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fishyfey is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 10:08 AM

100 drabbles seems a bit intimidating so I am starting with 50. I am writing these to try and fill out some story gaps I have in my novel and to flush out some characters.

**Edit: I scrapped my first novel! Got 150 pages written and decided I didn't like it. Some of these stories are new characters. Some are background and character development on my next novel attempt, and some are just there for fun.

**Warning: Some of my stories have language in them or violence. Most don't, but just be aware.

**Feel free to offer criticism or comment if you wish. Good or bad is fine. Everything helps.

I got my list from || ? 100 Theme Challenge ? || Themes - 100 challenge drabble ficlets theme - Wattpad although I have shortened it a bit for myself.

1. Smile
2. Pain
3. Sad
4. Lollipop
5. Procrastinate
6. Rain
7. Pepper
8. Hide
9. Secret
10. Lock Dance
11. Angry
12. Secret Smiles
13. Life
14. Memory
15. Misery
16. Longing
17. Pocket
18. Hidden Pain
19. Storage
20. Circus
21. Dying
22. Break
23. Party
24. Tree
25. Cars
26. School
27. Jealousy
28. Shot
29. Broken
30. Disgusting
31. Hate
32. Sunlight
33. Water
34. Lift
35. Train
36. Suffering
37. Shoes
38. Clean
39. Crib
40. Kiss
41. Poke
42. Investigate
43. Warning
44. Hug
45. Fall
46. Watch
47. Candle
48. Fireworks
49. Red
50. Glass

1. Smile
Sophie smiled at me, if it can be called a that. The corners of her mouth lifted but no warmth reached her eyes.

"I think I have gone crazy." She said before lifting her mug of coffee to her lips and sipping the steaming brew. She kept her cobalt blue eyes on me as she did it.

"I wouldn't like you any other way. Much too dull to have sane friends." I said trying to joke. She didn't smile.

"I don't know why I am telling you any of this. You can't see them. You can't understand."

"Hey. What are you talking about? Tell me what is happening with you." I said. She was making me worried. Sophie and I had been friends for years and although I didn't think she was going crazy, I knew she was upset.

Sophie inhaled slowly and deeply before she started. "Let's go sit in the living room where it is more comfortable. This will take a while."

I grabbed my own mug of coffee and followed her in.

"It started a few months ago. At first I would see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I tried to look at it there would be nothing there. I started seeing them more and more often until one day I saw a little girl. She was maybe five or six years old tops, but there was something wrong with her eyes. She had a black pupil surrounded by a white iris. Where her eyes should have been white, they were black. The little girl looked like a tiny demon, but I had to know if she was real or if I was losing my mind."

"I followed her. When she saw me behind her she started to run away, so I chased her through the streets. I caught up with her and grabbed the child's arm, making her stop. Do you know what she did then?"

I shook my head from side to side.

"She started to cry and scream. She cried ugly black tears. I tried to make her stop, but she wouldn't. She just kept getting louder and louder."

"And then I saw more of them running towards us. They all had the same black and white eyes, but these were adults. I let go of the little girl and ran for my life. They chased me for blocks, shouting at me. Saying horrible things to me. They said they would cut me open and let my insides spill out. They said awful things."

Sophie's eyes were glazed over with the memory, but she kept talking like she had to finish the story she had started.

"I was so frightened and out of breath, but I couldn't let them catch me. I don't know when, but I realized that there were no more shouts or running footsteps behind me. I didn't stop. I kept running past the point of pain, afraid that if I looked back it would give them the chance to catch me. I didn't stop until my legs wouldn't carry me further and I collapsed in an alley. The angry demons had just simply disappeared."

She blinked her eyes and turned her focus to me.

"You think I am crazy don't you? Maybe I am. I don't know anymore"

Last edited by fishyfey; 04-29-2011 at 11:13 PM..

fishyfey is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 12:33 AM

2. Pain
The Sandman looked up from the book he was reading. His dark chocolate eyes followed the visitor into the room.

"Well, well, well. I has been a while since I have seen you around here. If I remember correctly last time we saw each other you told me to go kill myself. This pains me you know." His voice was deep and rich, and full of mockery.

"I need your help." I said.

The Sandman set the book down on the table beside him with a loud thunk and stood sharply. He moved with muscled grace until he stood in front of me looking down at my startled face. "No." He said with a sneer that showed a slash of white teeth in his dark face. His hair shifted around his shoulders in so many braids that they flowed like water over each other.

"What?" My eyes widened and I stepped back from him, wanting more space between us.

"When I tried to help you, you turned on me. So now it is my chance to return the favor." He turned his back on me and walked away.

I watched him go but didn't follow. My feet felt cemented to the ground so all I could do was stare at his back until he disappeared around a corner.

fishyfey is offline
Old 10-25-2010, 03:15 AM

3. Sad

"Do you think that love really exists? Or is it just something that we convince ourselves is real in order to cope with the disappointments of life?" Felicia asked.

"Of course it exists." Drake said with a toothy smile. "You just haven't felt it yet."

"I'll believe it when I see it." She said.

"Then you will never believe it. It is something that you know from deep inside your chest. Feels kind of like popcorn popping over a fire. But. You never actually see it. No pink hearts floating above your love's head. Just a feeling." His eyes were glazed over and distant. Felicia knew he was remembering a time before time. She ran her fingers along his turquoise scales at the side of his belly. Dragons have been known to live for thousands of years.

"You are a good friend Drake." Felicia said. "Let's go. We've put this off long enough."

Drake stood up, stretching his long snake-like neck, and stepped out of the cave. Felicia followed by his side with her shield out and her short sword bared. A small army waited for them just over the hill and the two warriors walked towards them slowly and with purpose.

"I'll miss you Drake." She said.

"If we are both dead neither one of us will miss the other." Drake said.

"That makes me so sad." Felicia said just as they reached the hilltop and the waiting army.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-14-2011, 07:47 PM

4. Lollipop

The Arsonist adjusted the lollipop in his mouth, clicking it against his teeth, while he teenager in front of him glared with her violet eyes and slouched in her seat.

“I haven’t seen anyone in weeks!” She wined. “I’m sick of your lessons. I don’t need you. I don’t want to see you. I want to leave.”

He pulled out the candy with a light sucking noise, and looked at the cherry flavored pop. “You’re like this lollipop Deesa. Hard and crunchy on the outside.” He bit to the bubblegum center and chewed for a long moment. “But once that shell is broken, you are nothing but soft candy goodness on the inside.”

When the Arsonist grinned his teeth were stained red. It made Deesa think of a lion licking its’ lips after taking down the smallest gazelle. She felt like that gazelle and she didn’t like it.

“Come with me to the training room.” He said, holding out his hand. She would never take it, but he made the gesture anyway.

Deesa stood and followed him, keeping her distance. The training room was full of weight lifting equipment and punching bags. They would work out together for hours without rest, and he would teach her how to endure and fight.

At first she only did it so that she could learn how to fight even better, and would be able to sneak away from the Arsonist. She planned to fight him if she had to. There were some things she knew that she never showed him. Deesa kept her knowledge of fighting dirty a tightly held secret. She loved switchblades.

He taught her martial arts, boxing, and eventually knife fighting. He taught her how to be elegant and how to blend in with high society. They worked for hours trying to rid her of the obnoxious New York accent that betrayed her origins. It never completely went away, but after years of practice it did fade into the background of her speech patterns, less noticeable.

Somewhere along the way things changed for her. She began to forget that she wanted to leave. What was waiting for her out there anyway? More homelessness, more scraping for a living, begging? Living on the streets again did not appeal to her. At least here she was being given the tools she needed to survive. She had a companion that she could always count on, and that security was something she had never had before. Ever so slowly the Arsonist and the young woman became friends, although the Arsonist was always the teacher, and Deesa the pupil.

After a time, the Arsonist did release Deesa out into the world. She returned ‘home’ that same night. No longer prisoner, she liked the safety and comfort of having a place to live. He knew then that she would always return home, and that he could trust her with the next phase of her training. The Arsonist began teaching Deesa her history lessons. Although the history he told her about is not something you will ever read in school. Hidden wars, major players in a struggle to survive, and a desperate need for strong fighters like he had turned Deesa into.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 01:19 AM

5. Procrastinate

You’ve put this off too long. Don’t make it any harder on yourself. Don’t kill yourself with regret. Stop living with the guilt and do something about it!

My silent battle with self carried on for too long. I didn’t want to go. In fact I wanted to run for the hills and never return, but that wasn’t an option. Instead I took a shuddering breath for courage and stepped into my car, backed down the driveway, and dilly-dallied my way to the highway. If I could just push it out a little longer, that would be a few minutes I wouldn’t have to deal with it.

I pulled the car over in an empty spot in front of my grandmother’s house, took the scissors out of my backpack, and snipped three of the overgrown sunflowers from her garden. Without a look back I placed them lovingly on the passenger seat, and drove off again.

When I finally arrived at my destination I sat in the car, procrastinating. I could do this. With slow steps I rounded the car and took the sunflowers gently in my hands, cradling their happy yellow heads like children.

I walked onto the sodden grass and moisture leaked into my shoes. It was chilly. Ignoring the dampness I kneeled by the tombstone and gently laid the flowers on top.

Grandma loved sunflowers. Said they brightened up the day. Maybe she will see them from Heaven and they will make her smile?

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 04:24 PM

5. Procrastinate (alternate ending)

I pulled the car over in an empty spot in front of my grandmother’s house, took the scissors out of my backpack, and snipped three of the overgrown sunflowers from her garden. Without a look back I placed them lovingly on the passenger seat, and drove off again.

When I finally arrived at my destination 2 hours later, I sat in the car, procrastinating. I could do this.

Stepping into the rain, I carried the sunflowers with me to the cover of trees. They were dense and blocked most of the rain. The world was tinted green from the filtered light that reached me through the leaves. A shadow lurked in the deeper part of the trees, watching me. I headed straight for it, heart-beat quickening as I did so.

I held out the flowers. “I want to make a trade.” I said in a steady voice. Never show fear to them. “I want my sister’s life back.”

The shadow beast cocked its head to the side and regarded me with feral hunger. It listened intently.

A hole in the center of the shadow expanded, wider, wider, wider. Until it was so large that you could fit a medium sized dog inside. The beast moved forward and engulfed my arms up to the shoulder in the inky hole that must have sufficed for its mouth. I suppressed a gasp of horror.

My arms were sticky, wet, warm. As if in a sauna. The flowers melted around my fingers into goopy sludge that dripped away into the beast. I didn’t flinch. Let it take what it wanted.

When the beast was done it moved back just a step, pulling away from my arms. Sharp pricks like teeth dragged along my skin. When my arms were finally out of the creature’s mouth, the cool air felt like ice after the smothering heat of the creature. My arms were white, bleached of all color, and felt stiff and painful. I knew they would be all but useless from now on. A small price to pay if the creature would give me what I wanted.

“What a refreshing snack” It said. The mouth had returned to a normal size, but moved awkwardly, as if lacking a jaw bone.

“Bring back my sister. I paid your price.”

“Wrong.” It said, and I swore it laughed at me, but who can really know with shadows. “You offered. I took. I never agreed to give anything in return. Come back to me tomorrow. Maybe I will feel generous then. Bring me something better than flowers.”

The creature was smiling at me. It was truly smiling! I tried to move my week arms, and felt them creaking as if they would crumble at any moment. The joints shot pain up and down my limbs.

So maybe the creature had won this round. I would come back tomorrow with something better to trade. I had already started down this path of no return. I would play this creature’s games until I had no pieces left to play with.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 06:26 PM

6. Rain

She waited by the tree all night just to make sure she wouldn’t miss him, even falling asleep with her back against the trunk and legs tucked under her chin. The grass was soft and cushioned her like a feather bed. He would come this time. She knew he would.

When night began to lift and the sun peaked over the horizon, she woke with a start. The sky burned orange and red. The clouds were a raging fire devouring the heavens. Hope flared in her heart like a match chasing away the shadows of fear and doubt. He would come. He had to.

Above her the tree creaked happily. Looking up she finally saw Jack, and she smiled so brightly that she almost shined brighter than the sun rising behind her.

“How long have you been up there?” She asked.

“I’ve been watching you for a while.” Jack said and then paused for a long moment. “I’ve missed you Eve.”

She blushed. “I’ve missed you too. It’s been so long. Sometimes I thought you wouldn’t come. Things have been real rough without you around.”

He hopped down and landed with a gentle thud beside her. Jack stood slowly, took her hand, and kissed Eve’s knuckles. His aquamarine eyes stared up into hers. “I can only stay until the rain comes and takes me away. We don’t have much time.”

“Then let’s run away to the desert! Anywhere that it never rains. We can go to Arizona, Africa, anywhere.”

“You know I can’t.” His voice was so quiet and full of sadness that it broke her heart. “All I can do is steal these few moments with you.”

Eve sighed and nodded. She hugged him with all her strength, knowing he would never leave here because he couldn’t. Jack wrapped his arms around the woman he loved and rested his chin on top of her head.

He was made up of the water in the nearby lakes and rivers, the moisture in the air, and the dew on the morning leaves. He came to her once a year because that was all he was strong enough to do. The rest of the time he was only bits of water drifting through the weeks, waiting for the day he could return to Eve.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-25-2011, 07:06 PM

7. Pepper (Part 1)

It was Halloween, and the theme was masquerade ball. Men wore tuxedos and dark masks that covered their eyes. Women wore expensive gowns, opera gloves, and delicate masks of feathers, cloth, and molded leather.

My gown was black with bronze and gold details. It hugged my pale body and pushed up my breasts so they were shown to their full advantage. Black gloves covered my hands and arms. The full skirt flared and swished around me as I walked. Lips painted bright cherry red, brunette hair styled in easy waves, pulled half up and half trailing down my back. My golden mask was etched with spirals and lines that mimicked those in my dress. Black, gold, and bronze feathers framed the mask, making my look like an exotic bird.

I held my head high and moved through the crowd that was both strangers and familiar friends. The masks lent an air of mystery, and there were many people I couldn’t recognize behind their covered faces. It was romantic. I could be anyone I wanted to be. Just for tonight. They didn’t have to know who I was.

Last edited by fishyfey; 04-25-2011 at 07:58 PM..

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 12:38 AM

7. Pepper (Part 2)

The woman moved through the crowd with the grace of a cat. Her eyes were shadowed behind a plain black mask, but anyone could see that she had a feral air about her. It made her intriguing and desirable to all the men. She wore cayenne pepper red. Just by looking at her you knew she was spicy and packed a kick.

She danced with a tall, handsome man, letting him lead even though she hated not being in control. The woman in red watched the room as if stalking prey. She was sly about it. You would only notice if you were watching her closely.

Doc was watching her very closely, for more reasons than just her graceful beauty. He could see the pointy tips of her ears that no one else could. Humans never saw it. Only other elves could see past the glamour they naturally projected.

She was a dark elf. Just like him.

What was she doing here? He rarely saw other dark elves, especially not when he was in the middle of a hit. This was bad news. He should abort. Throwing another variable into the mix could lead to disaster.

Did he care? No. He decided. He would try anyway. There was nothing like the rush of the hunt and the feel of the kill. He had to chance it.

The red hot pepper woman focused her gaze on someone in the crowd. Doc followed her gaze to see a light skinned brunette in black and gold.

Her ears were pointed ever so slightly, but she wasn’t a dark elf. All dark elves had brown or black hair, and skin just a little too dark to be Caucasian. This girl looked as if she had never seen sun in her whole life.

She wasn’t what he was after either. He was looking for a light elf. They were pale and had golden or very light brown hair. This girl had chestnut brown hair like a dark elf, and pale skin of a light elf. She was different. Another variable. Things were starting to get dicey. He would still chance it. The decision was already made.

Last edited by fishyfey; 04-26-2011 at 07:44 PM..

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 07:43 PM

8. Hide ((Warning. language and implied violence.))

No one knew who I was. It was the most freeing sensation I had felt in a long time. I needed to make this night last and take full advantage of my obscurity. I wouldn’t tell anyone that I was Eve Ingram, the host’s daughter and heir to their vast fortune.

People danced on the shiny floor, and I wanted to join. Instead of standing by waiting for someone to notice Eve Ingram in need of an escort and being bombarded by men trying to kiss up to my parents through me, I looked around the room for a dance partner. Some people chatted in small groups, others watched the dancers with mild curiosity. Most people were only here because they wanted to juggle themselves into a better position with my parents. I wasn’t interested in them.

Towards the back, partially in shadow, I saw the man I wanted to dance with. His tux was clean and crisp. Beneath it I knew there was lean, hard, muscle. You could tell just by the way it fit him. His mask was hardened leather in the shape of a primitive bird, and his long black hair hung down his back. Together I would be the golden eagle and he the dark raven. What a pair we would make.

“Excuse me?” Someone said.

I turned away from the raven man, and found myself face to face with a Zorro masked stranger.


“I can’t help but notice that you are the most beautiful woman in this room.” He smiled showing his white teeth. “Would you dance with me?”

I didn’t like him, nor want to dance with him. I already had my raven man picked out, but when I glanced back to the area he had been, the man was gone. I sighed inwardly, pasted a smile on my face, and said, “That would be lovely. I would be delighted to.” At least I would still get a dance in.

Zorro guided me onto the floor, held me a little closer than I wished, and began to move us in time with the music. My partner was too tall for me to dance with properly, and I found myself staring at his chest more than his face. Good. At least he didn’t have to see my grimace. He wasn’t the best dancer.

“My name’s Joe.” He said quietly. Intimately. “What is yours?”

I bit the inside of my lip. “Names don’t matter tonight. Only dancing and music. I could be Eve Ingram for all you know.” I looked up at him, willing him to shut up.

He stared down at me, as if confused. A lock of dirty blond hair had fallen forward and covered part of his blue eyes.

“Ok.” Joe said. And picked up the pace of our dance by a tiny fraction. We began to move towards the edge of the dance floor, towards the back. His grip on me was possessive and the look in his eyes told me that he was danger.

“I’m sorry, Joe.” I said. “I must cut out of our dance early. My friend should be meeting me here any minute and I don’t want to make her wait.” It was a lie. But he didn’t have to know that. I just wanted away from him.

“But the song isn’t over yet.” He didn’t let go.

“I am sorry. But I must find her.” I said, pushing against his chest. “It is very important.”

“Just finish this dance with me. Please.” It was an order and not a question. His grip was as steely as his eyes.

We continued to dance closer to the edge, and away from the crowd. If I made a scene everyone would know my identity. I still needed this night to be mine! I wanted to be nobody special. Just a masked girl. Just me. Not my mom and dad’s daughter. Not someone in need of sucking up to. Not that spoiled little rich kid!

I tried to move us back towards the center of the room, but he wouldn’t let me. Still we spun farther away from safety.

“Let me go.” I said, angry and a little scared. If I needed to I could scream, but that would bring everyone running. I didn’t want that.

“Just let us finish our dance. The song is almost over.” He purred in my ear.

No one seemed to notice us. They were all absorbed in their happy little worlds. I glanced around wildly.

“You need to stop that little Miss Eve Ingram. Put your head on my shoulder and pretend you like me.”

“What the fuck did you just call me?” The curse slipped through my lips before I could stop it. Proper girls don’t talk like that, but he wasn’t supposed to know my name and I wasn’t supposed to be a proper girl tonight. I was supposed to be anyone but Eve Ingram.

“If you don’t put your head on my shoulder and stop looking around like I’m going to kill you, I really am going to kill you little bitch.”

I gasped and stared up at him. Joe was not kidding. His face was set in a cruel smile, and his eyes shone like a lunatic’s.

“Now.” He said with such finality, that I put my head against his chest. Joe’s heartbeat was a steady drumming, ticking away the last minutes of my life. Thump-thump. Tick-tock.

“I can tell you how I will do it.” Joe said. “First I’ll strangle you just to the point where you lose consciousness.”

He brushed his knuckles across the back of my neck as if moving my hair. Goosebumps raised along the trail he had touched. I didn’t want him near my neck, or any part of me.

“Then I’ll take my knife,” he flashed the inside of his jacket and I saw the 8 inch blade sheathed there. My knees buckled but he caught me and forced me back up before I could fall. “And slice you open from navel to collar bone. So that I can rip out your heart, and take your pretty little soul. It will be sitting in the cavity where you heart used to be. Souls are so much stronger if the person doesn’t die until the very last moment. You might feel a little pain.”

Joe was smiling, already enjoying what he would be doing to her later. The scream was building inside Eve. He saw it and snorted.

“Don’t scream little girl. I’m being kind. If you scream I’ll kill everyone in here. This place is wired with explosives. Your parents would be blown to little bits of pulp. Don’t you want them kept alive?”

“But we would both be killed too.”

“Weigh your options.” He said. “Die by my hand, or cause everyone in here, including your family to be murdered?”

“Is this about money? I can give you money. Plenty to spare.” My voice was tight and I was talking too fast.

“No little girl. It is about good business, nothing more.”

The song ended.

Joe swept her off the dance floor and towards the back door. They would be hidden out of sight as soon as the door closed them off from the ball.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.

Last edited by fishyfey; 04-27-2011 at 12:43 AM..

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 11:37 PM

9. Secret

The raven man was crossing the dance floor and heading directly for them. He was coming from the direction behind Joe, so the blond man didn’t see him.

Please let him come this way. Please. Eve thought. She tried to put those words into her eyes. He seemed to get it.

A moment later the raven man tapped on Joe’s shoulder, just as they were reaching the back door. Joe stiffened and turned.

“Pardon me.” The raven man said in a calm musical voice. “Would you mind if I stole this lovely lady away from you for a dance?”

I never felt so relieved in my life, and dashed out of Joe’s arms. He let me go, but gave an evil look.

The raven man caught me easily, looking a little surprised by how forcefully I landed against him. He absorbed the impact as if it was nothing and instinctively put his hands on my upper arms. I felt safe.

“Remember what we talked about little Miss Eve Ingram. Our little secret.” His eyes flicked to the raven man for the briefest moment, before he turned and headed brusquely towards the door.

I turned toward the crowded party. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. People were smiling, laughing, and dancing. My parents were talking with a small crowd of important A-listers. The parents who had cared for me and given me everything I ever wanted. Perhaps not been there enough, but still loved me. I had friends in this crowd. Eric had been my friend ever since middle school when no one wanted to talk to me unless it was to get closer to my money. He was dancing with a short, round woman who smiled and giggled. They looked so happy.

What if Joe exploded the bombs as soon as he walked out that door? We would all be killed, and Joe would be happily safe on his way. My parents and friends would be dead. I would be responsible for killing so many people who knew nothing of the danger we were all in. I couldn’t let that happen.

“Wait Joe!” I pulled away from the raven man with reluctance. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done. His arms stayed outstretched as if waiting for me to return. Joe was already pulling open the back door. I dashed after him and he smiled. He knew he had won.

“I’m sorry.” I said to the raven man in a choked sob over my shoulder. The tears were already spilling behind my mask, making it sticky and moist on my skin. I hoped the raven man would leave. He could be safe.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 06:03 PM

10. Lock (Part 1)

Joe waited for me to blunder through the door before yanking hard on my wrist and pulling me in a vice grip behind him. The door shut with a soft click. To me it sounded like a heavy stone door sliding shut on my tomb, echoing as it sealed my fate.

We were in the alley behind the casino. Tall brick walls surrounded us on two sides. One way led to the front parking lot where there would be many people. Safety. The other way led farther behind the casino. That is the way we went.

Joe dragged me faster than I could easily go in my high heels. His fingers dug into the flesh around my wrist and he kept me off balance trying to keep pace with him. This man was going to murder me slowly and enjoy every minute of it. I had to stop him. But how?

I had nothing on my person that could serve as a weapon, and if I didn’t stop him or contact the police he would blow up the ball room in that casino. Shit.

“Let me go you son of a bitch!” I stomped my foot hard and tried to dig into the asphalt to stop from moving forward. He only laughed and pulled me harder.

I refused to move my feet. He yanked on my wrist with so much force that it sent me sprawling on the ground. My feet hadn’t moved, but my knees were stinging and my free hand was scraped and bloody through the black opera glove.

Joe looked down at me with disgust. “If you don’t pick yourself up and start walking with me like a normal human being…” He laughed as if that was a joke. “I will drag you behind me and we can see how long it takes your skin to come off on the street.”

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 11:00 PM

Lock (Part 2) ---Warning! Violence---

Doc watched the red hot pepper woman move away in the crowd. She didn’t know he was watching her, but she did seem to be heading towards his target, Mrs. Ingram. Mr. Ingram was entirely human, but Mrs. Ingram was 100% light elf. Her clear blue eyes, pointed ears, and cornflower hair gave her identity away. Tonight she was going to die.

He scanned the room, looking for all exits just in case things went poorly. Towards the back of the room was the strange elf girl in black and gold dancing with another light elf. That was not supposed to happen either. Mrs. Ingram should have been the only light elf here. He checked the guest list before he came.

Glancing sideways towards Mrs. Ingram, Doc saw the red hot pepper woman closing in on her. He needed to make a decision now. Go for the target Mrs. Ingram, or deviate from the plan and go for the dancing pair.

Two was better than one. Let the red hot pepper woman have Mrs. Ingram. He would take down two tonight and Mrs. Ingram could wait until tomorrow.

Heading towards the back of the ballroom, Doc came up behind the pair. The girl looked up at him with desperation in her eyes, as if she was saying ‘help me.’ Was she on his side or on the light elf’s? First priority, find out what the girl is. Second priority kill the light elf, and maybe kill the girl.

“Pardon me.” He tapped the light elf on the shoulder. “Would you mind if I stole this lovely lady away from you for a dance?”

She flung herself into his arms as if being rescued by the knight in shining armor. He thought she might be crying.

“Remember what we talked about little Miss Eve Ingram. Our little secret.” Said the light elf, before booking it to the door. He knew what Doc was, and that his time on this planet was limited if he stuck around. They were enemies, and Doc would stalk the light elf until one of them was dead.

Eve Ingram? This was the child of Mr. and Mrs. Ingram? Did that explain her strange coloration? Half elf and half human? Such a thing has never happened before. Elves and humans are not compatible for children.

She was out of his arms too soon, and he felt like something important had slipped through his fingers. He could hear the choked sob as she said, “Sorry” over her shoulder and ran after the light elf. She didn’t want to leave, but went anyway.

Movement caught his eye. The red hot pepper woman was behind Mrs. Ingram heading towards the bathrooms. Now was his opportunity to catch the light elf. Looking towards the back door for the briefest moment, he decided that yes, he should kill Mrs. Ingram tonight. An opportunity had presented itself and he would take it. He could also find out what the red hot pepper woman was doing. He would track the strange elf girl and the light elf once Mrs. Ingram was taken care of.

Slipping into the women’s restroom as quietly as possible, he saw no one inside. The handicapped stall was locked. They must be in there.

Peeking under the edge he saw two pairs of feet, and then he felt it just as one of the pairs went limp and a body sunk to the ground. Death magic. He could always feel the moment of death because sparks of magic were available for the taking. It was like getting drunk on power. Sometimes it hurt, but mostly it was euphoric.

He pulled out his double swords, and waited. Whoever was still alive would be coming out soon.

The waiting took forever. There were ripping sounds and cutting sounds from the stall. Whichever elf had won was taking the other’s soul. Good. Saved him the effort later.

After five minutes of waiting, a bloody hand opened the stall door. “Who are you stranger?” Came a woman’s voice.

The door opened the rest of the way, and the red hot pepper woman stepped out. Her arms were covered in dripping blood from fingertips to elbow. Taking a soul is messy business. She glided sideways to the sink, keeping her eyes on me the whole time. My swords were aimed at her.

“Someone who was here to do what you’ve already accomplished.” I said.

She smirked and reached to turn on the faucet. “Mind not pointing those at me? Someone could get hurt.”

Before she had a chance to clean the blood off, the bathroom door opened and two laughing women walked in. Their eyes widened and they wasted no time before they started screaming and backing up. Doc cursed under his breath, sheathed his swords, and dashed towards the ladies. He grabbed one, pushed her up against the wall, and covered her nose and mouth with his hand. The red hot pepper woman had the other girl’s arm twisted unnaturally behind her back and a knife held to her throat. She was talking quietly in the girl’s ear, presumably threatening her. The blood from her hands was smeared all over the girl.

The screaming was silenced so quickly that Doc didn’t know if anyone even noticed it above the music in the ball room. He locked eyes with the red hot pepper woman. Without a word they were both saying, We have to get out of here now. I don’t know if you are a friend or not, but we will work that out later. I can kill you then if I have to.

There were no windows in the bathroom. The only way out was the way they had entered.

“Can you keep them quiet? We have to tie them up.” The red hot pepper woman said. He nodded and pulled a sword.

“First one to make a sound gets her tongue cut out.”

The red hot pepper woman brought her captive beside the other girl. Doc stepped back and pointed his sword at them. They were crying and hugging each other. The red hot pepper woman disappeared into the last stall with the dead Mrs. Ingram. Cloth could be heard ripping. When she returned she had strips of the once expensive dress held out like rope. They tied and gagged the girls to the toilette beside the dead woman, giving each other uneasy glances. Doc didn’t trust this elf woman. He had to be careful to avoid a vulnerable spot around her. She seemed to be doing the same around him.

The elf woman rinsed the blood off her arms, pulled out her opera gloves and covered up any remaining traces of the murder. If blood did get on her dress, it was still too fresh to darken to an ugly brown, and it blended in with the reds she wore. They slipped out the door and separated. Doc watched her disappear into the crowd, before he made his way to the back door where the strange elf girl and the light elf had left together.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.

fishyfey is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 10:31 PM

11. Angry

It hadn’t been long since Mrs. Ingram’s murder and her death magic still hung like static electricity in the air, waiting to be used. Doc pulled just the tiniest bit of death magic into his body and felt the adrenaline surge. He could use it to increase his stamina, so he did. If he wanted to catch up with the elf pair, he might need it.

Dashing outside he looked up and down the alley. They wouldn’t have gone towards the front parking lot, so that only left one direction to go in. He sprinted towards the back of the building, but stopped just before he rounded the corner. Someone was talking on the phone, and by the sounds of it whoever it was, was very angry.

“What do you mean don’t kill her? If I stop now she will just die on the way! Her soul is different. It’s the colors of a sunrise. Red, orange, pink, and yellow. What the hell does that mean? Her soul isn’t blue, purple, and black like it should be. She isn’t a dark elf, but I don’t know what she is either!”

The voice paused as if listening. “She is already dying! I can’t bring her to you! You just want her soul for yourself! This one is special and she is going to make me more powerful than you can ever hope to be!”

Click. The phone was slammed shut as the man hung up. Doc knew it would be the light elf from earlier. He withdrew his swords, feeling the familiar weight in his hands. It was comforting. The death magic buffeted against his skin like an old friend, waiting to help when he called it.

Stepping wide around the corner he saw a bloody mound crumpled behind the bushes. Has to be the elf girl. The light elf was turning towards him, anger still present on his face. He glanced towards the elf girl as if checking to make sure she was still there.

Doc had to move fast. The girl was dying. The light elf had already gutted her, but hadn’t taken her soul yet. He could take it for himself, but wasn’t sure what would happen. She was different. Her soul was the wrong color, just like her skin and hair were wrong.

The light elf pulled his own sword from beneath his jacket. “You’re going to fight me for her? Pathetic.”
He didn’t bother to respond, just lunged forward trying to end it quickly. The light elf blocked and counter attacked, necking Doc’s leg. The pain felt good. It made him stronger. He pulled the death magic around him, already repairing the wound. One kill had already been denied to him tonight. This one would not escape him.

fishyfey is offline
Old 05-05-2011, 11:24 PM

12. Secret Smiles

“This is for the Mother Goddess!” He cried as he swooped his swords in a double arc down, knocking the light elf’s sword out of his hands. The light elf scrambled back.

A gurgling cough stopped Doc in his tracks. The girl was barely alive, and he could save her if he wanted to. The death magic was ready, waiting. It wanted to be used.

The light elf was retreating, sprinting away. He could easily catch him… but the girl might be dead by the time he returned. Damn. Doc let the light elf go. His footsteps were growing fainter as each second passed.

The girl was in bad shape. Blue and black bruises circled her neck where the light elf had strangled her. Her torso was a bloody mess of slashes, but her heart was still intact and beating faintly. The warm glow of her soul surrounded her heart, forcing it to keep beating. She didn’t want to die. He could tell by the stubbornness with which she clung to life.

Pulling those electric sparks of death magic from the air he guided them to her wound, focusing first on repairing the worst damage. Ruptured arteries fused together seamlessly, muscle re-attached itself together, and bone crunched into place as if nothing had ever happened. When her body was whole again, he focused on repairing her air passages that had been damaged during the strangulation. The bruises paled and faded into white, perfect skin. Doc secretly smiled to himself, proud of the work he accomplished. Almost no one could have saved her life, except for him and the most powerful Disciples of the Mother Goddess.

She was still unconscious and would be for a while, healing such extensive wounds so quickly exhausts the body.

Behind him a man screamed. Doc stiffened and turned. His guard had been down while he healed the girl. Using the death magic was like a drug. Always wanting more, and loosing yourself to it every time. It took so much focus that he could forget the world around him as he directed those powerful electric sparks into flesh. What a fool he had been. The light elf could have stabbed him in the back while he was so engrossed in healing the girl.

fishyfey is offline
Old 12-19-2011, 07:05 AM

“Run away with me.” Mr. tall, dark, and handsome said.

“I don't know you. Why would I do something like that?” I laughed at the ridiculous joker.

His smile was too wide and showed a childish wonder. “Because you can? Because you want to take a chance? Because you want to see what it is like? Pick any reason. The world is an open opportunity and we are here to take it.”

“Stranger. Tell me what your name is and perhaps I will consider it.” I said.

“William.” He bowed in an exaggerated motion.

“Tell me William, where on Earth would we go?” I asked. Humoring the man.

Long black hair shone blue in the moonlight and his eyes sparkled above high, proud, cheekbones. “Why limit ourselves to the Earth? We could go the moon and back if that is what you want.”

“What I want,” I said, “Is to go home and sleep for the few hours that are left in the night. I will be a zombie at work tomorrow as it is.”

“Such sad, small aspirations you have. Surely you do not wish anything more grand for yourself? Only sleep and work?” He shook his head and tsked as if it were a great tragedy.

“Excuse me? Who are you to criticize what I wish for? Who are you anyway William?”

“I am someone who wishes for adventure and the freedom of the world. Someone who thought you might be a kindred spirit. Truly, I am sorry to have offended.” Said William who stepped forward to meet me, touching his hand to his breast. “I misjudged you madam and I assure you it will not happen again. Please, before you go may I know by what name they call you?”

“I really must be leaving now William.” I said, in a rush to be in my car and driving away.

“A name? That is all? What harm is there in giving me your name?” His voice was honey.

“My name is Annie.” I said and dashed away to the comfort of my lonely vehicle and a soft pillow waiting for me at home.

fishyfey is offline
Old 01-08-2012, 10:13 PM

He tried Turkish food for the first time and shortly after broke out in a rash. Benadryl cured the itch everywhere except for between his shoulder blades, which got worse. It got so bad that it kept him from sleep and he rubbed his back against the walls like a bear. The itch got worse.

In the mirror he looked and found two raised, red areas of rash, presumably hives. The night passed slowly as he itched, and paced, and considered a trip to Urgent Care. At the mirror again he saw his skin was broken where the rash raged. It itched and hurt and made him scared.

He took sleeping pills and finally slept. Hours later when he woke his back was in agony. He found himself at the mirror again. Two long falcon wings had grown from his body. When he extended them black, brown, and tan feathers rustled and hit the walls and ceiling, but the pain eased.

The doorbell rang, and he opened the door a crack. Three angels stood on his doorstep. Their wings white and pure.

“Does this mean I'm dead? Am I an angel now?” He asked.

They pushed past him into the house and stared at his brown wings. “Yes you are dead, and you lived a good life, but you can't be an angel. Your wings are dark so you will belong to the dark lord.” The tallest of them said and turned his back on him.

The angels walked away and shortly thereafter there was a soft knock on the door. He was afraid to answer because he knew who it would be and he wished to delay the moment as long as possible. A tiny child patiently stood there waiting for him to open the door. Her eyes large and innocent.

He could delay no longer and opened the door.

“Buy some Girl Scout cookies?” She asked.

He breathed a sigh of relief, bought a box, and watched as she skipped away.

Three dark-winged fallen angels strolled up to his door. “Sorry we are late.” They said. “Jeremy here ate some bad Turkish food yesterday and has been sick all day. Kind of put us behind. Are you ready to come along?”

fishyfey is offline
Old 01-21-2012, 03:05 AM

I grew up fighting dragons and chasing shooting stars on the back of magical beasts. My world was one where a math test was felled with the swing of my sword and hearts were won with smiles and dress-up costumes. Everyone loved a princess after all. Most people didn’t know that I was an immortal being with little fear of heights, failure, or rampaging yetis.

Mortality finally struck me as a real possibility when I began to turn from child into woman. I was hospitalized and the rampaging yetis were running amok inside my body, exhausting me.

“Diabetes,” They called it.

“Oh.” I said to the Dr. with the sad pumpkin face.

“Denial,” They called it.

“Oh.” I said to the nurse with the pitying frown and ogre eye.

I slept and did not care. The yetis were my company as they tickled my insides and stomped on my organs. Eventually ‘They’ drove the yetis out, and I felt their loss with a detached sadness that cannot be explained.

“You will poke your fingers and give yourself shots.” They ordered.

“Oh.” I said to the strangers surrounding me. Evil elves with wicked schemes.

They showed me how and I put the sword to my flesh. It didn’t hurt. It gave me life and kept the yetis at bay.

They made sad faces at the young woman, beaten by her own body.

fishyfey is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 04:17 AM

Henry sat alone in the restaurant, nervously fiddling with a white rose. Long distance relationships seldom went well, but Henry didn’t care. Sheila and he were different. They could beat the odds.

The two met online and corresponded by email, telling each other their fears (she slept with a night light, he was claustrophobic) and dreams (she wanted a family, so did he.) They were compatible and complimented each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

They talked on the phone when the night was darkest and Sheila’s fears were at their worst. She talked him out of climbing the stairs up fifty-two floors and arriving at his meeting a sweaty mess. Instead her voice guided him through the terrifying elevator ride up, keeping the walls from closing in on him.

Sheila had a funny way of reassuring Henry. Always saying, “I know you will be ok. It’s not your time just yet. Breath, count to three, exhale. Its ok.” Henry did, and found that she was right. Things were getting better every day with her in his life.

They decided to take their relationship to the next level after six months. They would meet. Here he sat, waiting for the love of his life.

When Sheila arrived her dark hair shone like moonlight and her lilth figure drifted in so gracefully you might think she floated. She looked around and her onyx eyes met Henry’s blue ones. She looked into his soul and saw a good man full of love and life.

Henry’s heart beat faster, and faster, and faster. She was perfect. They could be together. This would work!

Sheila smiled gently and drew near. Henry held out the rose. She took it. Smelled the sweet petals. Henry kissed her hand.

His mind whispered that something was wrong. His heart beat faster. Sheila frowned and backed away. Snatching her hand back. She turned. She ran. Henry’s heart flipped over itself and sped faster. Beating his death song.

Taking chase, Henry tried to call her back. She did not hear, or if she did she ignored the dying man.

“Stay back, please.” She screamed behind her. Henry took no heed, barreling forward.

“This can’t be!” She panted, tears spilling, heart breaking. “I was wrong! God forgive me, I was wrong!”

Henry couldn’t stop. He knew if she escaped she would be gone forever.

When she could run no farther, and the night time shadows were dark monsters, Sheila stopped. Henry caught up. They panted, unable to talk. Henry reached out to the woman he loved, she recoiled back so forcefully that she fell on the pavement, where she stayed and didn’t move.

“I love you.” Henry whispered. “Tell me what is wrong?”

She cried in shame and loneliness. “I love you too, but I am the one who comes and steals the breath from infants. Who slices innocents in back alleys. Who haunts hospital walls, sweeping away the dead.”

Looking up, the street lamp reflected gold in her eyes. “No one meets me unless this is their last day on earth. Henry… I tried to keep you safe. To keep you here longer. For you to stay with me. But I heard the death-song in your heart.”

“Henry.” She sobbed. “I’ve killed you too.”

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-19-2012, 11:13 AM

“Put your cloths back on Harry. Please.” I frown at him, but he smiles. yellowed teeth glinting and viscous.

The table is set for two, but neither one of us sits. Dainty cupcakes and china filled with amber tea cool, forgotten. They look ridiculous in front of Harry's hulking frame and I wonder why I bothered.

He waves a massive paw at me. Gesturing that I come closer. I stay stationary. A safety precaution.

“I haven't seen you in years. Why did you ask to meet?”

He understands me, cocks his head to the side, and shrugs. Wordlessly asking me to follow, he holds out a hand. Dark leathery skin on his palm and coarse hair cover his arms and body. He is monstrous.

“Once you put your robe back on I'll come.” I feel like I'm speaking to a child.

Harry shrugs a tattered garment over his shoulders and ties a rope around his waist. It hangs lopsidedly to his ankles. I don't care how ridiculous it looks. At least he is covered and decent.

Words are not necessary. He turns, I follow. If I don't he won't leave and I'll have a permanent house guest. That gets tricky when he walks around in the nude, eats all the food, and scares the neighbors to pieces.

With a fleeting glance backwards I look at the table I spent so much time preparing. The untouched cupcakes decorated so carefully, the tea chosen specially for the occasion, the dainty china. All things I love, but wouldn't get an opportunity to see again for a long time. If I knew that at the time, I would have grabbed a cupcake for the road.

Harry's lumbering shape moves awkwardly and even though he is large, he is difficult to see in the dark. He leads me out of the house and into the woods. Normally a place I would be afraid of getting lost at night, but I know he won't loose me. In his own way he cares, as much as he can that is.

The lake becomes visible in its glittering glory. Seeming like something constructed by artists with gentle brush strokes and layers of paint. Harry waits for me beside the frigid water only a couple degrees above freezing, before walking into its depths. If I follow him I will become hypothermic in a matter of minutes. If I don't follow, he will come and drag me in.

“Wait” I gasp as the first splashes of freezing water seep into my bones.

Harry stops. Protected by his fur and size, he is unfazed by the chill. When I catch up he holds out his hand and I take it, shivering. He grins in victory and we descend into the depths.

fishyfey is offline
Old 04-28-2012, 02:00 AM

“If you don’t introduce me to this man of yours I’m going to start thinking you made him up to get me off you back, Rose.” My mother sighed into the phone.

“You’ll love him. He is wild, handsome, smart, and so very sweet. I should watch out that you don’t try and steal him away from me when you do finally meet.”

She laughed. “Lord, I hope he is as perfect as you make him sound. Make a trip down to see me and bring this Eli of yours with you.”

I told her I would, knowing it was a lie, and hung up.

The memory of Eli was old, like a faded photograph worn around the edges. He smiled often, broad and lopsided, at the silly jokes he played on me. He once convinced me to look at a giant fish in the lake, and pushed me in instead. He laughed so hard I worried he would pass out. I was already calculating the distance to the nearest phone and if I could make it in time. Of course he was fine and we laughed just as hard about it when we lay on our backs, drying in the grass.

Our love would last for ten thousand years we said. As time passed, it has.

We parted ways on an ordinary day. No tears were shed because we knew we would always be together. He left to travel the world and find his fortune. I got a job flipping burgers and took night courses in English at the local college.

Long stretches of time passed without word from Eli while he backpacked across Spain. I learned to knit to fill the dull stretches of days and months.

When he was staying in youthostils in Germany and living his dreams, I quit my job and found a better one two towns over as the secretary of a small law firm.

Eli called from a borrowed phone somewhere in Sweden to tell me he loved me. I told him the same and hung up. Shortly after, I moved into a cozy house the color only found in the sky above the horizon on chill, winter days. My blue house to cover up my blue, lonely mood.

Eventually I got my degree, but never could find a job to go with it. So I stayed working at the law firm. Eli went to Iceland, Norway, Russia, Turkey, and so many other places that I lost track. He always called to tell me of his latest adventure and to make sure I knew he loved me.

With each country visited, another year passed, and I grew old. My mother passed away, ashamed of her only daughter’s inability to wed. I buried her with a knitted afghan I made just for her. She would have rather had a grandchild.

The blue siding of my house faded with age, just as I did.

When the knock came at my door I almost didn’t answer. No one had come to visit in such a very long time. The clock chimed noon. With chain barred, I peeked out.

Weather worn skin of leather, straggly hair, and eyes the color only found in the sky on chill winter days greeted me with a smile.

“I’ve missed you Rose.” Said Eli.

I decided that I must be dead, slammed the door, and braced my back against it. Whether it was to keep him out, or keep me up, I wasn’t sure.

He knocked gently. I could barely hear him call my name, muffled through the door. When he peeked into the window, I hastily slid the curtains shut and then ran around the house closing, and locking every possible entrance. I ignored the knocking and calling until it eventually stopped.

I couldn’t sleep that night, or the next, nor did I dare leave the blue house.

When I ran out of jam, I decided it might be time to venture out. Toast without jam is tragic and I did need to go shopping. With heard pounding, I slid the curtain up to make sure he was gone. No one but my weather bleached porch greeted me. Deciding it was safe, I crept out the back door, quiet as can be, in case Eli was waiting. He wasn’t. I was relieved and disappointed all at once, but hurried to do my shopping.

With two bulging bags of food, I returned home, still afraid of seeing the man I loved. He was not there, and I was alone. I pursed my lips and then pushed the door open into my dark house.

The groceries never did get put away. I simply let them fall from my arms and sunk into my plush chair, where so much knitting had occurred, crying. There would never be another chance with him. I was sure of it.

My days returned to their normal routine and time passed until I was sure I had only dreamed Eli at my doorstep. I took to sitting outside, knitting, waiting for him to return. Terrified he wouldn’t. Terrified he would.

“Rose?” He startled me awake with the softest whisper. I must have fallen asleep outside. My knitting lay in a pile at my feet where I dropped it.

“You’re not real.” I whispered back. The moon illuminated his creased face. Worry lines evident at the edges of his mouth and between his brows.

“I am now.” His voice was gravely with age. A shy, little boy smile crept across his face before he leaned forward, kissed my cheek, and hugged me warm and close. He was real.

I pulled back first, searching his face for any signs he was still a phantom. “I wrote a story about you.” I said. “We were in love and you pushed me into the lake. After we lay in the grass and laughed and laughed.”

“I remember.” Eli said. “It was one of the best days of my life.”

“But, that’s not possible.” I reply. “I made you up for that part in the story.”

“You have loved me so deeply for so long, that you made me real.”

“That’s not possible.” I begin to argue.

He hushes me and leads me inside. “We have a lot to catch up on.” He says. “We can figure out the technicalities later.”
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.

fishyfey is offline
Old 10-29-2016, 04:08 AM

She slipped another grape into her mouth, filling her cheeks with chipmunk like zeal and swallowed the sinfully sweet fruit. Laura tried to fill the emptiness with food however, it was bottomless. The ache in her heart didn’t fill, but for these brief moments she was able to forget the hole was there, and that would have to be enough for her. It was all she would get.

One bunch of grapes down. She munched through her self-pity and loneliness. Guilt free binging because at least it was healthy food. There were worse vices than grapes and tea right?

She didn’t have a problem.

She had replaced all the candy, potato chips, and alcohol in her apartment with grapes, dry popcorn, and chamomile tea. On one shopping trip she tried to explain by telling the cashier she was making grape jam. She didn’t even bother coming up with a lie for the value sized bags of popcorn and tea.

Licking each finger, she savored the last moments. Trying to draw them out as long as possible and keep reality at bay.


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