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Old 06-19-2012, 03:20 AM

The Forbidden Love

The year is 2011 and the earth is the same as it has been for years. But there is a little thing going on in certain places of the world. The dead are coming back to life as monsters known as 'Shikabane' or 'Corpse'. There are many different types of Shikabane, all with different powers, different looks and different regrets for dying. Evil Shikabane are immediately killed and are never brought back, the good shikabane are kept alive and keep a watch over the cities they live in. However the good shikabane are often just monsters with no human form and are forced to live in the scary monster forms, because of this, the Government had created a town just for them and they are free to venture from their town and the human cities.

But somehow there is a group of young girls who were unique in their own way. These girls are shikabane, but unlike the good and bad shikabane they have a human form. Most of them are the most beautiful girls that had met an unfortunate fate. Because of their human figures, the Government has classified them as 'Shikabane Hime' or 'Corpse Princess'. These girls aren't evil and are considered the protectors of the humans and good Shikabane. But there are a few humans that think that shikabane aren't meant to live along humans since there so differnet and feared that a shikabane and a human would make a half breed of both human and Shikabane. So in a way to calm the people of Pittsburgh, California, Tokyo, Florida and Texas, the Governments decided that it was against the law for a Shikabane or a Shikabane Hime to fall in love with a human and have a child.

The Shikabane and Shikabane Hime agreed to the law and are happy being able to live along side the humans or are they? Many of the Shikabane hime and shikabane believe that it is up to their hearts of who they fall in love with and not the Government. But this is only the beginning...

What are Shikabane and Shikabane Hime:
Shikabane: a creature that was once human until it died and came back to life with a very powerful regret. Both men and women fall victim to becoming a shikabane, but most of the shikabane use their powers for good while others use them for bad. All shikabane are immortal. However, it is said if you destroy the brain or shred the body, then the Shikabane will die. Unfortunately, children are very often turn into Shikabane or Shikabane Hime.

Shikabane Hime: a girl who dies and becomes a shikabane hime. They still have their human forms and personalities. Shikabane Hime are always kind and destory evil shikabane. Shikabane Hime are the one shikabane that can have both a human form and their shikabane form.

Shikabane Forms: Shikabane forms are often mutilated, sometimes animal-like forms that have tremendous power. But are still killed in this form but either destorying the brain or shredding the body in smaller pieces making it impossible for them to regenerate.

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Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania

- Beginning of Summer

Tokyo, Japan

- Beginning of Summer

Jacksonville, Florida

the end of the school year

San Jose, California


Dallas, Texas


Shikabane City

lstorylsettingslSkeletonslRuleslAccepted Characters


Human Skellie:
Nickname: (optional)
Where are you from:
Pic: (dont care if its anime, ur drawings or real ppl)

Shikabane Skellie:
Aligment (are u good or bad):
When did you die:
How did you die:
Regret for dying:
Where are you from:
Pic: (monster, if u have a human form u can put it here)

Shikabane Hime:
Gender: Female*
Regret for dying:
When did you die:
How did you die:
Where are you from:
Pic: (human and shikabane, no preference)

lstorylsettingslSkeletonslRuleslAccepted Characters
1.) No god-modding unless given permission by owner of the charrie
2.) Have fun
3.) Post when I say
4.) post at least once a day
5.) Put a :angel: if ur a good shikabane, :evil: if ur a bad shikabane or :vicky: if ur a Shikabane hime
6.) tell me if ur going to be gone
7.) PM ur profiles to me
lstorylsettingslSkeletonslRuleslAccepted Characters
Shikabane Hime:

Name: Rogue Jinx Black
Nickname: Jinx
Gender: Female*
Age: 19 (died when she was 16)
Powers she has tentacles in her body that makes the strongest Shikabane Hime alive/undead
Regret for dying: Not seeing the ones she loved one last time
When did you die: December 25, 2008
How did you die: Slipped on ice and was ran over by a bus
Where are you from: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bio: Rogue Jinx Black is the princess of all the shikabane hime and shikabane all over the world. She is the most powerful shikabane hime known to everyone. Rogue was once human, she was a playful young human and loved making everyone happy. But one day everything changed for her, she was going home from her friend's Christmas party and slipped on some ice and slid in the street. Rogue stood up and looked in the distance and seen a bus coming to her. Before Rogue could reacted, the bus ran her over. She died right there in the street or so she thought. Rogue opened her eyes and seen that she was still alive but dead at the same time, she was a shikabane now. Rogue screamed in terrible as her mangled body began to piece itself together. Within minutes, government agents surrounded Rogue and took her away to Shikabane City. They told her that she wasn't a shikabane but a Shikabane Hime and that she was very powerful for a Shikabane Hime. They made her the ruler of the city and told her that it was her job to make sure that all the good shikabane were to stay good and destroy the evil shikabane that came to harm the humans. Rogue agreed and has since been watching over the cities but wishes to find love one day...even though its against the law for a shikabane or a shikabane hime can love a human.
Shikabane Form

Name: Cynthia Revis
Nickname: Cyn
Gender: Female*
Age: 19 (died at 16)
Regret for dying: Lies to all and says its because she didn't kill her enemies but the real one is because she never got a chance to say good-bye to her best friend
When did you die: January 1, 2009
How did you die: Suicide
Where are you from: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Powers: controls minds, the elements and imagination
Bio: Cynthia Revis was a normal girl when she was alive. She hung out with her best friend Rogue all the time and the had a blast being with each other. Cynthia was having a hard time with her parents since they wouldn't accept her being interested in both boys and girls. Often Cyn would run away to rogue's house and they would play unless Cyn's parents came to get her. Cyn started to develop a relationship to Rogue but never told her how she felt in fear that her only friend would reject her. One day, Cyn invited Rogue over for Christmas and planned to tell her how she felt to her. Cyn managed to get Rogue alone in her room and told her that she had feeling for her for a long, long time but still wished to remain friends at Rogue request. Cyn was shocked when Rogue just hugged her and agreed to remain her friend this caused Cynthia to kiss Rogue and quickly stopped herself before she went on, unfortunately Rogue was hit by a bus and died instantly at the scene. Cynthia cried her eyes out as depression got the better of her...and finally, on January 1 of the new year Cynthia commited suicide and returned as a shikabane. She went crazy and killed her parents with join and happiness. The Government labled Cynthia as a Shikabane Hime but never put her in the City. Cynthia resides underground with the evil shikabane and is the princess of the evil shikabane and is looking for Rogue, to have her as her queen.

Originally Posted by Gemini
Name: Gemini Starr
Nickname: Black Cat
Gender: female*
Age: 18 (died at age 13)
Power: Flight, Pyrokenesis, control over animals and invisible arms called Vectors in her back (like elfen lied)
Regret for dying: didn't get to prove her innocence.
When did you die: October 31, 1998
How did you die: she was jumped during trick or treat by angry upperclassmen.
Where are you from: Tokyo, Japan
Bio: for 13 years, Gemini grew up generally hated because everyone thought she was bad luck.her mother had died giving birth to her, and her father had died of a drug overdose when she was seven.after that, bad luck seemed to follow her everywhere, until the night of her 13th birthday, halloween, when a classmate died after eating a bad candy.the classmate's older brother blamed Gemini and got his friends together for revenge.during trick or treat, the older boys jumped Gemini, and killed her by accident while beating her.she woke up moments later, and the boys, terrified of what powers she might have, ran away.the government swooped in and brought her to Shikabane city, where she has lived ever since.she still wants to prove that she isn't bad luck, but she's not so sure anymore.
Pic human:
pic shikabane:
Originally Posted by blueblackrose

Name: Maiara Anise Nightwing
Nickname: Mai
Gender: Female*
Age: 30 (died at age 22)
Powers: Air/wind manipulation and also has some minor healing abilities.
Regret for dying: Not being able to protect herself or her loved ones.
When did you die: June 16, 2004
How did you die: Murdered by a criminal that had a grudge against her husband, who is a cop.
Where are you from: Jacksonville, Florida
Bio: Maiara was once a human and lived happily with her husband. On the fateful day she died she was going to surprise her husband, Nathanial, with the news that they were going to have a baby. Things were going fine until that evening when she was heading home. A man was waiting inside their house when she returned. The rest of what happen is blur, for the most part. The last thing she remembers seeing is the tears falling down Nathanial’s cheeks before waking up to find that she had become a Shikabane. It didn’t take long for government agents to find her and take her into their custody. They told her about the Shikabane and the Shikabane hime. Since she was a Shikabane hime they told her it was her job to destroy the evil Shikabane. It’s been years since she left for the Shikabane city to live. When she left Jacksonville she swore to herself she’d never love again.
Pic: human


Originally Posted by Andraus
Name: Epsilion Delta Omega
Nickname: Edo
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Where are you from: Dallas, Texas
Bio: Edo is Your Typical Down to Earth Country boy. He Grew up on the farm, learned to shoot at the age of 10, and Never lost his Crack-shot. Though sometime's short of temper, he's someone you want on your side of the field when thing's get rough.

Edo's Past is pretty Vacent. From what is pieced together, His parent's died in a Car wreck when he was 16, With him in the car. Edo Thank's his star's that he lived, but heard that they had ran over a Girl in the process. He live's in fear that the ghost's of his past will come back to haunt him.
Originally Posted by happydeath
Alex Rodjester




Where are you from:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Alex was born and raised within Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From a young age, he has always been into building things whether it had to either do with legos, clay, or machines and even wood. The reason to why he enjoyed building so much was sort of unknown to everyone since both his mother and father didn't like the idea that he created so many different things since he was still a child. They had thought it to be dangerous for him as they kept taking stuff away from him so that he couldn't build anymore. However, no matter what; Alex always found something else he could use to build whatever he wanted. To this day, his family couldn't take anymore of the building as they know he was pretty much old enough to live on his own. They had kicked him out of the house and this caused him to live on his own obviously enough. With the natural talents and intelligence he had, Alex was easily able to get through school and college pretty quick; getting him a good enough job to get his own home and start his life. Now most of his days he spends in his basement where he builds machines more than using anything else like wood or those old childish things anymore. After a lot of work, he had built his own human-sized mech that fits only him. With this, he is able to move at extreme speeds; his strength is enhanced incredibly.

Although soon into his life Alex had found out he had some sort of strange illness within his right arm as he had brought it to the hospital to see if they could do anything about it. Spending months awaiting for a way, the doctors said that the only way they could keep it from spreading throughout his body was to cut his arm off. Taking the risk, Alex agreed to it; now left with one arm, Alex could barely ever do his work as he decided it would be a good idea for him to create his own arm. A mechanical arm. Now with his new fond arm and mech; which he continues to work on nearly everyday as well as other creations. Alex had heard about the Shikabane City as well as their race as he had decided he wanted to see them as well as learn about them to gain more knowledge and if possible, become friends.



~Mechanical Right Arm~
Originally Posted by DarkAngel562415
Name: Ambrosia Ravenhart
Nickname: Rose
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Where are you from: Dallas, Texas
Bio: You can say that Ambrosia is the rebel of her family. She's an only child and her family wanted her to do everything right in life. Her family grew up in a small neighborhood in Dallas and they didn't really like music. But for some reason she can't stay away from music. So when she graduated high school she moved out and got a small apartment and started working on her music career.

But she also has a dark secret. While in high school, she did a lot of drugs and she almost went into a coma because of it. Hopefully her sins are forgiven.

Shikabane Good/Bad:

Originally Posted by blueblackrose
Name: Dimitri Van Allen
Nickname: Lone Wolf, wolfie (doesn't care much for this one), Chibi (hates this one)
Age: 40, died at age 24
Gender: male
Alignment (are u good or bad): Unclear
Powers: Shapeshifting (can become a white wolf), water/ice manipulation
When did you die: February 18, 1996
How did you die: Froze to death due to getting lost in the mountains searching for lost hikers.
Regret for dying: Not being able to find the lost hikers and not being able to marry his true love.
Where are you from: Lewisburg, West Virginia
Bio: When alive Dimitri was a nice guy. He was always willing to help out others so he did a lot of volunteer work. Before he died he was part of a search for some hikers who had gotten lost before a big ice storm hit Greenbrier County, WV. While in the mountians looking for the hikers he got lost and ended up freezing to death before he was found. Now that he is shikabane he wonders around the world. It is unclear if he is a good or bad shikaban. His acts are random and he doesn't recognize either of the princesses as being over him. In his mind he is his own person.
Pic: shikabane


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Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 07-09-2012 at 08:42 PM..

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 06-23-2012, 09:29 PM


Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 07-09-2012, 08:43 PM



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