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Ferra is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 12:56 AM

As the title says:

If you're a student, what are you studying for? Do you have a dream job or are you still deciding?

If you've graduated, what are you doing now? Is your current employment related to your field? If not, why? If you're not employed, what kind of job are you looking for?


I'll start! I think my current job path is pretty close to what I studied for. My studies focused on Japan and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and I'm currently an English teacher in Japan. I hope to continue teaching and settle down here.


Kent is offline
Old 09-18-2013, 01:42 AM

I'm currently unemployed but I really want to do something related to my degree, but I have no experience whatsoever. At the moment, I'd love to be an editorial assistant and eventually become an editor. X3 I really just want to work in the Editing and Publishing field. My dream is to open my own publishing company.

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 09-18-2013, 08:57 AM

I have no idea what I want to do in the future or if I ever do think of something it's unrealistic for my personality. I am a very indecisive person so I guess I'm just going to float around until I find what I like.. (and rack up a huge HECS debt, sigh)

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 09-20-2013, 05:36 PM

I'm currently in my 4th year of college. I'm studying for my bachelor's in Commication Design (basically graphic design).
I've had an internship related to my major! But that's about it work wise. I'm hoping I'll be able to find a job shortly after I graduate. :O


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-30-2013, 06:16 PM

I received my Bachelor's Degree in French with an Art Minor in 2010. I worked as a cashier for a few years before finally finding my current job as a Bilingual Office Assistant. I can't say it's the job I want to stick with forever but I'm happy to be able to use my degree. I think ideally I would like to return to Paris and work there but I doubt that would ever happen...

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Old 10-24-2013, 05:46 PM

I graduated with a BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour & Welfare in 2012. I've failed to find myself a zoo based job, despite four and a half years of experience within an education department, which is very depressing. I don't think i'll ever get to do what i want, and i'm currently unemployed/working seasonal in the customer service department at the zoo where i volunteered.

Exaggerated Rebellion
The Best Bounced Check
Exaggerated Rebellion is offline
Old 10-25-2013, 04:10 AM

Ennnnnnglish Maaaaaaajor~

I'm stilling deciding on what I want to do, but I'm thinking of either becoming a teacher or going into the publishing industry. It really depends on what's available around here and if I have the money to put myself in school for a few extra years for the classes I'd need to get a teaching certificate/license/what have you.

Sophisticated Gawker
PelvicUnicorns is offline
Old 10-25-2013, 05:45 PM

I am currently working for my associate's degree in paralegal studies. I should be done with it by next Spring after my internship. However, my dream job is to be a childrens book writer and a massage therapist on the side :3

Rinhara is offline
Old 10-29-2013, 01:24 PM

I'm just starting college and study computer sciences. I have close to no idea what I want to go into, besides that I like games and coding. I've also toyed with the idea of writing books, but I figured it would be good to have an in-demand, techy job I enjoy that's a little more predictable than banking on book sales.
Sub-fields that interest me are graphics, robotics and AI, security, and networks/web design/internetz stuff, so I'll probably go into one or more of these fields.
And no, please don't come to me for your tech problems. I'm just starting this semester. I can teach my mother how to copy and paste but I'm about as tech-savy as the average user (and less so than some fellow students who don't even study computers!) >.>

SorchaRose is offline
Old 10-30-2013, 02:24 PM

I'm a Criminal Justice major with minors in Paralegal Studies and Psychology. I graduate next year so I'm excited for that.

After graduation I'm planning to work as a Paralegal for a bit and get my current student loans paid off. Then I'd like to go to Law School and work in Criminal Law.

`Rockstar is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 09:45 PM

Aaha that's funny Sorcha, I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Paralegal Studies too! my sister has a 4 year degree in psychology, which I think is an interesting subject, but my school doesn't offer a degree for that program :c

I'm hoping to get a paralegal internship at a lawfirm while I work through my schooling years. I still have about a year and a half until I've got a 4 year degree in criminal justice and a 2 year degree in paralegal studies.

cator93 is offline
Old 11-08-2013, 12:01 AM

I'm going for an accounting major, but it's my first semester, so I am only taking core classes - English, pre-calculus, communications, keyboarding, and a mandatory introductory course.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 11-12-2013, 01:27 AM

Ferra! I think it's awesome that you're teaching in Japan!! :) Can you share some stories? What's been the best and worst experiences thus far?

I did undergraduate and graduate studies back-to-back, and I have a Bachelor's in Psychology and Community Studies with an Applied Psychology concentration, and a Master's in Rehabilitation Counseling. I graduated mid-August of this year, and I'm waiting to get permission from my state to sit for my Clinical Professional Counseling examination. I took my Rehabilitation Counselor examination in October and have yet to get the results.

Since graduating I've been thankfully filling in at my grandparents' business. It has absolutely nothing to do with psychology, but it's a job with decent pay and I'm happy to have this as a branching gap. It beats unemployment, as I can at least pay the bills.

Not sure when I'll get licensed, seeing as the state isn't communicating with me with any real clarification, but I'm hoping no later than January. I'll search for a counseling/therapy job at that point. :)

Ferra is offline
Old 11-12-2013, 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by Chi View Post
Ferra! I think it's awesome that you're teaching in Japan!! :) Can you share some stories? What's been the best and worst experiences thus far?
Hey! Long time no chat!! How have you been? I think it's awesome that you've already gotten your Master's and will be working in counseling/therapy someday.

Really, there have been way too many good experiences for me to list. As for the "worst", well it was certainly scary in the wake of the disaster on 3/11. I was quite near the epicenter so the earthquake felt incredibly strong and the coastline of my city (my home and work were thankfully very far inland) was completely washed away.

But even in the aftermath of something so horrible, I felt like I got to see the best of people. Everyone lined up in an orderly fashion the next few weeks as stores started to come back to life. Utilities were restored at amazing speeds: I had electricity/internet back the next night! Water was a week or so later and gas was about a month later. People were friendly and helpful. I had people thank me for just staying and not abandoning Japan like so many other foreigners did. I felt a wave of local pride as I walked past signs in every shop that said "ganbarou!!" (roughly translated as "let's keep fighting!") It was a really humbling experience. I regret that such a terrible thing happened, but I'm glad I was there to see the rebound.

On a different note, I've also fallen in love with a great guy I met here too. <3

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 01-22-2014, 12:02 AM

I'm in my 7th year of college trying to get my BA in Deaf Studies, and I don't know what I'll do with it.

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Xavirne is offline
Old 01-22-2014, 05:50 PM

Graduated with a double major -- engineering and advertising/public relations. My current job is marketing at a (wait for it) engineering company. My education/career overlap flawlessly. Then again, I studied a very unique engineering degree so the odds of me getting a job in that field were... well, totally possible.

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 01-24-2014, 11:11 AM

I recently finished my Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services)...among my fellow Social Science classmates we joke that we qualify to be Social Scientists as graduates but actually the focus of our studies is on the Human Services aspect and we study with Social Work students for the majority of our degree. Those who might go on to be social scientists would most likely be the analytical academic type people.

What I hope to do is work with people in community settings or something like that. There are people who've studied my degree that've gone on to work in the area of policy development or working in institutionalised health settings.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-27-2014, 03:12 AM

Duke is currently going to school for accounting and I will be finishing my bachelor's degree next semester. Dream job? Work for Disney as a project estimator. Being a CFO (chief financial officer) may be kinda cool too.

I would ultimately like to own my own business, but that may just end up being something on the side rather than actually making a living off of it.

noirist is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 09:11 AM

I'm studying for an NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care. It's being ppaid for by my employer.

I'm not doing it by choice. I don't have to do it, but it's pretty much expected of you when you've been a care assistant for a while in a residential home.

I work at night and nights have a set pay, so it's not even like my wage will go up after I complete it. :/

Lexadis is offline
Old 03-02-2014, 02:11 PM

I currently chose Science for my Advanced Level, and if I can enter university and enter medicine I want to become a pediatrician :) Time will tell whether I succeed or not :D

Horrorsaurus is offline
Old 03-11-2014, 10:31 PM

Wow! Even in such a small sample there are a huge range of specialisms in this thread!

I studied history at undergraduate level (graduated 2010), but had no idea what to do with it after I went off the prospect of teaching. I worked for a youth charity for a bit, then decided to go back to uni and study for a masters, again in history. I got a part time job at a depression charity alongside which I really loved, but had absolutely nothing to do with my studies!

Anyway, during all that I was getting increasingly involved in politics and ended up standing in the 2012 local government elections to make up the candidate numbers. ...I won my seat and, suddenly, my whole career plans changed. I gave up the job and eventually had to give up the course too because of ill health. :( I do like being a councillor though; the policy side of things is really interesting, and it's nice to be able to make a (albeit limited) difference.

As for it relating to my studies, well, my masters was on local government in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, so I guess that has some relevance. I did an A-level in politics too, so it's not a totally off the wall development for me.

Darkness Within
Darkness Within is offline
Old 03-28-2014, 12:07 AM

I'm going for a Graphic Design AA in hopes that I will be able to design logos or banners for companies/websites.

Elmira Swift
Curator of Alluvium

Elmira Swift is offline
Old 04-02-2014, 12:54 AM

I have a BA in anthropology, master's in history/public history/museum studies, and a master's in library and information science. Goal was to work in a museum, archive, library, or cultural resource management firm, but my kids have health issues and I am currently working at home routing calls for sales people to various businesses.

Was my education worth it? Absolutely! I don't regret going to school or having to adapt to a situation I didn't see coming. I've been able to help organize a private library and I've worked on projects that helped me understand the region I live in better than before.

Latigua is offline
Old 04-11-2014, 03:22 PM

I am working on getting a History degree. Not sure what I will do with it. Working in a museum could be a lot of fun. History is just so great. I haven't had too many history classes yet, but hopefully I've managed to fix my class schedule so that I do get more. What kind of History major am I without my History classes? D:
When I first started at the University I am attending I was working on a teaching degree, but that just was not for me and I switched over to just History. I do not think any of my education thus far has been a waste, because if you enjoy doing something it isn't a waste.
Oh, also, I take classes online. An interesting experience that keeps me busy but not too busy.

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BlackCart29 is offline
Old 04-16-2014, 05:48 PM

I'm in my first year of law school - hopefully one day I'll be a criminal prosecutor


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