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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-01-2014, 02:58 AM

"I have everything except family!" It came out as a near shout. He was surprised no one came rushing out to see what was going on. "They just see me as the next heir to the family fortune. I need to be perfect, or they won't pay attention to me at all. The closest thing I had to a mother was my nanny, but she's long gone and out of contact." He took a deep breath. "And I don't trust you because you're way too good to be true. There's no way you're as ... honest and sincere as you look. The last time I put my trust in a supposed friend they humiliated me. He went and he made me look like a damned fool." The young man was breathing hard. By the time he was finished, his eyes were lifted up and staring at Angel's.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-01-2014, 03:11 AM

Angel's eyes widened, then narrowed. What kind of excuse was that? Plenty of people didn't have real family, but it didn't matter to their happiness. He opened his mouth once, closed it, then tried again: "You think I'm like that guy that humiliated you? Think I'm some cheap knockoff version that'll do the same thing? You think someone can't be raised to be kind and good and try to do everything in their power to make someone else's life better because that's just not how the world works anymore? Maybe there's some good left, you're just too damn blind to see it. Maybe your 'family' blinded you." He felt himself bristle at the curse. He didn't curse often, or really at all.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-01-2014, 03:15 AM

William's head snapped up. "I haven't really know anything else. No one's been there to show me how to act with people who don't want to use me in some way, or humiliate me. Do you think it's easy?" He felt tears welling up at the corners of his eyes. No! He dashed them away with his sleeve. "I want to believe there's some other way. I want to believe in people. But even if I did, I wouldn't know the right way to act." He shook his head and stiffened his back, trying desperately to put up his walls again.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-01-2014, 03:22 AM

Angel stepped back as if slapped. He closed his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't want to be seen going crazy in the hallway, especially not on the first day. "Well maybe there isn't a certain way to act." He snapped. "Why does there have to be a specific way to behave around people? Why do you have to make sure you're living up to some 'perfect' standard someone else sets up for you? Why can't you be yourself? You're just... fitting into some mold." He sidestepped William and shoved his hands into his pockets, taking off.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-01-2014, 03:26 AM

William wailed. "I don't know who I am!" He dashed away, towards the opposite direction. He slowed to a slow walk once he was near his class. Cool and composed on the outside, inside he was roiling. He sat at his desk and watched as the teacher started talking about accounting. He already knew the basics. It was easy to tune out her monotone voice. To think instead of everything he'd said to Angel. Had the artist not realized how hard it had been to speak his thoughts like that? Probably not, and knowing that made Will want to cry.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-03-2014, 06:14 PM

Angel glared after him, shifting from one foot to the other, then his expression softened and he sighed. He could never stay angry for long and his entire family knew that about him. But Will didn't. At least Angel knew who he was, had some kind of identity because his family helped him figure that out. He walked the rest of the way to class, a large room with desks built up on step-like levels to give students a full view of the current object or model they would draw or paint. He found Maddie sitting in the front, on the lowest level, and she waved frantically to him. "Hi!" She bounced in her seat then narrowed her eyes. "You look flustered, everything okay?"

Angel nodded. "Fine... Drama on the first day, y'know? Happens." He managed a laugh and sat alongside her, setting his bag at his feet as other students filed in and found their seats. He couldn't ignore the others that sat around him and Maddie, and a lively conversation started quickly about their home life.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 06:39 PM

"I wonder what his problem is?"

"He keeps glaring at the board."

"... hasn't spoken a word ..."

William shifted in his seat and waited for the bell to ring. His laptop was filled with notes. Too many really. Usually he recorded everything, but his mind had been too full of words, and emotions. Usually he ignored the words people threw at him. It was easy. They slid off a hide of thick skin, a wall against the world. But not today. Not after he heard what Angel had said to him. Now words pummeled against his walls and nearly broke through.

He'd only told Angel the truth. Nothing but the truth, and he'd been yelled at for it. He was afraid to step into his own room. William sighed as he shoved the door open. Lunch already waited for him on his desk, but he didn't feel like eating. Instead he plopped onto his bed an hid under his blankets.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-03-2014, 06:52 PM

The object that was supposed to be handled today was simple. A bouquet of flowers of different color and style. The room was dimmed and a standing light cast shadows in specific places. Easy today, the first full class day, and silence reigned in the room as the artists focused heavily on their drawing, working by the light of their small, clear desk lamps. Angel's heart wasn't fully in his work this time, however, as he kept dwelling on what Will said. He didn't know who he was. So who did he think he was? Anyone at all? Halfway finished with his final sketch and through with the three-page worksheet regarding famous artists' works and art styles throughout the centuries, the bell trilled again and he startled. Maddie stood first and stretched as she slid everything back into her purposefully ratty brown bag. "Hey, coming to the cafeteria?"

Angel glanced up as he buckled his bag. "Um... I might just grab something and hide in my room for a while."

She nodded brightly and pulled him along, excitable as always. He managed to break away to grab a wrapped sandwich and take it up to the dorm, but jumped when he saw someone already there. Of course, he'd have to face the music sooner rather than later. Instead of speaking, Angel set everything on his desk and sat in his chair to face Will's lumpy form in silence.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 09:43 PM

Hidden under his blanket, eyes closed, he hoped that the other student wouldn't decide to wander into their room. He wanted to be all alone! But that wouldn't happen so long as Angel shared a room with him. William tried to stifle a soft moan, but nothing could halt it. It slipped from the young man's lips and into the air. It was a muffled kind of sound, but not at all hard to miss. And he knew Angel was there, had heard his roomate walk right into their room.

Slowly, he peeked from under the covers. Angel sat on his chair. Facing him. The other side of the room still seemed just as warm as before. But not quite as welcoming, not now. Not after the argument they had gotten into.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-03-2014, 10:09 PM

Angel stared at the form as it moved and huffed under its blanket. He didn't speak, though, which was odd for Angel, as the form moved enough to be able to look out from the top of the blanket. His gaze was lingering between soft and edgy, but he was quiet for a while before finally sighing. "Well... Are you gonna say something or am I going to have to do all the talkin?" He crossed one leg over the other and leaned back. "Do you think you got an identity, or are you just like... a blank page? Nothing's been written 'cause no one's let anything be written?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 10:22 PM

The young man peeked out even more from under the expensive blankets. His head was fully visible now. Hair all in disarray, and eyes growing red from the want to cry. "I don't know." He mumbled the words. "I suppose ... suppose I really don't know who I am." No one had ever given him the chance. William had always done his duty first. Obeyed all the rules. He'd always been the dutiful son. The one that ... tried to make his parents proud.

William sniffled. He started crying. It was no delicate kind of tearfullness either. Oh no! Great sobs left his lips. Gut wrenching sobs made his whole body shake, quake. Under the blankets he shivered. William's face twisted from sorrow to surprise now and again. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-03-2014, 10:37 PM

Angel leaned forward and felt his heart completely melt away. He was a sympathy crier and what looked like an existential breakdown wouldn't leave him dry-eyed for long. He stood, crossing the room in several long strides and settling himself on the edge of Will's bed. "Look here." He leaned forward and pulled the blanket away from Will's face. "You're not around your family anymore. You don't have to be a blank slate. See, you're around people that don't even know you, you should... find yourself, or at least accept some help to do that. I'm not wasting my time here for my own health, see? I'm not gonna let up 'till you let me in. I want to be your friend and if it means helping you figure out who you are I will. I mean... I have a loving family, a great... relationship... And hell, the least I could do is be... here."

Miraculously he managed to keep his voice steady, but then, his eyes were threatening to tear up. It was frustrating to keep himself steady in the middle of a situation that was obviously painful.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-03-2014, 11:27 PM

William tackled the other man. He really did. Just like that he was up, and lunging on Angel. He wrapped his arms around the art student and clung to him like his life depended on it. His sobbing quieted a bit, now that a warm body was so near his and offering warmth and comfort. William was sprawled onto the other man's lap, and had his arms around the other man's waist.

"You had better not ..." The young heir couldn't find enough air to talk. "If you ... If you go back on your word ... " He didn't care what he would have to do. William promised himself he would make the other man's life as miserable as he could.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-04-2014, 03:53 AM

Angel gasped, nearly falling backward in the unexpected onslaught. Righting himself, Angel automatically held onto William, going back to when Chris's second aunt had died in his mind. At the time the man was just a friend, and recalling how torn up he had been at the time had Angel's stinging eyes finally streaming. "I'm not gonna go back." He finally said. "I don't ever go back on my word. I don't care how awful you might make it I'm not about to leave you. Hell... That's just now how I am. But you got to help me out too. You have to... open up a little more. No one here knows you, they don't care what you were. You can be whatever you feel like you are." He smoothed down the pale blonde hair on Will's head and rocked slightly, as if comforting one of his little sisters after a nightmare. It was easy to imagine himself back home, despite where he really was.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-04-2014, 05:46 PM

William settled against his first new friend and hugged him close. He clung to Angel as if the artist was his security blanket. In a way, that was precisely what Angel was. Or would be. He didn't know what to think anymore. "Slow..." William pulled back enough to settle his head against Angel's shoulder. "I'm ... scared to really let anyone in. So .. so just one person at a time. Alright? And right now that person is you. But don't expect too much too fast!" Now he really did pull back, and stared at the other man with a half glare, half pout. "I don't know what friends do. How they're ... supposed to act."

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-04-2014, 11:04 PM

Angel shook his head slowly. "I won't force you to talk to my friends, alright? I'll let it be a slow burn, how about that? Eventually you'll meet others too... hell, you'll probably forget about me then but it'll have worked, so that's what matters." He stood, shaking himself and straightening his shirt, and went back to his desk. Thankfully he hadn't even thought about home during his morning class, but he had twenty minutes to talk to Chris. Unwrapping his sandwich, Angel half-turned to Will. "Thanks for opening up to me." He added, nodding and smiling a little. "It had to be hard to do."

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Old 08-04-2014, 11:29 PM

When Angel moved away, William tried his best not to ask him to stay. He didn't know if he could ever put his walls up again, where his roomate was concerned. Then again, that was precisely what Angel had been aiming for, and it had only taken two days for him to succeed. Angel was a magician. He had to be, to be able to bulldoze the walls Will had worked so hard to put up.

"Well what you yelled at me made me angry enough to ... open up." William shook his head. He moved to the now cold food on his desk, and started eating. He munched on the steak slowly for a while, before turning to Angel again. "Why does it matter so much to you, anyway?"

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-04-2014, 11:43 PM

Angel logged into Skype and sat back, pulling at a piece of wilted lettuce from between the buns of the ham sandwich beside the keyboard. Checking the headset jack, he looked over to Will and turned the chair to face him more. "Well... Maybe I don't like the thought of sharing a room with someone that's about as self-aware as a rock. Or I might just want to get to know you like a roommate is supposed to. I don't want to go through two years here not speaking to you about anything but the books we read, I want you to be able to relate or get to know me and others. Maybe I'm too selfless, too, I dunno." He shrugged and laughed, going back to his sandwich.

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Old 08-07-2014, 01:47 AM

William tilted his head and stared at the other young man. He tilted his head, making his hair flop around. "Well what else would we talk about? All we seem to have in common are books." Tentatively, Will stepped over the invisible line he'd made in his mind, the one that divided the room in half.

Now warmth was all around him. It was a hard feeling to miss. There was so much love and care obvious. From the quilts on the bed, to the worn old books, this side of the room exuded comfort and welcome. The computer screen was on. A somewhat familiar chat screen was open.

"Are you waiting for someone to get on?" William nodded towards the screen with a bob of his head.

It's quiet, now.
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Old 08-08-2014, 07:56 PM

Angel shrugged nonchalantly. "We could have more in common than that." he said lightly, and leaned back, his chair tilting backward and leaning against the desk. William was so quick to dismiss any consideration that he might have something in common with someone else. It was sad, pulled at Angel's heart a little, but he pushed it down.

"Yes." He nodded at the computer. "I promised to talk to my closest every day at lunch and in the evening. Keeps me close to them." He doubted William would go for such little things. But it bridged the gap between here and home, and he liked to keep his family close, stave off homesickness. Chris would be with his parents and sisters so they could hold a close conversation without leaving anyone out.


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