View Poll Results: What will you choose?
Jedi: Temporary truce to defeat the undead and then destroy the Sith. 1 25.00%
Sith: Team up with the Jedi and deceive them at a critical point in battle. 1 25.00%
Neutral: Forget about the past and join forces to defeat the new enemy. 2 50.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll

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Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 12:12 PM

Scythia just remained silent as she listened to the conversation between the two Sith Lords. She closed her eyes and took in the small bits of information she overheard. She didn't really get much though. It wasn't until she opened her eyes and noticed Alee start moving onto the spaceport. Her shinning eyes narrowed lightly, watching as the male Sith turned around and looked at her. Scythia's eyes blinked lightly, just staring t him as he left as well. With a faint sigh, she watched as the man left, she remembered his name being Shuji and his reputation was one to be feared and looked over. She pulled out a small log and started typing into it. "Let's see. Shuji or Darth Karnage as that name has been given to him. I don't really have much on him except that he is like majority of the other Sith I met. Murderous and a bit cracked. Well, I guess that is all I can get from him, besides the occasional stares and whatnot." She chuckled softly to herself, stretching lightly as she turned around looking to her left and right. She needed to find something to do, something to distract her over thinking mind. She thought about hacking into the main communications tower, but that would be too easy for her to do.

With a heavy sigh, Scythia was just about to leave when she sensed a disturbance within the force. It felt like pain, a lot of pain. She closed her eyes lightly and turned her head towards the direction she believed it was coming from. Her body shifted as she started walking down the hallway, soon going into the Council room where she say the Dark councilmen recovery from what happened. "Well then, what happened here?" Scythia asked, blinking lightly as she ended up using the force to help the council back in place. Some of them glared at her, they didn't like they she did things. Unlike most Sith, she almost never did anything traditionally. From her clothes to the way she acted, however, she was well known for her great power and held great composture compared to some. The rest of the council respected, knowing that she was the daughter of the late Emperor, she had a large amount of power. Scythia had respect for the older Sith Lords, even though they weren't as powerful as they were in their younger years, they still had some information she could store. "A lack of respect from your fellow Sith Lords." One of the Councilmen said as he regained his composure. Scythia just grinned and let out a soft chuckle, "They had learned from the best, they just do what they are thought," Scythia said, placing a finger over her lips lightly, "To an extent." The Councilmen looked towards the young Princess, her wings twitching lightly as she looked up with shimmering sapphire blue eyes. "What brings you here Scythia?" Another Councilmen asked, he held a hint of impatience as well as annoyance for the lack of traditional clothing the girl wore.

Scythia stood there, placing her hands behind her back, the red wires on her shoulders twitched lightly and started moving about. "Curiousity. I would like to know what it is Alee was told to do. I am to assume that is what Shuji came here for since he left with a bit more evil in his aura, so to speak." She said, her voice was elegant and a little regal. She didn't want to sound too demanding, but she was bored and didn't have anything else to do, so she wanted to get the dirt on what was going on. The Councilmen looked at each other and one of hem replied with an answer, an answer Scythia wanted to hear. "They are headed to Nar Shadda, it is a mission for Alee. However, it appeared Shuji couldn't keep his nose out of this." He snarled, Scythia responded with a simple nod. She closed her eyes as a faint chuckle escaped her lips, 'Well, I guess this will be a bit more interesting than I thought.' She thought for a moment, soon one of the councilmen spoke up, "You would like to go there as well, wouldn't you?" Scythia looked back, she then chuckled. "Why not, I don't mind. I would love to go and see if they can actually do this job. What shall I do if they fail?" She asked with a grin on her face. The Councilmen remained silent for a while, it wasn't until later one of them replied; "You know what to do, for now just observe." Scythia bowed her head and soon left the chambers.

She kept her eyes closed, soon pulling out the holographic journal and started typing in it. "I am not sure if they know what is going on, but I mustn't be too foolish around them. I need to just make sure that I am not doing anything stupid." She said aloud, her fingers typing into the screen. A faint hum escaped her lips as she continued down the hall as she continued walking, soon arriving at the hanger bay. She looked around, watching as some beings were coming and going from the planet. She arched a light brow once she had seen Shuji talking to someone, Hattori Kazuto. The young girl arched a brow, wondering why they were talking in the first place. However, she couldn't be distracted by it, she will just have to wait and see what happens. Scythia continued walking, eventually making it to her ship. The piolets on board quickly when to their stations and started up the ship. The princess chuckled, a sinister grin growing on her face, she continued typing, thinking to herself. 'Time to see what "Lord" Alee and "Lord" Shuji can really do. Yes, their reputation has spoken for them, but I have yet to truly witness their skills without the watchful eyes of the Dark Council. Then again, they would behave the way they do now even if they were watching. What am I going to do with such disobedient co-workers?' Scythia sighed mentally, closing her eyes as she walked onto her ship and the door closed behind her, eventually leaving the planet and into space itself.

Siegfried just stood outside, waiting patiently for the force user who entered the to come back out. Until then, he kept himself occupied with the young children who appeared to be running about and playing. He wanted to gain their trust in a way, yet he didn't know how to do it. Thinking for a moment, Siegfried's train of thought was changed when he felt something tap against his foot. He jumped slightly and turned his head to look down, it appeared to be a ball; the young wisp elf leaned forward and picked up the ball when he say a young human boy. He pointed towards the ball within Siegfried's hand, Siegfried looked towards the ball and blinked lightly. "Oh, this is yours?" He spoke up and gently place the ball within the young boy's hand. The boy smiled as he ran off back to his friends. The young Wisp elf watched as his smile spread on his face. He turned his head back to the hut, it like as if there was a slight disturbance within the force, he felt something a bit off, however he couldn't tell what it was. He shook his head lightly, breathing slightly as he turned his head towards the young children who continued playing with the ball.

Siegfried closed his eyes as he moved off the side and sat on the ground, watching the children and waited for the person in the hut still. He yawned slightly, he hummed softly as he bobbed his head left and right. However, his attention was taken by the sudden disturbance. It was someone who was very strong, however, he couldn't tell if they were of the Sith or Jedi. A mental sigh ran through his head as he shook his head quickly. 'This is going to be a long day.' He thought to himself, relaxing a little.
~*Gothika's Mule*~
My RP search: Shikabane's Den and Request group thread

Kiyoto is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 04:30 PM

Ritsuka had slipped out of the way, feeling another presence. He watched the hut like home, as another who gave him the feeling as someone inside went into it. He frowned, so, there were other force users slinking around this place. Great, the last thing he needed to do, was to get caught by some wannabe jedi, and taken off to some prison or something. He shook his head, no thanks, he was not in the mood for playing such games. He had more important things to be thinking about and taking care of right at the moment.

Unfortunately, his own makeshift home upon this place was not far from here, just down the way. It did not help, that there seemed to be another standing out front. He frowned, man, what was with these people today. None of them seemed to have noticed him so far, which was good. He slipped his hood up, before he moved away a bit. He would have to circle around and be a bit careful. If things went right, he could be out of this place within a few minutes. That would mean though, that there would have to be no distractions from this place. Ya right, there was little luck in that happening.


The other seemed to eye him for a moment, but this did not make Hattori back down or faulter. He held his position, not really out of defiance or anything, simply because he saw no logical reason to move. So someone was looking at what? He looked at the other, wondering for a moment if he would agree, before the other confirmed that he would allow it to proceed. He nodded, watching as the other left. Any further words would be merely a formality, something he did not need. He turned back, using a simple com link, to adress the people back up in the lab to pack up a few things for him. He would in turn head to his own chambers, to retrieve a few other additions.

He did not require much, unlike others, he had few attatchments to things. He then made his way to the lab, to make sure that things were being handled there. The people did not wish to see him go, but he informed them that they could continue basic work here. He would use this time within the field, to work on advancing where his last experiment had let him down. His calculations had been perfect. Unfortunately, the source where he hoped to use this knowledge had not been. It had faultered and failed, so now he would need to find something stronger. Perhaps on this little outing, he would indeed find just that. He turned, and headed out to the hanger.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 11-28-2014 at 04:35 PM..


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Old 12-02-2014, 02:37 AM

Trace stood silently as she waited for Ryosuke to respond. He seemed uneasy and for a moment she wondered if she should just leave. After a few moments however he found his voice. Her expression turned from one of concern to puzzlement when he mentioned needing a favor. A little Twi’lek boy appeared almost out of nowhere and stepped towards her at Ryosuke’s bidding. She looked at the child. His grief was apparent both in his face and through the force. Her eyes strayed from the boy’s face to Ryosuke’s as the other jedi clarified his request.

Trace hesitated for only a moment. Just as she was about to speak however her comlink sounded once again. ”Excuse me,” she said before turning slightly to answer the call. She did not step away however and Master Kallar’s voice was loud enough for the others in the room to hear. Trace stiffened as he delivered the news. Despite his warning, she hadn’t expected trouble so quickly. ”Understood, I will do so,” she responded.

Turning back to the others, Trace debating how to best handle the situation. She wanted to help Ryosuke and the boy but if there was indeed a sith, or several nearby, she wondered if she alone would be able to protect him. ”I’m not sure how long you were planning to stay but it sounds like there might be trouble. Perhaps it would be better if we teamed up for the time being? Then once things have settled I could take him back to the temple. What do you say?” Trace looked at the other jedi expectedly, awaiting his response.

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Old 12-07-2014, 12:50 AM

~* Rouge Jedi *~

Keeping silent as the white haired male Jedi continued to remain standing behind the young Twi'lek boy who seemed to have his eyes glued upon the woman that stood before him. It wasn't difficult to tell from the young child's expression that he was utterly terrified of who he was being given away to not to mention about who the woman was in general. Turning his head back to look up at the male once again, the young boy spoke in his native language to try and get himself from being separated from Ryosuke. With barely a single moment passing as the little boy stared back at Ryosuke in pleading look upon his face, the little child quickly had wrapped both of his small and fragile arms around the male Jedi's legs to pull him tightly into his embrace. Staring down at the little boy as he did his best to hug him, Ryosuke's expression turned slightly concerned as he patted the little boy's head before the sound of a comm link going off caught his attention. Darting his gaze away from the little boy and straight back at Trace who seemed to had turned on her comm link, his expression had quickly dropped back to a more serious one only for it to become disturbed at the news that she had received over the comm link. The voice that was overheard from her comm-link was clear as crystal to be able to figure out that it was none other than Master Kallar. "So...Master Kallar is here too.." Whispering silently to himself as the young rouge Jedi clenched his fists tightly; one of the council members were here, just the thought that if he was going to be caught in the sights of one of them made the young male become concerned about what would be thought once he recognized Ryosuke as a rouge.

As Trace suggested that the two of them had teamed up with one another in case of this dark threat; Ryosuke remained silent as a reply before placing both his hands upon the Twi'lek boy's shoulders. Kneeling down to the floor to reach eye level with the young child; a warm smile came across the Jedi's lips as he rubbed both of his shoulders smoothly to try and comfort the boy before giving him the news. "Okay little one..I want you to do me a favor..stay here with auntie Shaiya. I have to take care of some business real quick so that we can get you to safety. I promise I'll be back..okay?" Explaining it to the young boy, the Twi'lek simply blinked at Ryosuke even as he understood the words that came from his lips. Quickly wrapping his small arms around the rouge Jedi's neck and speaking in his native language to tell him to make sure to return, Ryosuke could only pat the boy's back even if he hadn't understood his language. As the small boy kept his gaze upon the rouge Jedi male, he soon directed his attention to scamper off back into the more darker parts of the large container of a room; keeping himself hidden from sight, the small Twi'lek boy simply watched as how the white haired male had now slipped his hood back over his head to hide his identity just as last time.

Standing there with his hood now over his head once more; Ryosuke had approached Trace with his expression returned back to one that looked a bit calm. "If what Master Kallar had just said is true..then we need to protect the people of this place." As he spoke, his tone of voice was near a low whisper as he turned his head just slightly over his shoulder to take a glimpse of the elderly woman who remained dead upon the torn-up bed. The words of her last wish going through his head on protecting the young twi'lek boy echoing in his head for another moment or so before he had returned his attention back onto Trace. "Let's just get this over with.." With his last words, the white haired male took a step out of the container in search for the dark presence that was stated by the comm link. Unaware as he stepped out of the building that there was actually a sith standing several feet away from where Ryosuke had stepped out from. The fact of so many refugees being around and a single sith being there made it slightly difficult to pin-point out that she was there.

~* Jedi Master *~

Standing high above still on the catwalks, Kallar kept his gaze staring down at the movements of each of the refugees. Things were becoming much more difficult than he had expected it to become. Slowly but surely, the master Jedi crossed his legs and sat himself down onto the metal flooring that perched itself high above all the other camps below. Shutting his eyes closed, the Jedi began to focus on the different auras of the refugee camp; trying to pin-point out all of those who were strong in the force to see if he could figure out where the sith and other Jedi that might be present in the area. Slowly but surely enough; the presence of Alee Snow, Luna, Trace, Siegfried, and finally Ritsuka came into view within his mind. Being able to tell who each of the force sensitives were by just their aura other than the fact who was strong within the light and dark; the Master Jedi reopened both his eyes with a low sigh. At least he now knew where each of them were, the only problem about this was that the sith was extremely near to where his student was. Returning his wrist comm link to his lips, he did his best to warn her for the time being before it would be too late. "Be careful young one; the dark presence of the sith is directly right outside the building you are strong my Padawan. I will be there short--" Right as Kallar had prepared to end his sentence, the presence of the strange aura came upon his mind.

Gasping sharply, he reached a hold of the sides of his head as the master Jedi struggled not to let himself be overcome by this other unknown presence. What was this, it felt dead yet it was still acting as though it were alive at the sametime. The only other time that Master Kallar had heard of such a power was from the archives of the Jedi of a dark sith lord named Darth Nihilus; his power was able to eat away at the force as his power within the force overcame many other opponents whether they were sith or not. However, this presence may had resembled that; it seemed almost stronger. Shaking his head, the feeling of the aura soon passed by as Kallar stood back up to his feet; nearly stumbling forward from the intense feeling of the strange aura. Once regaining his balance, the Master Jedi soon began to make his way down the large catwalk in hopes to get to where his student was and protect her from the dark sith that he had noticed not too far from his own location. Although Master Kallar had known he had sent his padawan here to Nar Shaddaa for a mission; the fact of why there was a sith being of such power being around made it difficult to figure out the reason. Whatever the case was, Kallar had to reach his student as soon as possible to assist her if needed.

~* Sith Lord *~

Stepping into his large ship; the masked Sith lord had approached the cockpit of his ship were two guards had been preparing the ship for departure. They had already recieved their orders to prepare the ship before hand, at this point they had simply been making the final adjustments to the ship's engines in case they would need to make a hasty retreat at any point in time. Shuji simply crossing his arms behind him as he took a small walk throughout his ship to see what was already stocked out and ready for their trip to the smuggler planet of Nar Shaddaa. The only other thing that was needed at the moment was to await for the sith researcher; Hattori who had seemed to be grabbing his equipment for whatever researching he was planning on doing on the planet. To Shuji, the researcher was of no concern to the dark lord and he could've easily told the male no to joining him on his trip to the planet. "Is everything prepared?" Were his only words that came from his lips as the dark lord asked his guards who continued to work on the ship as they replied in deep respect. "Yes mi'lord..everything is set and ready to go..what exactly are we waiting on, if you do not mind me asking, sire." As the guard asked his question, a quiet sigh came from Shuji's lips as he kept his gaze staring at the different machines within the ship rather than turning to the guard to answer his question. "We are waiting on come with us."

As the dark lord spoke, his tone of voice was low and near the point of just being completely serious rather than his slight joking tone. This being due to the fact that whenever he spoke with someone that wasn't even near worthwhile to be speaking with, he found no enjoyment out of making any type of good conversation with them other than to get them to be silent so that he could ignore them. The guards had only come to a halt as they had heard the sith lord answer one of their questions only to turn to one another and give each other a confused look upon their expressions. The guards that had worked for Shuji long enough to still be alive to this day had known the dark lord never to actually end up taking along anyone with his missions unless he had a plan to kill them. The fact that Shuji was now taking along someone without telling his guards about a plan to kill the 'guest' later on at some point made them slightly curious as to what was going on; obviously enough, they hadn't bothered to try and ask too many questions after that as they simply went back to their duties of preparing the ship for the soon departure for Nar Shaddaa.

~* Undead*~

Even as the multiple broken down cruisers slipped through hyperspace to reach the location of Verminaard's targets. The dark male had kept silent to Amond's words as he kept his gaze staring forward all the while tracking the different force sensitives that were on the planet's surface of Nar Shaddaa; those who were unaware of their power such as children were of no concern to him at the time being; at least, not until he arrived to the planet itself. All others who knew of their power already and were either Sith or Jedi were his main targets at the time being, their power gave much interest to the dark being; their corpses would become a fine addition to his army during his campaign to destroy everything upon the galaxy. Focusing on the different force sensitives, it was only a matter of time that the dark being soon felt what seemed to had been a Master Jedi who had noticed of his presence for a moment or so. Arching a brow at the fact that he was being noticed before his arrival, the dark being soon began to act as though he reached into the mind of the Jedi and began to pick at his subconscious; forcing him to gain an even stronger feeling of the strange presence of Verminaard's arrival. By the time the Master Jedi had given up due to the painful aura of the undead, Verminaard would simply give a nod of his head before turning his head just slightly over his shoulder to take his gaze upon his undead loyalist warrior. "Amond..go, grab who you wish to take with you to the planet's surface..we will be arriving soon. If you truly value the loyalty you have for me and bring back the corpses of those pathetic beings. Each and everyone of them. Spare no one." His voice had echoed throughout the large bridge as he turned his gaze back upon the large glass of the bridged that showed him the long path between him and his target's location. It had only been a couple of hours now before they would reach the planet itself.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-09-2014, 12:45 AM

( happydeath: I hope this is okay. )

Kadash had resided on Dromund Kaas long enough. He had to admit, The current condition of the planet had made gathering information easier, but he had yet to hear anything he needed to hear. He did, however, hear of a Sith lord who was planning a departure off the planet surface. He had no intention of going back to Korriban, or Master Shuji, but he had to see if the Sith had learned of anything strange within the recent months he has been off-world. Going to Korriban or Coruscant was too risky, and capturing a Sith would be stupid, so Kadash had thought of a less-risky plan: Use his old access codes to gain access to the Sith Data banks, and download all records of suspicious activity.

Since it was the ship of a Sith Lord, Kadash was sure it held access to the Archives. Sneaking in through the docking bay was easy enough. Obviously, no-one expected anyone to willingly sneak unto a Sith Lord's ship. However, the place was jam-packed with Guards, so Kadash had to use caution. Using the available side-passages, He walked into the Data core. He knew it wouldn't take long for any Force-sensitive beings to be alerted to his presence, so he had to act fast.

Plugging in a USB drive with his access codes, He began downloading all relevant spy reports, disturbances in Sith controlled space, and various other bits of information. While scanning the files, he came across something interesting in the Archives: Data on the Revanites. He should have expected that records of them be on a Sith Lords ship, but it was enough to put him off his focus. Shaking his head, he had the USB mine the data off the files.

He didn't know what was in those files, but he was sure as the sun going to find out.


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Old 12-11-2014, 01:43 AM

Trace watched the exchange between Ryosuke and the Twi’lek with interest. Though it was the duty of all jedi to care for others and put their needs before their own, Trace could tell that there was something more personal going on here. Still, it wasn’t the time or place to butt into Ryosuke’s business so she simply waited patiently for he and the boy to finish. When the child had safely hidden away in the back of the hut, Ryosuke turned his attention to the business at hand. Trace nodded solemnly in response to his comment and followed him out of the dead woman’s dwelling.

Just as she stepped outside, her comlink went off once again. Thumbing it on, the hair on the back of her neck rose when Master Kallar told her that the dark presence he had been feeling was in fact right on top of them. She had been so focused on Ryosuke’s request that she hadn’t been concentrating on her surroundings. His voice cut out before he could finish his sentence and Trace wasted no time clicking her calming into her belt while simultaneously summoning her lightsaber into her hand. She didn’t ignite it yet however, instead she reached out with the force to locate the disturbance her master had mentioned.


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