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Old 05-15-2013, 01:42 AM

( I have 2 more to do , but they are simple to put together. )

" I'm trying to eat healthier than I usually do. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be. " Harris said and thanked Emily for holding the door for him. He was hoping Emily could give him some ideas for vegetarian dishes.

Jenna had a hairline ankle fracture and had a cast put on. She was disappointed she didn't see Robby again that night but figured she would see him again sometime. She was feeling tired and used the private elevator that went up to the rooms above her shop. She rarely used it, liking to use the stairs.

full of sound and fury (you know...
twotickets is offline
Old 06-03-2013, 05:46 AM

{Ooh, I love your Avi! Sorry I've been gone so long.}

"Yeah, it's one of those things that take some time to figure out. Not everything people tell you is 'healthy' works for everyone. I love to cook, and sometimes I have to do a lot of experimenting before I find something that's cheap and easy enough to make but also tasty and healthy enough to eat. Maybe I should cook for you sometime."

Emily didn't know what had made her say that. It felt much too forward.


Robby got back to the lobby just in time to discover that Jenna had signed herself out. He resisted the urge to punch the air only by catching the eye of Nurse Lowry, an intimidating older lady he privately thought of as an aunt. One raised eyebrow from her was more than enough to make him sit up straight like a good little schoolboy and do his sums.

Instead, he strode back into the break room and made the ER staff a fresh pot of coffee.

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Old 06-03-2013, 11:14 PM

( Thank you! You look cute too. I'll get a post up in our other rp tonight.)

" That would be great. I'm staying in an apartment for now. I don't like set trailers since you can't cook in them and I get tired of catered food." Harris said." What sort of things do you cook?" He asked.
Jenna took some pain pills and slept till her alarm went off. She called Mrs. Grey who worked on weekends and told her about the situation and was glad her long time friend would be able to help her till the fracture healed.

full of sound and fury (you know...
twotickets is offline
Old 06-04-2013, 12:25 AM

{Sounds awesome, and also, thanks. :-) How do you make it all black and white? Do you just wear black and white stuff?}

"Well, a little bit of everything. I have a lasagna recipe I really like."

"Uh, hey, lovebirds," Amy was nothing if not subtle. "It's time to close."

Emily started. "Oh! Right. Well, I guess you get to watch us lock up. Maybe it will be a pivotal scene in your movie."


Robby was frustratingly busy for the rest of the night. He skipped no fewer than three of his scheduled breaks and assisted in the delivery of twins-- girls. The birth was not easy.

Still, the look on the parents' faces when they saw their children for the first time made him almost wish he'd gone into gynecology. Almost.

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Old 06-04-2013, 01:23 AM

( there is a white base and grey eyes that I use when I feel I'm in a monochrome mood. I also used the black and white items that I had.)

" It was nice of you to let me help you today. Is it okay if I stop by tomorrow? " Harris asked as he watched her lock up for the night. He knew this was going to be a fun role.


Jenna woke up feeling the pain in her ankle. She hated to take the pain meds she was given and was glad Mrs. Grey would be here soon. Jenna hated to miss a day of work and would do what she could till she felt she needed some rest.

full of sound and fury (you know...
twotickets is offline
Old 06-04-2013, 01:10 PM

Emily was glad the dimness of the streetlights was probably hiding her blush. "Oh, of course. We'd be lucky to have you."


Robby clocked out about an hour later than he was supposed to. Just as he'd been heading to the locker rooms, a cop had been brought in with a bad belly wound, and he'd just turned around and scrubbed up.

They still lost him, even with the extra hands.

Robby sat on the bench across from his locker for a very long time before he could make himself move.

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Old 06-04-2013, 11:55 PM

" May I walk you to you vehicle?" Harris asked. He didn't want to go back to the small apartment he was in since it wasn't home. Home was a even smaller apartment with a view of a parking lot. He wished he could stay here, but knew in several months he would need to go back home.


Jenna took a nap in the backroom. She had worked as long as she could,but the pain pills were making her sleepy. She thought about Robby and hoped he had a good night after she had left. She hoped he would stop by the shop again, but figured he still was at work.


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