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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 04:01 AM

As long as you weren't without a job for a really long time (unwillingly) after you left the job I wouldn't be too upset about it. But hey, you know for the future, yeah?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 04:03 AM

haha yeah. I wasn't without a job for much time at all. I got picked up by Starbucks pretty fast. Been with them for a year now. Though who knows how much longer. I've been taking off for the semesters because my school schedule is so loaded. But apparently there's a mandatory meeting on Sunday for everyone, and I suddenly have blue hair which might not please them but whatever. And then if I go to London, well...I probably won't be allowed to stay on. But it's all good. I'd take a trip to London over making coffee which I may or may not be allergic to anyway.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 04:10 AM

Where did you work before if I may ask? /wishes to avoid them

Hmm, well, I imagine they'll just tell you to dye it back before you go back to work if anything. Do you live in a conservative place?

Oh yeah, hon, give up everything within reason to go to London. It's something you'll never regret.

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 02-23-2013, 04:31 AM

If I ever have money to blow, I'm going to London and Paris. And if John doesn't want to go, I'll take my mom. XD

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 04:45 AM

lol I'm definitely going to London. It's happening. Not even like I have much to give up, at least materially. More like trying to find the money to go.

Yeah, I'm sure they would just tell me to dye it back. It's not a huge concern, since I'm kind of their scheduling-savior when I'm working. :) Oh, I worked for Corner Bakery Cafe before. It's a fairly small chain, though, so I'm not sure if you'd run into them? They ARE expanding, though. I dunno how other stores are run, but mine was pretty awful. I was forced to into working extra shifts because you couldn't sign out without a fingerprint from the manager or shift on duty. In hindsight, I don't think anyone would have blamed me for just walking out but I'm not in any situation where I could feel comfortable doing that. Money's tight enough as it is without me quitting on the spot over poor management ethics.

serena yuy
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Old 02-23-2013, 05:01 AM

Eh, I'm still a little paranoid I wouldn't be able to get a good job like that while I'm in school. :/ I dunno. I have this fear I wouldn't be good enough even though they said we wouldn't need experience :/

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 05:06 AM

Aww I'm sure it'll be okay. I'm sure you're still plenty qualified and better than "good enough". :)

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 05:34 AM

Originally Posted by HappyStarr View Post
lol I'm definitely going to London. It's happening. Not even like I have much to give up, at least materially. More like trying to find the money to go.

Yeah, I'm sure they would just tell me to dye it back. It's not a huge concern, since I'm kind of their scheduling-savior when I'm working. :) Oh, I worked for Corner Bakery Cafe before. It's a fairly small chain, though, so I'm not sure if you'd run into them? They ARE expanding, though. I dunno how other stores are run, but mine was pretty awful. I was forced to into working extra shifts because you couldn't sign out without a fingerprint from the manager or shift on duty. In hindsight, I don't think anyone would have blamed me for just walking out but I'm not in any situation where I could feel comfortable doing that. Money's tight enough as it is without me quitting on the spot over poor management ethics.
There is actually a Corner Bakery Cafe in my college town, so you did me a favor! My mum went into it and said she didn't like it, though, so I've never been.

Yeah, I've seen your posts about it on Tumblr so I know how excited you are. :) You'll get there.

@Ser: You're worth it, Ser. Just give it a shot: all they can do is say no. And it's their loss if they do.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 05:44 AM

hehe Tumblr is like my big comfy couch that I can never leave. >.> Oh wow! I didn't realize they had grown more. They're really NOT that good. Half their food makes me sick anyway, since I'm lactose-intolerant. And their "vegan" soup option is actually made with cream. The cookies are made with lactase sugar. It's...yea. Not the best place.

I agree with Elysium! You are sooo worth it, Ser! And don't let them tell you otherwise. Even if they try, they're wrong. :)

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 05:50 AM

Yeah, Tumblr is growing on me a lot. I doubt I'd ever want to be uber popular on there, though. I just like reblogging random stuff. I gain and lose followers randomly for who knows why, but I don't want to moderate my posts just to make them happy.

Yeah, I think it was about a year and a half ago they showed up there. I'm a big Panera Bread fan myself if you know what that chain is. My mum likes them too, so I trusted her when she said Corner Cafe was no good...

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 05:58 AM

Panera is the besttt We go there and I make my mom buy me extra bread every time because I just can't not gorge on their bread.

Sometimes I look at my new followers and I look at my most recent posts and I'm just like "Why ARE you following me?" I'm not really after being popular. I just want to get enough influence to instigate things. I'm kind of a trouble maker, when it comes down to it.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:04 AM

I am SUCH a carb freak, omg. Lately I've been going in there, getting a 1/2 & 1/2 with a grilled chicken caesar salad, and their new tortellini with a baget <3. Excuse me while I get a bucket for my drool.

Hahaha, exactly. "WHAT exactly made you follow me? So..ya know...I can do it again." Lolz. I keep finding myself reposting a lot of feminist stuff, and I think that loses me some followers, unfortunately, but really...they can suck it if they have a problem with that.

I'm not much of a trouble maker, but I get what you mean.

serena yuy
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Old 02-23-2013, 06:05 AM

Eh, I'll try. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make my resume look better. I dunno. Hopefully I can get a good job right now. I'm sick of the food court.

---------- Post added 02-23-2013 at 01:05 AM ----------

mmm carbs. I ate a lot of carbs tonight ^^"
I usually do sometimes.

mmm tumblr. I like it there. nice there :D

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:11 AM

You could certainly get something better than the food court, Ser. :)

I went to a Chinese Buffet tonight, so I ate a lot of noodles, rice, wontons...mmmmmm. It was yumtastic.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:22 AM

lol carbs are probably my main source of food. Not as much lately because the only food I really want from school these days are smoothies. So I just have a ton of Peanut Butter/Banana smoothies and they're sooo good.

I usually lose followers after posting pictures of me, actually. People ain't got time for posts that don't contain their FAVORITE THINGS EVER which is clearly not me.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:28 AM

Yeah, same here. I'm glad that the low carb diet thing turned out to be another bs fad. I should probably eat less though.

That's really lame, you'd think they'd want to see what their fave blogger looks like. My thing is, that if people think they're going to follow me for any specific thing they're kinda shit out of luck. I will try to post a few quotes a day, but other than that it's just what catches my fancy.

serena yuy
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Old 02-23-2013, 06:41 AM

omg, I would love to go to a chinese buffet and enjoy all those noms. But, I'm watching my spending. Especiually after I get my taxes done I will be ^^"

I'm surprised I have as many followers on tumblr that I do ^^"

I know I shoudl eat less carbs... But being a broke-ass graduate student forced to work in a food court job getting paid $7,25 an hr is bull. I really hope to get something like this job that I got the e-mail about.. Get paid over $9 for work I should/want to do.
I work my ass off at this food court and get paid crap. It's bull. I need more money :/

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:47 AM

Yeah, we've been going to this place since I was REALLY young. It's pretty nostalgic. :) But it's expensive so it doesn't happen often.

I really like your blog, Ser. I'd have followed you even if I didn't know you. :)

I just come from a high carb family. XP We LOVE bread, and cheese, and Italian, always have. So I cook a lot of it. I want to learn some more veggie dishes, though.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:48 AM

Food jobs are seriously the worst. I honestly can't believe they pay us so little, considering how much affect we have on our customers. I mean, this is FOOD. People ingest what you give them. Maybe if they paid food workers more, there wouldn't be so many incidents of "Oops I accidentally rubbed bird poo in your sandwich for being so rude". At Starbucks, we decaf our rude customers. >.>

lol Clearly I wasn't their favorite blogger! haha I think most people start following me because I randomly spam a lot of things at once when I'm browsing through tags. Like, I'll wake up one day and be like "I want to look at pictures of forests today" and then that's all anyone's going to get. Next thing they know I'm reblogging social justice posts and pictures of kittens. Then random rants about nothing in particular. I'm still shocked I have so many followers. Every time I look at the counter I'm just "WOAH REALLY!?"

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 06:52 AM

Ugh. I seriously hope I've never treated a food worker badly. I don't think I have...I have sent things back for being wrong before and gotten glares, but if they did something to my food for that they are assholes, not me, because I tried to be nice while sending it back.

I'm like that, too. I just think up some tag I want to see and spam post my favorite things from that tag, and then I might disappear for the day. I haven't posted much original stuff on there, but the things I have have all gotten 50-150 notes, so I think if I actually tried I could be popular on there.

serena yuy
Cat Whisperer
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Old 02-23-2013, 07:03 AM

Oh I know. I don't get it why the hell we get paid so little with all of the crap we have to go through just to make sure the customer is always happy... -.- Doesn't help my customers mostly are asshole students who are in so much of a hurry or are full of themselves because they go to a good school. Even if the college wants to kill them.... Literally.

When I get something given to me that is wrong, since myself, my boyfriend, and most of my family have or have had jobs in food, I am one of the nicest people and will be nice... But even then soem of the workers may just be assholes.

Aww thanks Ely, same here :) I try to have awesome stuff on there :) I like this blog I have since it's all this stuff that I like ^^

I'm from a family with European backgrounds, we're known for our carbs :D I do cook a lot of things with carbs only because I just don't really have time sometimes. But, I do have a few cans of veggies, I should buy more fresh veggies but I have bag salad and a healthier vinegarette dressing. However, I do have fresh fruit (I have a few blood oranges and an apple ^^)

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 07:04 AM

lol that's pretty good! I usually only get into the 10 note range. But I'm okay with that, since it lets me feel free to write about whatever the heck I want. And I know the people who do reply and send me messages about things really do care, so it's all good. :)

Nah I'm sure you're fine. If it's wrong, it's wrong. I always feel really bad being "THAT" customer with the needy orders and then if they don't do it right I have to send it back because I have dietary restrictions and if I say "NO CHEESE" I better not be getting "EXTRA CHEESE" on anything. It's just plain rude.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 07:18 AM

My heritage is German, Danish, and English, so I've definitely got some carb loving ancestry going on. I love food in general, though. There's not really a type of food I won't eat entirely.

I get orders that are "healthier" than I ordered a lot of the time. Like I've been brought water instead of Sprite, or given a humburger steak instead of a freaking bacon hamburger, or something similar. It's like...kay. Do I look fat or something? XD It's just a coincidence I'm sure, though.

But I hate sending anything back, so if it's something simple and I can deal with it, I'll probably not say anything. I did have to demand my verde sauce at Taco Bell the other day, though.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 07:45 AM

Oh wow. That's...not right. I think I tend to be more harsh on other food workers because I see a lot general carelessness and I'm just like "Wow okay you guys are why we don't get paid enough" I've sent numerous things back. But, again, it's usually because they bring me the wrong orders and the wrong orders will make me sick.

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 02-23-2013, 07:52 AM

If the "that's not right" was in reply to the healthy food replacing thing, I think most of the time it's coincidence, and a lot of the time it's that I'm with family and they just stereotype and figure my dad ordered the burger, not me. Or whatever. But I'm quite skinny, so I don't think they're really trying to do it most the time. It's just it happens so often I'm like...kay.

The worst thing I've ever had at a restaurant was several years ago when I was still in high school. I was at an Olive Garden with my parents on our usual weekend out, and the kitchen sent my mother a big slab of pork that had been seared, but not put in the oven, so it was completely raw on the inside. And if you know anything about meat...pork is about THE worst thing to eat raw. They covered our dinner for free and gave us free desserts as well when my mom complained.


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