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Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:39 AM

The fuzzy vision of a classroom begins to register within your line of vision. Your eyes open to look around, to realize you are indeed within a normal school classroom...well, almost normal. Large steel plates are on the walls where windows should be, upon attempting to pull at them you see they will not budge. You move to the door to try and open it, but it seems locked. This is an odd classroom, but what is even more odd, is the fact that you are the only one there, and you have no memory of even getting there! Glancing up, you notice a camera hanging from the cieling, a little blinking red light showing it is on, and it is pointed right at you. Suddenly, a monitor blinks on over the chalkboard, showing a desk. You are more surprised though, by what is sitting behind it. A large stuffed bear sits within the seat, half of him is white and cute, while the other is black with a red lightning bolt like eye, and a sinister grin. Suddenly, the bear raises his white paw, and waves.

"Konnichiwa! Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy!!!" the bear wiggles his body happily.

That's right, you had gotten a letter in the male, inviting you to Hope's Peak Academy, a prestigious school, which only accepts the best of the best. "Super" students if you will, from any area in life, not just genious' or athletes and the like, but super idols and gang leaders, anyone who is deamed the top of their field.

"I guess I should make a correction on that though" the bear says, a glisten coming to his red eye, "Welcome to being a Super Student of Dispair!" The bear places his paws on the desk, leaning forward closer to the camera. "The rules are simple, there is no way out of the school, as you can see from the windows and the doors. I control what areas of the school one can get to, as well as those which are off limits. You have a digital pocket handbook, which will also serve as a messager divice between students. It holds all the information you will need to know, as well as your ID card." The bear sits back, crossing its arms across its chest. "I am Monobear, your principal, this is your new home for the rest of eternity, a student of Dispair Academy!....Unless that is, you graduate..." The bear's voice becomes more sinister and creepy, "There is only one way to graduate from this school though, and that is by killing someone!"

A lump forms in your throat, a talking stuffed bear? And he is talking about your only way out of here is to kill someone? This has to be a cruel joke!

"There are fiffteen of you here for now, but I reserve the right to add students at will to...shake things up" the bear named Monobear laughs. "To graduate, you must kill one of your fellow students, but, you can't get caught! A trial will be held after a murder, and if the murderer is caught they will be punished, after all, we can't let someone who is causing trouble go unpunished now can we" he wiggles a paw as one might wiggle their finger. "However, if the killer is not found out, all others will pay the price, and the killer will be released from this school....I hope you enjoy nightmares and suffering starts now.."

The monitor flipps off, leaving you alone in the room once more with far more unanswered questions than answers. A slight buzz is heard, and the lock of the door behind you clicks. Turning, you try the handle again. The door is unlocked! The hall outside is silent and eerie, continuing on the school theme, the hall is lined with lockers. A poster is hanging on the wall opposite of you.

'Oriantation in the Gym'

With no idea where else to go, you turn down the hall towards the large doors at the end with a sign for the gym above them. You need answers, and this still has to be some cruel joke isn't it? Reaching your hands out, you push open the doors of the gym, and step into the light....

Welcome, to Dangan Ronpa.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-12-2014 at 07:34 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:40 AM

Rules of the School:

1. There is no escape, the only way out is to graduate.
2. Any harmful or violent acts towards the principal will be delt with by severe punishment.
3. Night Time will begin at 9:00pm
4. Water will be turned off at night time, and resume at 7:00am
5. Only girls bathrooms in their rooms are able to lock.
6. Males are not allowed in girl's dressing rooms and vice versa.
7. Anyone caught disturbing the peace such as in a trial, will be punished.
8. The kitchen will be restocked regularly.
9. Students are responcible for their digital studnet handbooks.
10. Studnets are not allowed to exchange or loan their handbooks.
11. Students must use their handbooks to enter certain areas.
12. Students may only use their rooms for sleeping, sharing rooms or swapping may be punished.
13. Rules may be updated as Monobear sees fit

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:41 AM




Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-02-2013 at 01:29 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:43 AM



Living/Dorm Number:

1. Ava Lecray- NPC
2. Liam Taylor- NPC
3. Celeste Riverdale- Kiyoto
4. Leon Nisshoku- Kiyoto
5. Alexis Hester- Silvergamer
6. Alisha Tamar- Shania583
7. Dustin Herogame- NPC
8. Naomi Silvermist- NPC
9. Lilly Reina- NPC
10. Adam Yasuhiro- NPC
11. Aoi Kazuya- PrincessKasumi
12. Kyoko Fukada- PrincessKasumi
13. Kevin Lelou Lockette- NPC
14. Torii Yukiko- Kiyoto
15. Ariette (Ari) Marionet- Kiyoto



Day: 1
Access: First Floor dorms, classes, gym, cafeteria.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-12-2014 at 07:32 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:44 AM

School Layout:


First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Fifth Floor

Sub Floor

Hidden Court Room

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-12-2014 at 07:29 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 12:45 AM

Reserved 2:

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-09-2013, 08:29 PM

Leon Nisshoku

Leon stood staring at the monitor over the board as it flipped off. Wait...did that seriously just happen? He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head, this had to be a dream. Only a few minutes ago, he had woken up at a desk in this very classroom. The windows covered by large metal plates and the door locked. It had been then, that the monitor had come on, and this weird stuffed bear had appeared on screen. What it had said was utter nonsense, there had to be an explination for all of this. Leon sighed, a metalic click from behind him causing him to turn. It had come from the door, reaching out, Leon tried to turn the handle again. This time it actually opened. The hall outside was dark, only an eerie violet like light came from the lamps above. That wasn't exactly normal for a school, but then again, none of this was really normal. Looking across the hall, a sign caught his eye.

'Orientation In The Gym'

"Great..." there was little else to do at the moment, maybe if he went there, he could at least get some answers. Turning away from the door of the class he had been in, Leon made his way down the hall. It was silent, which only seemed to add to the creepy vibe he was getting from this place. It was not long though, before he found the doors with a sign above them that led to the Gym. Pushing them open, the blinding flouresent lights from above blocked his view for a moment. When they finally settled, a normal school gym came into focus. Bleachers off to either sides, and hard wood floors benieth his feet. A large stage had been set up to the other end, where a red podium with the Hope's Peak Academy Logo sat. Wait...that was right.... Leon approached the podium. He remembered now, he had been coming here, to the academy after gaining a letter of acceptance to the school.

He remembered arriving to the school, but after that, nothing until waking up in that classroom. He placed his hands on his hips a bit, reguarding the room with a slightly annoyed look. So far he seemed to be the only one in here, man this would be a major pain if he was the only one here at all. There had to be someone around right? The doors opened again, and a girl slowly peeked inside, soon followed by a male. Turning to them, Leon gave a light wave, " it seems I'm not alone after all." The girl walked over to him, before glancing around the room, "w-where are we?" she asked. Leon rubbed the back of his neck, "I have no idea..." The male crossed his arms, seeming more annoyed. "Whoever is doing this has got some nerve" he said. Leon raised an eyebrow, looking at the two of them. He wondered just how many people were here.

His mind slightly went back to what the bear had said on the monitor. To graduate, they had to kill someone and get away with it. That was a joke right...this was all a joke, or a really bad dream. "Man, this bites" Leon sighed, leaning against the edge of the stage. The only thing to do at the moment really, was wait. Since the three of them seemed to be the first ones there, it looked like answers were going to have to wait. Leon closed his eyes for a moment, even though he knew this could not possibly be real, an odd feeling had settled in his chest. This wasn't right, something was way wrong here. What the bear said kept resonating in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more the sinking feeling in his stomach grew. The bear had said this was now a school of dispair...Leon was deffinitly not looking forward to seeing what that ment.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-09-2013 at 09:52 PM..

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 05:56 PM

Alexis Hester woke up to a strange room she had never seen before. She rubbed her head in confusion, trying to remember what happened last. Her memory was fuzzy, so she decided to explore instead while she waited for it to come back. The room she was in was strange. She looked around the room she was in. Jiggling the doorknob, it didn't budge. "Locked?" she spoke to herself. She turned and looked around. The windows had what looked like iron plates. They seemed extremely out of place. Like someone drilled them into the windows recently, and that they were unplanned. She went and banged her fist on them. Iron, definitely iron. Or maybe some other harder metal. Whatever it was, it made her hand throb from banging it.

A screen turned on and the strange teddy bear creature came on. It threw Alexis for a loop. After the strange message ended, she heard the door click and opened it. She looked around the hallway and saw the sign pointing her towards the gym for orientation.

She heard voices in the gym. Frustrated with all that had happened since she had awoken, she came in the room quickly. There were three other people in the room as well. "What the heck is going on here?" she asked immediately. Was it some sort of prank? And who were these people? "And who are you?" she added.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-11-2013, 08:57 PM

Leon glanced at the doors, as another female came in. She immediatly started asking questions, causing Leon to put his hands up a bit. "Whoa slow down...We're just as informed as you I'm sure" he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He watched the other two within the room introduce themselves as Liam Taylor and Ava Lecray. After a moment, he guessed it was his turn to speak up. He rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "Name's Leon....Leon Nisshoku" he says, "and you are?" A slight wonder if this was the girl behind all this crossed into his mind. He quickly pushed it away, seriously? He was being paranoid here.

There had to be some explination, and this all had to be some kind of a sick joke. He sighed a bit deciding to streatch his legs a bit as he waited for her answer. He walked around, looking around a bit. The large plates blocking the windows were in here to. Great, looked like they were trapped. He glanced at the other three, crossing his arms a bit. He sighed, "I'm guessing you've seen that weird bear to?" Both Liam and Ana nodded, this was to convienient Leon thought. He wondered a bit what would be the other kinds of people who would show up within this place. He sat on one of the bleachers that were out, before a thought crossed his mind. He reached into his pocket. " phone's gone" he said, checking his others. Nothing, it was gone.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 11-13-2013, 05:17 AM

Aoi Kazuya

"Excuse me?? This has got tobe a joke, I'm not going to listen to no stuff bear!" Aoi Kazuya stormed off to the door and tried to open it. It did no event budge. She forcefully tried to open it. She furious and sure enough it was showing on her face. She looked around the classroom for anything that might be able to open the door. Nothing was in there except for a few upturned desk and chairs all over the place. She noticed the windows or what would have been windows was seals off with large slabs of metal with bolts.

When the annoying black and white bear stopped talking she heard a noise near the door. Aoi turned back towards the door and quickly opened it and looked outside. "Where am I!?" She yelled out int he hall before stepping out. She didn't see anyone, so she started walking around. "Tch I guess the onyl way to find out what I'm doing here it to go to this... Gym." She mumbled under breath. Flinging her hair behind her shoulder she could see four people in there already and they seem to be conversing... without her. Furoring her eyebrows she started stomping her way through hall and closer to the Gym. Behind her she heard a door open. An idea cam to her as soon as she reached the Gym doors. She side stepped to the side, and waited for whoever was behind her take their first step into the Gym. She kicked her foot out and watched as they tumbled. She laughed maniacally.

The girl who she tripped had blue hair in two high ponytails or pigtails. And she let out a sound of surprise and hurt. Ignoring her Aoi walked over to the other four. "Who are you and what am I doing here? Start"

NPC Naomi Silvermist

Naomi had just exited her room when she saw someone down the hallway. Hope swelling her chest, there was someone else here in this suspicious school. She was not alone! Naomi closed the door behind and started walking with a pep in her step following the other girl. She couldn't tell what she looked like from behind but she could tell she had curly blond hair in a high ponytail. About a minute or two passed and the blonde girl left her view. Naomi walked straight into the Gym. First thing she noticed were four others, two girls and two boys. But where was that other girl? But before she could even begin to think about it her world shifted and her face met the floor. Or least it would have if her hands hadn't went out infront of her to break the fall some what. "Ooof!"

NPC Lilly Reina

Lilly's vision was blurry for a second with black all around the edges. Slowly it become clear as she sat up from the floor. "W-what ? Where am I?" She asked quietly as she looked around. Gingerly she got up and immediately looked at the windows on her left. They were sealed off and just as quick as she noticed she started to worry. But then the T.V. in front of her turned on and what looked like a bear was talking. He was white on one side and black on the other. She tried to comprehend what it was talking but couldn't fully understand it. I have to kill leave... what?. Once the bear was finished she walked over to the door where she heard a adublie click. She slowly opened the door to hear someone yelling out in the hallway. Scared she closed the door alittle bit and waited for awhile. Someone had passed by her door, was it the girl who was yelling? Lilly peeked out to see her down the hall with someone else starting to walk out behind her.

Lilly looked her before she started walking down the same hall to follow the other two. The creepy silence and stillness was getting to her. She found her footsteps picking up speed. She was doing all she can to not run to the others. She wasn't quite to the Gym yet but the girl who was in front of her fell down. "Oh!" She started running and crouched down next to the blue haired girl and helped her up. "Are you okay?" She asked softly as she looked up to the girl who she assumed was in front of the one she was was helping before looking back behind her to see in the distance what looked like more kids coming towards the gym before looking back to the blue hair girl. "I'm okay I just.. fell"

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-14-2013, 02:44 PM

Celeste Riverdale

Celeste Riverdale stayed silent as the bear spoke upon the screen. Her eyes wandered over the classroom she had woken up in after he was finished. The door clicked unlocked behind her, and without hesitation, she turned on her heel and walked out. This was interesting, whoever had brought her here was bold, but so was she. She was well aware of high stakes games and risks, she quite enjoyed them. Looking before her down the hall towards the gym, she noticed one of the girls slip out of sight, before tripping another who followed. Such petty and trival actions, her competition was a bore already.

Most would thing Celeste crazy if they heard her say that in such a situation, but she always thought like that, even before now. Everyone was competition in one way or another, and if this was in fact real, then they were her competition for survival. She doubted anyone would have the guts to actually murder anyone, that was preposterous, but she was not going to let her guard down. She never did. Smoothing out her dress, she stepped into the gym, just as the before mentioned girl was demanding to know what was going on, and why she was here, putting emphasis on herself.

Celeste kept a calm and collected face, but laughed a little on the inside. This girl was sure conceded, and she seemed to think everyone cared or should care about her. Why would anyone else here know why they were here or what was going on, especially for her. It was so childish, that it was funny. “My my…certainly a predicament we seem to find ourselves in” she spoke, pausing near them. She gave a polite smile, almost innocent and sweet. She clasped a hand lightly over her heart, “I am sure we can all agree that something is in fact going on here. As to what that is, and how it involves all of us, I doubt any can answer.” She moved over to sit by the red haired male, who she thought had been the one to mention his phone, having heard it from the hall.

“Seems mine is missing as well, though if we are prisoners, I doubt out assalent would desire us contacting assistance” she sighed lightly, crossing her ankles and folding her hands in her lap. Perfect posture and poise came from her. “Celeste Riverdale, a pleasure to meet you” she said, not skipping a beat. She smiled once more, before looking up at the girl. She seemed to be important, and Celeste was aware of who she was. A model for some of the magazines and stuff she had seen before. She seemed to be the type who thrived on attention, and expected to have everyone bow to her and know who she is. To have a little fun, Celeste gave her a sweet smile, “and you are?”

Torii Yukiko and Ariette (Ari) Marionet

Ariette ran through the halls of the school. He had to be here, he had to be! Her heart was racing within her chest, as a bit of fear sprung up within her. She had been with her best friend Torii, then she had woken up in this odd classroom, with locked doors and bolted windows. An odd stuffed bear had given a speech, but as soon as he started mentioning impossible things, she got restless. The door had opened after, and she had refused to stay within the room. Where was Torii?! Perhaps he would have headed to this gym, where everyone was doing orientation right? Yea, that would be a good place to start, and if he was not there but there were others, maybe they had seen Torii.

She sped up her pace, a determined look upon her face. She slid into the doors of the gym, pushing them open with a loud clang. Her eyes scanned the faces within the room, none of them were even remotely Torii. “Ugh!” she crossed her arms, looking back the way she had come. There were a few people talking, a few others began to enter after her. Two guys talking, and another female. She walked over “excuse me, have you seen-“ “Why are you addressing me?” one of the males asked a bit coldly, looking her over. Ari huffed a bit, “excuse you…I am only looking for my friend.” “He’s probrably dead” the guy smirked. Ari felt like smacking him one, “don’t you dare say that!”

The doors slowly opened once more, a tall male entered. His hair and hat hid his left eye. Torii glanced around for a moment at the people. A few minutes ago, he had been in an odd classroom. He had thought the bolted windows and the locked door had been a bit odd, but he could not remember really what had led up to this. He had been with Ari just that moment how was he here? A half white, half black bear had popped up onto the screen within the room. He had spoken about graduating, and having to kill someone.

Torii had felt a sinking feeling within his stomach at that. Kill someone, he was no killer. What if that ment that Ari was here, she would be in danger. He tried the door again, and it had opened. Now he was here, standing within the gym, where many of the other so called students were. They were all different, unique in their own way. Torii would have normally had no problem being around others. After that bear and being in this odd place though, he was not to sure. He kept his guard up a bit, as he scanned for Ari.

“Torii!” Ari turned away from the rude male, rushing over to him. She opened her arms, jumping to hug him tightly. “Where are we? What is going on? This is not right” typical Ari took off on asking questions almost immediately.

Torii smiled slightly, at least this part was familiar to him. He gently hugged her, drying a tear that seemed to be forming within her eye. “Calm Ari” he said in a low and calm voice, “we will find out together.

Ari nodded, wiping her eyes and stepped back a bit.

Torii glanced around at the others once more, he doubted by their looks, that any of them really had the answers either. He remembered they had been going to Hope’s Peak Academy, gaining acceptance into the school for their talents. This could not be it could it. The bear had said so, but he had also said Dispair Academy as well, which was it? He sighed slightly, taking Ari’s hand. He led her to the bleachers near the others to sit down and rest.

Ari did not wish to sit down, but she allowed Torii to sit her on the bleachers. Her mind swimming a bit, there was so many questions and few answers. She looked around a bit, thinking about what would be right to ask at the moment. Torii sat down beside her.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-15-2013 at 10:40 AM..

Shania583 is offline
Old 11-15-2013, 04:46 AM

Alisha Tamar

Alisha slowly lifted her head off the desk and rubbed her eyes. She didn’t really remember falling asleep, or passing out, but how she got into what appeared to be a classroom was beyond her. She noticed the iron plated windows and immediately tried to find a way out. When she noticed the door she ran over to it and pulled with all her might, but it did not budge. It finally set in that something was wrong, a normal class would not have all this security. She was close to the door when the screen turned on and she heard a voice. Slowly turning around she saw the stuffed bear and let out a shriek, her irrational fear of bears is what caused this and to her it didn’t matter if he was stuffed or not. She stayed close to the door and as far away from the screen that she could but listened to it closely. Though she could not believe what it was saying, seeing as it was a talking bear, but also because she was supposed to be at Hope’s Academy not some crazy Despair Academy.

When Alisha head the door click behind her she quickly turned the handle and basically tumbled out of the room. She looked down the hallway and got a chill up her spine, it was not giving off any good vibes at all. She remembered that she was supposed to go to the gym but in all honesty she wanted to stay away from all the others as much as she could. Seeing as they only was to get out of this crazy place was for them to kill another. She slowly made her way down the call being cautious all the time and followed the signs to the gym. She wanted answers and for now that meant she had to socialize even though to her it seemed like the worst possible idea.

Stepping into the gym Alisha saw multiple others , she had calmed down a little since seeing the stuffed bear talking but she had no idea what else was about to happen. She stayed away from the others a little and took in what they all seemed to be doing. A few talking, two sitting, and one who appeared to be involved with helping another up. They all seemed to give off a sense of unknown, like they all had no idea what was going on, but also that none had taken the killing to heart. She sighed to herself a little glad that she would be able to relax for a little bit and get some of her questions answered.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 11-17-2013, 03:21 AM

Alexis shuffled from one foot to the other. How annoying. "This has to be some sort of prank. Or maybe we aren't at Hope's Academy at all." she mumbled, trying to come up with a good enough explanation. "My name's Alexis." she answered. The boy named Leon seemed pretty calm, but still uninformed. Drat. No one here seemed to know anything. More people entered the room. Some were famous, others she had never seen. Some of the more self centered ones seriously ticked her off. If this wasn't a joke, and people were really capable of killing each other, she hoped that they would be the first to go. She wouldn't be able to stand living in this academy with people like them the rest of her life.

"Where is that stupid bear anyway? I'm not usually the kind of person to wait around for a toy." she stated. "But I really wanna know what's up." she continued.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 11:55 PM

Aoi didn't notice the gothic looking girl until she had the adacity to ask who she was. "Celeste was it? What a terrible name. How could you NOT know who I am all over the place!" It infuriated her that girl didn't know her. Scowling some more she looked the other girl up and down, she had perfect posture but that didn't mean anything she could just be doing it to get on her nerves. And if they really had to kill someone she hoped this girl would be first. "I bet you know damn well who I am. I am Aoi Kazuya." She huffed as she crossed her arms and glared at the goth girl.
Kyoko Fukada

Kyoko Fukada was up and about looking around the class, examining the steel plated coverings over what would be windows. She had already checked the door it seemed to be locked. It didn't take long for the television in the room to turn on to show a black and white bear. She listened to the bear, and when it finished its' speech she placed a gloved hand on her chin in thought. The sound of the door unlocking broke through, and she looked over towards the door. Looks like it was time to play this bears game. Kyoko walked to the door and opened it, she looked both ways. She could hear voices from one of the directions. That must be the way of the gym, the other seemed to be a dead end the more she stared down the hall. What exactly was this school and it's purpose?

Kyoko left the classroom to follow the voices, one of them was particularly loud. When she stepped into the gym she looked around at the students gathered there, some where in the middle, others were by the bleachers with a few scattered everywhere and in between. Her attention turn to two girls in particular. She assumed the blonde one was the loud by her posture and body gestures. The other girl despite being yelled at was completely calm. And if she wasn't mistaken it looked like she had a smile on her face.

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Old 11-25-2013, 02:46 PM

“Can’t say that I do” Celeste said, giving a light wave of her hand. She brushed off the girl’s attempt at an insult as if it were nothing. “I guess you are not as big of a deal after all hmm?” she gave another sweet smile, lightly straightening out her dress a bit. “I do hope things get on soon, it is best not to sit around…nerves and tension build up when to much time is allowed to pass” she looked to Leon, “wouldn’t you agree?” She was interested in knowing what was going on, but she knew at this point it probrably was not going to be anything good. There was only one way to find out however, and that was to see this through. She let her eyes scan the gym a bit, looking over the décor. It looked like a normal high school gym, perhaps this was made to only look as such? She mulled over a few thoughts in her head, as she waited patiently for an answer.

Leon blinked a bit at the two girls arguing slightly. He sighed, the girl demanding to know more about why she was there then all of them as a whole was a bit tiring. Of course she was famous, ment to be some big shot. However, that did not give her the right to put herself above everyone else, no one was worth more than someone else…right? He sighed, but then turned his attention to the female named Celeste as she asked him if he agreed with her comment about time and such. “I suppose it is more likely for something to happen when people are stuck in such a situation and left with few answers” he was not sure if that was a good enough answer, but it would have to do. He stood, “no point in sitting around here right? We need to find out what is going on-“

“Annnnnd, that’s what you’ll get!” a familiar voice spoke up. From behind the podium, the black and white bear hopped out, landing on top. “Finally, you all take your sweet time waking up now don’t you was beginning to get beary worried” the bear looked around at all of the students. “I suppose it is time to get on with the opening ceremony right? So lets get to it!” he threw his paws up into the air to give added effect. “I suppose introductions are first, so state your name and your special talent to all your new classmates~” he spun around on one foot.

“He’s not serious is he?” Ari moved closer to Torii, leaning against him a bit.He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close to him. His eyes on the bear, he remained silent for the moment. There was little to do at the moment but humor this bear, to listen to what he was saying and try to get some answers. To do that, they needed to stay calm. He gave Ari a slight smile, attempting to calm her nerves. He knew it was little help, but he had to try.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 01:40 AM

It was so frustrating, this girl had the nerve to give a slight of her hand at her. Enough was enough, if she truly had to kill someone.. it would be her. Scowling Aoi walked off to the other side of the gym. She wouldn't be able to stand that girl for another second. And as soon as she reached the other that damned bear showed up. Who does he think he is? She thought as she reluctantly listened to his speech. "Why should I state my name and my talent? Everyone already knows who I am, and they better."

Kyoko continued to look around the gym, until the bear showed up. Where did he come from? Was he hiding behind the podium all this time? She'd have to check that podium out some time later to find out if there was a trap door or anything over there. He was so fat he couldn't possible hide himself behind the podium he'd stand out from a few view points in this room. Kyoko looked over to a fashionably dress lady, who she recognized as the one she heard bickering with the girl on the bleachers. Already she could tell the model would annoy alot of people, not a great start.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:36 PM

Alexis rolled her eyes at the model. What a pain. "Well, Mr. Monobear was it? How about a proper introduction of yourself first." She crossed her arms and smirked. "I think we all deserve to know who you are. You said you were the principal, did you not?" She glanced over at the girl who had introduced herself as Celeste. She had been bickering with the model girl. Alexis couldn't help but like the girl. Hopefully this was all a prank, and then life could go on normally. If so, Alexis would want to befriend the girl. Anyone with the guts to stand up to a snobby girl like that deserves respect in her opinion.

Shania583 is offline
Old 12-07-2013, 03:04 AM

Alisha listened to the bickering going on amongst some of the other students. She rolled her eyes at it and chose to see it as first day issues. All she wanted was answers, which when she heard the familiar voice of the creature from the screen she froze. Turning slowly she just saw the bear land on top of the podium. Letting out a small yelp she backed up a little until the backs of her legs hit the bleachers and she fell with a thump. She stared at the bear in disbelief, her mind not really accepting the fact it was a talking bear.

Letting the thought sink in as the bear spoke Alisha looked at all the other students, they didn’t seem to be as affected as her. She grumbled a little about her fear of bears and just stares at the thing. She wasn’t going to take her eyes off of it and stay as far away as she could. Upon hearing him request for introductions and special talents she looked at it quizzically. If he was the principle he should know, but then thinking about it he had said for the other students.

Hearing students refusing to state anything and one even requesting an introduction from the bear itself, Alisha stole quick glances over at them in order to see who they were. Noticing that the one who originally complained appeared to be famous, but for what she couldn’t quite place it. The other she couldn’t really tell who it was at all. Alisha decided to remain silent, for now at least she didn’t want to draw attention to herself especially from the bear. She felt some rebellion in the air as well as a mix of questioning and fear, all understandable in this situation it appeared to her.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 12-07-2013, 07:09 PM

Monobear waved a paw a Aoi, "listen princess, no one really gives a damn who you are, but introductions have gotta be had!" He then placed the paw on his chest, "I already told ya to. I am Monobear, and I'll be your principal, that's what ya need to know. I'm the bear in charge, so lets get this party started! You!" he pointed a paw, "reddie, introduce yourself."

Leon tensed a bit, was this bear talking to him? He was the only one with red hair there, but what was up wit that lame way of saying it? He sighs, he did have a point though. It would be better if they all at least knew eachother. "Name's Leon Nisshoku" he says.

"And your tallent?" Monobear spun around a bit.

Leon paused, actually...he really didn't know why he was here. He had guessed it was because of his well rounded attributes, but nothin really specific popped out.

Monobear sighed, pointing a paw again, "Super Duper High School Jock....sound good? NEXT!" He spun and pointed a paw at Ari "your turn girly."

Ari huffed, glaring a bit, "that's no way to talk to a lady."

Torii placed a hand on her shoulder, standing next to her.

She sighed, "name is Ariette Marionet, but you can call me Ari. I guess my title would be that I'm a Super Duper High School Artist." She blushed and pouted a bit, saying that sounded so odd. She looked to Torri.

He decided to take the edge off of her, by going next. "My name is Torii Yukiko, I am a Super Duper High School Cheif or Naturalist if you please."

Monobear seemed happy, "now we're getting somewhere, who's next!"

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-09-2013, 10:14 PM

Did that bear just say that to her? Boy will he be hearing from her people, definitely. She scowled as she watched students introduce themselves, and when the stupid bear asked who was next. She went for it. "Aoi Kazuya, Super Duper High School Level Model." She cut the word model short as she glared at the bear. She was seething with annoyance from earlier at the gothic and the bear just made it worse. What kind name was Monobear and why the hell is a stuff animal talking. She didn't see any strings connected to it as if he were a puppet. But just because strings were not seen didn't mean they weren't there.

Kyoko watched as students began to slowly introduce themselves. She crossed her hands and placed them in front of her legs. As she continued to listen to those around her introduce themselves. There was a Jock, Artist, Naturalist, Botanist, Model, DJ, Idol, and a few others. The person up next seemed to her. Slightly bowing, she called ou. "Kyoko Fukada, Super Duper High School Level Detective."

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-13-2013, 03:43 PM

Alexis waited as long as she could, listening to the others introduce themselves before finally doing her own. "Alexis Hester, Super Duper High School Level Hacker." she said, doing a mock salute with it. She always thought the whole 'Super Duper' whatever thing was really unnecessary. And some of these people didn't seem so Super-Duper. But those were the rules to introduce yourself. She did a quick scan of the room, and tried to remember all the names and levels. Model, Idol, Botanist, Nurse, Detective, Jock, Naturalist, Artist, and a few others she couldn't remember. You had to make a real good impression to have Alexis remember you.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 06:53 PM

GM Notice


For the sake of the rp, we are time skipping. Everyone has introduced themselves. You have all been been given a Digital Handbook:

It is the size and style of a touch screen smart phone. Upon each of them, there are different apps. The first is your digital student ID card, this allows you to get into rooms, computers and such. It also has an app to allow you to see school rules and a map app as well. It has a messanger app, which allows you to message your fellow students. It is possible to gain apps and such throughout the story to your handbook. You can search for apps on the Monobear Site, or they will be provided automatically for you. They also allow for video and audio recording. They are your lifeline, so take good care of them.

All students have beem released from the gym, to find their rooms, and to explore the school. Only the first floor is available at the moment to explore though, so enjoy and be mindful of the layout!

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 08:07 PM

Celeste had left the room almost as soon as the bear vanished from the podium. She had no intrest in conversing with the others at the moment, moving along the halls towards the dorms. According to her ID, she was in room three. That was fine with her. Moving to the doorms, she noticed a keypad like device by the room. She pulled out her digital handbook, pulling up her ID card on it. Placing it in front of the pannel, the light flashed from red to green, granting her access.

She smiled, moving inside. There was a bed, a desk, a door to a bathroom, and various other normal room things. She moved to the bed, sitting upon it for a moment, as she took a deep breath. Was this true? Would they really have to kill someone in order to get out of here? That was hard to think about and believe, but it was not the worst thing that got to her. She shook her head, and stood from her bed. She moved back to the door, figuring she should take a bit of a look around as well, or the others might get to suspicious about her being here.

She walked out, swiping her card once more on the pad. It flashed to red, locking the door. No one would be able to get in without her ID, so at least rooms for now were safe. She walked along, her heels clicking on the floor as she moved along. Her hands lightly folded on her lap, she went in search of the others, so she could blend in among them once more.


Leon remained where he was as the bear left. Rubbing the back of his head he sighed slightly. "Man...what a pain" he sighed, this couldn't be real. He noticed Celeste slip out, but did not bother her. It was a lot to take in, they would all need a minute to take it in. Someone however would need to take charge. He noticed the looks on many of the other's faces. "We should take a look around" he said, stepping up. "We need to get our bearings, see if there is any way to get the hell out of here" he placed a hand on his hip, standing at a slight slant.

Ugh, he was going to get a headache with all of this drama going on. It had to be a joke, it couldn't be real. He looked around. "Lets split into teams of three, so we can get things covered quickly. Once done meet back here" he nodded, slipping out of the room now with Ava and Liam. The others would have to decide for themselves if they wanted to work together or not, but for now, they had little to lose. His team went to go look over the Clinic and the Classrooms on this floor. There did not seem to be anything suspicious, but it was all really eerie and void of people.

Footsteps seemed to echo in the hall. He tried to keep on his toes and brave, but even he found himself glancing over his shoulder every once in awhile at the scene around him. The clinic was unlocked easily with their ID's, and there were many different things inside. A lot of it was typical medical things, but Leon noticed an area where there were different bottles of nutrients and things.

He opened the cabinate and sighed. "Seriously..." there was poison inside, some of them had a symbol of Monobear on them. a school. He knew it had to have been placed there to get them to use it. Poison as another weapon to kill their fellow students. He glanced at Ava and Liam, who were looking around as well. With a sigh, he placed the poison back, and kept looking.


Ari pouted as the bear left, holding on tighter to Tori's hand. The one who had been named as Leon stepped up, suggesting that they split up into teams and take a look around. He left with two others, and Ari squeezed Tori's hand. He looked down at her, "we can go together" he said with a light smile. He wondered who else would follow them, as they turned away. He wanted to find and familiarize himself with the kitchen. They needed food and such, so there had to be one around. He would feel better knowing what kind of things were around here and in the kitchen as well. Ari kept a hold of his hand as they walked.

They headed down the stairs, soon finding the cafeteria. Simple enough, and not far away was the actual kitchen. It was fully stocked, with everything they might need. Including knives. Ari shuddered a bit looking at them, as her mind went back to what the bear had said about killing in order to graduate. She turned away, and began looking in the fridge. It was stocked as well, Monobear had said it would be taken care of and stocked daily to be used. He headed with her after a bit to the storage room. Here, mountains of various types of foods were kept.

One could have made whatever their heart desired with this. At least he would be able to keep him and Ari well fed. The others to, if they permited him to cook for them, and did not think he was trying to kill them. He sighed slightly, looking at Ari. They had covered their area for now, looking over things once more, before they decided to move on and see what the others had found out. So far, there seemed to be no way out of here. That was even worse of a pain. They decided to head back to the Gym and wait.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 08:46 PM

Alexis had reluctantly agreed to help the others search the building. She teamed up with Dustin, who seemed quieter than the others. Since she couldn't find anyone else willing to go with them, her and Dustin set off. "Let's investigate the dorms first. See if there's anything special. He agreed and they parted at their rooms. After unlocking her door, she left it wide open, for Dustin and Ava to return if he found anything. She looked around. Seemingly normal. She started opening the multiple drawers in the room. Nothing. Wait...

One of the drawers had something in it. It looked like a sewing kit. "Really? I'm not an old lady." she said to herself. She picked it up, and saw something under it. She could hear Dustin knock on the door. "Hey! Come look at this!" she called out. He entered and she held up the sewing kit, as well as a human anatomy chart. "I'm gonna take a guess this isn't for Health class." she said as she put them back in the drawer and closed it.

"Mine wasn't much better." Dustin said holding a tool set. "If this is a joke, they are doing a damn good job of making it look real." Alexis sighed while walking over to Dustin. "We still have some time, let's go look somewhere else."

When they walked out, Alexis spotted Celeste leaving her room. Curious, she went over to her. "Celeste, you didn't by chance have a sewing kit in your room, did you?" Depending how she answered, would confirm or deny a theory in her head.

Last edited by Pandora's Box; 02-12-2014 at 08:54 PM..


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