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Pickles is offline
Old 11-21-2013, 06:46 AM

I think it's cute!

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 11-28-2013, 02:37 PM

Hey all.

BrookeHaven is offline
Old 06-17-2014, 10:49 PM

Hey all! Just quickly introducing myself before I jump in
Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post
Two outfits are better than one! Do it!
I make my wings with pantyhose (right?) and wire. I found a youtube video once upon a time showing an easy way to make them, and it's great.

I have pantaloon type things made in a shiny burnt orange, two short petal skirts in green and a yellow-y color, I bought a green blouse, but I might make one to match the pantaloons. I just need a corset and a few other things to make it complete. Then I want to make a headdress with stag horns/faux ram horns, leaves, berries....etc. Sorta like this:

I've got so many patterns! I bet I have at least three corset/bodice patterns laying about right now.
YES YES YES ~! I love horns, and those shoes they're making to resemble horse hooves. If anybody finds a tutorial for making a horned headdress please [bold] please [/bold] post!
Also, Primadonna, if you open a store online please link me to it. I've got several friends that are into lolita, and while those frills and bows are a little much for me I'd love to be able to gift them something they'd truly love.

I wish I could post some of my projects here, but sadly I've recently moved computers due to sudden hardrive death! So no completed project photos.
UHM UHM However I do have a quick sketch I can show of a line I'm working on for class~ Keep in mind though that I am not an artist in the drawing sense, so my sketches are just... elementary at this point.

Also, I wanted to mention a website calledVideojugsince I've seen so many people saying that they wanted to learn how to knit and/or crochet. I learned to knit entirely from the free videos on this website. They're very clear, simple, and quick. You can go from knowing absolutely nothing to vogue knitting very quickly, I can say from experience.
Another place, and maybe this will help you Kirin, is Craftsy. It's a great site that has tutorial videos by expert craftsmen. They have a lot free mini segments that can help you begin to sew.
Anyway! I'm so glad to learn new crafts and share what I've made!
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Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 06-18-2014, 07:15 PM

Hey guys. How is everybody doing?

Tsunii is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 11:04 AM

Haiya all! Long time no see~
I haven't been here in some time now due to work practise and summer work, steampunking and friends. But I've done a bit of crafting since then, pictures coming later. But how has everyone been getting on? Any new fancy, cute crafts done lately?

Kirin: I'm perfectly peachy. What about you?

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 08:22 PM

Yah sorry I've not been around guys!!

How's the crafting going? I've mostly been making things for friends/ wedding gifts lately.
Oh yah Tsunii? Going to an event wearing your steampunk stuff?

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 07-31-2014, 08:22 PM

I am fighting off a summer cold.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 08-01-2014, 04:34 AM

Kirin, we're cold twins! Not...the best thing to be. I've been sick for a week and a half. At the end of the ridic, but still lingering cough, etc.

Tsunii is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 03:23 PM

Well, Woodla, to be honest it's been more than one steampunk event for me. Some people I met on the first steampunk convention here in Sweden and me have started a steampunk society in Gothenburg. So it's suddenly a lot steampunking going around here. We in the society have started going out to "fika" at a small steamboat cafe once a month, I've missed the two last ones due to work unfortunately.
What kind of things is it that you have crafted?

Kirin: That's too bad. I haven't been sick since around 1st May, but I've probably have had a really light heat struck these passing weeks. Summer work in a bookshop with hardly any ventilation and around +29-32 Celsius degrees indoors does that to you. But I hope your cold gets over soon.

I hope you'll get better too Woodla.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 11:40 PM

Well that's fun! I would love the steamboat cafe. I hope you can make it to one. They've actually opened a Speakeasy near me, so I want to see if any of my friends want to gussy up and order some gin and tonics there with me. :) Well, I love Victorian/Edwardian gear so I'm sure I'd flip for anything you've made.

I made a few wall hangings for gifts. More so I will do creative reuseable wrapping for gift cards, etc. One I wrapped up in burlap and lace, put a big metal key on it, put it inside a pretty bird cage, and I made flowers out of old book pages and put them all over the birdcage. Of course I didn't take a picture. >.<

That's hot! No fan or anything in the shop? I'd melt.

Thanks! I'm doing a lot better now.

Tsunii is offline
Old 08-04-2014, 01:30 AM

I've been to most of the steamboat cafe times, it's just the last two ones that I've missed. Speakeasy? What's that? I've already posted that skirt that I sew last autumn. The rest of my steampunk outfit is bought. Well, most of it. I had to resew the arms on the blouse I first got. We are some in the steampunk society that are thinking about maybe start doing steampunk vikings. But that's still just an idea.

I see. It sounds like your wrapping with the burlap, lace and birdcage was very pretty. It's too bad you forgot to take a photo of it.

We have two places in the back where the ventilation let's out air, and one upstairs but that one got built in into the storeroom so it doesn't count. But you need to have in mind that the ventilation is really old and thus only cool down the air close to it. We have a normal office fan by the register on the first floor, and a second one by the information on the second floor, but they hardly help. And yes, you do melt. Your brain also becomes slightly whimsical and slower. So it's not the ideal environment to work in. But we're allowed to have water bottles which helps a lot.

That's nice to hear. ^^

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 08-04-2014, 05:57 PM

Back in the days of Prohibition in this country, when selling alcohol was illegal, they had like back alley bars called Speakeasies. You'd have to knock on a door, know a password, etc etc. So it was all word of mouth about the place. It might change locations to be safe from the cops. They would have bootleg liquor, card games, etc there. It's all a part of the romanticized past. So, this place in town WAS just a really cool antique shop, but now they have a bar and cafe!

That's the best part though. Having bits that you bought, bits that you made. I do that with all my costumes/outfits too!

I'm sure you have to get used to that kinda atmosphere, but even so. Glad they let you have drinks. Otherwise. Nope! I had to work at my old job ( I was an assistant manager) without the air conditioning for a week when it broke, and I thought I was going to drop. Not having any air circulation is hazardous when you have to move a lot of stuff, or even when you're helping people. Just, if you start repeating yourself, know you need a break and fresh air. XD Book though! That's nice.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 08-04-2014, 07:46 PM

*peeks in*

Tsunii is offline
Old 08-04-2014, 09:15 PM

Oh, so that's what those bars were called. But is the antique shop still part an antique shop, or have they made the whole of it into a bar/cafe?

It's just that it doesn't feel really right to post a picture of any of those things since I'm not the one who made them. But I guess I could put up one picture of the whole getup if you want to see it. Oh, I almost forgot. I've also got a little "companion" in my steampunk outfit that I've made a vest for so far. He's also gonna get a teacup hat and a scarf of many colours. Oh yeah, he's an owl and his name is Doctor Hoo. Never bring an unnamed plushie to a party where there is drunk people. One of them might give your plushie a name that even the non-intoxicated folk will like.

Yes, I got kind of used to the atmosphere... Well I guess I got more used to being lightheaded than to the warmth itself. I always feel like I'm repeating myself when I'm standing behind the register, so I can't use that for knowing if I need a break. I usually know when frogs start leaping out of my mouth.
That most have been a hell of a week. Didn't they let you drink a lot of water?
Yes, books is lovely. And with a 30% employee discount I now have too little space for my books. But I recon that I've got readings for the next three-five years or so.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 08-07-2014, 02:20 PM

Hello all.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 07:32 PM

Hey hey Kirin! How are you?

It's half antique store half cafe/bar. Which is great cause it gives it quite the atmosphere.

Oh see, now I need to see the outfit and Doctor Hoo!

I suppose they make allowances for you guys, knowing it's so warm and stuffy in there. Which they did for us as well that week. I'd step outside and get air, prop the door open, have water nearby, etc. Where I am now is much the same in that I nanny for some rich people who live on an old farm house (on a huge farm...but it's a hobby farm) with bad air circulation. So I always have water handy. The first week I didn't drink enough and I came home with a headache every night from dehydration.

That's a good discount! I'd be taking advantage of it too, even though I've also run out of book space. Everything on my shelves is double and triple stacked.

Kay is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 04:04 AM

I don't have any pictures, but I'm just getting started on trying to crochet this cool scarf that I saw on pintrest. Basically what it is is you double crochet three long mini scarves and then loosely braid them together and then stitch the ends into an infinity scarf. I'm still a beginner with crocheting so this'll be interesting. XD

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 12:56 PM

I am working on a double strand double crochet scarf for my mom.


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BellyButton is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:31 PM

I want to see these scarves when you gals get further along with them! :D

Tsunii is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph View Post
Hey hey Kirin! How are you?

It's half antique store half cafe/bar. Which is great cause it gives it quite the atmosphere.

Oh see, now I need to see the outfit and Doctor Hoo!

I suppose they make allowances for you guys, knowing it's so warm and stuffy in there. Which they did for us as well that week. I'd step outside and get air, prop the door open, have water nearby, etc. Where I am now is much the same in that I nanny for some rich people who live on an old farm house (on a huge farm...but it's a hobby farm) with bad air circulation. So I always have water handy. The first week I didn't drink enough and I came home with a headache every night from dehydration.

That's a good discount! I'd be taking advantage of it too, even though I've also run out of book space. Everything on my shelves is double and triple stacked.

Then it's all good. It would have been really sad if they hadn't kept the antique store part. I believe you on that. I've been to cafes that have a bookshelf with old books and that really makes the whole place a lot cozier.

Well then. I managed to find a picture of me wearing my outfit, where I don't have any kind of weapon or are fooling around... I kinda likes to fool around and make faces when people takes pictures of me. XP

And one of Doctor Hoo in his vest just after I finished it.

We've been allowed to have water in the store since before I came there in January. The air is really dry in bookstores since the books suck up all the moist, so you can't go a longer time without water or you'll go hoarse. But we don't use the fans if it's not summer.
Oh, I like old houses. But I can understand your need for having water handy. Dehydration is not funny. But I hope you remember that you also need salt, sugar and vitamins and minerals too, otherwise the body won't be able to take up the water you drink. But that is easily fixed by eating regularly.

I ran out of shelf space long before I started working at the book store. I have most of my books packed in four cardboard boxes under my bed. Those that are in the bookshelf, or kitchen cupboards as my shelf's actually are, stand in two rows and have other books on top of them. And the rest of my books are either stacked on the floor by my bed or is lying, in plastic bags, in a big mess all around my bed together with a lot of my other stuff. I really have too little space fir my stuff... *sigh*

Kay is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 06:02 PM

My scarf is going fairly well so far, nearly done with the first of three parts of the scarf. It's a little challenging because theres not actually a pattern for the scarf, the person that made the scarf/design originally just kind of gave some rough instructions on how she made it. But so far, so good. :)

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 08-15-2014, 04:22 PM

I can post what I have of the scarf if anybody is interested. Cute owl.


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BellyButton is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by Tsunii View Post

Well then. I managed to find a picture of me wearing my outfit, where I don't have any kind of weapon or are fooling around... I kinda likes to fool around and make faces when people takes pictures of me. XP

This is such a wonderful outfit - you look beautiful! :)

---------- Post added 08-16-2014 at 10:26 AM ----------

P.S. Yes Kirin, show us! :)

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by Tsunii View Post
Then it's all good. It would have been really sad if they hadn't kept the antique store part. I believe you on that. I've been to cafes that have a bookshelf with old books and that really makes the whole place a lot cozier.

Well then. I managed to find a picture of me wearing my outfit, where I don't have any kind of weapon or are fooling around... I kinda likes to fool around and make faces when people takes pictures of me. XP

And one of Doctor Hoo in his vest just after I finished it.

We've been allowed to have water in the store since before I came there in January. The air is really dry in bookstores since the books suck up all the moist, so you can't go a longer time without water or you'll go hoarse. But we don't use the fans if it's not summer.
Oh, I like old houses. But I can understand your need for having water handy. Dehydration is not funny. But I hope you remember that you also need salt, sugar and vitamins and minerals too, otherwise the body won't be able to take up the water you drink. But that is easily fixed by eating regularly.

I ran out of shelf space long before I started working at the book store. I have most of my books packed in four cardboard boxes under my bed. Those that are in the bookshelf, or kitchen cupboards as my shelf's actually are, stand in two rows and have other books on top of them. And the rest of my books are either stacked on the floor by my bed or is lying, in plastic bags, in a big mess all around my bed together with a lot of my other stuff. I really have too little space fir my stuff... *sigh*
We'd love to see what you have so far Kay and Kirin!!

* Hnng* I love those shoes and the whole outfit Tsunii! And such a cutie owl ( I love owls :3 Wearing owl earrings right now)

Ah yes. I usually grab a bit on the run, but I make sure that I have at least one good meal a day that isn't rushed. On the run meaning a sandwich in my mouth as I drive to work, etc. ;)

Same here. But I will gladly give up space for crafting supplies and books.


Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 08-17-2014, 01:03 PM

I'll take a picture in a bit. Remind me if I forget.


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