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HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 09-29-2012, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
@ HIM - Why is it always a little girl? o.o My ex said she saw a little girl about that age.

Out of curiosity... vintage blue dress, faded blonde hair? would be funny if it were the same.
Long dark hair sort of Victorian style dress without an aprron on

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-29-2012, 08:11 PM

What's with ghosts and vintage clothing? o.o

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-30-2012, 02:13 AM

Well like all good haunted houses its completely random at actively. It can go years or months without being active.

There was one time I was fixing my plate for dinner, I set my plate down on the counter to go get something and a can flew out of the cabinet to land into my plate. It landed so hard it broke the plate, it couldn't have fallen cause of the distance and the cabinet was closed tightly.

There were times you could be sitting in the living room, nothing on and sound of doors would slam shut but they all would be open. The shadows moved in the corner of your eyes. Once I was outside with my father and we saw a large man half way in the wall, literally in the wall. He was six foot plus, pure black like a silhouette and he was half way in the wall outside of my window. Sometimes you could be walking on the stairs and something would push you, pushed you into the bathroom when you were fixing your shower water. You could hear gun shots and feel sharp pains but no blood, sometimes there would be holes in your shirt. Books would lose their pages, brand new one; never even opened before. You could hear voices and foot steps, it is a very scary house at times.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 03:15 AM

@ Faded - I. Would. Move.

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-30-2012, 04:11 AM

Poet: I haven't lived there in over three years but the memories are just as strong as when they happened.

There was one house I was looking to buy but I had the creepiest feeling as if I would find a body in one of the closets. Me with my fear of closets, I reneged from buying it. Month later it burnt down, luckily no one bought it and the fire was a mystery. So haunted houses are a normal thing with me I guess. xD

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 04:22 AM

Same here... but whatever it is followed me until my divorce... which she apparently got that half... after which I proceeded to piss off another one, but thankfully that one went with the lady with manic issues... and then back at my parents house it seems to be one that likes to watch me browse the internet >.>"

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Old 09-30-2012, 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by Chikyu View Post
I have always believed in ghosts since my first encounter when I was in kindergarten

My friend and I both saw a blurry figure of what looked like a man with a knife heading towards our teacher. He disappeared just before reaching her. My friend and I were scared to death. We didn't tell anyone.

I was 7 and was sitting in my room playing with my mob of stuffed animals. I had two black dogs on my night stand. I was on the bed with my other dog toys when one of the black dogs suddenly fell over. I simply thought it was because its feet were pretty round on the bottom so it lost it's balance. I put the dog back up with the other.

Minutes fell again.

I sighed and put it back up but pushed it farther back against my mirror. I went to get a drink of water and went back to my room.

It was on the floor again. I gasped, they way I had positioned him on my night stand, it would have been impossible for him to fall over unless someone pushed him. I knew no one else did it cuz my mom and I were the only ones home at the time. My mom didn't do it since she was in the shower.

I was too scared to stay in my room so I went into the living room and watch cartoons to try and relax...I never told my mom.

Even now I still have encounters. I'm surprised how many people in my school believe in ghosts and had encounters.
That would freak me out. Big time! My uncle dated a girl once who used to have a cup of tea every night before bed and would leave the cup in the sink to wash in the morning. He said he was staying over one night, she had her tea and put her cup and saucer in the sink. The had a deep sink, too, he said. When they got up the next morning, the tea cup and saucer were in the middle of the kitchen floor. I'm pretty sure he said the cup was face down, but I don't remember. He asked, just kind of out loud, how it happened. His girlfriend replied 'Oh, that happens every morning', like it was no big deal.

Faded - I agree with Poet. I. Would. Move. To a cardboard BOX if I had to! That would be way too much to handle!

OH AND! I had to work tonight. It was a class reunion for 45 people. Very nice turn out. Nice people, nice party, BUT ANYWAY!

By the time we were ready to close up and leave, it was 2 am. The money situation was a nightmare, but that's a different story. I always take the money upstairs because my manager has a bad knee. So I took the keys and all of the stuff upstairs. When you get up the stairs, the office is right across from the stairs, next to the office on the right is the dressing room that the brides usually use for weddings, then on the right wall is a closet and there's an office behind you-ish. Then on the left behind you is a poker room. The dressing room was the only room open. It was pitch dark in there except the tiiiny bit of light from the dim hall light. I was about 4 steps from the top and glanced into the dressing room. I swear to every god in existence, I saw a pair of legs. Men's legs. In a pair of dress slacks. Pressed dress slacks. I looked back right away and he was gone. It was unsettling, so I hurried up and put everything away and rushed downstairs.

I went into the kitchen, got my stuff from the fridge and turns the lights off. I went to the left and shut off the wall sconces and had to cross the kitchen door on the way to the bar, where my stuff was. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man standing by the cooler. In pressed slacks, a nice suit coat, a white shirt, and a tie. I stopped and looked into the dark kitchen, but I didn't see anything. I didn't want to scare my manager, so I didn't say anything. I was the last out of the dining room, so I had to turn the lights off. I saw him again. He was in the back by the back door. I practically ran to the door. I couldn't get out of there fast enough!

I'm almost ready to quit just because of how creepy it is in there! When you're all alone, the air is thick like someone's there looking over your shoulder and it's just so freaking creepy.

\ (•◡•) /
lizrd356 is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 09:45 AM

i believe but not fully i guess you can say because i live next door to a church with it's own cemetery. i mean i can look out my back door and see the headstones close.
it's not creepy or scary to me it's actually kinda peaceful and safe type of feeling.
does that make sense?

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Old 09-30-2012, 09:54 AM

Makes sense to me, yeah. I don't feel that way about cemeteries, though.

There's one over the hill from my house. I don't have to see it everyday, but knowing it's there kind of creeps me out. I suppose it's because when you think about it, there's a gaggle of dead bodies over there. You can't see them, but they're there. No denying it. Hell! Andy Warhol's body is over the hill from me, even! It's creepy thinking about it, I guess. To me, anyway!


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 10:11 AM

The old hospital where my sister works is haunted, it's now offices and the site manager has seen the matron in her uniform and nurses cloak, he's also found the swivle chairs in the middle of the room when they were tucked under the desks.

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Old 09-30-2012, 10:15 AM

See, now I've always wondered why more hospitals aren't haunted. I mean, people die there every day! Sometimes in very violent ways.

I hate it when 'ghosts' move things around. That's creepy. Cause, to me, it means they have the power to do more. Like move a person. I got smacked and touched once, so I've felt what they can do when they really try.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 09-30-2012, 03:33 PM

Fort Henry in Kingston is the most haunted place in Ontario, maybe even of North America. I've got a temporary job there and so far there's been a lot that's given me the willies. Still waiting for a concrete experience though. I absolutely refuse to work in the West Reverse Firing Chambers alone! those rooms just feel... wrong.

Popcorn Gun

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Old 09-30-2012, 03:41 PM

Oh heavens...I know it was just seemingly mildly annoyed but...oh my gosh...I couldn't do it.
I don't like ghostly encounters...
I definitely feel like they're there, but I really...REALLY have no interest in interactions.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

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Old 09-30-2012, 07:28 PM

@ Art - Yeah... that "something feels wrong" feeling I know exactly what you mean...

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Old 09-30-2012, 11:03 PM

The topic of ghosts always leads to "proof"
Yet many things must be taken on faith.
I have never seen solid proof of ghosts yet I do believe in them due to past experiences. I personally want to enjoy life but I also look forward to death to see what lies after.
I sorta wonder, what if ghosts are just an imprint left behind from a strong attachment or emotion. OR maybe they might just be the soul left behind...I hope that isnt true. I do not want to stay behind on earth after I die, I hope my afterlife/heaven is whatever I desire most.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 02:33 AM

My mom came up with an interesting concept. That heaven and hell are just alternate dimensions in the same universe and thus ghosts and whatnot are just the occasional bleed-through of our realities.

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Old 10-01-2012, 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by Artifex View Post
My mom came up with an interesting concept. That heaven and hell are just alternate dimensions in the same universe and thus ghosts and whatnot are just the occasional bleed-through of our realities.
I always thought heaven and hell might be on a diff dimension or a alternate plane of existence, something we cant reach through normal means. Or maybe not, maybe they are here and it requires a type of sense we do not have at this present moment.

Dogs are capable of seeing the world but cant see in color, if dogs were capable of speech and understanding, imagine how difficult it would be to describe a color other then shades of grey. What if seeing the spiritual world requires a type of sight humans do not have yet except for minor instances . What if the human eye of the future has evolved to be able to see things we today can not even begin to describe or understand.
I think the concept of ghosts/paranormal/God & Lucifer/ are such hot topics and controversial views because we don't fully understand them and therefore it frustrates people and just causes anger.
>.< the only thing more upsetting is knowing it is starting to be seemingly impossible to ever know for sure in my lifetime .

wish is offline
Old 10-01-2012, 10:21 AM

yes. .-. i do. but i don't want to.

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Old 10-01-2012, 08:10 PM

I feel you, wish. For me, it's like I believe because of the experiences, but I wish I could go back to blissful ignorance.

wish is offline
Old 10-02-2012, 05:23 AM

Yes. @___@ I try not to do anything that will put me in a position where I will see them.

My school had a chapel and nearby the chapel was a room with lockers. It had stained glass windows (which can't really open all the way like normal windows.. they just pivot a little) and a large door to a hallway that was pretty closed off. Logically speaking it is not possible for wind to pass through there because outside the stained glass windows was a large large area (stretches 30 feet from the windows) with a roof, with columns, and just beyond that were a row of really tall trees. But when I was in 6th grade, the lockers started to slam by themselves when I was near the chapel.. :/ I know it wasn't any other students because everyone was in class.

When I was in high school I was watching tv in my room. I was dozing off but then all of a sudden when I went to try to move my arm to switch the channel on the tv... I couldn't move it was like someone was sitting on me. Now other people have said I was probably sleeping or it was sleep paralysis where my body wasn't awake yet but my mind was.. but I don't know. :( I could hear the tv, see the tv, comprehend what was on the tv. And then while I was struggling to try to get up I heard a voice next to my left ear, it was a male voice, and it told me his name and how much he weighed and started a conversation where it sounded like he was teasing me. If it wasn't for the voice I would've said it was sleep paralysis and believed everyone...but I am not a person that randomly hears voices in my head... :| I told my mom what happened and she freaked out because I was so scared and I was crying. She got me some chinese spirit ward things~ and it hasn't happened since.

---------- Post added 10-01-2012 at 07:25 PM ----------

i hope i don't jinx myself.. :/

Scathe is offline
Old 10-03-2012, 12:52 AM

Well it's hard to say but I have seen felt and heard some strange things, which may or may not be reasonably explained.

Once I saw a white shape in my room directly in front of my vision and it hung there for a moment almost like a fake-textured white form morphing in front of me and then it moved up like it sucked into the ceiling, I don't have any idea what it was but I have a friend who is very into the paranormal who told me of something that was like the same thing, and she told me before I told her about my experience.

There was another time I was over at said friends house and it felt like something spit on me and then poked my leg, that was strange and she also believes her house might contain spirits or similar things.

In the end I really can't say, but I might lean towards believing after being messed with at my friends house, that stood out as tangible, on the other hand our minds can come up with some very realistic feelings and sights.

Mortemoon is offline
Old 10-03-2012, 02:25 AM

I believe in ghosts. When I was younger I often felt that I was communicating with the dead through art. I saw pictures and I drew them, then I'd get more pictures in my head and it was like having a conversation or watching a movie of someone's life. I was possibly just insane (or still am, maybe), but I still believe.


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