the stomach before running out holding her sister close...


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