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Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-27-2013, 08:46 PM

Right now I've just been going to these walk in clinic things that don't use that system but they are much more expensive.

xuvrette is offline
Old 01-27-2013, 08:49 PM

walk in clinics? Are they private?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
walk in clinics? Are they private?
Mm...I think so - I'm not really sure

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 01:21 AM

Maria's doing pixels for Mene now?
Go Maria!

Some day Seri hopes to improve enough to join you .^.^

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
Maria's doing pixels for Mene now?
Go Maria!

Some day Seri hopes to improve enough to join you .^.^
Seri - I don't think you or Xuvvie are far off from it! I admire how great you both are <33 Hopefully we can have a big team of pixellites at some point :P

xuvrette is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:31 AM

I figure out that the site do not need that many pixelist to solve menewsha problem.
Last few weeks, after reading a certain thread in site feedback... I think...anyway.
The gist is.
The lack of activity of the site is not really because of lack of pixels. It is lack of users which would both contribute to cash and activity. It is not about the pixel amount.

It matters to me because I wanted to help to solve THAT issue, but if pixel is not the way, then I am not particularly interested. I am now doing pixel for fun and for tease.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 01:39 PM

Hopefully pixellists are a step in the right direction....I'm not sure what else I can do at the moment to help besides contribute when I have a little bit of extra cash which isn't that often.

I wish I knew how to market - but I have no idea - and a lot of advertisements cost money so I'm not sure what can be done in terms of advertising since mene doesn't have money XD

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 02:32 PM

Yeah, what Mene needs right now is a healthy dose of advertising / something to draw folks in, and generating pixels isn't exactly the way to ensure that we get a new flood of people. Even so, it's something, and I'm glad members are stepping up for the challenge as, not only does it take away fro the burden currently being placed on existing staff members (since the demand for pixels new and interesting pixels during events is quite high - and events are fairly frequent), but it also shows that Mene is willing to listen to and work with its members, which is generally a good sign as far as avatar sites (or any sites) go.

Of course, I do want to do a bit of advertising now that you mention it. Not sure how much good it'll do, but it's something, right?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 02:34 PM

The pixels might not bring new members right away but it will KEEP members if we have a steady flow of pixels being produced and that's something - mene has too many people join and then quit a little bit later.

Seri - how will you advertise?

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 02:59 PM

True enough. A steady flow of pixels IS a good way to keep folks around, as is having a good/friendly community (and we've definitely got one of those).

I was thinking of throwing a few adverts up around RP sites and the like. They tend to have advert sections and they aren't necessarily for specific RP fandom/genre sites only (and many people come to Mene to roleplay), so it might be a good way to get people here and then hope they branch out and enjoy the community as a whole.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 03:10 PM

That's a good idea!! I try to advertise a little bit by just adding that the pixels I make are from when I upload them to deviantart. Hopefully that's a little bit of advertising!

We DO have a friendly community - I love it :D

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 03:12 PM

As do I, which is why I want to see a nice, steady influx of wonderful folks interested in joining us.

Oooh, nice! Your pixels are lovely, so I imagine they've drawn a few folks our way. I'd advertise on DA, but I'm almost positive that no one bothers to pop on to my DA to take a gander at things. I imagine advertising on tumblr might do the trick, however.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
As do I, which is why I want to see a nice, steady influx of wonderful folks interested in joining us.

Oooh, nice! Your pixels are lovely, so I imagine they've drawn a few folks our way. I'd advertise on DA, but I'm almost positive that no one bothers to pop on to my DA to take a gander at things. I imagine advertising on tumblr might do the trick, however.
My devianart isn't really looked at that much unfortunately...I don't update regularly enough D:

Maybe I'll make a Maria-Minamino Pixel Art deviantart on there dedicated to just pixels - get it's own gathering?

Hmm..that's an idea :D

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:21 PM

Sounds like a good idea to me. You can be all 'look at these gorgeous follow them to Mene'

xuvrette is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:24 PM

Lol, when you mention advertising, I thought it is paying ad to blogs or website.
As Jellyly had a very bad experience with those type of marketing. XD

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
Sounds like a good idea to me. You can be all 'look at these gorgeous follow them to Mene'
haha - you could make one too? :D XDD

we could all make one lmaooooo XD *bombards DA with mene stuffs*

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
Lol, when you mention advertising, I thought it is paying ad to blogs or website.
As Jellyly had a very bad experience with those type of marketing. XD
Yeah - and they are expensive anyway D:

Gotta advertise the best we can - which is free for me since I'm poor and DA works :D I also ask for avvie art of my mene avvies on gaia sometimes - people ask about that XDD

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:36 PM

Yeah, the paid sort generally don't bring in the right type of crowd, and the cost tends to outweigh the benefits of the adverts so, I agree, free is the way to go.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:38 PM

haha - I saw your thread in community discussions and posted - maybe we can get some good ideas :D

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:45 PM

That's what I'm hoping for!
Well...that and it seemed rude to clutter your pixel thread up with them. xP

xuvrette is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:48 PM

... ooo which thread? Me want to go and pokes~

Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:50 PM

This one! I imagine you have quite a few good ideas, as well, so please do hit it up, xuv, m'dear.

xuvrette is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:52 PM

:P I already found it before you manage to reply here~ *acting like a naughty brat showing off*

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 04:58 PM

LOL I actually love when people talk in my thread :D *makes me feel loved*


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 01-29-2013, 05:12 PM

We don't love you at all

---------- Post added 01-29-2013 at 06:12 PM ----------

Did maria go to the doctor today?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by Cora Lorington View Post
We don't love you at all

---------- Post added 01-29-2013 at 06:12 PM ----------

Did maria go to the doctor today?
awww *feels unloved* XDDD just kidding :P

Nooo because I'm starting to get better - slowly. I have less mucus yesterday and less blood and my voice is about 65 percent back so....I think I'm doing it right - just going to take a little bit D:


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