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Linnea is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 12:51 AM

Banner made by neller!

An avatar contest hosted by:
DariaMorgendorfer, neller, and Linnea

The official avatar contest for the Shipwrecked event 2013
There will be three categories: Casting for a Castaway!, Jungle Creatures, and Shipwrecked colors

Last edited by Linnea; 06-26-2013 at 02:46 PM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 12:55 AM

Your Hosts:

Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. Please no icky avatars (i.e. pain, torture, bloody, etc.) This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!

Hey there, I'm neller and I'm all for a greatly themed avatar. I can be found searching Menewhsa for those avatars that make me laugh, gawk and wonder "how did they do that?" I love to learn what Menewshan's offer creatively and can't wait to see what ideas you guys can come up with! Creativity counts!

Helpful hints from neller: I love to see items used in ways that they have never been used before! There is more to an avatar than the avatar itself, so always consider a background to match your theme! Item flow, consistency and layering are important, so make sure your items are in theme and look nice together!

Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea, neller or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Last edited by neller; 06-26-2013 at 04:43 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 01:00 AM

Shipwrecked Colors Contest

So for this contest we decided to give you all a little bit more freedom
You have to make an avatar with the colors blue and yellow buuuut you have to add a third color of your choosing. Any shade of blue is acceptable but for teal (unless that is your third color) and please no creams or off-whites in place of yellow as well as no silvers or golds (unless one of them is your third color). Some white and black will be acceptable but in very small increments, people! Don't abuse my leniency Use it as an accent and nothing more... unless one is going to be your third color

Any skin tone is fine but if you decide to use an equippable skin please keep it within the color scheme.
That goes for hair and eyes as well, please and thank you!

And that's all there is to it this time around, so I hope you all show me something amazing. Find a wow factor and victory could be yours for the taking!!

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise

Shipwrecked Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:

[size=4][color=medblue][b]Shipwrecked Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]

maidenroseheartZombie PixieLing

Bearzy shadamiEirianHikari

Ted D BerNephilaWoodlandnymph

SeitoWhisper InvictusGwenaHikari





X---AznCo0ki3Kamikaze Kendrablueblackrose

VelvetKeres Corvax Rochiel Silverfire


Last edited by Linnea; 08-06-2013 at 01:24 AM..

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 01:13 AM

Jungle Creatures Contest

A jungle is a habitat known for it's colorful array of life! You can't help but to image some kind of creature among the bright and fruitful vegetation of a jungle, whether you think of a leopard, or a snake, or even a beetle! For this contest, I'm challenging you to create the exotic animal you see! You can represent any animal from any category: mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, fish, or insect. So make me awe, or make me shriek! The choice is up to you!

I only ask for a few things:
1. Your entry must be based from a real EXOTIC animal; try to resemble the animal as closely as possible.
2. You must post 1 to 2 reference photographs of this animal. I must be able to see it's body and head clearly.
3. No portraying household pets! I will allow exotic birds, but I don't want people entering as their domestic cat!
4. No animal companion items! I will allow noses, ears and such, but no animal companions. The avatar is the animal itself!
5. Post a fact about the animal! I love learning new things! Especially about animals!
Just post a sentence, or even a link to an informational site!
(**Fun Facts have no bearing on your overall's just something for fun!)

Jungle Creatures Entry Form
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact:

[SIZE=4][color=#FFCC33][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Jungle Creatures Entry Form[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]Reference Image:[/B]
[B]Fun Fact:[/B]


Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact:
Although, poison dart frogs are famous for their neon colors and deadly toxins, there are only three species of poison dart frogs that are used for their hunting toxins. Many species of the frog are imposters and mimic the colors of the toxic variety. They find that their colors, called aposematism, serve just as well as a warning to predators as if they actually were harmful to eat. A much lesser known fact of poison dart frogs is that they are intelligent amphibians that live in groups and are dedicated to raising their young.

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: There are about 372 different species of parrots, some of them can live for over 80 years. They are usually brightly colored, and are thought to be one of the most intelligent species of birds.

Username:Ted D Ber
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
and also:

Fun Fact: Chameleons can rotate each eye in a different direction.

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: Green Anaconda - Heaviest known snake species, females typically bigger than males at about 15 ft (males about 9.8 ft), green, black splotches with cream-yellow underside.

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: Unlike other cats, like bobcats, cougars, housecats and lynx, a black panther can roar.
(Here are more fun facts Facts About Black Panther - Interesting & Amazing Information On Black Panthers)

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: The gorgeous Okapi is a relative of the giraffe. It lives in the Ituri Rainforest in Central Africa. This animal was an inigma to many European setttlers, as they had only heard about it is stories or had very brief sightings. At one point is was even known as the "African Unicorn". Sir Harry Johnston brought back some of the first evidence of this animal is the form of a skull. It was named the Okapia johnstoni in his honor.

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: Foxes typically live three years in the wild but can live up to 10 years in captivity.
Male foxes are known as dogs, tods or reynards, and females are called vixens.

Username: Seridano
Image of My Entry:

Reference Image: [1] [2] [3]
Fun Fact: While the female poison dart frogs may lay the eggs, it is the male frogs who check on them and care for the young in their early stages of life.

Username: shadami
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image: Swimming image
Fun Fact: One of the most amazing mammals I've ever heard of. It has venom like a snake inside a spur in its hind feet. It's webbed feet and flat bill resemble those of a duck. And it lays eggs like birds! (A very unmammal like thing to do. ) It's eyes are even unique, as they are double coned like fish instead of like mammals! And the coolest thing is they can detect a type of electrical field caused my muscle contractions in order to locate their prey!

Username: Nephila
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:Sea Horse Wallpapers | Animals Library (4th image)
Fun Fact: It's the male seahorse that bring the babies to term!

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:

Fun Fact: small facts
more info

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: White Tigers - Wiki page
The white tiger is a rare pigmentation variant of the Bengal tiger, which was reported in the wild from time to time in Assam, Bengal, Bihar and especially from the former State of Rewa.
White tigers are distinct for the normal colouration in that they lack the phaeomelanin pigment that in normal tigers produces the orange colour. They still produce the other colour pigment, eumelanin, and hence are not considered albino. Compared to normal colored tigers without the white gene, white tigers tend to be somewhat bigger, both at birth and as fully grown adults.

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
The crossed belt is for the middle pair of legs.
Reference Image: Above Side Ventral
Fun Fact: The Cycnia tenera, or dogbane tiger moth, or delicate cycnia, has several generations per year through much of its range, so caterpillars may be found from June to November.


Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image: Here
Fun Fact: The atlas beetle, Chalcosoma atlas, is one of the strongest animals relative to its size. It can carry almost 4kg which is the equivalent of a human carrying two adult elephants and a zebra. (source)

Username: Zombie Pixie
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: female pandas ovulate only once a year they are fertile only two or three days of the year. :)

Username:Whisper Invictus
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: Did you know, that a lion is not technically "King of the Jungle" (or in my case, "Queen") A lion may be at the top of the beast chain, but it can easily be cornered and killed by elephants and bigger animals, or even hyenas if it is a lone lion.

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image: Ref 1 | Ref 2
Fun Fact: Non-breeding polar bear, both females and males, do not hibernate or den in the winter.

Username: Woodlandnypmh
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Picture 1 O.o
Picture 2
Fun Fact: Not only do Orangutans use sticks to get ants and termites, they also spear fish with them, and use them to procure honey!!! So clever.

Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image: Northern Royal Flycatcher 1 | Northern Royal Flycatcher 2
Fun Fact: For a subtropical bird, these dudes are pretty quiet and mellow. And those awesome crests are very rarely seen fully erect - except when the birds are being banded.

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:

Fun Fact: This is a Snowflake Moray Eel! They will eat just about any small, meaty food! That includes krill and shrimp! They are hardy and tough and know how to survive in sticky situations. Though its name is Snowflake, they are found in the warm ocean climates.

Username:~ Longcat ~
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: the Zebra Longwing Butterfly is the state insect of Florida and one of the only known butterfly species to eat pollen.

Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact:One of the most distinctive unseen features of Lorikeets is in the tongue. The tongues usually remain folded up within the mouth, much in the same way a frog keeps a folded tongue. When they need to get food, the tongue unfolds and serves as a "brush" to easily grab nectar. This unique tongue is also a defining characteristic of the species, as Lorikeets look identical to several other species of parrots aside from the tongue.

Username: MEOW!
Image of My Entry: *Struts for all to admire*
Reference Image: *Stares at you*
Fun Fact: *Zaps thread with lightning from his left paw*

Hey everyone! I updated the front page on July, 11 at 8:50 AM EST. This will be the last update from me as I will be on vacation without my computer! However, I'll be around on my phone to let you know if your entries don't meet the rules! I'm sure you all will. ;) I hope you all enjoy the rest of the event!


Jungle Creatures Entry Form
Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: The Aye-Aye is an extremely rare nocturnal creature that lives only on one island, Madagascar. Long have they been feared, hunted and shunned for they are extraordinarily ugly creatures. Thought to be creatures who are bad luck or cause bad luck even so far as harbingers of evil, they have been hunted to the brink of extinction. Now there are but a few left.
reference: Aye-aye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and the movie Last Chance to See

Jungle Creatures Entry Form
Username: dragoness129
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image: [Tree Kangaroo] [Img2]
Fun Fact: Little is known about the social behavior of wild tree kangaroos. Researchers believe that Matschie's tree kangaroos are fairly solitary animals. Females and males have non-overlapping home ranges but a male's range will overlap several females' range. Researchers also believe that Matschie’s tree kangaroos are polygamous and that males will interact with several females.

Males, however, appear not to establish "harems," and females remain independent. The only strong social bond these animals form is between mother and offspring. In captivity, Matschie's tree kangaroos are somewhat social. Interactions include nose contact, grooming and chasing one another. Most interactions are initiated by a male toward a female and are usually associated with mating. Often the female will act defensively toward the male.

Username: Keres corvax
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact:

Mule deer have no upper teeth

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: The Green Sea Turtle is named not for the color of its shell, which is normally brown or olive depending on its habitat, but for the greenish color of its skin. Unlike most sea turtles, adult green turtles are herbivorous, feeding on sea grasses and algae. Juvenile green turtles, however, will also eat invertebrates like crabs, jellyfish, and sponges

Green turtles, like other sea turtles, undertake lengthy migrations from feeding sites to nesting grounds, normally on sandy beaches. Mating occurs every two to four years and normally takes place in shallow waters close to the shore. To nest, females leave the sea and choose an area, often on the same beach used by their mothers, to lay their eggs. They dig a pit in the sand with their flippers, fill it with a clutch of 100 to 200 eggs, cover the pit and return to the sea, leaving the eggs to hatch after about two months. The most dangerous time of a green turtle’s life is when it makes the journey from nest to sea. Multiple predators, including crabs and flocks of gulls, voraciously prey on hatchlings during this short scamper.

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
Reference Image:
Fun Fact: Dragonflies are ancient insects. They have existed on Planet Earth for approximately 300 million years. Today, they look very much like they did in "dinosaur times," though they have gradually gotten smaller since then.
The largest dragonfly fossil (one of the earliest) had a wingspan of nearly three hooves. That makes it the largest flying insect in known history!

Last edited by neller; 10-02-2013 at 02:22 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 06-25-2013, 06:33 AM

Casting for a Castaway!

WOW, that is one OLD TV show! We here on Menewsha have decided it's time to update that show, Menewshastyle! So here is your challenge. You are casting for the next remake of Gilligan's Island. BUT, instead of 7 castaways, you decide you want 8! Who will be your shiny new 8th character in this iconic show? How will they try to help the other castaways escape the island?

Please include a short paragraph describing your 8th castaway and how they try to help the other castaways escape the island. Remember a paragraph is a minimum of 3 sentences.

Most importantly...What is their name? After all, everyone knows Ginger, Mary Ann, Gilligan, The Skipper, The Professor, Mr & Mrs. Howell! Your character will have to be just as iconic as they are to fit in!

Casting for a Castaway! Entry Form
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name:
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:

[size=4][color=seagreen][b]Casting for a Castaway! Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]My Castaway's Name:[/B]
[B]Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:[/b]
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Agent Smith
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: In this delightful group, you have characters from all socioeconomic levels and from every type of job. Every job that is, except a government job. Have you ever wondered why their plans to escape the island have always failed? That's right! A government conspiracy! My guy does not help them get off the island at all! She is assisting in a government experiment and that means they must stay put! *evil laughter*[COLOR="lightseagreen"]

Username: EirianHikari
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Bridget Monroe
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: Bridget Monroe is a wilderness guide who was was ashore on the island when she was headed to the rain forest to lead a vacation exploration. She soon befriended the other castaways and likes to help out with hunting, fishing, and gathering plants, since she has vast knowledge in survival, she is quite in her element on the island. Bridget is tough, brave, but has a kind heart, she is also quite witty, charming, and intelligent, but seems to have little interest in the Professor's scientific comments. It has been lightly implied that Bridget may have a crush on the Professor though. Like when they were gathering oranges and Bridget suddenly tossed one at him. He just stared at it a minute, and Bridget looked at him and said kind of playfully"I could show you how to peel it." The Professor responded clueless, "Oh, I know how to peel it" and Bridget just went back to what she was doing, glancing over at him a brief second.

Username:Ted D Ber
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Romana Torres
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:Romana was an engineer on the ship before it crashed, and now shes left stranded with 7 other castaways. She makes all sorts of crazy inventions that usually fail to try and help them get off the island. Now that we're bring the show to a new generation we decided to add her as a lesbian character to give the show that modern edge, but to keep the classic feel we're still shooting the show entirely in black and white.

Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name:Sienna Carrington
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:
Sienna was an out of work model, looking to forget about her latest break up, her friends encouraged her to take a vacation, as a result she ended up on the ill-fated "3 hour tour" with the other castaways. "It'll be fun!" her friends had told her, uh yeah if being stranded for life is your idea of fun! Though their fate seems questionable, Sienna, hasn't given up and doesn't waste a lick of time coming up with an escape plan, she may be a model but she's got brains and street smarts. Armed with her trusty lipstick and her butt smacking purse, sienna intends to use her looks to attract everything and anything she can to the island, so she can get off it, even if that anything is a passing dolphin. And if that doesn't work, there's always the old note in a bottle trick, with a note saying "help I'm trapped on an island full of treasure", because if looks won't bring em, greed will!

Username: Nephila
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: No one really know for sure they've taken to calling her Cannibal Chrissy
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:
She was shipwrecked an unknown amount of years before the rest of them. She was only a little girl when she first made it to the island. Wearing a long white night gown that became ragged and dirty over the years. She was only able to be use it as a wrap around skirt. She's about 20 and has a wild sex appeal.
The "tattoos" are actually ashes she smudges on herself. No real reason behind them other than when she was a child their was no one around to tell her not to write on herself. I suppose its what would be a pass time on an island. She also cut off her blond hair to put on her dolly. Which is her last connection to humanity. She doesn't speak much in the brief times they encounter her. She tries to help them off the Island by attempting to eat them.

Username: dragoness129
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Iyme
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: This islander has no last name. She was never given one. She thinks she has been on this island forever because she cannot remember a time of ever being somewhere else. She has survived on this island for many years before Gilligan and his crew became shipwrecked, including making some daggers from rocks. She wants her island back to herself, so she wants to "help" the crew leave and way she can. -Iyme licks her daggers-

Username: Woodlandnymph
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: The Assistant
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:

Just sit right back, and you'll hear a tale....about the girl who just wanted to get her 4 university credits and get a good recommendation from her professor. Her professor? Oh yes, you mean THE Professor. Didn't think he worked alone, did yah? Little did Jane know when she joined the Professor on his three hour tour that she'd end up shelling coconuts to help him jerry-rig radios and that every other Wednesday night Mary-Ann and Ginger would cram her into a hula skirt for another silly dance competition. *Sigh* At least she brought along a book or two so she can find a nice hideaway when she's not helping build another raft.

Username: Velvet
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Jillian Pepper
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: Not many know of Gilligan's twin sister, Jillian. But she was there, she was boarded on the S.S Minnow below deck. Gilligan actually hid her behind some boxes and planned on sneaking her back off the boat when they arrived at their destination. Plans were changed when the ship crashed on the island. The others discovered Gilligan had a sister, a twin sister soon after. Jillian explained that she had no where to go and had never been on a boat before.. She ends up being just like Gilligan too. Bumbly, sloppy, butterfingered, and without any sort of grace. She trips over everything, manages to break much needed furnishings, and she even burned down their makeshift beach houses once forcing the group to recreate each of their houses again. How does she help them all get off the island? Simple. She doesn't. Just like Gilligan, she manages to blow every chance they get to leave the island. And she has an obsession with a map she found on the island..

Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Snooki
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: Signing up for what she thought was the next big thing after Jersey Shore, that also totally involved beaches, she found herself stranded on a tropical island (score!). The other castaways now have to deal with her hard partying and heavy boozing, because she's not helping them leave anytime soon...

Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name:Bridget
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: Bridget was on the Island before the Castaway's. in fact when they showed up she was ecstatic, thinking FINALLY she'd been rescued. she was pretty crestfallen to find out that no, they where stuck there with her. She helped them build their huts, taught them what food was safe and what wasn't. showed them where fresh water sources where. and regaled them with stories she'd made up. she even ended up having a crush on, of all people, Gilligan, much to the bemusement of the rest of the castaway's.

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Summer Howell
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: Summer is the 10-year-old daughter of Mister and Missus Howell. Though she was raised by nannies and rich parents, this little lady is quite the tomboy! Summer loves playing outside and making new discoveries. She knows all sorts of random facts about plants and animals that would help the castaways survive and thrive on the island until they could find a way off. And maybe, just maybe, a kid like her will think of a way off the island that none of the grownups could ever come up with!

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Tom Robinson the Boy Scout
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:
Always be prepared! That's the boy scout motto. Tom never thought that right after he got his Eagle Rank (the highest rank a Boy Scout can obtain) he would end up shipwrecked on this island! It's good thing he got his Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. In no time he had a shelter built, a fire started and caught some fish. With his Wood Work Merit Badge, building a raft shouldn't be too hard. Or at the very least he could help repair their broken ship. Tom held the record for most merit badges in his troops, many which helped on the island.

Now if only he could the adults to accept this and stop treating him like a kid...

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Wira
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: For as long as Wira can remember he has lived on this island. Not receiving many visitors than other natives from nearby islands. Oh what a surprise it was when Gilligan and the others arrived on his island. What a curious sight they were. For a while he was in the background just observing the newcomers. They gave him a good laugh. Little by little he let his presence be known to Gilligan and the others and developed a crush on Mary Ann. Most of his attempts to become friends with Mary Ann usually end up with her running away or the others chasing him away. Even with this strange relationship that he develops with the castaways he does manage to save them quite a bit. Then again maybe he is the reason they have never managed to get off the island.[COLOR="lightseagreen"]

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Juliet
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island:
Sure they told the story of the other castaways...but what about me? I am the cook after all. I take care of them and make sure they don't go hungry. I mean without me, could they really survive? All I wanted was to go to a tropical island for a quick get away....not a stay away!

Last edited by DariaMorgendorfer; 02-12-2014 at 04:33 AM..

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 05:48 AM


The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 06:06 AM

Another Reserve (for fun)!

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 06-26-2013, 02:48 PM

i feel left out... RESERVED!

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Mak...

fireprincess is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:21 PM

Oooh! There are 3 judges this time?
I'm going to have fun with these!!

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:35 PM

Yay!! <3 Can't wait for this one. owo

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:38 PM

Tere is three contests this shipwrecked event? OMG *flails happily*

Send a message via MSN to Ascadellia Send a message via Yahoo to Ascadellia
Ascadellia is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:43 PM

Hi there, Sha. <3

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 08:45 PM

hope to see lots of creative entries!

Zombie Pixie

Zombie Pixie is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 09:26 PM

Thankgoodness we can use DAC lol

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 07-06-2013, 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
Hi there, Sha. <3
Hi Asca. I'm excited. i always love the avatar contests.


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 12:16 AM

Haha, I love the Gilligan's Island theme. I used to love that show. Great contests. I can't wait to give them a try.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 12:47 AM

Shipwrecked Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 12:51 AM

Interesting avatar maiden.

Zombie Pixie

Zombie Pixie is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 12:54 AM

Now my 3rd color might be brown..Would a.. i think its cream with a tan item be alright?

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 01:04 AM

@ Linnea - With the basic items, they are listed as silver, but they appear more grey, like the stones I am using. Would they be considered the same since their tones are the same, or would they be counted as two different colors?

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 01:48 AM

I had an awesome idea for an animal avatar, but alas the new CI doesn't have black ears. ;_;

Zombie Pixie

Zombie Pixie is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 02:01 AM

Never mind about my question :3

Shipwrecked Colors Entry Form
Username: Zombie Pixie
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Velvet is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 02:08 AM

Ooh, nice categories!

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 02:40 AM

Originally Posted by Zombie Pixie View Post
Now my 3rd color might be brown..Would a.. i think its cream with a tan item be alright?
tan and cream would be considered a shade of brown. glad you got it worked out!

Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
@ Linnea - With the basic items, they are listed as silver, but they appear more grey, like the stones I am using. Would they be considered the same since their tones are the same, or would they be counted as two different colors?
silver is very hard to differentiate from gray, just as gold can be hard to differentiate from yellow and some oranges, so just use your best judgement and i'll be willing to be a little relaxed about it too.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 03:34 AM

Jungle Creatures Entry Form
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Fun Fact:
Although, poison dart frogs are famous for their neon colors and deadly toxins, there are only three species of poison dart frogs that are used for their hunting toxins. Many species of the frog are imposters and mimic the colors of the toxic variety. They find that their colors, called aposematism, serve just as well as a warning to predators as if they actually were harmful to eat. A much lesser known fact of poison dart frogs is that they are intelligent amphibians that live in groups and are dedicated to raising their young.

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 12:46 PM ----------

Casting for a Castaway! Form
Image of My Entry:
My Castaway's Name: Agent Smith
Tell us about the 8th Castaway and how they help the castaways try to escape the island: In this delightful group, you have characters from all socioeconomic levels and from every type of job. Every job that is, except a government job. Have you ever wondered why their plans to escape the island have always failed? That's right! A government conspiracy! My guy does not help them get off the island at all! She is assisting in a government experiment and that means they must stay put! *evil laughter*

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 12:48 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Shadami View Post
Interesting avatar maiden.
She is Sailor Uranus from the TV show Sailor Moon. So by cosplaying her, I met all the requirements :D


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