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peurky is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 07:22 PM

if you had to create your own movie, what would be the story?! use your imagination and describ what would be your perfect movie... try to give a lot of details :D

Last edited by peurky; 03-25-2012 at 01:12 AM..

IndigoRose is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 05:03 AM

Hmm, this could be fun.

First off, it would be British, so majority of the characters would have British accents. There would be a male protagonist, and he would be a bit of a loner, kind of socially incompetent. (I like socially incompetent people. =D )
He would be sharp and witty, and maybe a bit mean to other people, but he'd have a couple of friends that tolerate him, and one that actually enjoys his company.
I think that the one who actually enjoys his company would be new in his life, and he kind of just tolerates the addition. He (lets call him Bob, 'cos I'm awful at names) would slowly bond with the new character (lets call them Billie, 'cos I still haven't decided the gender) through a series of events. Then something would happen to Billie, such as a kidnapping, and Bob would have to decided whether or not he cares enough. He would decide that he does care after all, and would rescue Billie in some daring manner, and she (I've decided that Billie is a girl) would be all "Thank you!" and yaddah yaddah yaddah.
In the rescue mission, the antagonist (creepy dude - lets call him Mort.) escapes and Bob is unhappy about that. Later, Mort strikes back and totally ruins Bob, and reveals that the whole time Billie was a bitch, and betraying him. In his despair, he would go to one of the aforementioned people who tolerate him, and it would turn out that they had loved him the whole time. Together, they would fix everything and in the process Billie would die, regretting her betrayal. Then they live happily ever after.

God that sounds awful doesn't it? That's what happens when I come up with things spur of the moment. Hmm, I'll plan something a little bit better, and post later, with a bit more thought. =D

peurky is offline
Old 03-25-2012, 01:11 AM

Originally Posted by IndigoRose View Post
Hmm, this could be fun.

First off, it would be British, so majority of the characters would have British accents. There would be a male protagonist, and he would be a bit of a loner, kind of socially incompetent. (I like socially incompetent people. =D )
He would be sharp and witty, and maybe a bit mean to other people, but he'd have a couple of friends that tolerate him, and one that actually enjoys his company.
I think that the one who actually enjoys his company would be new in his life, and he kind of just tolerates the addition. He (lets call him Bob, 'cos I'm awful at names) would slowly bond with the new character (lets call them Billie, 'cos I still haven't decided the gender) through a series of events. Then something would happen to Billie, such as a kidnapping, and Bob would have to decided whether or not he cares enough. He would decide that he does care after all, and would rescue Billie in some daring manner, and she (I've decided that Billie is a girl) would be all "Thank you!" and yaddah yaddah yaddah.
In the rescue mission, the antagonist (creepy dude - lets call him Mort.) escapes and Bob is unhappy about that. Later, Mort strikes back and totally ruins Bob, and reveals that the whole time Billie was a bitch, and betraying him. In his despair, he would go to one of the aforementioned people who tolerate him, and it would turn out that they had loved him the whole time. Together, they would fix everything and in the process Billie would die, regretting her betrayal. Then they live happily ever after.

God that sounds awful doesn't it? That's what happens when I come up with things spur of the moment. Hmm, I'll plan something a little bit better, and post later, with a bit more thought. =D

It's great!! i didn't think about this :)

Bumbling Gay
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:33 PM

I'm actually in the processs of writing this in novel form, but here goes!

All right. There's a team of protagonists known as "The Elementalists." There are six, each with a different weapon of choice (which they can telekinetically teleport to their hand at any time) and an element of magic. The main character, Ember, is the new fire Elementalist, chosen after the old one, Arnold, got locked away in an alternate dimension and was killed by monsters (called Druids).

Arnold had been dating another of the Elementalists, named Connie. Connie was the elementalist of Ice, but also is a skilled shapeshifter. She spends most of her time in cat form, because since losing Arnold, she has despised being human. When Ember is introduced to the other Elementalists, Connie deeply resents her for taking her love's place. However, Connie is the most skilled magic-user in the Elementalists, so the advisor of the Elementalists, has her train Ember in magic.

One day, while out on a training mission, Ember and Connie encounter Druids. It's not just any Druid, though. It happens to be a monstrous form of Arnold, created after Arnold was killed. It turns out that when he was killed, Arnold's body was fused with his killer, creating this beast. He's not particularly powerful, but Connie can't bring herself to fight him, so Ember must do it alone. During the fight, the monster reveals that Arnold never truly loved Connie. He says that he had only kept their relationship going so as to not cause internal strife within the group. Connie is heartbroken all over again, hearing this, because deep down, she'd always known that Arnold never really loved her. Ember slays the monster, and sits next to Connie, consoling her. This event ends the bad blood between the two.

Fire and ice are natural opposites of course, and while comforting Connie, they spark a connection. Eventually, the two wind up kissing (mostly due to Connie's vulnerability). Both girls thought they were straight, but wind up creating a deep relationship either way, and falling in love(truly).

The Elementalists continue to battle the Druids, and eventually they all decide to go to the Druids' home dimension to eradicate them once and for all so the Druids will stop coming through (they feed on humans, which don't exist in the alternate dimension). They find a way to stop the Druids from coming through, but if they stay in the Druids' dimension after they close the portal, they could never get out. However, someone HAS to stay behind to close it, because it can not be closed from the Earth dimension. Ember volunteers to do it, to which Connie greatly protests, saying she is not going to have her love trapped in this dimension to die again. Connie begs her not to, but Ember is resolute, saying it only makes sense for her to stay because she is the newest member of the group. Everyone else consents, reluctantly.

After all the Elementalists (except Ember) are back in the Earth dimension, Ember goes to shut the portal, but at the last second, Connie jumps back through, sealing her out of the Earth dimension as well. Ember is tremendously angry with her, but Connie says she won't leave Ember alone the way she did Arnold. She says that she loves Ember with everything she has, and Ember assures her she feels the same way. The two are confronted by a few Druids, who Ember and Connie kill, and they begin walking through a barren field.

As the movie ends, Ember and Connie kiss (and possibly more) and explain to each other that being locked in this hellish dimension will always be bearable because they have each other. Dani and the other Elementalists are shown back at Earth, having a meeting to figure out how to get Ember and Connie out. The last shot is of Ember and Connie in the Druid dimension, having set up a makeshift tent/lean-to, and laying together under a blanket naked. They have a look of true happiness on their faces. Ember whispers to Connie "Eternity isn't so bad with you here." They share a romantic gaze as it fades to black.

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 02:56 AM

Originally Posted by HeartMoogle View Post
I'm actually in the processs of writing this in novel form, but here goes!

When will this novel be ready for readers? I want to read it... really very badly.

Fashionably Late

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Old 04-07-2012, 10:59 PM

Hummm Let me think about this and then I shall post it up here. :) I have some ideas floating about in my head.

Bumbling Gay
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Old 04-08-2012, 05:14 AM

Originally Posted by SirGollyGumDrop View Post
When will this novel be ready for readers? I want to read it... really very badly.
You flatter sir. It will not be available anytime soon, as tragedy struck recently in the form of a technological disaster that wound up causing my entire third chapter-and all backups- to be deleted. I could rewrite it, and I will, but this sort of thing robs me of inspiration for long periods of time. In a few months, I will buck up, rewrite the third chapter, hate the rewrite, and the continue my work on the story from there.

Do you like the synopsis that much, though? :3

SirGollyGumDrop is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by HeartMoogle View Post
You flatter sir. It will not be available anytime soon, as tragedy struck recently in the form of a technological disaster that wound up causing my entire third chapter-and all backups- to be deleted. I could rewrite it, and I will, but this sort of thing robs me of inspiration for long periods of time. In a few months, I will buck up, rewrite the third chapter, hate the rewrite, and the continue my work on the story from there.

Do you like the synopsis that much, though? :3
A twist on elementalists and their relations- it sounds fun.

I'll be cheering for you from the sidelines to rebuild that drive.

spicedroses is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 08:08 AM

I will have to come back and answer this tomorrow after I think about it


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