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Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-02-2013, 12:22 AM

I know I shall make my entrance tonight

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-02-2013, 12:43 AM

Woohoo! I'm excited! x3
I've been really looking forward to meeting your character.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-02-2013, 12:46 AM

XD oh, your gonna love him XD. hehehehe I keep thinking of a mix between sherlock holmes and jack sparrow and such idk why XD hehehehe. Kind of out there, but he is a lot smarter then he appears.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-02-2013, 02:13 AM

xD Amazing! *rubs hands together*
I'm sure he and Taryn will be thick as thieves or best enemies. xD

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-02-2013, 06:53 AM

Lol XD this should be fun

---------- Post added 03-02-2013 at 01:28 AM ----------

Lol XD always a nice idea to give your driver a heart attack on his second day~

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-04-2013, 09:22 PM

xD Definitely not a good idea! ...And I do love your character already. He's such a scamp!

Feel free to post anytime, Nepenthe: !

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-05-2013, 07:04 AM

Lol XD hehehehehe and I'm just gettin started -mischivious smile-


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-05-2013, 08:52 PM

Hmm... I'm debating whether to have Beryl arrive now, or take a little longer to show up... I was going to let a couple more posts go by first.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 12:50 PM

Name: Lady Luna Beaufort
Species: Vampire
Age: Somewhere around 900 years old. She appears to be in her late teens or early twenties. Luna prefers to say that she's 22 years old, though, in order to get into bars or clubs, which are convenient places to find food.
Physical Description: Slim and extremely tall (6ft) for someone born in the 1110's; not only was she revered in London during the good old days for her heritage and family name, she also was rather intimidating in her appearances. Dirty blonde hair cascades in waves to her shoulders, and on her lips you can usually find some color of red lipstick. With pale skin of glassy quality that she usually conceals from the public with makeup, and ice-blue eyes that seem to stare through your soul and read your mind, humans often have a hard time approaching her because of her otherworldly appearance.

Personality: Playful and teasing, Luna is a big flirt. Sitting around and doing nothing for a few centuries does get boring after a while, and Luna was always one for excitement. She isn't afraid to rub others the wrong way just to entertain herself with their reactions and lives life on the edge, even for a vampire. Nobody ever knows what she's truly thinking because she tends to avoid directly answering people's questions, yet it feels like she knows exactly what other people are thinking or feeling. Around humans, Luna conceals the fact that she's a vampire, but still likes to play with them, almost as if they were toys. Around others of her kind, she likes to step out of line, causing her actions to often surprise the others.
Affiliations: She hasn't been in contact with her maker for a while now, and only has vague ideas about where he could be currently making a living. Luna considers herself allied with anyone that has power, and therefore flits around the more powerful Clans in Ellington. She knows most of the vampires in the area, but generally ignores the younger or weaker ones. She's not really that old for a vampire, but has lived for long enough (and she's pretty powerful and hard to kill) to gain the respect and friendship of other vampires (except, a few of them think that she's crazy).
Personal Weaknesses: Luna's weakness is the fact that she often takes risks that most vampires wouldn't take, such as "dressing up" as a vampire for a Halloween party, and then later on feasting on the guests. Because of these actions, she has put her life and the lives of other vampires on the line. Many other vampires feel that she's completely crazy, teasing, and sometimes even flirting with vampire hunters to make them angry. Many vampires know that she's powerful and can't be killed easily, but they prefer not to be with her when she goes hunting for food, because who knows what will happen? Also, she tends to underestimate vampire hunters and humans, thinking of them as naive or not as worldly compared to vampires.
Quirks: Luna has always been fond of music. For the past few years (centuries), she's worked in the music industry, composing songs, writing lyrics, and disguising herself in order to do so. She liked the enchanting music of Europe the best, but came over to America, and since then has been floating somewhere in the music industry.

History: Lady Luna Beaufort was born in London; into the Noble House of Beaufort in the 1100's. Even for a vampire, 900-something years gone by is hard to remember. She only remembers little of her later human life, and even less of her childhood. Luna only knows that someone in her family was to later on give birth to one of the Kings of England, and that she was trained since young to be as ladylike as possible to find a good husband. The only clear thing about her human life was the day that she was changed into a vampire. Her maker was a young French man that she'd met at a ball that both of them were attending. He was the Duke of Montmorency, and he'd had a dazzling allure that attracted Luna to him. Little did she know, he would later on turn her into his own sort of "apprentice" vampire; he took her from country to country, letting her see the sights, and teaching her in the ways of the vampire. Her maker had often said that he was older than civilization itself, but Luna had never believed him.

She grew rather attached to her maker, and then one day he just left her without any warning or goodbye. Whether he went out hunting and came across a strong vampire hunter or was just tired of having Luna around, she would never know. From then on, Luna started to fend for herself, using the techniques and tricks that her maker had taught her. Years flew by, and Luna went from place to place, meeting many vampires and nearly getting herself killed by vampire hunters a few dozen times. In the 1800's, Luna decided to stay in America, yet again traveling from place to place. Luna witnessed many historical events occur during her time in America, from wars to the assassination of both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. She stayed along the east coast and Washington D.C., liking to watch the capitol and the presidents of the young nation. There was once even a time where she became a spy for the government, but quit after vampire hunters heard that there was a vampire working for government. She wandered freely until the 1960's, and then moved to Ellington.

Like her? Or should I make some changes? :3


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 02:59 PM

Beau: Heheh... 'Noble house of Beaufort', eh? Ah reckon thet makes us cousins. *leer* Kissin' cousins.

She sounds really cool, though, as long as she doesn't mind sharing a name with the sleazy possum.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 05:35 PM

Haha, I didn't even notice that!

She doesn't mind at all, I reckon. :P

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 07:01 PM

Ohh man, we have a Norman vampire.

She looks pretty good, I would also say that like Ferdinando she can walk around pretty easily on overcast days and have resistances at around that level, though she can probably also tolerate a bit more light... such as light passing through stained glass wouldn't really bother her, but through unstained glass she would become uncomfortable and probably a bit cooked.

She also probably doesn't look too 'otherworldly' yet, at least not enough to disturb people while she has make up on... but without it her skin has probably just gotten beyond the 'wow-you-have-an-awesome-complexion' state to the 'you-could-really-use-some-powder'.

...but that's a really minor thing. I'll add her up on the front page if that's alright but otherwise you're free to post at any time. Just let me know if you want to/have changed her bio about the otherworldly thing.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 09:09 PM

Alright, I guess I should probably change the "otherworldly" thing in the bio. But other than that, I think I'll make her entrance sometime tonight or tomorrow.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 09:36 PM

Sweet! I can't wait. :3

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-17-2013, 09:38 PM

Gah! Alright, finally getting ahead of things. I've posted your character up on the bios, QUEEN! :D

*pokes threads*

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-18-2013, 10:39 AM

owo -waits patiently- lol

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 06:10 AM

Name:Isuel Bulan

Species: Human

Age: 23

Physical Description: Isuel has deep chocolate brown hair and oddly grey blue eyes. She has a very petite form, very short reaching only 5’2, tiny waist, short torso, but legs that are very slender and looks like it could go on for miles. Her skin is sun-kissed and smooth as a newborns bum; with a mild skin condition she needs to always keep her skin as health as possible. When she smiles a dimple appears on her left cheek and her eyes get really Asian (not to be racist but it does!). Her choice in clothing can get rather outrageous sometime and the range various all the time; it can go to rather casual, to something very cultural, and very prim and proper.

Personality: Isuel is a very open minded girl, she’ll try anything that you suggest and listen to whatever it is that you need to say. Possibilities to her is like a drug that gets her veins pumping, the thought of doing or learning something new just get her pumped up. The downside of that, however is that she is also very open about what she thinks as well; some call it blunt, she calls it undiluted honesty. Isuel is always on her toes and nothing seems to get her down, but during the more serious an emotional moments she well prevent others from seeing that side of her. She puts up a tough and happy front to prevent people from pitying her and all she wants from people is their respect and honesty. When you first get to know her she is very friendly and normal, but once you get to know her more and spend time with her you can see she can be a bit crazy and rather sexual.

Affiliations: She has a variety of people that she can consider her network, what with all the traveling that she does. In several parts of the world she has a welcoming place for her to stay at, but none more welcoming then the church back on that little island in the Philippines.

Personal Weaknesses: She loves food and will do anything for a good meal, her stomach has decided on what she would do next on several occasions. It’s funny really how much food such a tiny body can intake without affecting the outside. On the more serious notes, with her fancy free attitude she can get herself in quite the pickle. Several guys have used her openness to their advantage and tried to have their way with her, but just because she is care free doesn’t mean she isn’t smart or strong either.

Quirks: She tends to break into little songs as she goes about her day, sometimes she realizes it sometimes she doesn’t. With her traveling background, a lot of the songs that she breaks out into are in other languages (mostly oldie, poetic songs or lullabies). Also in conversations she may start speaking in another language, so please bear with her.

History: She was found as at the age of 4, walking around the shores be a nearby village on a tiny island in the Philippines. Her true origin was never found, no one knew for sure if she was Filipino or a different kind of Asian because she talked about living on a boat all her life. No one found any foreign ships or any wrecks in the sea, and wonder how she was able to survive if there had been one or if she was just abandoned. Either way the church nuns were willing to raise her, and lucky for her they were very caring and loving. The villagers also took good care of her as well, saying that they never met such a light spirited child, some said she was a blessing from the goddess Alunsina; a Filipino deity who ruled the eastern skies. As she grew older her thirst for knowledge and adventure grew larger and larger, and at the age of 17 she made the decision to backpack across the world. Now when the nuns and villagers first heard of her planned they disapproved greatly, but after letting her talk and explain herself they couldn’t help but chip in a little bit to start her of on her journey. Now if you’re curious as to what she told them, well you need to ask about it from her; she loves explaining it anyways.

The first front of her journey was to explore every part of the Philippines as she could, working odd jobs to get a few money there, a bed to sleep on her, a meal on the side. The first couple of weeks were hard, but Isuel always had a smile on her face and was brutal honest with her intentions that just made people willing to trust her and even offer their help after she helps them. She did this through the other Asian countries, spanning out from Russia to Indian to Turkey. She records all that learns from her travels in her special notebook the nuns gave her before she left. From there Europe, to Africa, to Canada, and ending up in the United States, one of the more harder places to find odd jobs to finance her. The methods she used to get money in other countries, like offer naturally made remedies (taught to her by the nuns) and scary accurate fortunes; it was hard to get past a week. So she decided to settle into a less dense population and figure out a plan from there, and by a random suggestion she ends up in Ellington. Since she isn’t in the USA on a visitor’s visa or anything like that she has to be very careful on the information she gives out and hopes to find a decent place to stay for long term and a well-paying job, which she hopes to find in Ellington.

Sorry it's late ^^; School and work got a bit overwhelming

Barghest is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 01:28 PM

:> Hey, I'm curious if this RP is still open? I notice it's been a wee bit inactive as of late. I've been in the RP mood for a bit now and a vampire-themed RP seems right up my alley. I just have some questions about the RP and all.

Exactly what time period does this take place in? It is modern day, correct? Also, assuming this takes place in like an alternate version of our world where vampires exist (since two profiles mention RL places like America, Dublin, and the Phillipines) where *IS* Ellington located? America? England? Somewhere else? It's not mentioned anywhere.

I also have an idea for my character, and I want to make sure this sort of thing is allowed first before I write anything down. I want to make my character have some sort of heightened intuition, perhaps bordering on faint psychic ability. Nothing big or game-breaky, just something that makes them a little more likely to sense if something is off, or if they can get a feel for 'bad' areas. Mostly it manifests in them being sort of lucky or extra observant.

I want my character to be a human that kind of exists on the edge of society as something of an eccentric homeless person. Since they can't really interact with normal human society (the homeless are the invisible masses after all), I'd like them to be kind of vaguely aware of the weirdness going on in Ellington. They aren't going to be all, *points* "Oy yea dat roight dere is a propah nosferatu, I'd wager" or anything- they just know somethin' strange is afoot. Nothing they can put their finger on.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 02:25 PM

It looks really good, perfect.imperfection! I'm just a little wary of the psychic implications. You might also read the following paragraphs of this post to Barghest about all that jazz to see if it would work well with your character.

Barghest: It's still open, a few of us have been a little preoccupied with real-life stuff which is why it's been silent. The game is set in modern times. It is located in the United States NE seaboard (I like to place it on the coast of New Hampshire in my mind)

I like the idea of humans actually having some heightened intuition in that sense that you described and I think it would actually translate quite nicely to your character, perfect.imperfection, though you kind of touched on that with the fortunes she was giving out... Though I might caution that in this world I wasn't planning that humans would have a psychic qualities such as foresight in the way you would required for "scary accurate fortunes".

As for your character being on the edge of society and noticing 'something strange' going on I think it works really well, actually. Vampire society, I imagine, is not too far removed from human society but they run in different circles. Their treatment of the homeless is probably about the same (besides the fact that one group nibbles a bit more on them) in regards to paying them any mind so it would follow that vampires might not pay too much thought to who saw the remains of their hunt if it's in an area that only the homeless would likely be.

...I also find it kinda funny... the last time I played a vampire RP I started making a webcomic based off of it. It's called Barguest which is an alternate spelling of Barghest. Unfortunately I had to stop the updates... (though I'm kinda glad-- looking back the art is kinda majorly horrible)... but hey! that's just a funny coincidence and I thought I'd share. xD

Barghest is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 02:43 PM

@Mythos: :> Ahh awesome! I like quirky characters but I want to make sure they're balanced and appropriate for the setting, too. I'm pretty excited to join in a group RP, it's been ages for me. It'll be nice to have something to come back to in between my art commissions n' trades, too.

Also, what a funny coincidence about the Barghest thing! :3 I made this account a few years ago (I think in '08?) along with another account, Merrow. I haven't been back to Menewsha until maybe a week or so ago when I regained interest- kind of funny I stumbled upon your RP thread on a whim! Anyway, I'll post my profile below so I don't double-post.


Name: Dolores "Dolly" Pasternack

Species: Human

Age: 19

Physical Description: Dolly has a lanky, shapeless kind of physique- a word that comes to mind after seeing her might be 'stretched'. Another might be 'dopey'. Standing at about 5'9'', Dolly is amalgamation of awkwardly arranged limbs. Though she is pear-shaped, possesses long legs and a slender neck, they are counteracted by her overly-large hands and feet , flat chest, and broad shoulders. She's a series of overly-large parts attached to overly-small parts- essentially Dolly is like a goose: pretty at a distance, comical in motion.

In addition to these traits, Dolly has a few unique features- she is painfully pale with a smattering of freckles across her nose and shoulders. White-blonde hair falls over one eye in a haphazard mop, and her dull teal eyes possess little to no guile whatsoever.

Despite appearances however, Dolly is capable of moving at an astounding pace and possesses a surprising amount of dexterity considering her gawky build.

Personality: Because of Dolly's taciturn and unassuming nature, people may at first mistake her for being a little... simple. The truth is she's just blunt and very honest- she lacks self-awareness and sees no reason to keep up appearances, and so she simply doesn't. Ever. Though she isn't capable of any kind of deceitful behavior herself, that doesn't mean she's easy to trick- in fact she is excellent at judging a person's character. She can be an oddball and is certainly an eccentric, but she is still very personable and friendly. Dolly is, quite simply, a nice person.

To some she seems to be perpetually half-asleep (or high, depending on your point of view), but she is still quite perceptive. Her calm in emergency situations is something to behold, and while the people around her might be hysterical she is capable of making reasoned and logical decisions.

Affiliations: The mysterious network of hobos and drifters that all cities seem to have, and that's about it.

Personal Weaknesses: A complete and utter lack of ability to deceive others or bluff. Painfully neutral and blase towards others. Candidness regardless of situation or company. A little too observant for her own good. Inability to integrate into normal human society (get a job, a house, etc.) Her calm demeanor can be aggravating when haste or urgency is required.

Quirks: Oddly lucky and intuitive- follows her gut, tends to turn out okay. A drawling and monotonous tone of voice, with a slight southern accent. A bit superstitious. Curious, inquisitive. Partakes in benign thievery- has 'crow-like' kleptomaniacal tendencies (she likes the shinies). Junk collector. Tends to be fairly generous and unattached to her possessions and gives away things on a regular basis. Enjoys sewing, knitting, and crafty things- surprisingly good with her hands.

History: Dolly is a born drifter and a modern nomad, travelling from place to place her entire life. She rarely stays in one place for long and doesn't tend to make friends, choosing instead to keep to herself. She is not very forward with her personal details, though she has little to hide. Her life was largely unremarkable, save a few details- she grew up in the rural parts of Tennessee raised by her grandmother. When she was a child, her parent's left her at Granny's house for a "weekend stay" and simply never came back. She was home-schooled (somewhat inadequately) by her elderly guardian and when she passed away inherited her home. After an unfortunate stove-related accident her house was lost in a fire, and with no real knowledge of how 'insurance' or 'welfare' worked, she just left and started living the hobo life.

She's lived in a few places, though she's never lived anywhere as long as she has Ellington. Something about the city has drawn her in and kept her there... a kind of magnetic attraction. Though she hasn't been there long, her six months there has offered her a slight glimpse into the foul inner-workings of the city's darker half. She does not know specifics, but she knows something is wrong in Ellington. A more outspoken person might have gained a few enemies, but Dolly's relative invisibility has kept her out of view from more dangerous individuals. For now.

Last edited by Barghest; 03-23-2013 at 04:41 PM.. Reason: adding color

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 03:20 PM

Dolly looks great, Barghest!
I'll add her up right now and you're free to post. : )

Barghest is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 04:40 PM

Thanks! Just made my introductory post. If you could make my profile 'Teal' colored I'd appreciate it- I figure that'd be my posting font color. :3

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-23-2013, 07:07 PM

Yay! More people for Oliver to get in trouble with -rubs hands together-

perfect.imperfection is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 06:30 AM

Oh mkay, when I meant by scary accurate it was more like she new how to manipulate the readings to get it to a personal level. Not just your typical "You will come in to some great fortune in the future." Her readings go a little deeper than, I could give an example of said readings (cuz I can actually give very specific tarot card readings ^^) So is it alright for me to post now?

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 12:22 PM

Yes! It's alright for you to post now, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't breaking some aspect of your character by saying that. :D

Both of your characters are now on the lists!


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