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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-09-2013, 11:32 PM

Wow that's a pretty interesting last name! That is funny that you pictured me correctly! You showed me a picture of yourself before but I had somehow forgotten what you look like and what your real name is. >. <

Central Park really isn't that grassy to tell you the truth...

I only get the ones I really like. The current one is really cute but I know I'm not going to use it so I didn't get one.

Yeah. My dad is coming to visit in a few months and though I'll be ready happy to see him I know I'll also probably be happy to see him go at the end of the week. ^_^;

That's good to hear! I had no idea that goats could get sunburn! Also you can only have two kids per game.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 06:05 AM

PAGE 2!!!

Rith?? Haha! I am really horrible with names >.< like someone introduces themselves to me and 20 seconds later... It's a blank >.<

really?? It always seems that way in the movies/tv shows :/

Was that the rubber ducky one or the tiger one? I like the tiger one a lot more than the rubber ducky

XD haha! We have some cousins from scotland that come visit every so often and it's the same thing. good to see them and good to see them go XD Has it been a while since you saw your dad?

I know! I didn't know either till this spring! But apparently the goats with whit or lighter colored hair are more susseptible ( can't spell that I'm sorry and I'm too tired to look it up XD ) to getting sun burn!
Ah gotcha! Are you planing on having another one soon or are you gonna put Jin off for a while? You married Jin right?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-11-2013, 06:10 PM

Wooo hooo! *Parties*

I'm like that with names too. It goes in one ear and out the other...

The tiger one is the most recent one. I didn't get either though to be honest...

It's been about a year and a half since I've seen my dad in person so it will be nice to see him.

Wow! I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know. >.< And yeah, we're going to have another one. There's really no sense in waiting. I did marry Jin. I always end up liking the anime guys who wear glasses best. >.>

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-14-2013, 06:53 PM

We need some party hats!! XD

Exactly. But I'm much better with faces!!

I thought the tiger tail was cute :P So I got that one lol!

Yep That's quite a while! I'm glad you get to go see him!

XD Haha! Glasses are fun and usually add to a persons appeal in my opinion! I actually just got some the other week. It finally got to the point where I could notice the fuzzyness while watching tv or playing on my computer >.<

AND!!! I saw you got back to the RP! I would have noticed sooner but the end of the week was busy for me. So I'll reply to it today!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-16-2013, 01:25 PM


I'm somewhat better with faces. It's a little game for me now actually, to try to recognize the faces in the subway of people who will get off before me so I can stand in front of them to take their seat when they leave. >.> With all the people in New York City it's not easy!

It is pretty cute but I have a kitty and horse item that I don't use much. I don't often dress up like animal characters I guess.

I know, I can't wait! He's left me to plan everything though which isn't easy. >.<

Ooh, piccy? They can be annoying but I can't really deal with contacts. I actually have to go get mine readjusted today. The side bars have bowed out quite a bit so I need them to bend them back in. I'll do that on my lunch break.

That's totally fine. I have two other RPs going on at the moment as well so I'll probably be a bit slow to respond. When I started a new RP a few weeks ago, I wasn't counting on having everyone want to start up old RPs right after! It'll be fun, it's just more than I was counting on. ^^;

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-18-2013, 06:06 AM

Hahaha! XD Is it that hard to find a seat on the trains?? That's crazy! I guess they could be like the trains in China though... At least they are better than that!

Yeah it's not often that a situation arises on Mene where you need an animal costume unless you are into animal costumes XD I gravitate more towards the seasonal items or CIs that can go with just about everything! Wait we were talking about CIs right? Now I gotta go check so I don't feel silly ... >.> yep ok! XD haha!

by plan do you mean, you have to get him his tickets to travel and plan all the sight seeing stuff and where he'll stay and all that?

Haha! K I'll take one for you XD ... In a little bit. My phone just died right as I went to take it... >.< I've been listing to music all day while I did exterior paint prep on my house XD Why do Iphones take so long to turn back on when you completely deplete the battery?? >.<
Ohh fun! I bet it'll be nice to have them fit good again! And yeah, I don't think I could do contacts at all >.< that would just bother me too much lol.

Hah! Isn't that how it always works? >.< Well don't worry, I'm patient and I take forever too >.< But! I did finally get back to it tonight! :P

---------- Post added 07-17-2013 at 11:27 PM ----------

Excuse my level of cleanliness, I haven't taken a shower after work yet tonight
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Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 07-18-2013 at 06:29 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-18-2013, 06:07 PM

Yeah, they aren't at all like the passenger trains I rode in from Long Island. This is what the inside of my train looks like:

In the peak hours it gets super busy and there are so many people standing in the middle that sometimes it's hard to even find a spot to grab the bar.

Yeah, I tend to go for the things that I see myself using a lot. Like the backgrounds or the more neutral colored things. The new one is really fun though. Since Atlantis is my favorite color on the site, I figured an underwater scene would be a very useful item to have. ^_^

I have to buy his tickets and make the plans. He'll be staying with me so I don't have to figure that part out but still... He's really easygoing though so I'm sure it won't be that bad. He'll just talk me ear off about it until he gets here. It's kind of annoying but also cute at the same time. I know he's super excited about coming.

My iPad died the same way and it took so long to turn back on the last time that I seriously thought it was broken!

I've decided I'm going to stop apologizing about RP stuff. >.< I've been rereading some of my old RPs and I realize I apologize a lot for things that aren't really necessary. Like saying I'm sorry for a post being short when it really isn't, or for taking too long to post when I really only took a day or two to reply. It's silly really how much we apologize to each other over nothing. I mean, if you take a month to reply, I guess you could apologize or if you only write like three words, then maybe but otherwise, meh. I think everyone's pretty understanding.

Well having my glasses adjusted does feel much better, but now that they are sitting closer on my face, they're starting to make my nose sweat with the heat we're having. V_V Your glasses look great! I had a style like that once, no twice actually, without the fame on the bottom. They're fun. Do you have to wear them all the time now?

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-18-2013 at 06:11 PM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-24-2013, 04:46 AM

Oh what a busy weekend/week >.< I'm gonna go reply to the RP first then come back to this one hopefully if I can stay awake XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-24-2013, 10:39 AM

Aw, you must be pretty tired after all that painting, bailing, and other stuffs. *Hugs*


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-01-2013, 07:21 PM

I think Car'a'Carn: might of forgotten this thread since we started chatting outside of the thread. >.<

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 09-03-2013, 07:23 PM

You're right! I did! But now that you've brought my attention back to it, I'll write you back this evening since I'm gonna be ending work a little early tonight to get cleaned up before I go into town for a haircut! (well, trim really lol)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-03-2013, 07:26 PM

Hehe, maybe we should work on trying not to bring up so many topics at once so we don't end up writing a wall of text in the end. ^^;

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 09-04-2013, 06:17 AM

XD A good idea! It would probably help with reply time too!

I'm halfway though a reply to you on FB so I'm gonna finish that really quick

---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 12:01 AM ----------

Is it hard to keep your balance if you don't have hold of a bar? Thank goodness it isn't like the subways in Tokyo!
This article is old (so it might be much worse/different now) But that would suck to have to "Beware Gropers". However, I liked the beginning of the article cause of the Casablanca bit XD (Please tell me you've seen that movie or I think I may cry...)

Did you get the new CI? Those backgrounds look like they'd make a great halloween themed avi!

XD That's cool! When's he arriving?

Did I tell you about the time I accidentally left my phone in the sun? It got so hot while it was playing music that it stopped playing so I went to check on it and there was a Temperature warning on the screen O.O oops! honestly I'm not usually that bad with my electronic devices...

Do you ever watch NCIS? Gibbs (the main head guy on the show if you don't watch it) Always says "Rule # 6. Never apologize!" XD haha! So yes I think you're right! We can only do what we can do. Just as long as we always do our best!

Aw that sucks >.< I hope it cools down for you soon then! I have a pair of safety glasses that I wear while I'm working no matter what and they make me sweat too. The glasses I just got don't though! :P And thanks! I like this style too. I almost got a pair of round full frame metal ones but I felt a little too much like harry potter with them XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 03:07 AM

It totally is. There are certain points on the ride that are more bumpy than others though. For example, in the beginning of my ride it’s not bad and I can ride without holding the bar for the most part but before we go across the bridge the tunnel slopes upward and things get pretty bumpy so it’s hard to keep your balance then. I would have to say that I would definitely prefer the New York City subway to that of other Asian countries. I’ve heard some pretty bad stories about the trains there…

I have not seen that movie. >.>

I did! The backgrounds are *drool*. I’ve been going on a bit of a crazy spending spree. I’m pretty indebted right now actually… V_V

November, on the day of my birthday actually!

OMG you did not! That’s totally crazy! I’m surprised the phone actually knew it was hot and told you so. Weird!

I am not an NCIS fan. Mostly because it’s all my sister watches. She watches all of those law shows. All of the time. All of the reruns. It’s ridiculous and annoying. I guess that rule does apply nicely here though so I’ll forgive the reference.

It was super humid this weekend. It was only supposed to be like 75 and I was really looking forward to it because it’s been so warm recently but then the humidity made it actually feel even hotter. V_V Aw, yeah, I feel like the ones you got fit you better. *Nods* I have so many old pairs of frames laying around it’s ridiculous. I keep thinking maybe one day I’ll want to go back and put new lenses in them but I always end up getting new ones. >.>

I wrote up a post for the roleplay in a notebook on the subway but I didn't have time to type it up tonight. I should hopefully be able to get it up tomorrow night.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 09-06-2013 at 03:22 AM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-09-2013, 04:16 AM

Maybe we should rename this "A hangout for a silly friend and a friend that constantly forgets to reply" >.<.... The later being me of course

OK! So lets see... Only a month late! It's not as bad as I thought! XD hahaha!

Wait the subway tunnels aren't flat?? You're totally blowing away all my preconceptions about the subway system... Does the subway there get more crowded in the winter time? Or is it more so in the summer time?

Which movie were we talking about? OH YES! Casablanca! Yep... I'm gonna cry now... THANKS FOR MAKING ME CRY! If you have any interest in old movies then you should totally see it! It's got Humphrey Bogart (one of my favorite old actors) and Ingrid Bergman! And Peter Lorre! You should totally watch it! Or at least give it a try!

ACK! >.< that sucks! I have been doing a lot of spending on Mene lately cause I've really liked the CIs they've been coming out with I think I've gone though about 20 bucks last month between my primary and my mule...

Birthday coming up! How exciting!!! I'll have to have Mr. S have a little celebration or something! What day is it?

XD lol Even Law and Order? I can't stand that show anymore >.< NCIS is fun cause I like the characters but I don't like the spin off as much and besides BONES and Castle, I don't really like any other crime shows. There's only so many times you can rewatch a series...

How's the weather been recently? Getting chilly and fall like yet? it's pretty cold here right now.
And I'm sure someday I'll accumulate some old frames XD Do you still like the styles of the old ones?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-09-2013, 05:37 PM

Hm, maybe I should! It’s really okay though. ^^;

Nope, they go up and down depending on the terrain/where they’re going, etc. There are a few that run above ground even! And the 7 line actually runs beneath the other lines… Kinda creepy no? I’d say the subway is more crowded in the summertime with the tourists and whatnot but last winter it was really crowded on the lines I take because hurricane Sandy caused a bunch of lines to go down for months. I had to take the D train for quite a while instead of my usual N train.

I’m usually not a huge fan of old movies to be honest. >.> My fiancé hasn’t watched it either… Is it really that sad?

I finally got out of my debt but no I’m trying to save up for the Halloween event. I have a feeling I’m not going to have enough gold for all of the commons I’ll end up wanting. ^^; I’ve been donating a lot recently as well. I’m not too sure about the flower bouquets but I bought them anyway since I’m afraid I’ll end up wanting them later. ^^;

It’s November 9th. My dad is actually coming in by plane that day to visit me for a week. I’m super excited!

I really don’t watch TV at all anymore. I remember thinking one of those law shows wasn’t all that bad but I can’t remember which one it is anymore. I feel like TV isn’t really that interesting but if it’s around I tend to get sucked into it. Same thing if someone puts in a movie I don’t want to watch. I’ll start out doing my own thing and inevitably get dragged into watching it. That actually happened when my fiancé rewatched the first Batman movie. I’d never seen it and wasn’t really interested in watching it but then I ended up just sitting down and watching it with him. I still haven’t seen the second or third ones though. I’ve never been a huge fan of the Joker so I don’t really have that much motivation to see it.

It got chilly for a little bit, then it got hot again the past two weeks. Yesterday was kind of cool though and I think today will be as well. It’s kind of a pain trying to figure out how to dress each morning to reflect how hot/cold it is.

I do still like some of my old glasses. There are certain ones I’d definitely never wear again but there is at least one pair that I’m definitely keeping around to reuse in the future. I wonder if I have pictures of them anywhere…

Alright, prepare for super mega zig and her glasses gallery:

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

((You'll have to actually click on them I guess because the thumbnail thingy is really distorting the pics))

These are the ones I wore when I first started college. It's kind of hard to see in the photo but they were actually semi-transparent and striped through with a bunch of colors. I would consider wearing them again if they weren't so worn out... Can you tell I was in the geek club at my school?

Before those I had some pretty ugly first pairs of glasses. I believe the first pair I had were like round gold an tortoise shell? They were pretty fricken ugly looking back on it. After that I got a pair of silver invisiline ones where the frame is only on the top and the bottom is a clear wire. Those weren't too bad but a little to round in my opinion. The next pair were thin black frames that were sort of rectangular/angled? They were better but I wouldn't wear them again.

EDIT: I actually did find pictures of all but the first pairs:

Click on thumbnail for full view

My track and field picture had my first invisiline glasses. I think this was 10th grade? We were just outside practicing before that picture was taken so you can see that I had the transition lenses where they darken in the sunlight.

Click on thumbnail for full view

And the black angular pair I was trying to describe. I'm wearing them in my senior picture.

And moving on!

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These were my second pair in college. That picture is of me in the airport leaving to study abroad in Paris. I wouldn't wear those glasses again simply because they were uncomfortable. That and the black paint started coming off the top at one point...

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

This is my favorite pair to this day. I'm keeping these around because I definitely plan on wearing them again. I got this pair right out of college I believe. I'd always wanted a pair that had the invisiline on the top but most of them really end up looking like granny glasses. I think these ones are really chic though and I love the design on the side. The picture was taken the day my fiance proposed to me.

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

This is a cheap $50 pair of glasses that I got through my insurance at work after my dad's insurance dumped me. (Oh the joys of post-graduation). I wanted a pair of thick black ones that would be kinda "geeky". I didn't wear these long before getting my next pair though. The lens got scratched pretty bad so I had to retire them otherwise I would probably wear them more. I keep these around just in case though. The pic is me at Comic con two years ago when I went as press (hence the semi-dressy shirt).

Speaking of Comic con... It starts tomorrow! My fiance and I got four days passes and I can't wait! I've got my bags packed and my clothes set aside, my schedule planned out... *Squee*

Click on thumbnail for full view

These are my most recent glasses. I got them less than a year ago I believe? It's hard to see on the photo but the inside of the frames are this bright turquoise. They're the biggest glasses I've ever gotten but then again my dad keeps complaining that the lenses I get are too small... I took the picture at work using the webcam on my computer. Hence the reason I look so happy. ^^;

Looking at that picture reminds me that my hair is getting pretty long but I'm still not sure how I want to cut it. V_V Any ideas?

Whew! Wall of text. That's you're punishment for making me wait so long. >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 10-09-2013 at 06:51 PM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 05:12 AM

HEY MEGA ZIG! (read down there a bit ) GUESS WHO!! And I bet you thought I forgot again ;P

What?? There are above ground subway tracks?? Beneath...? Um... Super creepy >.< I dunno if I could travel on that one. Oh thats right! all that flooding! jeez how quickly we forget :/ I hope it's not as crowed this winter! Are all the trains named after letters?

Oh it's not very sad at all. I was crying cause you haven't seen it XD It's one of my favorite old movies! If you ever see it on netflix or soemthing you should give it a try but I won't hold it against you if you don't like it

I bought a few of the flower bouquets for the charity and I have a couple for myself so far. I never buy enough commons though >.< everytime I go to change the outfit on my avi I always have to go buy some new pants or something cause I have so few How'd you make out with this last Event?

And there are so many law shows nowadays it's hard to keep them all straight >.< Hah! I kinda feel the same way. I probably wouldn't watch very much TV if it weren't for my mom. Oh I know! I hate it when someone puts something on when you're trying to get stuff done too cause it makes it so much harder to finish what you're doing >.< I love the new batman movies. Haven't seen the third one yet though. Batman is without a doubt my favorite superhero. Too bad he didn't put on a movie you wanted to see though!

It's been rather chilly here for most of the last 2 weeks. I'm thinking it's gonna be a really cold winter >.< I dressd for semi warm conditions today, went into town and then it started raining and dropped like 10 degrees and BAM! Not feeling so warm anymore >.<

MEGA ZIG! Yeah. I'm definitly gonna be calling you that for a while ;P

Hah! Geek club :P What character is that hat? Looks like that pigish looking guy Oolong from DragonBall
Round gold and tortoise shell?
Ah pictures! :P The invisiline ones aren't too bad!
The black angular ones aren't my favorite though. Hah! My favorite pair is the one that's your favorite! :P The design on the sides definitly keeps them from looking like granny glasses. plus they are much younger looking anywyas. Aw! :P
Cheap pair isn't too bad, sucks they got scratched though:/ Wait like press as in a press pass and all that stuff?
How did I miss you going to comic con?? That must have been when I was super busy earlier last month >.< Did you have lots of fun and see super cool stuff?
That new pair looks really good on you! Hah! XD I was gonna say, smile more! XD

Do you still have longish hair? I... have no idea how you should cut it XD I'm terrible at figuring out hair styles. I've styled my hair the same way for the last... um... 5? 6 years? Kinda sad no?

Oh man if that was my punishment for making you wait so long last time I shudder to think what you have instore for me this time!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 05:28 PM

I don’t mind the above ground ones that much because at least that way you have cell phone service. ^^; I don’t one of the ones up in Queens though because it has this really huge turn and that part kind of freaks me out. >.< The train this morning was super crowded but so far it seems like we’re doing better than last year. And nope, there are letters and numbers for the trains.

but I won't hold it against you if you don't like it
That’s very nice of you. I hate the pressure that you sometimes feel when people are like “ you just haaave to watch this movie!” so you do and you hate it and you tell them and they’re all like “whaaa?! I can’t believe you didn’t like it!” >.>

I’ve actually been updating my quest thread. It’s sooo long now that I had to put everything in spoiler bars. V_V I’m thinking about going on a huge spending spree soon. I’m always afraid thought that as soon as I spend my gold that some CI I’ve been looking for will suddenly show up in the marketplace. ^^; I had quite a bit of fun during the last event. I can’t wait to see the results for the contests! I’m really struggling with the murder mystery one. My brain is so frazzled from work that I can’t seem to really make sense of all of the evidence. T_T

I’ve never been really into the superhero stuff. I do like Iron Man (mostly just because I think Robert Downey Jr. is pretty sexy ^///^) and X-men because the premise interests me. Other than that I don’t really keep up with the rest. My fiancé is more into comics and stuff than I am.

I’m gonna say the hat is from Fruits Basket? I’m not entirely sure because it didn’t actually belong to me, I was momentarily borrowing it from another member of the club who we called “piggy” because he ALWAYS wore that hat. ^^;

Actually the pair that I’m currently wearing also got scratched. I’ve just been living with it though because I don’t have the money to replace them. One of the lenses but fine but the other one has some crazy vertical scratching going on but the place where I got them won’t replace them and if I want to replace them myself, I can’t just buy a single lens. So yeah, since my insurance is pretty crappy, I can’t really pay for that out of my pocket right now. V_V

Yeah, I went as press the last time. I sometimes write articles for my French friend’s blogzine. It was nice not having to go home and write articles late at night this time though. This Comic con definitely wasn’t the best but it was okay. I did get quite a few free books and other goodies!

I cut about 3 inches off of my hair and I’m really disappointed. The woman cut two inches and layered it and then I thought it still looked pretty long so I asked her to cut another inch, which she did, but then she didn’t put the layers back in. So now it just looks like this really straight, square cut haircut, which is exactly not what I wanted. V_V I’m having such a hard time finding a good salon here. I’m not the kind of girl who wants to spend like $60 to get my hair cut so it’s really difficult to find some place that’s affordable but still good. I definitely won’t be going back there again so now it’s back to searching. *sigh*

My dad is coming to visit this Saturday for a week! I’m super excited but I’ve got soooo much to do. *cries*

I don’t think this time is quite so bad.. Only about as long as your message. ^^;

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-09-2013, 08:12 PM

Oh! I didn't even think about cell phone service in the subway! Kinda like a roller coaster? I'm glad the crowding isn't quite as bad as last year though. Not exactly the same but, car traffic around here always gets worse come holiday time. frickin everybody is out >.< I almost had to turn around at a stop sign and go a different way cause I couldn't pull out onto the main road for all the cars.

I know! I feel that pressure sometimes too. But everyone loves different stuff so it's hard to demand that another person should love the same movie you do just cause you think they should XD

I saw that! You did a really nice job organizing it though! How did you get to 33K gold so quick?? You could do a pretty big spree with that :P I hear you about the CI though... I was saving up a little and then Damia told me about dressing like hummy so I spent a good 1500 or so on some girl clothes >.< BUT! then I got 700 gold from the monster hunting game so some of it came back! :P I know! I wanted to see if we saved Emilio but I don't know if longcat tallied up the last rolls or not :/ Oh fun! I didn't get around to the murder mystery one but I really wanted to >.< Don't frazzle your brain too much!

Hahaha! Well There's nothing wrong with that XD I've liked superheros cause I think they're hot My brother really like comics and superheros when he was a kid. Superman, Spiderman, X-men. I was a big batman fan though, and I also liked the Legionnaires! I don't think it was very popular though cause not a lot of people know about it

Oh ok, I don't think I've heard of Fruits Basket. But that's funny that his nickname was piggy XD

Seriously?? You need to be more careful with your glasses! Or spend the extra money for a scratch resistant lens >.< There really should be a nice way to buff out scratches without changing the prescription you know? Why can't you just get a single lens replaced?

That's cool! :P Does being press get you extra access to stuff? Hah I can imagine it'd be nice to get home and relax instead of writing a bunch of articles >.< What kind of books do they give out?

Oh lovely >.< It can't have taken that long to re-layer it can it? My mom gets her hair done at salons too and she had trouble finding a good stylist for a while. 60 bucks is a lot for a hair cut >.< mine only costs 18 to get cut. I know girls usually have more hair but I mean comon! That's a big price difference! :/ I hope you find a good place soon!

You got it all done though right?! So Way to go!! :P

Oh man... >.< Now you're gonna do something else for my punishment aren't you?! * hides in the corner*

---------- Post added 11-09-2013 at 12:13 PM ----------

Also, Legionnaires! XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:10 AM

I may have spoken too soon… The subway commute this week has been pure HELL. V_V

There was a turn like that that I used to have to take when I lived back with my mom. It was nearly impossible to do to begin with and then they transformed the four lanes into three and it got even more difficult to turn after that. >.<

True, true! I tend to have quite different tastes in things than others: food, movies, music, etc.

Uh… I played the stock market? >.> I’m trying to save up just a bit more gold and then I’ll go on my spending spree. Aw, you make a very cute hummy though! Also the monster game tallies are up but you’ve probably seen it already and I totally did not guess right at all on that murder mystery thing. V_V That was probably the last time I can participate in a thread like that anyway so I won’t have to stress about it next time.

Hehe, which super heros do/did you think are hot? I remember watching Batman when I was a kid because I spent a lot of time with my two male cousins growing up. They took turns playing Barbies and My Little Pony with me though so I guess it was only fair. ^^;

It’s a manga about the zodiac. Each animal in the zodiac has a human equivalent but when they get hugged by a girl they turn back into their animal form. Or at least that’s what I remember it being about. O. o

I usually am very careful! It’s only recently that I’ve been having problems with my glasses like that. I’ve actually been wearing my old glasses for a week so far. I’m trying to get the other ones replaced under warranty. Apparently if they are less than a year old they might be able to fix it for free. I’m kind of pissed that no one at the glasses place actually told me about that when I mentioned to them that my glasses were broken. I’m glad I asked. It’s not certain that they’ll fix it though so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Still, I’m impatient to have my glasses back because I’m having a hard time reading signs and such. They should have been done already but I called and supposedly the warranty department still hasn’t decided if they are going to fix it or not.

I did this technique with my hair the other night where you put a hairband around your head and roll your hair around it. It made these awesome curls! I’m debating getting a perm now but I dunno… I had them when I was a kid and they were terrible but the curls I got were really tight and done all the way from the top of my head to the bottom. If I had it done, I’d ask to have really loose curls done and to have them start level with my ear so it doesn’t look so poufy and gross. ^^;

I’ve never heard of Legionnaires. I used to really like Teen Titans though!

Looks like it's my turn to get punished this time. >.<

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:13 AM

better than someone stealing your glasses, ziggie
i left them in a rental vehicle and called as soon as i noticed it
they said i didn't leave them in the vehicle, i must have misplaced them
and the manager is a glasses HO! she has a million pair
and now i know how!

bad thing about it is they are irreplaceable
and now all i have is my wacked sunglasses


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:15 AM

Aw, that totally sucks hummy! Were they prescription lenses?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:18 AM

i'm sorry ziggie
and yeah they were
i'm almost blind without them
so no night driving at all for me
i am thinking of popping in on her often
maybe catch her in them and guilt her
i got them in thailand after the typhoon
not cheap and very sentimental to me
of course pack rats think everything is sentimental


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:21 AM

It's okay hummy. *Huggles*

Aw, I know that feeling. What a jerk! I'd have a hard time even walking home without my glasses. O. o

What could she even do with a pair of prescription lenses? The likelihood that her prescription is exactly the same is like one in a million!

Thailand! Wow, that must have a wonderful trip.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:27 AM

well she had always comment on how much she liked them
they are/were teal titanium frames, really thin and comfie
so i have an awful feeling she pilfered them from me
it was a very sad trip, the land was devastated
but, it was still beautiful and the people lovely
i really enjoyed it, to be honest
i didn't buy anything gold!


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