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TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-05-2016, 09:47 PM

Autumn is definitely one of my favorite seasons. I love the colors, I love the weather and I definitely LOVE Halloween. It's always been my favorite holiday.

Anyway, point being, halloween stuff is out in the stores and it's making me so anxious to buy all the autumn and spooky goodness and put it out already. We're 2 months out. I know it's too soon but I'm so ready for the decorating. I already have quite the monstrous stash of halloween decor.

What say you menewshans, is it too soon for decorating?

When do you get festive for holidays? Do you have a timeframe?

Is it too soon for holiday merchandise in stores?

How do you feel about christmas merchandise being put out along with halloween goodies?

Do you decorate? Trick or treat? Throw parties? How do you celebrate (if you do)?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-05-2016, 11:36 PM

i say decorate!

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-06-2016, 03:25 AM

I think my husband might hate me if I do it now. I know I definitely can't at work yet. The guys bug me just for decorating at all, even if it is within a more acceptable time frame.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-06-2016, 03:42 AM

mcdonalds has it's pumpkin spice latte
i think that is the start of halloweenie!
do it gradually.....frankenweenie ^.^

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-06-2016, 05:18 PM

I'm definitely guilty of overloading on the pumpkin spice. Hopefully this year I can enjoy it without being damned by supporting the "attack on Christmas."

I unpacked the pumpkin candy bowl and glittery cardboard pumpkins. Both are for work. I'm using the candy dish first as bribery.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-13-2016, 03:04 AM

I'm already trying to plan what I'm doing for the event and the holiday. Not to sure on either. I see no problems with decorating once it's October though. Getting festive for the month. And season. Not necessaroly all the spooky decorations saving that for the week of. Or if I'm giving out candy the day of cause I like to not let in on the surprise tricks

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-13-2016, 03:18 AM

I've already started putting halloween things out at home. Outdoors decorations don't go up until the day of because people steal. It sucks. I used to love going all-out outside but it's not really possible when everything has to fit into several hours worth of set up and fast tear down at 9pm.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-13-2016, 03:20 AM

Oh that's terrible!!! I would hate living in an area like that. :(

I'm planning on making decorations with my girls over the next month and hanging them up all over the apartment

TelstelNSG1 is offline
Old 09-13-2016, 12:51 PM

I have little money to spend of things like that at the moment, but generally i wait til it's closer to the day of the holiday, in doing so some of the stuff go cheap and i hoard like crazy to get the things needed to celebrate the day.

But that is just me, not sure if any others do the same thing. But looking forward to Halloween, not sure what to watch...

It's tea time!
MercyGrim96 is offline
Old 09-14-2016, 12:33 AM

BUY IT (this is coming from someone who's absolutely in the same boat of addiction to all hallows eve stuff as you are hehe). But don't buy everything at once, wait until the day after halloween and then everything ul be like 75-90% off, that's when you buy the expensive stuff hehe. But your local dollar stores should have a lot of stuff, and it's only a dollar each! So you can go crazy there hehehehe.

I started to decorate my place too btw :P

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 02:59 PM

My neighbor just put a "morgue" sign up on their apartment door. i see it everytime i go out of the house. xD

: Dazed & Confused :
Narren7 is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 04:50 PM

Every day of the year is Halloween for my husband and I.
We like to refer to this time of the year as home decor season.
I love finding new things to use in my home all year round.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 05:18 PM

That sounds fantastic Narren!! :D

: Dazed & Confused :
Narren7 is offline
Old 09-15-2016, 07:37 PM

I have an awesome kitchen pot holder, rug set of flying skulls that I found a few years ago.
I wish that there had been more than that one set, I would have bought more.
We have a lot of skelleton, gargoyle, skull, reaper, zombie, dragon, etc fantasy themed stuff.
I get the stink eye fairly often from people when they are visiting us.
Not that we care. We are the ones whom live with it and it makes us happy.

I have a different stove now, but this is the pot holder set.
I was making cup cakes for him to take to work with him last year

I made these to frame our air way window from those dollar tree frames.
You can't really tell here but they look like stain glass, I used puffy paint as fake leading.

Last edited by Narren7; 09-15-2016 at 07:39 PM.. Reason: typo

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-18-2016, 03:52 AM

I put the Candy dish out at work only to be approved for a transfer the next day. I'd feel terrible taking the candy away from the group but I know I won't be able to refill it. I wont be able to be away from my desk that long and I have a new group to spoil/bribe starting next week.

I wish I could have spooky decor in my home all year round. My husband doesn't like it like I do and also there's the whole eventually applying for adoption thing. We're going to have a lot to overcome as is, I feel like adding that we have a more gothic style would just be too much.

: Dazed & Confused :
Narren7 is offline
Old 09-18-2016, 07:37 PM

Maybe you could get one of these cute $1 buckets like I found at Dollar Tree yesterday?
That way you could dump the candy in it and not feel bad to leave it behind Empress?
They also had some brain jello molds, skull drink pitchers, and skull gloves that I picked up.

I found these cute sugar skull dish cloths and a lone pot holder at Dollar General yesterday too.
I want more! Hopefully they will have some when I check back to add with these 2.

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-22-2016, 05:14 AM

I left a disposable bowl for them. My last day is Friday so I'll fill i up one last time and what's left is left. :(

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-27-2016, 12:09 PM

Those are gloriouos decorations Narren. I wish I could decorate more like that. But it's never gonna happen until we have out own home I think. :/

and I'm sorry you feel bad Empress. But is the transfer at least a good one .? :] gotta look at the positive of it.

kissthesky120 is offline
Old 09-27-2016, 08:57 PM

I dress up for Halloween, but my dad goes all out! He decorates the entire house as a graveyard and has creatures of the dead around the front yard and things that can pop up at you, all over the place.

My family lives in Sedona right by Bell Rock too, and tourists are always stopping by to take pictures not only of the rock but of my parents yard too!



the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 09-28-2016, 12:46 PM

That is awesome!! :D that has to be a ton of fun!

TheEmpressofEvil is offline
Old 09-29-2016, 06:29 AM

that would be so awesome to see!

I wish that I lived in a smaller community with people that actually knew each other (sometimes anyways) because i also hear about blocks where people do actual events together for holidays. There used to be a block by me where people decorated with the theme "Teddy bear Lane" in mind for Christmas. Then there's youtubers I follow where friends and family and neighbors carve a hundred pumpkins just to have fun together and put them out for one night. That would be so much fun.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-02-2016, 07:36 PM

i wish i lived near something like that too.

I did start decorating today though. Putting up little "harvest festival" crafts the girls have made. And I hung up some monster high streamers in our living room.

Ohai~ o3o
CookieMonstahh is offline
Old 10-04-2016, 10:40 AM

A lot of people are already completely decked out! xD I deliver pizzas so I'm driving through neighborhoods every night and plenty of people start decorating the outside of their house and their yards about halfway through September! Even now, people already have up full displays and all kinds of elaborate stuff~ I love it! x) Halloween is my favorite holiday so I love seeing spooky things everywhere for an entire month.

Viveka is offline
Old 10-05-2016, 12:24 PM

I need to set up my Día de los Muertos altar soon. My fiancé hates skulls and skeletons so I'm stuck with a more general fall theme, lol \o/

Kay is offline
Old 10-05-2016, 07:14 PM

I don't really decorate much for holidays. I have a bunch of various holiday fabric scraps for a few different holidays/seasons that I might make some table runners sometime maybe. Got other more important sewing projects to finish first though.


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