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Gemini is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:45 AM

Gemini smirked."I was born ready, babe.let's go." She said casually, standing up and stretching in an openly flirtatious manner.the few men left in the room- and some of the girls- stared at her with obvious nosebleeds.she gave a predatory grin and started walking."don't want to be late again." She said over her shoulder to her teammates."I predict we beat my grandfathers time on this one."

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Old 04-08-2012, 02:50 AM

Hearing from Finx first that the both of them were already ready and that Yuudai actually sounded like a scared girl on a first date. His eyes widened up in a bit of shock yet embarrassment as well. Sighing quietly to himself, he shook his head to hope that no one else within the room had noticed. Looking around for a moment, he had noticed how the rest of the Genins didn't notice his light blush from being called such a name. "Alright, I get it. Don't need to embarrass me." He stated, only to end up hearing from Gemini that she was also ready. He chuckled nervously, nodding. When she had given her little flirty stretch, Yuudai gave a little raise of his eyebrow on wondering what she was doing. He had noticed how some of the guys within the room along with girls had gotten nosebleeds for some strange reason. He on the other hand didn't receive one due to not really being the flirty type or even care about dating that much. Shrugging his shoulders, he had just ended up walking pass Gemini and left the room. Stopping right at the exit to look back at both of them. "C'mon you guys. We don't want to be late." He laughed softly before bolting right out of the room and beginning to hop quickly through the village to make it toward the entrance to the forest of death.

Gemini is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:30 AM

Gemini smirked."oh, no he did not just challenge us to a race!" She said, looking at finx."I'm going to beat the pants off him!" She said, and ran after the boy, catching up quickly.she flashed him a peace sign and stuck her tongue out as she passed him.ha! I don't even have to use demon speed! she thought.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 01:19 AM

Finx shook her head and followed after them a little slower sticking to the streets. She managed to keep them both in sight though she wasn't going so fast. She managed not to run anyone over until some poor cabbage merchiant. "My cabbages!'' he whined "soory!" finx yelled back to him managing to stop short before hitting a genini. " Made it!"

Gemini is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 06:53 AM

((Lol I remember that! That poor guy was always losing his cabbage cart.))
Gemini stopped outside the forest of death, barely even sweating.once again she was attracting the attention of quite a few men, and she casually pretended not to notice.she loved teasing boys, even though she never followed through.she had never had a boyfriend, but she loved the nosebleeds she caused.she stretched again."well, we're what do we do now?" She asked.

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Old 04-11-2012, 07:55 AM

All the while Yuudai had hopped from area to area within Konoha's village. He hadn't realized when Finx and Gemini had decided to take off from the exam room as well. He hadn't really expected either of them to be competitive, although when he had landed on top of one of the tall house buildings within the village. He simply turned around to see if the other two were on their way yet. The last thing he had expected was to see how Gemini went bolting pass him at full speed. Quickly looking over toward the direction she was going, he blinked a couple of times in curiosity of why she was in such a rush. Tilting his head curiously, he returned his attention back behind him to find that Finx had also just passed him. Hearing however, from behind her there was a man crying over his cabbages. Yuudai couldn't help but chuckle quietly to himself at the scene before jumping off the building to head to the entrance of the forest of death. Landing softly onto both his feet, he had noticed how Gemini and Finx were already there. Once more, it seemed that Gemini was being a flirt; which Yuudai still didn't seem to quite understand. "You guys sure made it here fast." He spoke with a little laugh escaping his lips. "Alright! Listen up all of you guys!" A deep male voice came up out of nowhere as all the Genins along with Yuudai took their attentions toward the main gate that would lead into the forest of death. There was another Jounin standing there, this one looked rather menacing compared to the last. He had a strange scar across both his eyes that made it look like an 'x' shape. "Each one of your teams shall receive one of two scrolls! One shall be the scroll of earth, while the other is of fire. Do not, I repeat. DO NOT open these scrolls! The objective of this part of the Chunin exam is to test your are to locate the opposite scroll of your own from another team. Defeat them, and take their scroll. After that, head to the middle of the forest where there shall be a building to proceed to the next part of the exams." he explained, holding up one scroll in one hand while the other in his other hand to reveal to everyone what the scrolls would look like. "I warn you, there are many strange and powerful creatures within this must all work as a team to defend yourselves and your teammates. Understood? Good. Now, come take one scroll and head inside. Immediately." he explained once more, pointing over toward a large table on the side of the entrance that held a bunch of the scrolls. Another Jounin standing at the table to make sure each team took only one.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 06:56 PM

FInx went and collected there scroll "here we are the scroll were stuck with."

Gemini is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 05:12 AM

Gemini looked at the scroll and laughed."a heaven ironic for a group of demon vessels.well, we might as well get going." She said, looking towards the entrance."you know, my grandfather made record time getting through this forest, and he got through without even a speck of dirt on one has ever beat his record.until today." She looked back at her teammates and smiled."today, we're going to beat that record, and kick some ass while we're at it." Her eyes were shining and there was a small trace of the demon behind them, but she seemed genuinely excited to get through the forest of death.

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happydeath is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 07:28 AM

When the jounin had finally finished speaking to all the genins that surrounded the multiple different entrances that all lead into the forest of death. Yuudai had noticed how Finx seemed to had rushed up toward the table to grab their team scroll first before any other team had gotten up to get theirs. Chuckling lightly when she had returned with the heaven's scroll, he scratched the back of his own head. Gemini had seemed to had spoken up about her grandfather who was the Kazekage; Gaara. Hearing that he had actually made record time to reach the end of the forest of death without a problem. "Well, we can try...these other guys look just as strong. I know we got the demons inside us...but we agreed not to use them." Yuudai explained with his tone lowered down to a whisper so that none of the other genins or jounins could hear that the three of them were the hosts the one of each of the tailed beasts. "Other then that, lets just get going into the forest and see if we can find the other scroll from any other team. M-maybe we can sneak up on them and steal it." he stated once more, shrugging his own shoulders on wondering if that was what the girls wanted to do. Or if they wanted to actually have some fighting fun.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 04:48 PM

((i'm in a mood so I'm going away and i may not return I'm sure once this post you all will try and take me out of my mood put don't clogg this up with chat pm me about it if you feel the need.))

Gemini is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 04:36 AM

Gemini shrugged."I'm more a fan of an all out frontal attack, myself.but that might be the demon talking..." she said, frowning a little."ah, well.we'll just play it as we go.if we're lucky, some morons will come after us right away.we can beat them, take their scroll, and be on our way." She said optimistically.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 11:54 PM

"Yes maybe well get lucky." Finx said with a sigh.

Gemini is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 02:59 AM

Gemini looked into the forest."right.well.we might as well get going." She said, her eyes determined.


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