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Staria is offline
Old 02-01-2013, 06:20 PM

Aisling 'Ash' Cinaed
"Sonya can probably explain better then I, come here and I'll introduce you." She said quietly as she gazed after the boy in thought a moment. She frowned, an unusual thing for the red head, but she pushed it away and walked over with Kiah. She quickly introduced them then asked them both out into the hall. Well asked was probably the wrong word, more accurately she dragged them into the hall since she knew that inquisitive clementi's had big ears by nature. Still a glare from Sonya quickly kept anyone from falling and then she looked at ash with a 'what do you want now' rather aloof expression.

"This girl shares your ability and needs a little help understanding it. Now I have to go find a pouting boy, I always do have an eye for the troubled ones don't I?" She said with a slightly flirtatious edge. She winked at the two and was soon winding thhrough the halls. She paused to get hades and wake him up before having the tiny dog follow Arius' scent until she found him by the lake. She quickly came up behind him and put her hands over his eyes.

"Gues who? ... You know you upset your sister back there." She said the first playfully but the last was serious and almost slightly chiding. She wasn't one able to stand by while people were hurt. Then again few true Rudbecki's could. Justice was a pillar of their tenets for a reason. She, being herself, was probably more firmly behind that pillar then most for reasons of her own that few were willing to discuss.

Sonya Peters
Ash.... dear ash. So useful yet so demanding sometimes. Still the woman let herself be pulled along mainly out of curiosity. She listened and nodded softly to her as she spoke. Another auto writer huh? Unusual but it would explain some of the writings she'd done lately of a 'new star'. She shook her head at the thought and peered at the younger blond woman with her usual emotionless stare. She saw no reason for emotions to muddle things but as she leaned back against the wall she crossed her arms and prepared for a chat.

"Auto writing, the ability to channel spirits and things about the past, present, and future through your body so it can write down messages. It is difficult to control and sometimes even help. Still I'll help you if I can. What precisely would you like me to help you with about it?" Sonya stated in that usual soft, wintery voice of hers. It always sounded far away, as if she were actually looking at her books as she spoke rather then you. The russian's accent was slight, almost non existant, but something about her voice still suggested ice, snow, and wind. It startled many people but Sonya didn't seem to notice, or perhaps she simply didn't care because there was nothing she could do about it.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-02-2013, 04:26 AM

((Sorry that it has taken so long for me to get a post made. The way it looks I'll have limited internet access for roughly 10 to 15 more days. I will be so glad once my new internet service starts.))

The young man was leaning against one of the walls of the dinning hall, an unusual cat sitting beside him. The pair seemed to pay little mind to the other, more interested in what was going on around them than each other. All the excited energy in the room, especially that from the first years, seemed to be getting the cat wound up. At least that's what it appeared from with way the cat was sitting and it's long tell swished back and forth along the floor behind it. Ciaran glanced down at the bengal. "Be good Mia. I don't need you causing trouble like you did last year on the first day." Mia gave the boy a look of indifference before getting up and padding off. The boy chuckled lightly at his companion. His attention returned to the room and what was going on around him. From the way he stood there looking about one would have guessed he must be a perfect, but that was something he wanted no part of, though he had no problems with helping when he was needed. Before long Cia had pulled out his sketchbook and a pencil.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 02-02-2013 at 04:30 AM..

Kilia is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 07:34 PM

Aruis laid down on the shore, sighing as he looked out across it, before he looked up at the ceiling of the cave as he listened to Odin bound into the water as he splashed around. He soon sat up to try and see what his companion was growling at, only to soon have his eyes covered and to hear Odin come running towards him, barking and growling at the person. As far as he knew there was only one person so far that he would do that too. "Your trying to kill yourself, Ash." he said to her in a serious voice before he pulled her hands from his face and pushed her away from him. "What goes on between me and my twin is no ones' business but my own and hers." he said to her as he moved away, moving to another spot before he finally noticed the small dog that was with her.


Kiah was rather relieved that she was going to be guided, even have someone talk for her so that she would not have to go through the processes of having to write everything she wants to say in the air once more. Her hand twitched for a few minutes before it started to act as if it was writing once more, she placed a hand on her chest, cupping it over the bunny that was hiding there. She nodded her head in greeting before she was dragged off, seeing the look on Sonya's face made her shrink a little before she looked shocked at Ash leaving her in the middle of the hallway with someone she didn't know. She listened to what the female was saying to her, she clearly was shrinking at the looks, almost curling in one her self. She pulled her wand out once more. "How do i get it to stop? I-it hurts......" she wrote into the air with her wand, watching as the pale violet words, fidgeting as she played with the pendent around her neck. It was a simple on with the Redbucki symbol, a mirror in the middle of it that reflected her twin, it was mainly there to help keep in contact with him.


Staria is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 08:02 PM

Aisling 'Ash' Cinaed
"Bah, I get worse scrapes training then a dog bite. I'm fine... and sorry love but your sister has chosen to involve me and treat me as a friend. That makes anything that hurts her my business too. What are you pouting in here for anyway? Closing yourselves off from the world isn't going to do anyone any good." She responded easily, only glancing at Odin as if to say 'you're a dork'. She then shrugged and simply scooped up her own dog that had started to rush to her defense. She held hades tightly so he could only bark at Odin to leave Ash alone. She then turned back to Arius and gave him one of her brilliant smiles.

"Now come on, before Sonya the ice queen makes your sister's blood freeze. She's not so good at emoting so it bother's some people, she means no harm by it .....usually" Ash added as she held out one hand, still pinning her dog with the other. She simply stood over him, to stubborn to be that easily scared off. Ash was one to stand up for her beliefs no matter how much she got hurt doing it. So she protected Rudbecki's and those who chose her for their friend as precious things, no matter what they thought of her....

Sonya Peters
"Well learning meditation and to sense when a spirit or anything is going to try does seem to help....Fighting does make it hurt though, easier to give in and learn to just be able to tell the spirit 'later, i'm busy'. I can teach you meditation if you like though" Sonya said simply as she accio'd her violin to her. She put the case over her shoulder and waited for an answer, attempting a small smile but it was clearly difficult for her. Showing emotion had always been difficult for her.... it was just easier to let people call her the ice queen.

She knew many people found it easier to meditate with music. She knew various places they could go if the other girl said yes. She didn't mind either way. It was ultimately the girl's gift to own or dismiss. She was not persistant like Ash and tended to let people make their own choices. Where was that red head anyway? Probably getting into trouble per usual... it was good the girl knew so many healing spells...... almost as good as the school nurse.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-04-2013, 07:52 PM

Arius snorted as he listened to Ash go about how she had worse then a dog bite, sure he can believe that after all they were witches and wizards and they can do far worse things. Though this female did not know just exactly what the miniature husky was capably off after all he was his companion for a reason. "I could careless about you having worse then a dog bite. Nothing and i mean nothing that goes on between us has anything to do with you!!! Family business is just that. Family business, no one else!!!"he said to her, yelling some of his sentences, they echoed in the gave, letting them know just exactly where they were at. "What part of it is none of your business do you not understand?" he would have growled at her if he could as he finally stood up, dusting himself off as he moved away, sure he found her attractive, every guy did when she dressed like that but he was not going to let it influence him, well not as much as it did everyone else.

"If Sonya lays a finger on my twin.....Odin will be the least of her worries." he said to her as his hand reached up, clutching at the pendent that hung around his neck, it was like Kiah's only it had the Gerani house animal on it, the mirror in the middle though reflected Kiah instead of him. He looked at the hand that was stretched out towards him, ignoring it as he turned and walked off, heading to the opposite side of the lake to get away from her. Sure he was upset and he was supposedly sulking like Ash said he was, but he just needed time to think, to get away from everything after all no one knows what they had gone through, that is why secrecy was important to him.


Kaih gave her a worried smiled, listening closely before she nodded, letting her know that she was willing to have her teach her everything that she knew, holding a finger up for her to hold on for a moment, pulling the notebook that she had been writing in, handing it over. It was unreadable, there was no trace of space at all in there, words, lines were written over each other. You could not make a single thing out, which would explain why she was having such a hard time with this power. "I need help with this. So thank you for your help and i shall learn all i can." she wrote into the air before she bowed to her, Moon Dust jumping out once she was closer to the ground, shock crossed her face before she tried to pick him up before he got hurt.


Staria is offline
Old 02-04-2013, 08:17 PM

Aisling 'Ash' Cinaed
"You'll drive away any family to have business with acting like that...." Ash said casually enough, a bit of pity in her voice. It was like holding onto a dove, hold it to tight and you just crush the poor thing and it hates you before it dies. He was going to end up making Kiah either turn in on herself or hate him forever if he didn't be careful. Still she did not react to being yelled at, she had worse things done. Everybody had secrets she supposed. She simply gazed at him a moment as he moved away, that thoughtful look full of pity still on her delicate features.

The red head shook her head and glanced back towards the entrance, she knew sonya wouldn't hurt the girl. Sonya wasn't the easiest to understand or to read but she had a soft heart hidden under all that ice. She shrugged to herself at the thought and glanced back to Arius. She was torn between going ot reassure the girl and keeping the boy from doing something stupid. At this rate he might lash out at someone who would actually tell a teacher or get their friends involved or otherwise do something other then pity him. So she stood, caught between the two. She was too soft a touch to turn her back on anyone, unlike Sonya who could have just walked off without a word to the boy. Sonya always said Ash's heart was her weakness, Ash always said it was her strength, for once the red head was not so certain who was right.

Sonya Peters

"It's no problem, we should probably find somewhere quiet. Is there any place in the school you prefer?" Sonya responded, shifting uncertainly at the thank you as if she wasn't use to it. She quickly caught the little bunny with a levitation charm before floating it to the girls hands before it could hit the ground. If necessary she would catch the girl with her arm should her motions continue to throw her forward anyway. She was use to multi tasking it seemed..... then again she was often having to.

"You should Be more careful" She scolded gently, though it likely sounded more harsh then she meant to. She then would wait for the girl to pick a place once she and the bunny were both safe. She didn't tend to play with other people listening other then Flamma the house phoenix but it would have to do. It was the easiest way to communicate emotion and get the girl settled down into meditation.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-15-2013, 04:23 PM

(sorry rl got hectic for me)

" don't get it.........." Arius mumbled as he tried so very hard to ignore her, but it was clear that it was not working very well as she was being rather persistent. He didn't want her pity, he was tired of people looking at him with pity, and treating him with it. It pissed him off even more when they did that to his twin, he knew that over half of them did not know what happened in their past. Though now it was more pity for him because he takes care of his twin, if someone actually stopped and watched the two of them. They would see that his world basically evolved around her and his focus was on her well being and what was best for her, more then anything. So pity was something that just angered him after being faced with it for years. After all how would you feel at being pitied because your twin went through something tragic and stopped talking, leaving you to protect her and letting people know just what was what.


Kiah had a relieved look on her face as she took the bunny back from the female, stroking him furiously before looking Moon Dust over, tucking him back into her shirt. She made the sign thank you to her, which was just putting her fingers to her mouth and and pulling them down until it seemed like she was asking for money. She then furrowed her brow as she tried to think of a place to go to meditate, she then remembered something. She tapped the mirror around her neck until it showed the place where her twin was at, holding it out to Sonya until she could see what she was thinking. Being chastised by the female made her bow her head as if she was ashamed of her actions, of mainly almost losing her companion. She fidgeted in her spot once more before writing in the air once more. "Can we go to where Arius is? He.....this is......we...." it was clear that she did not know how to word her thoughts for someone else to understand at the moment.

badryukun is offline
Old 02-19-2013, 06:28 AM

A taller than average young man of about 17 wearing a Rudbecki uniform walks into the dining hall. Running a hand through his short blond hair as he glances at the tables and immediately notices the fiery red hair and the body language of the guy she was talking to. He cannot help but sigh as he moves to the Rudbecki table watching them leave the hall. He was curious as to why, but he can tell the male(another rudbecki it seemed) was certainly irritated with her.

His body language was calm which seemed to contradict the rings on his index and ring fingers and the pierced ears. Those when combined with his red eyes gave him a rather aggressive and unlikable appearance. Without speaking another word he passes her to eventually reach the table where he begins to pile up a large amount of food which seemed to contradict his fairly lithe frame.

In his opinion the woman was too aggressive in her social interactions. Some would call her flirty or prefer to use derogatory terms to describe her. He simply preferred to call her aggressive, even if it was not in the context normally used. She was always pushing people in different ways, some good and some bad. For this young man named Furion, he simply hoped that she would not push him to the point of lashing out to a degree that she would retaliate. Upon finishing his food the 7th year leaves the table to follow the trail of the trio. It wasn't too hard, he had developed a few tracking spells, which is why he bends down shortly to touch one of the drops of bloods on the floor to his right index ring. The gemstone then glows and shows a small blue thread of magic which he proceeds to follow. "Hopefully she will have toned down her antics"

Last edited by badryukun; 02-19-2013 at 07:26 AM..

YGOTASf@n is offline
Old 02-21-2013, 02:29 AM

Albert was sitting at the Gerani dinner table, the hustle and bustle of all the other students around him made him smile slightly. "This is going to not be as bad as I first thought." He muttered to himself. After he loaded his plate he took looked around, the students were all interacting with one another for the most part, some seem to get up and leave as they finished their food, they all had friends.

I'm a first year, Al thought to himself, I will have friends. With a sigh he finished aloud, "At some point." Over to his right hand side a older girl, she looked about sixteen or seventeen seemed to be fidgeting with her hoodie. He saw her smiling and thought was happy to see that the school accepted everybody with no judging. Takeng notice of the skulls on her hat he wasn't sure if he should talk to her or somebody else, then made his choice. Al nodded and pick up his plate and moved his way down the table so that he was across from the girl.

"Hel-hello," he stuttered facing the girl, "my name is Albert Harrison. I noticed you were not talking with anybody and I was wondering if I could sit and talk with you. You see I am a first year and I was hoping that you could help me by maybe giving me some pointers about the school. So may I?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-21-2013, 02:53 AM

Ayumu picked at the food that was on the plate in front of her. The girl was getting annoyed by all the noise some of the other Rudbecki students were making. First day was always one of the worst days of the school year in her opinion. Everyone being so hyper, cheerful and excited. Once she couldn’t take it anymore the female rose from her seat. The fact that she barely ate anything probably was expected because of her slim and delicate looking figure.

One of the only things she liked about the first day was that she could wear her traditional Japanese style clothing instead of the schools uniform. Ai ignored some of the male students that attempted to flirt with her. Apparently they must have been first or second years and didn’t know of her reputation for being cold and distant. Some even called her cruel because of the lack of emotion she tended to show other than when using her magic or during weapon practice. The girl went on her way; she had enough of this noisy place. Surely the Rudbecki training room would be a much quieter place where she could collect her thoughts.

While heading to exit the dinning hall another girl stepped in front of her, blocking her way. “Move,” she spoke without even to look at the girl before her. The girl only laughed and smiled, “Now, now Ayumu surely you recognize your old childhood friend Hotaru.” Ai actually looked at the girl, recognizing the voice and name. She froze in place, staring at the younger girl for a few moments. “What are you doing here,” her voice full of malice.

Hotaru giggled, “Come on Ai, don’t be like that. It’s been so long.” The girl’s tone was sickly sweet. She drew closer to the older girl and linked arms with her. “Anyway I just transferred here. Apparently my parents think this place will offer me a better education.” She smiled a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Ai unlinked her arm from Hotaru’s and pushed her away. “Don’t touch me. You make me sick. I’m going to tell you this once and only once. Leave me alone and don’t get anywhere near me. I swear that if you try to mess with me that you will regret it. I will never forgive you for what you did.” The black haired girl’s voice was almost a growl.

Hotaru shook her head. “Why won’t you forgive me? Also you know I can’t ever leave you alone my dear old friend,” her voice dripping with malice. The tension in the air between the two females was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. As the two faced each other they didn’t notice any of the stares or whispering that was going on around them.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 02-22-2013 at 09:46 PM..


Staria is offline
Old 02-22-2013, 08:43 PM

Aisling 'Ash' Cinaed
"nope, because no one can if you don't explain silly." She responded softly, not really saying anything in particular. She doubted he would listen to her. No, he was too busy being stubborn. She sighed and shook her head only for her dog to bark softly. She glanced down at the chihuahua, seeing it's tail was wagging softly. Must be somebody he knew that was coming... a Fellow redbucki most likely, but not one of the ones that gave Ash trouble. The dog grew silent once she had noticed it, seeming satisfied. She laughed at the silly dog and shook her head before she glanced out at the hall. She soon saw a familiar blond rounding the corner. Furian..... She never was quite sure what to think of him. Still she shrugged and glanced towards the other blond pouting nearby and let him know being he wasn't likely able to see from where he was...

"We've got company dear heart."

Sonya Peters
"Very well..." Sonya responded, after absently signing back 'you're welcome' in return. She never did really recall where she picked up sign language. Then again there was alot of random bits of knowledge in her head she didn't always remember where it came from. She shook her head and turned, her steps soon carrying her forward as she made a simple motion with her hand for the other to follow. She said nothing else until they arrived, only glancing at Furian on the way. It seemed they were heading the same direction. Ash must have gotten into trouble again...

"Hello..." She responded simply as the chihuahua barked a greeting at her as well. She patted the creature, always getting along better with animals then people really. With a shrug she released the pup and would stand next to the lake. She looked at Kiah expectantly, allowing her to choose where in the room for them to go next. She didn't seem to particuliarly care about what happened next, though inwardly it made her slightly uncomfortable to have so many strangers around her while she played which resulted in her adjusting her glasses absently.

Nimarda 'Mara' Arminius
"Go ahead, though I'm not sure how much i can help you. " was the shy mara's rather startled reply. She was surprised by the approach, most people scared off by her appearance. She was a little reluctant to offer the help, being always a little uncertain around strangers, but it was the best she could do to wave at the seat next to her as if in invitation for him. She wondered why he had approached her of all people inwardly but said nothing. She was curious, but she would wait for him to speak. Perhaps he had a specific question in mind?

Belinda 'Bella' Carmen
"You two are funny" Said a voice from nearby as the small girl stepped from the crowd next to Ai and hotaru and laughed softly. As the tinkling bell like sound escaped her many of the older students stepped back and shuddered, only the younger students looking confused even as the crowd pushed back to give the strange creature a wide berth. She simply smiled at this and stepped forward until she reached the two, her petty coats whispering against each other slightly as she curtsied to the two women. She then looked at Ai as if she knew her well and they were old friends, even if she had not spoken to her before. Bella was a perfect actress and those who tried to get into the legimency and occulemency prodigy's head to find out what was real and what wasn't always regretted it rather quickly.

"But Ai my dear heart, you promised to show me your fans today.... Can't you catch up with your friend later?" the doll like woman said then with a bit of a pout. She crossed her arms slightly as she stood up straight and peered up at the other woman, looking rather disappointed. She didn't even look at hotaru for the moment, though the raven on her shoulder watched the blond closely. She wondered absently if Ai would take the way out offered rather then be a fool and try to start a fight on the first day.... from her gathered intel she could only guess, but either way she would find out something and be satisfied.

YGOTASf@n is offline
Old 02-22-2013, 08:52 PM

Albert gave a small smile, "Thank you," he said as he sat down at the seat that the girl gestured at placing his plate in front of him. "As I said I am a first year and I was hoping you could help me with how to deal with the teachers so that they like me. Maybe point out what people I should keep away from. I pretty much just wanna stay out of trouble with everybody here." Giving a small smile he picked up a clean fork and picked up his food. Putting the food in his mouth he looked at the girl waiting for her to respond.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-24-2013, 11:00 PM

"Why would i talk to anyone about personally things?" Arius said to her in an exasperated voice as he sighed heavily, he was getting tired of this, it was clear that he was calming down and that his mood was slowly changing, maybe it was because he can slowly feel his twin getting nearer to him, but no one can ever really know. "I am not your dear heart." he said to her, not caring that they weren't alone now, though he was upset that his secret place was now known to almost everyone in the school. He gave a surprised cry when Kiah had basically glomped him, causing him to fall over as he hugged her back. He looked at her writing before chuckling, helping her to sit up as he fixed her hair, waving at Sonya. "Hello........i guess there is no helping it. I am glad your taking care of yourself though, Kiah."


Kiah smiled as she followed after the female, surprised a bit that she know a bit of sign language then again she could have just picked it up like she did. She soon grew even more shy as they passed Furian, and Ash, though when her eyes landed on her twin, she quickly ran over to him and hugged him, glad that he was okay and not pushing her away and still being mad at her for the choice that she had made. Though she could understand as to why he was acting such away, after all it was better not to have contact and a sister that people just babied because of the accident she was in.

Though she had shied around the chihuahua and Ash to get to her twin, that didn't stop her from motioning Sonya over to where they were at so that she may introduce her to her twin. "This is my twin, Arius. He....has been through everything with me. Will it be fine if he does this with me?" She wrote in the air, the fact that the words were barely visible, showed that she timid with having to ask, but it was also clear that this was important to her and she wanted him to be there with her.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-25-2013, 02:06 AM

Ai looked at the girl. She really does look like a doll. The black haired girl only knew of Bella by rumors she had heard, but she never paid much to rumors. The raven on the girl’s shoulder made her smile a little, something she rarely did anymore. She relaxed a bit. “I don’t think there would be a problem with that. I was actually on my way to get my fans so that I could meet you at the practice room.” Ai wasn’t about to let Hotaru mess things up for her.

She looked back at Hotaru once more. “I’m sorry my dear old friend, but I have other things to do. We’ll catch up some other time.” Here eyes never really left the blonde as she moved past her, pushing past some of the other students that had started to gather around anticipating a fight. She froze upon hearing the younger girl’s words. It took all she could to ignore the comment that opened old wounds like a knife.

“Shall we be on our way? I just need to pick up my fans and then I can show you like I promised.” Ai tried to keep her tone light. She pushed back the feelings of anger, rage and sadness. Don’t fall into her hands Ayumu. You are stronger than she is. Don’t let her or anyone hurt you again.


“Yes, yes we can catch up later if you have a prior engagement my dearest Ai.” Hotaru said with her fake smile still in place. The blond hair girl eyed the older girl that had come to Ai’s rescue. Are the two of them friends? This was something to check into. After all the reason her parents had sent her here had been made clear to her before she left. If she failed again she would be punished again. The scars on her back were a reminder of what the punishment would be. “Go on, I won’t keep you. After all you have always been one to keep your promises.”

The look in the girl’s was a mischievous one as she looked back at Ai. Oh how she would have fun with her old friend. She was so sure that Ai had no clue what she had in store for her. So she figured she give the other girl a hint. “By the way Ai, how is Ryou? I see he isn’t with you,” she whispered in the girl’s ear as she passed by her.

badryukun is offline
Old 02-25-2013, 11:44 PM

He had eventually arrived close enough to hear the male rudbecki speak to Ash in a fairly irritated manner. It seems as the years went on, some things never changed. And to think he had hoped she had grown out of those habits over the summer. "Ash, you need to be more careful about leaving fresh blood where others can so easily find it. Let alone provoking people or animals into drawing it intentionally or not."

Instead of verbally responding to the other seventh year, he quietly nods in her direction, acknowledging her greeting before turning to face the twins entangled within each other. "Would it be safe to assume that it was one of you she was shamelessly flirting with?" It was certainly an irritating habit of hers, it seemed at times she would flirt with anything on two legs, and it had caused more than one problem over the past few years.


Staria is offline
Old 02-26-2013, 12:32 AM

Aisling 'Ash' Cinaed
"I never said you were my anything, just a dear. Most people are really. And why? well to make friends and have fun and understand each other! responded Ash with a laugh, a pure and innocent sound. It was clear in those wide eyes there was only innocent and light in the statement and that she meant every word. She wasn't the kind to lie really... She thought everything had something beautiful about it so half the time her flirting was as much being honest as anything. That and things to make people happy because she loved making people happy. Still as Furian spoke she glanced at him and made a face. He had helped her through some tough times back in her second year and she adored him for it but sometimes he exasperated her. Really! Did it always have to be her fault?

"If I didn't leave it, how would my golden prince charming find me? Besides.. I wasn't flirting, shamelessly or otherwise..." She teased him lightly, wrapping an arm over Furi's shoulders. She simply grinned at him innocently, leaning on him a moment. Then again she was always a huggy person, as was her entire family, so hugging a best bud was just the way things were. Especially when you wanted to annoy one innocently enough for accusing you without knowing what had transpired.

Sonya Peters
"Very well... Meditation is positive for any witch or wizard. Alright, to start with you need to learn to connect with your own place of inner peace. Take slow calming breaths and focus on the sound of my violin. Visualize somewhere you are perfectly safe. Nothing can touch you in this place you create. Only positive energy and light is allowed in this space." She answered. The first two words were in her usual icy tones, uncaring and unfeeling as the wind. As she spoke the rest, however the words would become slowly almost....hypnotic. As she spoke she removed her violin from its case and slowly began to play.

The melody was peaceful, tranquil, and suited the sound of the water moving through the lake. The two rhythms accompanied each other perfectly, as if the song itself had been written for this lake and this place. Each note of the violin strings swelled and crashed with the flowing waters until it felt like the water and the violin were one. The gentle music sweetly entreated the two, promising comfort, tranquility, and peace.

Nimarda 'Mara' Arminius
"Well I really don't speak to anybody much so i can't really say anything about students.... but I am friends with most of the teachers. Some of them can be a little stern but they tend to be fair here. What classes are you taking?" She asked quietly, shifting in her seat as she realized he was looking at her. She turned towards her food, just staring at it without expression as part of her withdrew into her shell. She heard someone mutter how she was always so 'cold' to first years but she said nothing in return. The truth was she was cold, but honestly she really didn't know what else to do with herself.

Belinda 'Bella' Carmen
"Oh yes! Lets go." Bella said with another of those strange, tinkling little laughs that never seemed quite......natural somehow. She smiled warmly at Ai, as if she'd said something so very wonderful as her delicate hand slipped into the others. Her hand was cold and perfectly smooth, just like touching the porcelain the strange girl seemed made out of. She only glanced at hotaru, giving her another one of her a smile. The smile she gave the other lauri was more like her usual smile, small and with a hint of mischief beneath cold doll like eyes that always made people think she was up to something. Perhaps it was this smile or her laugh or her mannerisms that would make anyone hotaru asked refuse to talk about dear little bell, perhaps it was something else but which Bella would never tell. She then turned her gaze back to the other woman and looked at her expectantly.

"Please lead the way. I really have soo been looking forward to this my dear Ai-chan." She said cheerfully, appearing perfectly innocent if you ignored the amusement that always seemed to dance in her eyes. Bella seemed to be enjoying the intrigue of the two. Many would assure you that was why she was helping really, not that she actually cared to help at all but simply to see more mystery, magic, and blood. If asked Ai seemed to laugh and walk away, letting others think what they pleased..... it was so much more fun watching people figure out the answers. What people could come up with!

YGOTASf@n is offline
Old 02-26-2013, 01:11 AM

Albert saw the girl shift uncomfortably in her set so he looked away. "Oh, what classes?" He repeated the question as he dug into his pants pocket to find his folded time table. He unfolded and smoothed out the paper on the table. "Well," he said looking chart in front of him. "I have Charms, Potions, Vision Quest Practice and Theory, Flying, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and History of Magic." Albert slide the paper so it was between the two students, not to press her personal space. He gazed down at his food and ate some more while he waited for the girl to reply. Okay I guess this was a bad idea, he thought wishing he could turn back time and just convince himself to never do this. She will answer the question, then i will just go to the dorms and read the text books and lay with Snowflake. Albert hoped nobody saw his shoulders sag with defeat.

Kilia is offline
Old 02-27-2013, 09:15 PM

Arius just rolled his eyes at what Ash said to him, though he had to give her credit for sticking around this long, he figured that maybe, just maybe she was the pretentious slut that she was leading everyone to believe she was with her random flirting.


Kiah on the other hand had finally let her twin go, setting her bunny next to her on the ground, petting his head for a few moments before she looked over to where Arius was looking, smiling and giggling silently as she saw what was going on.


Arius grumbled as he rolled his eyes at what Ash and Furian were doing, he honestly could careless about what they were doing, but why could he not help but watch them? He growled slightly as he finally managed to tear his eyes away from them, focusing on Sonya before him. He looked the female over, yea he could see being with her, she was silent, left things as they were, this was someone he could silently agree with and disagree with, without having all the infuriating mess that Ash had caused him earlier. He laid down on the grass, letting the sounds of the lake and the violin, it was peaceful, just what he needed at this point in time.


Kiah held onto Arius' hand as she smiled softly, watching as Sonya played her instrument, it didn't take long for her to finally find a happy place because she was already in it. Soon she started to hum slightly along with the song, swaying to the sounds that she heard, unlike Arius it was clearly much easier for her to meditate as she watched Sonya.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 03-11-2013, 01:03 AM

Lowering his sketch book Ciaran noticed the small commotion going on between a Rudbecki girl and two Laurie girls. The blonde only recognized Ai and Bella and he assumed that the other girl was the transfer student he had heard rumors of. Since Bella seemed to be handling things he left the situation alone. Not that it was his place to take any action; after all he wasn’t a perfect. The male continued to watch until he seen Ai and Bella starting to leave. He made a note to himself to talk to Sonya later about the new transfer student possibly being a trouble maker.

He moved from the wall he had been leaning against. It was time to find Mia; she had been gone for too long. Knowing his feline friend she was probably out somewhere causing mischief or lounging somewhere she shouldn’t be. Off he went in the direction he last seen his companion disappear in. Little did he know that Mia was following around some other students. One of them being a new student, Albert, the cat was curious about.


Hotaru returned Bella’s gaze with her own innocent smile, but not able to quite hid the annoyance in her eyes. Once the two girls had passed by her she smirked to herself. Once they were gone she would start to ask questions. Her plan for now was simple, but not as easy as she had expected. Most of the other Laurie students she questioned about Bella would either; not talk about it, ignore her questions, or tell her to just leave things alone. This only annoyed the girl more.

She growled and decided if she couldn’t get anywhere with getting information about Bella that she would get some information about her ‘dear old friend’ Ai. Once again she was met with resistance. Most of the students she asked would tell her nothing or offered little information about Ai other than the girl mostly kept to herself and has become very different from how she was when she first entered school. Hotaru wasn’t surprised that Ai had changed; after all she had caused that change to happen. It did somewhat surprise her that a few warned her to leave Ai alone if she didn’t want trouble. Oh if they only knew what she was really after. Since it seemed some of the other students were getting suspicious of her she went on her way to meet some of her classmates.


Ayumu walked beside Bella, their arms linked. It had taken a little bit, but she had calmed herself for now. She refused to let her mind wander as she focused on just getting back to the Rudbecki dorm. After they exited the dining hall she looked down at the other girl. “Why did you help me?” Ai was growing suspicious, but that was something that had become part of her nature after she returned for her third year at the school. She didn’t know Bella other than by rumors and here say and had no connection to the girl that would make her do such a thing out of kindness or concern. Really the only thing that connected the two was that they both had pale skin and that Bell’s pet was a raven just like the pet she once had was.

Knowing they were out of sight of the dinning hall Ai slipped her arm from Bella’s. They were almost to the Rudbecki dorm entrance and that would be where the pair would go their separate ways. Of this Ayumu was sure. Whether she would have an answer to her question was up to the other girl. Either way she would thank this girl for her help before their departure.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 03-11-2013 at 01:51 AM..


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