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S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 05:32 AM

This is my room where me and my friends talk, so feel free to say hello! :D

Last edited by S3rg3antDucky; 08-08-2013 at 05:38 AM..

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 05:38 AM

Why hello there. I am drawing and updating my quest thread but I promise to post ^-^

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 05:49 AM

Okay! :D
I wonder why it's not telling me that you messaged! ;__;
I guess I'll keep this thread in a separate tab.
I miss you BTW! D:

---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 12:50 AM ----------

And I did save it to photobucket BTW! D:

---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 12:51 AM ----------

Oh, and another thing, what do you wanna name our Chase and Eiji RP? Because I wanna start a thread in the RP thread so that we can RP again! :D

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 05:56 AM

Hmmmm, how about "Destined Love" or "Fate's Decision" or iunno XD

If you uploaded it to photobucket then Idk why it's being weird!!!

You should draw my avatar... she is my new oc and you need to make an OC that you would like to pair her with. Just link me to the profile maker list thingy and I'll update Chase's as well XD

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:05 AM

Fate's Decision is fine! I don't know where you got Destined Love from though! XDD
And I shall draw your avatar, when I get the chance! Band has me so busy though! ;__; Maybe you could come over this weekend and we could have a day of being losers on Mene and I could draw her then. XD
And you want me to make an OC to pair her with?! Wut? I don't know what you mean or what you want or laksdjflkasjdflkajsdf. o__o
And do you mean the bio thing that I used in the beginning for my character? If that's what you mean, I'll just post mine to the thread that I make and you can look after it. Is that okay? :3

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:09 AM

Well I have to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow after I get done with stuff.

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:12 AM

Okay! I'll be on here when I'm not at band, which is 5:30pm to 7:30pm. :P

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 10:25 AM

Oh the tortuous band XD Our band sucks... no offense... or at least it did when I was there.

And to answer before I did mean the bio thingy XD

And I meant if you wanna make a character to rp with mine (My avi) That's cool too XD

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 01:54 PM

Since this is more of a hangout thread, I've gone ahead and moved it into the Mene Nations forum. Now you guys can chat without having to worry about staying on topic.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 02:12 PM

Awww thank you Knerd!!! I should have looked and told her! I feel bad now D:

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:10 PM

I am highly offended! Our band does not suck!!!!! You just don't get it...
And okay.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:26 PM

hello and welcome to nations!

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:28 PM

Hello hummy! :)

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:28 PM

So... I was in a really good, loving mood... and Acey just crushed it... UGH!

I shouldn't let stupid words make me upset... okay. so. anywho...

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:31 PM

What did he do hun? QnQ
And sorry for kinda lashing out about the Band thing, I just have a huge passion for it and I hate when people say that. :<

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:42 PM

Big Spring just sucks in general...


Acey Sells

Ashtyn Payne

Acey Sells
You still mad at me

Ashtyn Payne
....You called me a disappointment. Yes my feelings are still hurt. No I am not mad, I'm actually in a fantabulous mood right now because Idk I just am XD

Acey Sells
I said I was dissapointed you really let me down ash

Ashtyn Payne
And like I said, humans disappoint. I think you need to realize this. Also you wont find happiness until you fix your relationship with god hun. God is the only one who can fill that hole in your heart. I don't mean to preach but it's the truth. I realized that this weekend.

Acey Sells
Don't try to cover this up ashtyn its not about god right now its about you playing games

Ashtyn Payne
I wasn't playing games.
I don't think you understand what I meant by courting
it didn't mean that I was yours, it didn't mean I was anyone's. It didn't mean I was to strictly date you.
Sorry if you thought differently

Acey Sells
You acted like you were courting and you told me it was only because you wanted people to talk to you

Ashtyn Payne
dating is a way to see if someone is compatable.

Acey Sells
Your full of it ash I knew this convorsation would be pointless

Ashtyn Payne
I meant (because I was busy at the time) that I do it so you guys don't get hurt by me saying "Hey, fuck off, I don't need a relationship right now, and I don't need one any time soon."
Okay, I'm full of it. Block me, delete me, don't talk to me. It wont phase me. The people in my life that are meant to be here will stick around. Despite my mood swings, despite my problems, despite everything

Acey Sells
I fucking hate you

Ashtyn Payne
That's fine. Feel how you need to feel

Acey Sells
You have no idea how much I liked you and you ruined

Ashtyn Payne
I suppose this is just another bridge I burned down.
because I'm a disappointment
a failure

Acey Sells
By acting like you don't give two shits about how other people feel

Ashtyn Payne
a fuck up
worthless piece of shit.

Acey Sells
Go ahead and turn this into your problem you could have prevented it

Ashtyn Payne
I never said I didn't care. The reason this is blown out of porportion is because I didn't want to hurt you... but I don't care about feelings, your right
I'm saying what you are thinking
it was one of those right?

Acey Sells
Your just like everyone else ashtyn
You really fucking fooled me

Ashtyn Payne
I suppose I am.
And I'm sorry if I fooled you.

Acey Sells
No your not
Sent from Mobile

Click the spoiler and see our convo..
I was in a good mood and didn't want him to spoil it but...

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 06:53 PM

Just :O!!!
All he cares about is himself! Ugh, that makes ME made for him to treat you like that! I don't understand why his has to press you on like that, it's really selfish. He knows you're not over your last relationship and he still tries to force you into something. >:(

---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 02:03 PM ----------

Oh, so it literally was a spoiler! *slaps knee* Jk. XD But no. :/

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 07:12 PM

Whelp, he deleted me from facebook and told me he hated me... so yea. Basically I don't think that he will be in my life that much...

Oh well... my cousin said "If they can talk to you like that and treat you like that then they don't need to be in your life, you deserve better." Which idk... I feel bad. I don't want to loose a friendship. but it's just hard. I really am working on a lot of personal problems... I mean if you read my blog it would probably explain a lot...

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 07:20 PM

Well, I'm sorry. And I agree with your cousin, if he's going to be like that he doesn't deserve you. You're way better than him.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 07:26 PM

You're just saying that because you like me ;P
But thanks! REally.

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 07:42 PM

Kinda. ^u^ But I'm also saying it because you're one of the only people that was truly there for me my freshman year. You're seriously my best friend, and will always be whether you ever decide to date me or not.
And I read that post in your blog and have been bawling for the past 10 minutes. I love you Ashtyn, and I'm so glad you're here today and not dead, or somewhere you shouldn't be. I had NO idea you had gone through all that, and I really want you to understand that I'm here for you. I've been through hard times too, so I understand a few things here and there. But, wow. I just can't even imagine going through all of that. I'm proud of you. Most people wouldn't still be here. *hugs*

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 09:03 PM

*hugs back* Thank you love really! And sorry for the late reply's, I'm trying to find a character sheet for all my characters and I also am trying to do my aunts laundry (I still have like six loads to go). But the point of that is to tell people why I am so awkward and come off rude. It's no excuse by any means though! Saturday and Sunday and even yesterday a lot of stuff was brought up and god broke me. He told me (well didn't speak to me but I know it is him.) to delete all my music and start over, only listening to christian or uplifting music, that I need to stop being sexual (like um.. you know "quiet times" and letting guys use me for sexual favors) I kind of want to become a secondary virgin... I also think I need to get back into church and help around my parents house... I also feel like I need to be more supportive and "loving" towards everyone, like tell them as much as I can how pretty they are or how much I love them... etc. etc. and that I need to stop drinking, like a drink here and there are okay but I don't need to get drunk. I also feel like he told me to forgive my self... which I am working on... but yeaaaa..... (Wow this was a long post)

Oh and on another note; don't cry over my life. It happened how it happened for a reason... whether it be that I help someone five minutes from now or on my death bed. Everything that happened may not have been what god wanted or anything but I do feel like it will become useful for god's plan. I mean. Because I went through it I would probably be really good at helping other girls through it... and you know what. you are this amazing person and I love you very much. You are my best friend. I didn't tell anyone because I felt like I would be judged, I'm sorry!

Also; do you know where I can find different bio sheets?

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 12:38 AM

Awh, Ashtyn that's wonderful! You know, I think now would be a good time to talk to you about something. I gave up trying to be a Christian 2 or 3 years ago, and lately I've really been thinking how much I really want to start over and go to church again. Maybe we could try to go the the same church? My problem with churches (Not worshiping The Lord in general) was that I loved going to youth, but no one ever talked to me and I felt alone, so I usually ended up leaving. I tried going to Trinity several times, but honestly after going there so many years I realize that I'm not that fond of baptist churches, or at least that one. Girls in my youth group used to make fun of me, and I could tell they didn't want to be my friend. I don't want to go to a church like that, because honestly, a church should be a place where everyone loves everyone and it's almost like a safe haven. I didn't feel like that at Trinity. Maybe that's why I eventually gave up worship. That's why I'm kinda awkward when you say quotes from the Bible to me. But I really want to go somewhere with a wonderful youth group that treats each other like family and does things for the community... and goes to Church Camps and such. That would be amazing. I think then, being in such a positive environment, I would get closer to God. Wow, I think I just told my life story. XD

And I don't see it as something to judge you over, I see it as something to look at you and say, "Wow, she's so strong and amazing for surviving through something like that!" Like, without all that you've been through, you wouldn't be the smart girl you are today. You would probably be naive to such things and eventually mistreat them when it's the worst time to, if that makes any sense what so ever. :P

I think I usually either Google mine or search them on DA. I think I search something like "Character Bio", or "Character Bio Template", or something like that.

And I'm SO sorry it took so long to respond, I was getting ready for band and I just got home from it. I nearly passed out! XD But I'm good now. :3

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 01:32 AM

Well I don't involve myself with the youth or children's ministry... Not because they aren't good or anything... It's just that I myself need more of well more growth I guess... The youth though is pretty tight knit, like if you go they will defiantly try their hardest to keep you there. But every church has clicks.... but if you are going for god then it shouldn't matter. Right now I only go to church on Sunday mornings, but you are very welcome to join us. It starts at ten on Sunday mornings but if you go earlier they feed you free doughnuts XD But honestly you wont really get anything out of church unless you are going for god... nothing else... also you need to go with no expectations...

and don't worry about responding, I'm drawing, talking, posting, creating forums, and trying to make an avatar for my characters...

This site is rather convenient...

S3rg3antDucky is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 02:11 AM

I didn't say that I wasn't going for God, I just have a hard time focusing when people are too worried about their social lives rather than him.

Oh, I'm sorry! D:

And that site. That SITE. Sweet baby Jesus, that site is the best thing ever invented. EVER. ;u; Thank you so much for showing me that!


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