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Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 12:57 AM

zThree men approached Allara with proud looks on their faces. "How many are dead today?" She looked up at her fellow members with an almost bored expression.

"Four today, leader," One grinned. That made Allara raise her eyebrows but not in a positive matter.

"Four?! Only four?! The other gang's killed seven of us and you're satisfied with four?!" She scratched a nearby wall in anger, making the three members cringe from the sound. Her nails grew several inches as well as her teeth, which she bared at the members.z

"Leader, please, we'll try harder next time..." Another member whimpered. Allara's piercing blue eyes turning into their golden ones when she turned to her half-human-half-wolf form. She let out a roar that made the members whimper and the furniture shake like an earthquake.z

"Get out of my sight!" She screeched, her teeth fully bared ready to devour anything in her way. The members squeaked and quickly scurried away. Allara took short breaths as she went back to her normal human form. Her hair turned to its jet black color and her skin to its olive color. Her beta, Alex scurried up to her side to see what had happened. "It seems these recruits have all talk but no bark." Allara growled. Alex nodded as she touched the leader's arm to fully calm her down. "Looks like I'll go out on the street myself. Kill off the other three we deserve." She pushed Alex away so that she could make her way to the outside. "Expect me by morning." Was all she said before she quickly ran into the cold, dark streets of the city that the gang resided in.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-26-2013, 01:34 AM

For all intents and purposes, Reid appeared relatively normal. Perhaps a bit tall for a human, and a little dark, and his eyes had an odd tone of yellowish-amber snaked through the pale brownish color, but no one had reason to expect him to be anything but human. Though as he left the upper part of town and entered that which his extensive gang controlled, his careful disguise fell away; his skin grew even darker, but changed to a charcoal tone of blackish-gray, and his ears lengthened and pointed. The brown in his eyes became brighter amber, and his nails grew just a little more pointed. His presence in the streets had a few of his own approaching with respectable bows and nods of the head, and he paused as they stepped in front of Reid to greet him: One after the other, they grasped his hand and kissed the back of it, and when Reid nodded, they moved back. "So far three have been found dead, sir." One said quickly.

"And the fourth?" Reid asked stoically.

"Unaccounted for." Another said.

"Fools." Reid sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Very well. You." He looked to the one that had yet to speak, and his blunt yellow gaze almost had the quiet one buckling. "Find him."

The quiet one nodded and turned around, but Reid's hand was out like a shot and grasped his shoulder hard. The way his nails dug into the younger man's shoulder had him gasp in shock. "And don't come back until you do."

When he nodded quickly and scurried off, Reid nodded to the first that spoke---Ren, his most trusted underling---and started off. Ren followed quickly, rubbing one of his long ears. "Ren. How are we doing today?" Reid asked simply, walking with his hands in his pockets.

"Very well. Seven so far, and we're tracking an eighth."

Reid smiled for the first time, showing pointed teeth. "Very good... Should they attack another of my businesses, I will not hold back next time. Consider these seven, and perhaps eighth, a very fair warning." Really, though, the way he had attempted to keep the peace had been far too lenient. He'd turned a blind eye to certain acts against him, but now it was foolish to keep ignoring it. He would, however, hope that they may come to terms.

Only a crack in this castle of g...
Castleofglass is offline
Old 08-29-2013, 10:15 PM

Allara stepped out into the new darkness of the night. It was getting cold during the nights, but it didnt phase her; she was part beast anyway. The tall light poles lit the path of the street in which she walked on, where she padded softly in search of prey. She knew any minute now she would be on enemy lines; where her last three victims were. Though she often had others of her pack around her for a hunt, this time this was a job solely for the pack leader.

A rustle of garbage made Allara stop in her tracks. She shifted her eyes left and right to find the source of the sound. Surely it was some animal scavenging for food, but she couldn't be too sure. When she took her last scan of the are, she continued on her way. Suddenly, a man was on her. The man hissed and began clawing at her neck. She screeched and flipped the man over with a swift shove to the side. She grabbed the man's collar and threw him to the side, having him crash against the cold brick walls that lined the streets. They were on. The man backed away but Allara was already changing form. Her nails grew longer as she swiped at him with force. The man whimpered and tried his best to find an exit, but to no avail.

While the man changed, he also began to harness his own power. He lunged at Allara with full force and began punching at her sides. She let out a deafening yowl before shoving him once more and swiping at him. Once her teeth sharpened, she took a hold of the man and sunk her teeth right into his arm. The man let out a weak cry before tensing up and finally weakening in submission.

"Where is your leader?" She hissed before putting her palm forcively on his chest so that she could squeeze him.

"I...Allara...what is a pack leader doing here tonight?" The man grunted and let out a soft smirk.z

She pushed on his chest so that it would let out an uncomfortable crushing sound. "Where?"

"Up-up, up ahead." He groaned and began to breathe heavy.

"Good boy." Allara eased her grip on the man and allowed him to slump to the floor. She began making her way when she heard more sounds come from the man.

"A beautiful you...shouldn't be out...all alone." The man laughed, "You might get killed."

One quick swipe of her hand ended the pitiful man's chatter. One Allara curled her lips and continued walking towards the enemy's camp. I don't need anyone, you fool.


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