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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 08:26 PM

Uuuuh, Delirium, Pandemonium, Lola and the Boy Next Door, Night of Many Dreams, and The Street of a Thousand Blossoms.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 08:56 PM

Each of those titles sounds like they could be perfect names for Mene items. XD
Sorry about disappearing for a bit, by the way. Dinner.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:00 PM

LOL, I never thought about it like that.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:06 PM

Pandemonium would be great for either a demon-themed item or a new item in the bee/panda set. Delirium would be good for a "surrealistic dream"-feel CI or EI and could probably be paired up nicely with Night of Many Dreams. Alternatively, Night of Many Dreams could be a good "daydream" item for another Daydream/Nightmare set, then a nightmare-y item and Delirium as bonus or Mennie item.

Lola and the Boy Next Door would be hardest to fit into any existing schemes but would be a good title for any companion-style item. Street of a Thousand Blossoms would be a lovely event item for any spring or summer event.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:10 PM

It's an interesting concept! I wonder if I should send that to our pixelists for inspiration...

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:12 PM

Feel free to if you think it could be of any use to them. =)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:13 PM

Maybe I'll do that once the event is over so they have more time to think about it.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:14 PM

Maybe a day -after- the event is over so they can actually catch a few hours of sleep. I hear you staff-folks are about as bad about getting the sleep you need as I am. XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:16 PM

Yeah, we tend to stay up later than we should trying to get everything done. >.<

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:23 PM

That somehow completely fails to surprise me. XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:28 PM

XD What can we say? We all love Mene and want to make sure we do what we can to help make it fun for you guys and keep things running smoothly.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:30 PM

Oh, I understand completely. XD I have a habit of doing the same anyway, even just for my -thread- sometimes. XD (That, and insomnia muddying the waters and from time to time, real-life clashing badly with a nocturnal sleeping pattern)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:49 PM

Sooo, I just bought a pair of slippers on ebay. It feels weird to me, I never buy things on ebay but it was out of stock on the company's website and I really wanted them. >.>

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:51 PM

I also rarely buy from ebay, but that's because international shipping prices to the Netherlands tend to be pretty awful.

Have a pic of those lovely slippers for me? <3


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:52 PM

Here's the listing:

Toms Womens Grey Wool Slipper Various Sizes 100 Authentic New in Box | eBay

They're not anything super spectacular but I really need slippers and I can't find any around here that aren't out of stock or ugly or expensive or whatever. I know Toms brand and I like them so hopefully I'll like these.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:56 PM

Those look fine enough. They at least look like they might be comfortable, and hey, that's the main purpose of slippers, no? XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 09:59 PM

Yeah, it seems like every year my slippers give out just at the end of the season and then I'm sunk trying to find anything. V_V Last year I got a pair of cute sheep slippers but they're totally dead now. The year before that I got a super cheap pair from Old Navy. Nothing will ever compare to my fluffy bunny slippers I had in college though. I miss them so much...

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:05 PM

-huggles- I know, by the time you've grown to love something (be it slippers or pajamas or anything similar made for comfort), you can't actually get them anywhere anymore. :(


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:06 PM

That makes me think of a pair of pj pants I had once as well. I wore them until they were so threadbare that they ripped. Even then I kept them hoping I could make something out the fabric that was left but I never did get around to it...

I made a dice bag for my fiance out of his favorite pair of jeans once though.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:08 PM

I can't remember how often I've made jeans that were worn into shorts by cutting off most of the legs. XD

Only works if it's the legs that got worn or ripped beyond all recognition, though. XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:11 PM

I have a pair of jeans that I'm going to try to cut off because they're a little too short and it looks awkward. I have them in my closet to experiment on when it gets warmer out.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:21 PM

Usually, my long jeans-made-shorts don't really last more than one summer due to how much they're worn anyway, so I don't actually bother experimenting or making them look good or sewing up the edges so they don't rip further. I just pick some point between knee and thigh--usually, just above highest rip--and roughly cut them off with a pair of scissors. XD


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:24 PM

Yeah, this is the first time I'm trying it so it will really be an experiment.

Mule of Silenia
Mule of Silenia is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:45 PM

If you want them to last more than a few weeks, fold over the cutting edge and sew it up, because a lot of threads WILL get loose otherwise.


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-19-2015, 10:47 PM

Thanks for the advice, I'll try that.


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