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I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 01:43 AM

Basically this idea came from a jumble of texts between Wavi and myself. Instead of making great, well thought out characters, make plain but entertaining ones!

Thats right. This Role Play will start out on a deserted Island. Where we all wish we could banish that one character we hate, but secretly love. Hmmm, there is a two story home with hundreds of rooms. Only Cocoanuts to eat, and oh. The meanie creative characters built a wall around the island to make sure we can't leave!

Bring on the Mary-Sues, Gary-sues, Mitch-Sues (Non-genders), the outlines of the characters you see on TV. The lovers, The heart-breakers, the adventure seekers, the cry-babies.. Whatever! Just make them fun ^_^

-Don't be mean outside of character
-I don't care how long your post is, just give something for someone to go off of.
-Just post your characters in the OOC Thread. I'll put them on the front page here
-May add more as I see fit.


Last edited by Triquetra; 05-03-2012 at 11:45 AM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-03-2012, 01:46 AM


Random Powers:
Personality Traits:

((((I have a secret! Click the blue arrow in each quote to see the full profiles!))))
Originally Posted by Triquetra View Post
Name: Sakura Drop
Age: 16
Race: 50% Human, 50% Angel, 55% demon, and 6% Neko
Random Powers: Randomly flying

Name: Harry De'gracielynstan
Age: 18
Race: Mancake
Random Powers: His shirt at random points just happens to come off.
Originally Posted by Wavi View Post

Name: Finnian Allen McKinley // Fin or Finny
Age: Twenty-two
Race: Trollolololololol // human // stalker // psychopath
Random Powers:
Sing, dance, and write music -- I'm in a band with my friends
Draw, paint, and do computer art -- thought about being an artist
Somewhat decent at video games -- okay, I secretly suck at Halo
Awesome at RPGs -- Final Fantasy is my favorite series
Technology, psh, I can fix it -- I'm a bit of a tech geek
Cleaning isn't that bad -- I'm highly organized and very clean
Green thumb, yes, I have one -- I grew up helping my mom planet flowers
Handy man, that's me -- father taunt me some useful skills
Cooking is a science -- not going to lie, I'm an awesome chef
Photography -- I got this one in the bag
Drama, I'm a drama queen -- seriously, I am
Originally Posted by Wavi View Post

Name: Remington Beckett (call me Remy)
Age: Dis is a grrrrreat question!
Race: Idk. You tell me? Does KAWAII count?
Random Powers:
Abilities, eh? Well, not to let the cat out of the bag or anything, but I'm a bottomless pit. I can eat anything, anywhere, anytime, all the time.

As far as legit abilities go, when I'm wearing my gloves, my hands to stretch to freakishly-long lengths. My eyes, when purple, allow me to see into the human soul. But other than that, nothing too special.
Originally Posted by menwesha View Post

Name: (Prince :rofl:) Fredric Alphonse Ferdinando. Call him Freddy/Fred.... Or Al....Or Alphonse.... Whichever
Race: Slacker/ Loser/ Human/ Lazy-ass/ Not-Prince
Random Powers: He can come up with random words and fit them into a sentence..... oh, he also has a weird thing where he can go on and on about anime or video games... He also imagines he is a fairytale prince 0-o..
Originally Posted by Esmme View Post
Name: Kate Angel
Age: 17
Race: Human
Random Powers: FIRE!!

Name: Ray Shoen
Age: 19
Race: Human male (though some people beg to differ)
Random Powers: He can charm people with his eyes - literally. Uncontrollably turns into a merman in the evening! :insane:
Originally Posted by Foamy View Post

Name: Damian. But you can just call him the Dark Prince. Because he's dark. Yeah.
Age: 3892056[/keyboardmash] but looks 20 or whatever.
Race: Demon/Vampire/Human
Random Powers: Can kill anyone in one hit, dodge every attack effortlessly, never run out of energy, fly and run at super speeds, and pretty much just god-mod his way to victory. Oh, and he also has awesome weapons and can use any weapon and is really good at using any type of weapon.

Last edited by Triquetra; 05-05-2012 at 01:40 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 01:50 PM

~PiNk LiSt:
(White list is sooooo last season)
Menwesha- I put her here because we don't want Mene to crash!...again :P
Foamy- for making the first full god-mod character.

~ZeBra LiSt:
Foamy- This list didn't have anyone yet! Plus, green hair!

~EvErY ViLlAn Is LeMoNs BlAcK LiSt:
Wavi- For stealing the first post in the OOC Chat! Meanie!
Esmme- Stalker!
Wavi- For texting me during work and having my phone ringer go off. This happened a couple of times actually, you think I would learn!
Triquetra- For not learning~

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 01:50 PM

~Menewsha Affiliates:

I wanted to try something different within this RP.
If you are a member of this RP, and want to advertise another thread.
Whether it be Role play, chat, quest, whatever.
Lemme know, and I'll add it here.
I don't mind advertising it at all^^
Just don't be a dick about it. xD
Links or banners of coarse.

Last edited by Triquetra; 05-05-2012 at 01:59 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 01:52 PM

post save!
What! Wait 15 second between posting! *Keeps clicking post button*

Last edited by Triquetra; 05-05-2012 at 02:20 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 02:00 PM

An airship over head came floating over the island. It was made of golds, silvers, and machine parts. Large propellers made the grand machine able to fly. It was truly a sight to behold. A marvel of technology. There were many workers on board the airship. Many screaming at one another to bring the cargo up. Steel cages. Each holding one person was brought onto the deck.

Two very large men, with cattle prods began poking on of the persons inside of the cage. He was a very large muscled man. Dark hair and fair skin. He seemed, to many of the woman and men on board the ship, to be the most sexy man they would every meet. The front of the cage opened, and a cattle prod was push into his back. Forcing the sexy beast to move forward. He was pushed towards the edge of the air ship. Just before being knocked over, the large man turned towards the guy wielding the cattle prod.

"STOP! Can't touch this!" And with that the man burst out into song. He began to shuffle bak and forth on the desk. Flashing his muscles every chance he got. "Can't touch this!" He kept repeating over and over, avoiding the cattle prods.

"My-my-my-my-" And with one good shove the sexy beast of a man was shoved off the side of the air ship. He landed on top of the fence. His uh... family jewels taking most of the blow. His face contorted and turned beat red. Because not only did he fall on a regular fence. Barbed wire, and electricity ran threw the metal fence. He rolled off into the water within the perimeter of the island. With the pain and agony of having his coconuts beaten up, he swam to the island. Crawling on shore and looking up. There was one shack in the center of the island, surrounded by coconut trees. A few others around the island looked over in his direction. Some starting to cry, others preparing for a fight.

Harry. was. HOME!

An adorable pink haired girl walked up to him. She was blushing mad and fiddling with her fingers. She had the ears of a cat, which he found interesting.

"Ummm, hello." She spoke softly and shyly. "Can I carry your babies?"

It was a question that made Harry's eyes pop out of is head. Was this chick serious?!

Last edited by Triquetra; 05-05-2012 at 02:20 PM..

Foamy is offline
Old 05-05-2012, 05:21 PM

Damian was leaning against a coconut tree like the smooth bastard he was as he watched the shirtless man fall from the sky. He shook his head. "This is ridiculous. What a ridiculous man. Everything is ridiculous." He watched as a cat-girl began begging him to carry her babies. "I would provide better babies to carry." He said. "But I am not jealous. Because I am a god. I... AM A GODDDD!" Well, he'd said that a little too loud and enthusiastically. He settled back down. "I wonder when all of the teenage bimbos are going to come for my abusive love and start hitting on me?"

Last edited by Foamy; 05-13-2012 at 05:22 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 08:14 PM

Ray Shoen stepped away from the noise of the area, preferring not to be around the strangers. Instead, he reached down to pick up a few coconuts. These people were crazy. Tossing long hair from his face as a sudden breeze caught him unaware, Shoen wrinkled his nose. He didn't like the thought of so many people being stuck in one place. The fence that surrounded them made everything worse.

Pale blue eyes scanned over the male near the tree, and Shoen finally just shook his head and stepped away from them all. Instead, he chose a seat near the ocean's shore, sighing quietly to himself. Perfect. They're all completely insane. Just the people he wanted to be stuck with.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:15 PM

Much like the sexy boy wonder, Remy, too, was forced to leave the plane in such a manner. Only, unlike the sexy fool, he found that leaving on his own accord was far more suiting. With a quirky grin on his face and his paw-like gloves covering his fingers, Remy followed suit, save for the landing on one's crotch. He could have, but it just seemed too cliche. Weren't the men always falling on their junk? Or getting kicked there? Seriously, there the women that ran the world really that sadistic?

Landing gracefully on a nearby tree, the purple-haired lad began to wonder just what he had gotten into. Before he could really wrap his mind around it though, the evil cackle of a troll rippled through the air. Eyes shifting downward, he watched as a male with raven-colored hair scooted up beside his tree. Oh poopy. I knew I should have brought my bug-b-gone.... His eyes rolled about their sockets. Now was really not the time to deal with a tree-shaker.

With a quick flick of the wrist and a twirl of the head, the black and white wearing boy leapt from the tree. Certain to avoid the stalker-like male, Remy opted to move toward the pink-haired lass.

"Yooooooooo~" he sang in his rather feminine voice.


His voice was so very deep, loud, and grungy. And the look on his face? It was smug as could be. Too smug. In fact, it matched the troll's face from earlier - squinty-eyes and an enormous grin.

While Remy was trying to mortify the sexy mancakes and his neko-hooker, Finny, the troll-stalker, had wormed his way over toward the group. It had been a while since his last interaction. Oi. That interaction was a doozy. Vending machine to the face. Or so he believed. Only, Fin couldn't really recall the events, claiming it had to "have happened in my past life." Whatever that may be.

Needless to say, things were turning out... strange.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:29 PM

Hearing the rather disturbing proclamation from Remy, Shoen tried his best not to stare. He failed. The youth looked . . . odd. They all looked odd. Pink hair here, giant fuzzy paws there . . . and their demeanor! Ugh, don't get started on that. Wrinkling his nose in distaste again, he stood and moved away from the water. Instead, he picked a place under the shade of the trees before taking a bite of the fruit he'd gathered. No one had seen his lengthened claws dig into the coconut so he could pry it open.

Sipping the milk from half of the shell, Ray let his blue eyes linger on the trio not far from him. With a graceful movement, he threw the first half of the coconut (he'd somehow already finished it) at the group. It struck the back of Harry's head, rolling toward the water in a wobbling fashion.

The glare coming from the silver-haired male made no attempt to hide that he'd just thrown something at them.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 03:07 PM

Cheeky grin plastered all over this face, Remy couldn't stifle the laugh any longer. Saliva flying everywhere as his cackle filled the air, kid could only laugh and slap his knee with glee. Boy, things were turning out to be epic.

After spraying those nearby with a layer of slobbery, dog-like spit, the lavender haired lad skipped toward the coconut wielding warrior. "Imma join you because you're awwwwessssssome!" Purring, he nuzzled Shoen, completely invading the poor guy's personal bubble and space. "I am forever yours! Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and…"

One hour later….

"and ever and ever and ever and ever… and forever."

Eyes finally opening, Remy puffed out his cheeks to see that everyone had left him. He had only been saying "and ever" for an hour. It wasn't that long. But, still, they were gone. Then, it hit him like a ton of bricks.

"OOF! THE HELL YOU DO DAT FOR, WOMAN!" His eyes glared at the narrator who had just swung some bricks at his head. A growl pursued his lips, but he quickly ignored the blonde that continued to narrate his actions.

Hands coming to his chin, he smirked. "MARCO!" he yelled into the air, knowing that someone would return the call with, "Polo."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 05:09 PM

((:XD Es thinks she should let this merman/maid drop out. >.> She has far too many threads . . . and it's killing her desire to be on Mene. LOL! So . . . thank you for inviting me! I think Es will make her exit. :sweat:))


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