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Elerra is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 01:24 AM

This was going to be hard cause so much played on his mind between Reid's 'problem', his family and this case. But no matter what he need help for Reid since he was the only one that wanted to say something. The others notice the chance in Reid but no one didn't want to speak up thats why he had did what he did at the office. Hotch rubs his head abit keeping silent it was very awkward silent indeed. Aaron stands up and heads over to the bar to get a bottle of water. Only wish he could get a drink but they was working.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 02:11 AM

Reid continues rambling, switching topics often and only stopping to get some coffee. Then he went back to talk. He only stopped completely once they were on the ground and at the nearby police station. In his mind, he was already focus on the case. He just needed to get started on a profile.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 02:55 AM

It was just a matter of time between the next victem so they had to do whatever to stop this killer before he strikes again. But they would have to see the last family of the missing woman. He looks up at them "You all know what to do..I don't want this killer using his son to kill another woman we will do everything we can to stop him. Understood?" says as the jet soon touch down. He had to put his personal feelings aside and focus on the case.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 12:19 PM

Everybody nodded in agreement. Once they were off the plane, they split up to take on different jobs. Reid went to the police station and set up. Then he started working on the geographical profile to help narrow down the unsub's comfort zone.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 05:26 PM

Morgan and Rossi would head toward the last victem's house to talk to the family while others go and see the scenes. They probbly would get some kind of clue on why the killer was using his son to abducted women. Hotch would go with Reid cause he was still going to watch him while on this case. "So every woman that was abducted sees this man. But I still don't get why he is using his son..its so wrong in so many ways." says looking at the pictures of the victems.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 09:53 PM

Reid thought for a few minutes. "Maybe the unsub had lost his wife and are using these women to replace her." He suggested. He kept his eyes on what he was doing. He was still mad at Hotch from earlier, and he really didn't want to even look at him right now.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 10:06 PM

Hotch looks over could see he was still mad at him. But he was just trying to get the truth about what was going on. He had notice Reid's behavior had change alot so he was only doing what he could to help him. "Yea and I guess the women aren't the one he wants to replace so he kills them then find another.." says. He pulls out his cell and dials up their go to girl, Garcia. "Garcia..I want you to go thru the files over the past few years and find if anyone has lost his wife."

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-10-2012, 10:46 PM

Reid could hear Hotch talking to Garcia. He hoped that the case would wrap up quickly. He really didn't like cases that involved children. It just wasn't right to expose them to violence. While he was thinking, he narrowed down the comfort zone on the board.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-11-2012, 12:10 AM

"Thanks Garcia..." hangs as he turns around looking at Reid. "Garcia said that there had been two deaths in the past two years. One couple didn't have any kids but the other did..they had a son." pauses for an moment as he walks over to Reid. "The husband's wife died from breast cancer and appartly the husband was upset over all that time. So it does fit the profile. I guess with the death his wife and taking care of his son pushed him over the edge." says looking over at the board.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-14-2012, 11:36 AM

Reid thought about what Hotch said. That made sense. But it all seemed to easy. No case has ever been this easy. But, it wouldn't hurt to check this guy out, after all. "Your probably right.." he eventually told him, still mad at him. He did not want to have to talk to his superior, but he couldn't just leave when there was work to be done either. So, he was stuck here.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-17-2012, 01:35 AM

Aaron looks over at Spencer only wish he wasn't mad. He was only helping with man but he will have to do it again after they get back home. Right now bringing in the killer had to be ontop. "Ok stay here Jareau and Prentiss are returning to help. I'm going to help with the others." He walks to the door before he stops " know I...never mind we will talk about what happen this morning once we get home...I don't care if you don't talk to me again...but I'm just trying to help you before it gets worst." says once more before he heads out into the field

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-24-2012, 11:42 AM

Reid didn't look at Hotch when the man left. But he did hear what he said. He didn't want to talk! Why couldn't he understand that! He had everything under control. Instead, he stayed focus on what he was doing, not even looking up when JJ and Prentiss entered the room.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-24-2012, 05:33 PM

It was going to be hard to get Reid to admit he did have a problem. He was just trying to save the man from himself and he was planning to do so once they return home. Hotch heads out to meet up once after getting the address from Garcia to check out the man's place. He wanted Reid to stay there cause he was sure he didn't want him out on the field. So that was mainly why he called JJ and Prentiss back to police station. "Its something the matter Spencer?" JJ would say as they was all little bit worried especial what happen on the plane the other day.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-24-2012, 09:19 PM

Reid looked at JJ when he heard her speak. "No. Nothing's wrong, JJ. I'm fine." he told her, giving her a small smile, hoping to reassure her. Hotch was already accusing him of something being wrong. He didn't need her to as well. He didn't have any problems. He just needed to focus on the case.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 09:58 PM

(i'm doing alittle time skip just abit)

Hotch and the others head out to the place. To relieze it was the same person who was using his own son for the crime. And they got their man but of course the man was force to make them shoot them only to take him down. As Hotch made sure the son didn't come to harm and the woman who he had taken was saved. So the case was over so they could return home.

Hotch boards the plane first and takes a sit it wasn't easily for him to take a life but he was sure he was going to save one. He rubs his eyes and leans back in the chair alittle waiting until everyone was board before telling the pilot to take and to return them home.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 12:42 PM

When Reid boarded the plane, he moved to the back and laid down on the small couch, closing his eyes. Maybe if everybody thought he was asleep they would leave him alone. Plus, it would give him plenty of time to think about everything that has happened. Not just the case either.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-28-2012, 06:49 PM

The plane took off and head back home. Hotch leans back in his chair and pulls out his cell phone. Calling up his house to tell Haley he was heading home. The ring kept on and on as no one wasn't picking up on the other end. It did puzzle Hotch for an moment but then remember she probbly was getting their son from day care. "Hmm guessing she isn't home yet." says hanging up and place his cell back into his pocket.


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