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Old 06-21-2013, 01:54 AM

Lizzie nodded in hurried agreement. She had taken off her headphones and not been playing any music throughout the forest as she listened for any signs of movement. Perhaps sadly... there had been no sign of Team Rehnet, as they had expected. But either way it had been rather spooky in that forest. " Great idea. I could definitely use a snack, and maybe a dinner later too."

Eugene on the other hand... for some reason didn't seem phased at all. Or was so petrified that he seemed very chill. Lizzie eyed him as he just said "yeah, cool" and sat down on the ground. It did seem a little off character, even though he himself was an off character. She giggled at her thoughts and slid open her bag. "What do we have on us anyways?" She was digging through her bag now. 'Coulda sworn i'd packed a sandwich or something.'

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:18 PM

Pulling out enough snacks for everybody to share, Anyssa sat down in the grass and relaxed a bit. "So," she said, "change of itinerary? We get through Pewter and get to Cerulean ASAP. Talk with Bill, borrow some flying pokemon, fly over to Lyra's in Johto, then I call my dad and fly to him in Unova?" She looked at her teammates.

the one and only

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Old 06-25-2013, 04:39 PM

Lizzie grabbed the snack eagerly, tossing her own bag aside that may or may not have had her sandwich in it. Than called out her Pokemon so they could stretch while she ate. "Stay close, o-kay" She coughed. "Yup. Bills first, borrow flying pokemon. " She took a bite of her food so she didn't have to talk more.

Eugene nodded. "Sounds cool man. Definetly seems like the fastest way to get all our plans done. Than get to Unova and kick some butt." He nodded. "thanks for the snack." He took his share and sat back to eat as well.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 06-28-2013, 02:52 PM

It was pretty quiet with only the occasional sound from the insect pokemon in Viridian forest. She sent a text to her mom- 'hey mom, almost in Pewter. Miss you~', and one to Owen- 'dear poopbreath, I really hope this text blows your cover if you're doing something important'. He immediately replied with a '>:P'. She jumped a bit when a rattata darted some twenty feet in front of them back into the forest and laughed.

"I wonder if there was some kind of festival today or something?" She had only seen maybe one other person since they left Viridian. Usually the forest was crawling with bug enthusiasts or a scientist or two.

the one and only

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Old 07-01-2013, 01:18 PM

Elizabeth was tapping a beat with her foot as she munched. Mostly spacing as their small group ate since they were off to see Bill next. When her best friend jumped though, she was startled back to her own head, and looked around quickly for Team Rehnet, and blushed when Anyssa laughed. Of course it had been something innocent that has just startled her friend. Why would it have been more?

"I don't know. I never check the news." She shrugged and crunched up her wrapper. Brushing off her front she stood up and stretched. "We might as well get to town before it gets too dark. See what's up."

Eugene shook his head, "nah, don't think there was any festival today. I suppose I could be wrong though. That happens sometimes. " He'd already finished and had been sitting there throwing darts at the trees in his mind. And getting perfect bulls eyes of course.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 07-05-2013, 06:04 PM

Anyssa nodded, brushing the crumbs off of her shorts and standing up, stretching. She snatched her bag from the ground and put it on across her shoulder to rest at her hip. She'd let her pokemon out in their room at the center. Lyra'd be happy that she had a squirtle, and now that she was collecting, she'd definitely get her hands on a sentret in Johto. She'd send a text to her dad in the morning to see what he was doing and tell him they were going to be visiting him probably by next week.

She was glad she picked a water pokemon since she knew a cave was in their future to get to Cerulean. But with Eugene and Lizzie, whom were decidedly not beginners like herself, the cave wouldn't be too much of a struggle. With a water pokemon, she could possibly take on the Pewter gym... but she didn't really want to do the gym challenge. She just wanted to explore and collect, really.

She sent a text to Bill. 'Almost in Pewter. What're you up to?'

She wouldn't say her and Bill were close friends, although he liked having someone closer to his age to have around, but good enough friends they chatted frequently. She was going to do everything in her power to get Bill and Lizzie together.

She slipped her phone back into her pocket and grinned. "So Lizzie. Dated anyone on your travels?"

the one and only

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Old 07-05-2013, 06:41 PM

Elizabeth slid her headphones and CD player into her bag. They were going to need to be more alert now that the sun had set. Than put her fingers to her lips and whistled. All but Cleft her Farfetch'd returned, he was flying ahead and came back to be in few, but was enjoying the stretch on his wings. She smiled and waved up at him, and he flew down and circled her head in affection and perched on a tree branch before taking off again.

"Dated... umm no. Well not exactly. Nothing serious anyways... why?" She glanced at Eugene feeling awkward. He did not know about her like that cause it came after she got past his city.

Eugene sighed standing up. He figured he had to get up now since both of the girls already were raring to go.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 07-05-2013, 06:55 PM

Anyssa clasped her hands behind her back. "Just wondering," she said innocently. Bill would talk with her a lot about his relationship problems, but she realised she hadn't really ever talked to Liz about hers. "I never really liked anyone enough to consider dating." There was one boy, a little older, that stayed at Lyra's ranch for about a month, but dating wasn't what they were interested in. She was interested in Owen for a while, but she's fairly certain she's like a little sister to him. Okay. Maybe she still is interested in Owen, but it's not going anywhere.

the one and only

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Old 07-05-2013, 07:18 PM

Lizzie narrowed her eyes at her friend in the growing darkness. "What are you up to?" She could hear the tone of over innocence in her voice. But now that the trio had themselves together again they had started walking towards Pewter.

Eugene was trailing behind with his arms behind his head listening to the girl talk... Okay eavesdropping really. Partially his interest was peaked since he was a single guy and they were single girls. And being in a relationship raised your status, which is what he was trying for anyways. To be someone and not just that son of a gym leader.

Last edited by Shadami; 07-06-2013 at 01:57 AM..

Just a little bit crazy
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solaria92 is offline
Old 07-05-2013, 08:21 PM

"Psh, why do I have to be up to something, dear bestie of mine?" Anyssa teased. "How about you, Eugene? Any girls? The 'one that got away'?"

the one and only

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Old 07-05-2013, 11:07 PM

"yeah you definetly are." Lizzie mumbled.

Eugene on the other hand tripped as Anyssa proposed a question to him over her shoulder. And nearly fell before he caught his balance. "Me no. No not at all. I'm to cool for girls yo." He was blushing though. He had been interested in lots of girls, but they were never interested in him. One had been, but she was strange.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 07-05-2013, 11:26 PM

Anyssa blinked in surprised. "That's ridiculous. You're cute enough. If Lizzie can get boys, it should be possible for everyone." She winked at Lizzie and nudged her on the shoulder, giving her a light shove. She didn't say out loud that if cute boys like Eugene can't get girls, it's usually because of their personalities. But Eugene hadn't been awful or anything yet on their journey.

It was a mystery.

the one and only

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Old 07-05-2013, 11:33 PM

Lizzie stuck her tongue out and shoved Anyssa back.

Eugene stuttered, "I'm cute?" Than he straightened up trying to pull the blush from his cheeks. "I'm not supposed to be cute, cool guys aren't cute yo. You must be crazy. And - " His face turned to confusion like he couldn't quite work out if she was insulting both he and Lizzie, or complimenting them. "Uh. Well you probably have had people to. How about you tell your stories before we tell anything!"

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 07-05-2013, 11:46 PM

Anyssa shrugged. "There's not much to tell. I mean, there was a guy that stayed with Lyra for about a month before moving on. But I've never been farther than kissing." Guys just didn't stick around long enough on the ranch for her interest to be piqued. "His name was Logan. I think he was going the gym leader challenge. Lyra let him train his pokemon there." It wasn't really embarrassing to talk about it since Lyra tried endlessly to set her up with every guy that came to the ranch. She never told Lyra she was interested in Owen, though. It was the one person Lyra never tried to nudge her to get along with. She took it as an unspoken rule; her brother was off-limits.

the one and only

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Old 07-06-2013, 12:20 AM

Lizzie grinned watching Eugene's face brighten as she walked backwards. "It's okay Anyssa, kissing is the best part anyways." She was now out right smirking at Eugene's reactions. He clearly had not expected an actual story and was feeling more awkward. She turned around now walking forward again so she wouldn't trip. "I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. But I so wouldn't rush it. it's not that great a thing being in a relationship, which is why I never really stuck with anyone."

Eugene watched Elizabeth just shrug those comments off, feeling his face burning with heat. It's not like he didn't have interest in females. Even Lyra and Anyssa were good looking. He just... How could they just sit there and talk about stuff like that. It's private business. He was stutter-mumbling because he wanted to retort, but he was at a loss of words.

Just a little bit crazy
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Old 07-06-2013, 12:44 AM

Anyssa laughed at his reaction. "Come on, Eugene. You're traveling with two girls now, you should expect some girl talk."

Pewter was within sight when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Maybe it was Bill texting her back? She read it, the light illuminating her face. 'be careful, guys!!! it's all over the news. pokemon have been stolen in the area! D:'

"Uh oh, looks like Renhet isn't the only trouble recently." She texted a response, that she'd be careful, and wondered why Owen hadn't said anything about it. Surely pokemon theft would have been reported? But maybe since Owen was a CVS detective, Pewter news slipped his mind. "Bill texted saying a thief has been stealing pokemon in Pewter lately."

the one and only

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Old 07-06-2013, 01:52 AM

"But that.. that's BOY talk. Couldn't it be something about..I don't know.. your period. That's a little less awkward. Girls don't talk about guys and sex and stuff like that. " He grumbled and shoved his hands in his pockets looking away from them.

Lizzie had flipped open her phone and was shooting texts to some of her friends that were most likely to be in Pewter. They may not be available that night even if they were in town, but she'd forgotten to get that ball rolling earlier. "Hmmm, who else is being trouble?" She said half listening as she texted.
Than froze in her tracks. 'Bill is texting Anny! Bill is warning us to be careful. he's worried about us? Anny is texting Bill?!' She swallowed looking over at her best friend. No.. no couldn't be. Anny wouldn't have told him about her. No.

Eugene jumped on the chance to release his embarrassment. "Scared you're pokemon are going to get stolen huh Elizabeth?" He snickered. "Weren't you all raring to take on Rehnet not to long ago?" He had a huge grin on his face.

"Yes!" She answered quickly to take it suspicion far away from what was really in her head, "Wait no. Why would i be scared. I can take those punks? Just let them try to touch my Pokemon. " Than she turned and whistled. "CLEFT!" The farfetch'd flew down and she put up her arm. "Stay here, trouble in the area. I need you to be careful."

Last edited by Shadami; 07-06-2013 at 01:56 AM..


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