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The Soul Consumer
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Naoto-chan22 is offline
Old 01-10-2010, 04:29 AM

Oh no I broke Ly Ly....O_O

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Old 01-14-2010, 07:33 AM

*omnomnomnom~* I miss you. I'm still in pain. *goes to take painkillers*

What -are- you currently saving up for?

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 08:08 AM

Well. . . . money for money's sake. XD

Okay, really? I want the Raven Head-Wings to go with the Ankle wings, and the other Ruby/Silver Tiara, as the one I'm currently wearing is the alternative choice.

Um, so the last few things that I haven't marked off my 1st outfit list. . . . Might have to title that post so people can find it. . . and link it into my questing post. XD

Also. . . . Naoto-Chan came up with another outfit for Lynn to ware, so I need to get that.

Lastly. . . . I broke down and got a mule account. XD That's why I have soooooooooooooo much gold now. :3 I can play in 2 different browsers at once. But that mule needs clothes too. . . . and his colors are different from my Malesona's colors.

Rayn was my 1st malesona, Lynn is my 2nd one. Both have unisex names to let me switch traits around. Still clothes for both, with light purple/lavender and white for Rayn, and darker purples, blues, reds, and blacks for Lynn, and anything else that'll look good on him.

And people are always free to suggest idea on what Lynn should wear. :3

Oh right, and Rayn needs the Dove set to compliment Lynn Raven set. <.<;;

The Soul Consumer
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Old 01-14-2010, 05:09 PM

*gets confuzzled with all of Ly's words*?O_O

I'll make Rayn one ^_^

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 11:00 PM


But . . . . . Nao already made Lynn and outfit. . . . Rayn is my (Happy Dragon's) dolly. ;.;

The Soul Consumer
Send a message via MSN to Naoto-chan22
Naoto-chan22 is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 11:02 PM

Its okay I like making them.....:)
*tackles and noms*Nao missed Ly Ly

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 01-15-2010, 12:26 AM

>3 Lynn is in Jelly's well charity, trying to get it to 1,000 pages by Mene Midnight.

We're above 820 pages now. XD

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 03-24-2012, 04:27 AM

*Comes in, and blows all the dust off this old, quiet thread*

Man, it's been too long since I last visited Mene. Luckily, I'm not the only person who vanished, and then came back, only to not know if they could revive their quest thread.

So, with that as my reason, I hereby reopen my quest thread.

But this does mean I have no idea what my second outfit is anymore. >.<;;

Oh well, feel free to drop in, leave comments, and suggest outfits for me to try out.

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 09:01 PM

Okay, so, a few nights ago, I broke down and bought the last item I needed to make my dream outfit. I'm happy. ^.^

Now I'm just going to save up gold for the sake of saving up gold, and to throw into charities, maybe to help out with contests.

Speaking of contests, I got over my nervousness, and I jumped into

I may not win--I don't have many items outside the ones I hunted for. xD But, hey, it's fun, and it's an excuse to change out my outfit.

<.< Now if more friends would drop in to suggest stuff for me to wear. . .

Lynn StarDragon
The Happy Dragon
Lynn StarDragon is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 05:35 AM

The easter event was crazy. I'm posting here to remind me that I need to update with the gifts/prizes I got.

Because people are awesome.


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