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Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 06:15 AM

As he spoke she raised an eyebrow but had a feeling she knew what he meant. As he shoved her against the wall there was merely a small whimper of unexpected pain but it was hardly the worst sort. Some of her former clients had been far rougher and if not for her ability to heal she would likely have scars hidden under all that delicate looking semi transparent black cloth. Still, she only smiled at him, that same mockingly amused smile she'd been smiling. She had no doubt he was simply trying to intimidate her but if he wasn't she cared little. Sex was just another tool, no more important to her then one of her lock picks... hell the lock pick was more important as it took time to replace.

"That is one way I suppose. Do be careful of my garter, a few things you might not like in there as a girl alone must have ways to defend herself. All sorts of thieves out there." She said softly, appearing rather bored a moment. She simply gazed at him, doing nothing to fight him off. If he wanted sex that was alright, in time he would pay her with information as others had gold in her former profession. She didn't even pull at her arm, only shifting to protect the glass beads out of habit as they were protected by an enchantment now a days. She simply sat there between him and the wall, those stormy amethyst eyes as unreadable and amused as ever.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 06:25 AM

She wasn't afraid. What kind of girl wasn't afraid of a man doing this to her? Ashira was terrified of that very thing whenever he was in the form of a female, it was truly the only thing that frightened him. He grunted lightly, fighting back the nearly uncontrollable waves of lust that such contact awoke in him. This girl, she sounded so bored or disinterested. Maybe both. He bit his bottom lip, looking uncertain for a moment. Perhaps if he pushed a little more, he swooped in to press his lips crushingly against her lips. Nothing but force and lust in that kiss. Maybe now she would struggle, and his hands had slipped under her clothing to touch and tease. He would have to be careful, Ashira was sure if he pushed to far he would go over the edge and end up doing something he would regret to this girl, just for the sake of scaring her. He only wanted to frighten not traumatize.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 06:34 AM

She could see his fear and uncertainty as he bit his lip. Hell, he looked like he wanted to bolt. So it had been a ruse to scare her, she thought so. Still he would not be the first to be captured by the allure of a Vila so it had been possible that it was otherwise. Now that she knew, however, her amusement returned full force and she could not resist the urge to play with him a bit as he kissed her. She simply tilted her head slightly so he had even more access to her lips, which the vila ensured were soft and inviting even when she didn't tease. She then parted her lips only to give the softest teasing nip of his bottom lip.

"Have you really been alone so long you'll take just anyone? and here I thought princes weren't interested in someone so common as me." She taunted as he stopped the kiss, teasing him. Of course it would be easy to wiggle against him or pretend to care but it was not in her nature. She rarely even lied, just skirted the truth as necessary. So instead she would be herself and wait to see what choice this dear prince made.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 06:42 AM

Ashira wasn't sure what else to do, he would have to pull away or things would go too far. When she nipped his lip, he did stop. Blinking at her, almost startled at the action, then her words. "You...You're supposed to be scared. I don't understand. What kind of a girl isn't afraid of being taken by someone stronger than her?" He released her, even though part of him truly wanted to continue, to actually take her. He let her go though, moving back a few steps, as if she had burned him or something. His eyes wary, the distrust he had displayed earlier seemed to have intensified, and those eyes didn't leave her. Though now he was blushing with embarrassment, and his hands were in front of him, as if to cover himself. "You are no woman, reveal your true nature to me..Succubus!" He tried to be as demanding as he could be in such a state of carnal need and uncertainty. Though it did seem he was being a little dramatic again, with that last bit.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 06:49 AM

"Succubus? Well I suppose a Vila is closer to a succubus then a fairy, despite how people classify them. Still I am half human so it would seem either way I am classified as both female and a woman." She said in an almost laughing tone as she watched him. She leaned casually against the wall and crossed her arms, simply watching him a moment. He was an excitable young man wasn't he? No matter his years it seemed to her in many ways he was likely inestimably younger then her. She didn't know if that made her happy or sad but for now she simply laughed and shook her head.

"You and your sister are both naive in your own ways aren't you? Still, I'm no succubus. I simply care very little about sex one way or the other and i wouldn't say you were stronger then me. My other hand was free and it would have been easy to stab you through the ribs with one of these. I just find you more interesting alive then your treasure." She said simply as she took out a dagger with what seemed little more then a twitch of her fingers. A simple slight of hand trick to pull one from the many places she had them hidden. She then began to absently throw it up and down, amusement replaced with a rather bored expression as she mused to him a simple question with those impossible violet eyes staring into him as if seeing straight through him.

"You look like a frightened rabbit, what has you so frightened I wonder that you'd play a monster to get me to go away?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 07:07 AM

Ashira kept his eyes on her, though he wanted to turn from her if only to further hide his embarrassment. What kind of prince was he? Acting in such an unfitting manner, like some kind of barbaric idiot. Still, just what kind of woman was Amy? Women didn't carry weapons around, she had mentioned earlier that she had them, but Ashira hadn't really believed her, or rather, hadn't wanted to believe her.

It wasn't normal. Or, perhaps the world had changed so much in a hundred years, that women needed weapons, but it was a man's duty to protect a woman. Any woman. A man's duty was to protect a woman, not take advantage of her, though truly he had no intention of taking advantage of her, just of frightening her. So then. What kind of woman didn't care about sex? And she had weapons!

Ashira watched the knife as she tossed it around rather suspiciously. She could have easily stabbed him? But she's a woman! "Women shouldn't play with such sharp things, it isn't good for their delicate skin. Men are the protectors of women so that their delicate souls and hands need not get stained with blood." This girl, she was so very different from any he had ever known. She was so very different from his own female personality, in his eyes Ashimu was very weak, but Amy seemed stronger. Not just physically. It didn't make much sense to him. Women simply did not act in such a manner!

At least, now his body seemed to be quickly calming down without that physical contact between them and his confusion.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 07:14 AM

"That is a wonderful ideal for the well off, but i can assure you the reality for a poor woman is very different my dear prince. For some of us, the reality is simple. You learn to stain yourself with blood or allow some man more like who you pretended to be a moment ago to stain himself with yours.... and I'm not quite ready to die yet. Life is too much fun." She responded with amusement, seeing him calming down. Her eyes glittered with withheld laughter even as a part of her sighed. Wealthy men really were all to predictable. She flicked her wrist and once again the knife was hidden in some part of her petticoat or sleeve. With her you never really knew.

"It does seem indeed I am to common for you after all. Still perhaps I shall stay to learn to be a lady, that could be fun to play. So are you done trying to frighten this sweet little woman and ready to talk... or play if you really are so lonely... or do you have something else to try?" She spoke offhandedly and simply smiled that same angelic smile at him. It would seem as if she really thought they were just playing some game. In fact they were, she supposed, just one more dangerous then most tended to refer to as 'games'.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 07:26 AM

Ashira was scowling deeply. What kind of place did she come from where the people were poor and the women had to fight for themselves? Such places as that shouldn't exist! "But..There are no poor in my kingdom.." He flinched ever so slightly. "I mean, there were no poor. The women had no need to use such brute force against anything. Men were always there to protect them. What..what kind of place do you come from where there are poor and unprotected women? A king should be ashamed of himself to allow his kingdom that kind of disarray."

He shook his head. "Common, noble, royal. Those are just words. My mother was common born, there is common blood in my veins. The only difference I have ever seen between commons and nobles is that common women have far more common sense than noble women. Though truly if you wish to be a lady, Ashimu could teach you, once you have earned my trust." She was mocking him he was sure, but still, he could teach her to be a lady, well. His female personality could. He was still scowling. He was done trying to frighten her, she was just so unusual.

His body seemed to have completely cooled off now though, and his hands no longer tried to hide that part of himself. He was still a little embarrassed about that whole little situation though.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 07:38 AM

"I thought you didn't wish me to speak to her nor were interested in getting to know me?" She responded with a hint of her prior amusement, her eyes playfully lowering as if to indicate his earlier.... suggestion of a way to get to know one another. She then simply laughed lightly, clearly not embarrassed one bit. Still she said nothing of his remarks about a kingdom or failures as kings. The gods must have really been taking care of this place for no poor to exist or the man really knew very little compared to what he thought he knew. There were always poor, whether of bad luck, or drought, or some similiar thing someone always suffered and barely survived no matter how good the ruler.

"Did you leave the castle often? Your kingdom does sound intriguing and I'd love to hear about how it was." She asked curiously, looking genuinely interested. In fact she simply wanted to know if he really knew what he was speaking of. Few princes, no matter how well meaning, ended up staying in the castle and only going out into the woods and such to hunt. They did not really explore the cities and the worst streets within them. They simply didn't know, and she was more inclined to believe it was the same here then that the gods truly blessed any spot on the world so much as for poor not to exist and evil not to exist only to take it away. Eden, it seemed to her, had to be a metaphor and not a real place...

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 08:02 AM

Ashira turned his back to her when she lowered her eyes at him and he crossed his arms across his chest. Though her words caused him to turn around again and look at her as if she were very stupid. What kind of prince didn't leave the castle? How could you rule a kingdom if you had no idea what was going on in that kingdom? Granted he had never left the kingdom before. "Don't ask stupid questions." There was that arrogance again. "Come." He motioned for her to follow him as he turned and began walking away.

Ashira led them down the hallway and up some spiral stairs, up and up until they reached the top of a tower. He walked to one side, and looked out over the desolate, mountainous barren wasteland with sorrow. His lost kingdom. "Once it had been forests over there, it was where we hunted." He had pointed down to where there was nothing but mountain, moonlight seemed to catch his hand though and silvery light glowed and then the mountain was gone and there was a forest there. It was an illusion though. He moved his hand and pointed somewhere else. "There, the marketplace where I mingled with merchants and bought my mother beautiful trinkets." Again the moonlight caught on his hand, where barren waste land was sprung up a busy marketplace.

Ashira swept both hands out to encompass all the scenery and moonlight seemed to engulf his entire body for a moment, when it faded his entire kingdom lay before them in all directions. The castle at it's heart. "My father and I often mingled with the people of our kingdom. The people never had a want for anything, they didn't hunger, everyone had everything they needed. There were no poor in our kingdom, everyone was prosperous, and our farms grew almost more food than we truly needed. My father and I often worked those farms. Then one day, about a hundred years ago something happened. Darkness descended upon the kingdom." He waved a hand and the illusion faded. "When it lifted, all the people were gone, the land changed to this. Cursed."

Ashira sighed softly. "I think once the curse is broken the land and everything would return to normal, but I'm not certain of that. It's the only reason I can think of to explain why I didn't disappear along with everyone and everything else. Perhaps I am meant to break the curse, but how when I can't leave the castle gates and no one ever comes here?" He had looked at her as if she held the answers he sought, though his expression quickly cleared. Replaced with his distrust, as if to say 'even though I just told and showed you all that, I still don't trust you or want you here'.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 08:13 AM

"Don't you remember? I don't obey on the first date...and we've barely even kissed" Was her only teasing reply about answering stupid questions. She didn't seem too concerned about his arrogance, thinking of him as a silly little prince mainly. As he spoke of working farms she glanced at him, her expression briefly seeming a little more genuine...... and clearly showing she doubted his words. She did glance out, however, and watched the illusions shiver through the air of the dead place. She tilted her head to the side briefly curious. Of course she could be inclined to believe that a god would leave him trapped simply to be cruel and a message to others not to defy but she did not say it.

"I'm here, not that you've been very appreciative or very gracious a host." Was her teasing response to the last, her angelic smile the only answer to his look of distrust. He really was rough around the edges but most of it she sensed was likely a front, only the loneliness real. After all why would he care to show her otherwise? No, he wanted someone to talk to, anyone really. She doubted it would matter if it was her or anyone else, just someone to listen and talk.

"Do you have much information on your deities? That may be helpful." She finally said, speaking seriously for a moment as she gazed out at the land. She was indeed curious now, and part of her wanted to help. If there was really a way to bring so many people back wasn't it worth trying? Sure she was no goddess, she could not break curses with a wave of her hand for all her immunity, but she had choice and thought...

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Kry is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 08:41 AM

She was right, he hadn't been appreciative or gracious, but then that was Ashimu's job, not his. He turned his face up to the moon. "There are four goddesses and four gods. My father used to say that they spoke to him on the nights when the moon was at it's fullest, but I never saw them. The four goddesses represented health, fertility, love and happiness. The four gods represented wealth, protection, honesty, and chivalry." He frowned slightly at the moon, scowling a bit at it. "Our magic was given to us by them, our bloodline blessed by them and our kingdom guarded by them. Now they remain silent, with my father gone I am rightfully king, but on the nights when the moon is fullest the deities do not come down to give me counsel. They won't even drop a hint of why this has happened and what can be done to fix it." His hands clenched into fists and he tore his gaze from the moon, looking out over the desolate land.

Ashira turned from Amy, from the moon and wordlessly headed back down those spiraling stairs. Down and down, back to the hall and then down the hall he went. Soon he was where he wanted to be, opening a door that led to a courtyard seemingly in the center of the castle. A tiny little flower garden set in one corner of it and a small vegetable garden set in the other. It was a rather small court yard, and it seemed the castle had been built around this tiny space. Four doors led from the courtyard to various halls. The courtyard was not something Ashimu would have revealed to Amy during their tour. It was a special place for Ashira. The moon bathed the small rectangular shaped courtyard with silvery light and the prince moved to kneel at the vegetable garden.

True such a thing wasn't needed, but tending to it helped pass the time. Right now it was a place to help ease the sorrow and confusion in his heart. He missed his kingdom and so desperately wanted to break the curse, but not knowing how was rather frustrating. He didn't care if Amy followed him to this place or not, though he still couldn't truly trust her. She was far to strange for a woman.


Staria is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 08:52 AM

Four of each.... the gender bias behind the gods didn't surprise her, though at the same time if the images she was shown was correct it would make sense. It would be likely that were gods to get together and build a kingdom they would create a moral system that reflected themselves and their own sensibilities. She was still puzzling over this when he left and she followed him absently. She might have pouted at the fact he didn't seem inclined to play but her mind was temporarily on the subject of hand and serious as a coiled rattle snake at your feet. Still as he kneeled and seemed so sad she felt her usual mischief and desire to help take hold, not that the two were always the best combination. She approached him slowly, her arms falling around his shoulders as she hugged herself to him. It would have been easy to think the gesture innocent...... if she didn't speak.

" If you have a book on these gods I'd love to read it..... If I find something god I might even reward you." They were simple enough words but her breath on his neck and her tone held a suggestion and a promise... the kind of promise made beneath silk sheets with lips and hands instead of words, whispered in shaky breaths and consuming desire. She then however simply laughed and ruffled his hair before she stood and stepped back. Half of her expected to be smacked but at least if he was angry with her he would not be feeling sadness any longer... It all seemed just so sad and pointless that it tugged at her heart strings for despite the life she lived her heart had never hardened.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-08-2013, 05:28 PM

When those arms slid around him it made his body shiver slightly with desire, and he began to reach up, to place his hand on one of those arms. He stopped himself, her teasing words only intensifying the lustful need that churned inside of him. If she hadn't let go when she did, he would have shaken her off, the ruffling of his hair didn't much bother him. His mother had done things like that, and it was an almost welcome gesture. Slowly he stood. Ashira didn't fully understand, would it always be like that now, when she touched him? Did going without physical contact for so long make any one eager to jump into anyone that came near them? Still when he had been Ashimu he had held this girl's hand and that hadn't made him want to jump her bones.

Ashira shoved the thoughts away rather forcefully. "You still haven't earned my trust. I can't just go traipsing through the castle, showing you all the rooms. You might steal the only things we have left." Ashira didn't much care for the treasure in the treasure room, it was only the things in the castle that held sentimental value that he worried for. He eyed her suspiciously for a few moments and then turned from her to disappear through one of the doors that led back inside the castle from the courtyard. He assumed she would follow him.


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Old 02-08-2013, 08:45 PM

"I already saw most of it with your sister, besides you really don't have anything I desire. I have gained enough riches over my travels to not need to steal from such a forlorn prince." She teased in response, following him absently. It felt like he wanted her to follow him and she had not missed that shiver. Whether it was the allure of the Vila or simply his loneliness was the only question really..... she had no doubt that now he had touched her he wanted her. She sighed, feeling an obligation to explain rather then just seduce him and be done with it. She put her hands behind her head, absently casting her gaze on the walls so as not to see his expression. The confusion on his face would be too predictable....

"Though I doubt you'll trust me more for knowing what a vila is as well as my history. A vila is a female type of fairy with the ability to make anyone capable of wanting them instantly attracted. It breathes off our skin like a perfume... Mine's pretty weak seeing as I'm only half but it's strong enough that I was never lacking for clients when I sold sex for food and gold. In my city being magical was nearly a crime so getting other work simply didn't work and dying of starvation seemed a lot less fun then giving away something I had little care for. It's not so different to give it away for free because this all makes me a little sad. No one should be trapped in a cage forever."

She said quietly, but with a cheer that implied she regretted nothing. Still, there was a little sorrow and a little pity in her voice as she said the last. For a moment her mind fled to her own imprisonment and how half mad it had nearly driven her. A shadow fell over those normally sparkling eyes of hers but it was gone quickly as she forced the thought away and turned to give him one of those angelic, gleaming smiles. She expected surprise and a little disgust to still linger but it was what it was in her mind. She didn't expect he'd ever truly accept her but she didn't mind, you couldn't miss what you never had to begin with after all.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-11-2013, 03:55 AM

Ashira was silent as she spoke, telling him what a Vila was and somewhat how she had lived her life. He found it rather sad that she had to sell her body for food or money, and still it didn't make much sense to him that people in any town or country would ever go without. Though when one had lived with every need seen too, such a concept was hard to grasp. His people had been happy people, protected and well cared for. No one had ever lacked for need of anything.

The prince moved down the hallway, glancing slightly at her for a moment. "Well, I certainly don't trust you any less." He wasn't leading her toward the castle's library, for now he was just walking aimlessly down the hallway. Still, he would have to be careful of her, or rather, careful around her. Ashira glanced at her again, it would be best if they didn't touch one another. He already lusted after her, though that would've happened even if she weren't a Vila, being what she was certainly didn't help matters. It was probably just making his lust for her stronger than it should be. Still, if Ashimu were a separate creature he probably would have been lusting after her before Amy ever appeared.

Ashira shivered slightly and turned down a corridor. "The archives are this way." He spoke the words absently, his mind on other things than books. Perhaps he could trust her a little bit at least. She hadn't really done anything since being here, then again she could just be waiting to gain his trust before doing something. He would just have to take the risk and try to be careful. "I am Ashira Aurelia." He stopped in front of a door and pushed it open, the room was as large as a ballroom and the walls were lined in book shelves. There were ladders attached to the shelves on rollers, most of the shelves reached as high as the ceiling. It was a massive collection of books and everything in the room seemed just as fresh as the food in the small kitchen had been.

He held the door open for her, like a good prince should.


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Old 02-11-2013, 04:31 AM

"Consider your earlier certainty about my being a succubus I don't see how you can not trust me even less now." She teased with a laugh, her tone amused but for the first time she seemed to look at him a little more carefully. She looked genuinely surprised... and perhaps a little uncertain. He'd put her off her game a bit, by not reacting with any of the usual emotions she found. Well, that wasn't true. She had seen such pity before but it still rather startled her. She quickly looked away, gazing forward without further remark. She seemed to withdraw into her own thoughts until they arrived at the library, absently responding to call her Amy as for a moment she just stared.

So many books! She even spotted some in languages she was still puzzling out and long lost to the modern world. So much knowledge, so many books and puzzles all in one place! This time she would not react with simply the appropriate awe and interest, this time her happiness at even seeing such a place was clearly written on her face. The sparkle in her eye was much like one would imagine a person seeing heaven was like and for a moment he would likely be able to see the innocent girl she'd been at 15. A lovely angelic picture really, as everything seemed to slip away from her and she just looked at the books in awe as if she was afraid should she step inside she would be shooed away. She was not often allowed in such places, except in ruins where the dead cared little if she looked at their books. She still had a rather beaten copy of a book in her bag that had been the one her father gave her, and she treasured it. He had saved months for it and taught her to read with it. It was full of fantastic tales of adventure similar to that which she now lived.

"We should definitely find some information here I'd think!" She said with a soft laugh. She reached over and patted his shoulder as she gave him another one of those warm angelic smiles she always gave, back to herself once more. She turned and walked into the room almost hesitantly before moving once again with her usual confidence and grace. She headed towards the books and began to read through the titles thoughtfully. She was mindful of her task but every once and a while she'd stop at a book then almost sigh as she reluctantly walked past it to instead find a few books on their lunar deities for her to read up on. She hated leaving something interesting behind instead of reading it but she had a task at hand.

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Kry is offline
Old 02-11-2013, 05:50 AM

At the wall directly opposite the door was not a wall, but a massive window. Moonlight flowed through the window easily, falling upon the chair and desk that set a few feet from the window, making both look almost as if they were glowing with silvery light. Ashira seemed to ignore her touch, even though it made a shiver run down his spine, and her words, but her expression had not been lost on him. The books made her happy. He didn't enter the room until she had, the door he left open, and he moved towards that desk and chair. "You can read whatever you like, but the books are not allowed to be taken from this room." He gave her a warning glance as he stepped past her on his way to that desk.

The room was so large, it took nearly a minute and half just to reach the desk and when he did he sat down in the chair with a sigh. The moonlight fell upon him and his skin seemed to glow in it. He closed his eyes and leaned back slightly in the chair, welcoming the bath of light for a few moments, then those eyes opened and he was watching her carefully. There were other tables and chairs spread out in the room in ideal locations for one to sit and read at, the one he sat at now had been the head tutor's. The man had been a good tutor, though everyone within this kingdom had known almost nothing about the workings of the real world outside of this little paradise.


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Old 02-11-2013, 06:19 AM

She merely nodded in response to his remark as she sat down at the table. She would begin to go through the books, appearing for once perfectly serious. Occasionally she would jot a note down, not of what it was but rather her own thoughts as her photographic memory would allow her to memorize every word she read. No, her notes were simply things she found interesting or conflicts in the lore and similar such thing. She didn't speak as she simply practically devoured each page, as she hummed softly beneath her breath. It was an unconscious habit really, she always hummed when she was particularly happy. Perhaps it was simply because of the musical nature of a Vila but her song was personal, in this case it was part of a lullaby her father had always sung to her. He had a beautiful voice really...

Still her mind was not on him but instead the gods and goddesses she was reading about. Something about it wasn't fitting at first. Eight to watch over one moon and one kingdom? She leaned back in her chair a moment before nodding and muttering 'demi gods', a term she used for the lowest tier of gods and goddesses. Occasionally they started as humans at that tier then above them was generally a more powerful god that gave them duties or territory to save themselves work, then the mysterious god above all gods at the top. She knew little of this god, only that it was the god that kept the others in check. Still, this distant god rarely seemed to directly interfere, as if he or she knew how things would end before they did. At least that's what the gods she had once encountered seemed to believe, she herself wasn't sure about this 'one'.

"Proving power? territorial dispute?" She muttered to herself in thought as she gazed at the book she was reading currently. It was not uncommon really..... the lowest tier of gods always seemed the most human in nature, for the worst generally. Absolute power corrupts absolutely as they say and these lesser gods always felt they needed to prove something. They were more inclined to walk among humans and help them though so it wasn't as if they were all evil. Still the theory didn't feel right and she shook her head. If that was the case why leave the prince? No they would not leave a loop hole to break the curse... then again maybe that was the limit of a lesser god.

As she debated this she was soon lost in the book and her thoughts, deciding that no there was a personal edge regarding the humans of the kingdom and it was not between the gods themselves. If it had been the other gods would not have respected the one god or goddesses decision and would try to break the curse themselves simply to prove they were more powerful. Satisfied she had at least dismissed a theory she leaned back only to realize she felt warmth on her face. She looked up to see the sun was rising and the prince asleep at the desk.... No, the princess?

For a moment she simply stared at the lovely lady but ultimately simply nodded to herself. This explained a lot.. a man's pride. No, not pride she thought as she felt her human half briefly fade out. Her hair tried to pull free of it's binds and there was a gust of wind around her that created the illusion of feathery white wings only to disappear as quick as it came. She laid down her head as her thoughts and power settled back to normal and closed her eyes. So the secret being found out was feared by the curse itself? Now that was intriguing. Still she quickly pretended to be asleep in case the energy woke the sleeping princess, or the sun woke her as it had woken her. A curse based on gender.... yes this curse was most certainly personal she thought absently as she resisted the urge to actually doze off and listened for the princess.

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Kry is offline
Old 02-11-2013, 06:44 AM

Ashira hadn't meant to fall asleep, though before he knew it, he was leaning forward with his arms on the desk and his head pillowed on those arms. Asleep. Of course once the moon began to set the sun began to rise, the prince changed. That male form replaced with the female form. Everything changed, including the clothing.

Ashimu slept at the desk rather peacefully until something she couldn't name disturbed her. She assumed it was the sunlight streaming in through the large window, and suddenly she sat up quickly. Blinking and looking towards Amy. For a few moments afraid the girl had disappeared, but she hadn't. That was good, she must have slept through the change the same way the prince had. So the secret was safe and without the knowledge of it, Amy wouldn't disappear. Slowly Ashimu stood, hands roaming over the dress slightly to smooth it out some, then she moved to stand before Amy.

Ashimu bent down in front of Amy and reached out to put a hand on her shoulder gently. A pleasant smile on the princess' face. It was so easy to trust and see the good in this person while in this female form. It was so easy to be so friendly and open in this form. "Wake up and have breakfast with me." Such a friendly invitation left those dainty lips so easily and sincerely.


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Old 02-11-2013, 06:51 AM

"hrmph..." She responded, mumbling something intelligible about it being too earlier. When she looked up her eyes looked misty from sleep, as if she really had fallen asleep. She saw no reason to tell the princess anything, she did not yet know why the girl hid the curse after all. She didn't know if the girl knew the danger or was merely hiding for prides sake. If it was the latter, revealing her knowledge would be dangerous as the other might kick her out. To break the curse Amy imagined she would likely need her cooperation...

"'morning beautiful... sure." She responded lazily, as if fully awake. She put her brain storming journal away and after she marked her place with a ribbon she would stand. She left the books in place, knowing she would return later. She watched the other woman, letting her lead the way. The royal was so different in this form.... was it because this was how the prince interpreted females? or the deities? Or was it an act? No..... those innocent eyes were no act.

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Old 02-11-2013, 07:18 AM

That pleasant smile remained and she straightened once it was clear that Amy was awake. Those hands smoothing the fabric of her clothing once more, a blush touching her cheeks as Amy called her beautiful. Ashimu turned towards the door, mostly to hide the blush. "I've gotten very good at cooking." She spoke the words with innocent pride as she glanced at Amy to see if she was coming.

"I had been taught a few things before the curse, but with everyone gone, I had to figure out some things on my own. Still with a hundred years to practice, I think I've gotten really good at it." She turned to beam at Amy.

"I hope you'll like the breakfast I'm going to make us." She had clasped her hands in front of her chest, a hopeful look in her eyes. Amy was her friend and it would be nice to make a good meal for her friend, also it was a little exciting, getting to cook for someone else. There didn't seem to be any lingering bits of lust leftover from the male form, though in truth, Ashimu found it so very much easier to push away that desire for sex when in the female form.


Staria is offline
Old 02-12-2013, 06:29 PM

Amy nearly chuckled at the blush, curious why. She did not recall her blushing yesterday, but then again she had been distracted. She shrugged at the thought and stood, breakfast did sound good. How long had it been since she'd eaten? She wasn't sure... oh well. It didn't matter here, there were no lack of supplies or food. It was a simple human weakness to require food but she preferred it. For all the years that passed it reminded her of where she came from and her precious father. She moved to stand next to the other woman, her back pack on her shoulders.

"Oh I'm sure I will love it. I tend to live on beef jerky and other travel foods so I tend to eat the same run of the mill thing every day and that gets awful boring" She responded with a laugh, clearly amused by the other woman's anxiousness. Was this the ideal of a woman in his kingdom she wondered absently. To be so eager to please others, soft and cuddly and always so gentle. It was the very opposite of what Amy was or what she prided in herself. She adored her independence and her inner strength that had pushed her through so much hardship.

She turned her eyes to the ceiling, mainly to hide the thoughtfulness in them and let herself be led without another word. She doubted the people here would exactly welcome her with open arms upon her breaking of the curse.... oh well she'd still stay until she had done so. Maybe it was just her nature to defy such cruel gods, maybe she was just much kinder and softer then she'd admit even to herself..... it was hard to tell with her.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 02-13-2013, 07:43 AM

Ashimu had wrinkled her nose slightly and reached out to grasp Amy's hand with her own delicate one. "That does sound like a boring meal." Ashimu couldn't imagine only living on one type of food for a long while, she smiled pleasantly at Amy and soon they had come not to the small kitchen, but to the dinning room. Ashimu led Amy over to a chair, and released her hand. "Please wait here while I prepare our meal." She spoke the words politely, but if Amy refused, Ashimu wouldn't be bothered by it. Amy was more than welcome to stand around in the kitchen while she cooked, but Ashimu wasn't rude, only Ashira was rude, so she would not make her guest stand in the kitchen while waiting for the food. Ultimately though, that decision was Amy's. Still Ashimu would wait for Amy's response before leaving for the kitchen.


Staria is offline
Old 02-13-2013, 07:41 PM

"Oh you are spoiling me, treating me like a lady" Amy responded to the request with a laugh. It was clear the idea of royalty serving her was both new, surprising, and somewhat amusing. She smiled softly a moment and sat a little hesitantly, glancing at the other woman as if she wasn't sure the princess really wanted her to. She was honestly puzzled by the offer, and again wondered at the change in personality. She wondered absently if the prince would be so kind should he get a little of that....... frustration out. She pushed aside the thought for now and simply smiled up at the princess from her chair as if waiting to be frowned at or some similar thing.


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