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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 02:56 PM

I got the Steam Siege Elite Trainer Box!!! Unfortunately I didn't get the Azumarill card I was really hoping for. V_V Still, I've got some fun new cards so I'll have to see if I can update my decks. I'm not really competitive enough to join any tournaments but it would be fun to play IRL. I just made a new fairy/water deck that seems to be doing pretty well online.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 03:16 PM

Ah that's understandable. Not everyone plays to be competitive. Split type cards like Azumaril are great in a Xerneas rainbow force deck. Fairy decks can be such bull honk. lol


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 05:18 PM

What is a rainbow force deck?

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 10:34 PM

There's a version of Xerneas that knows rainbow force. Base damage is only 10, but 30 damage for each different type on the bench. Throw in sky field to increase your bench from 5 to 8 and go to town. Having split types like the water/fairy Azumaril and the fire/water Volcanion EX only boosts it further because those individual cards count as both types! Although competitive decks will call for stuff like hoopa ex and shaymin ex and other high cost cards, you can easily make a low budget casual deck that will be very effective.

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 11-05-2016 at 10:37 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 10:36 PM

Oh wow that does sound like a really powerful combo!

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 10:40 PM

Yeah it is. I've gone up against a rainbow force deck that slaughtered me many a time and my decks are pretty damn good too. Keep going for the fairy deck you want, but just food for thought with a future deck. Did you get anything good from the trainer box?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 11:00 PM

Well this water/fairy one really hasn't been doing so bad at all online today. I've won a lot more than I usually do so I'm quite happy. I got a few good cards from the box but not really the ones I was hoping for. I've got a friend who I do some trading with though so hopefully I can trade a few with them.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 11:11 PM

Well if you ever want to duel sometime on the online game then you can add me if you want. It's nessarevane :D


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-05-2016, 11:57 PM

I added you. I'll probably get creamed but it could be fun!

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 11-06-2016, 05:45 AM

I'll accept once I manage to set up my PC. My laptop decided that today was the day to stop working. My main decks on there are basically copies of the competitive decks I have irl, but I also have decks I made for funzies so it shouldn't be too bad.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-07-2016, 06:22 PM

I have some cards IRL that I wish I had online as well. But then again I have more cards online than I do IRL so I guess it balances out.

the one and only

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Old 11-16-2016, 02:32 AM

OMG i forgot to take a picture of my collection >.>


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-16-2016, 11:56 AM

Yes! I wanna see! I should probably do the same. XP

the one and only

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Old 11-21-2016, 02:32 PM

Well camera is charging. So i'll try to get a picture of at least some of it soon. :Di've got a pile of old cards to put up on ebay soemtime too >.>


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-21-2016, 07:02 PM

I keep forgetting to take a pic.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 11-26-2016, 04:40 PM

I should take a picture sometime as well... Most of mine would fit in a single photo anyways, but I've got them stuffed away somewhere =/

Still need to get around to making a team with my favorites.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-28-2016, 06:22 PM

I can't take pictures of the individual cards but I figured it would be fun to share pics of my boxes and stuff.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-05-2016, 01:30 AM

Finally got around to taking some pics of my collection!

Photo DumpX

My collection:

In the binder I have my ancient mew and French cards/deck:

In the pink box I have all my old/original cards/coins/counters:

In the deck box I have my main deck which is fairy/grass and has ALL THE TOGEKISSESSSS XD

The black generations box has most of my collection starting with pokemon:



And behind my second deck which is psychic/water. It's not really competition worthy though:

The steam siege box has my steam siege cards that I've been keeping separate to trade with a friend and my theme decks/boxes:


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-21-2016, 03:16 PM

So apparently the Sun/Moon expansion will be coming out on February 3rd. There will be new GX cards that have crazy powerful moves that you can only use one per game. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of these super powerful cards but it will be fun to see new cards for the new pokemon species.

Sun & Moon Series Sun & Moon | Trading Card Game |

the one and only

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Old 12-22-2016, 05:22 PM

oh ancient mew. how i wish BOTH OF MINE hadn't been stolen from me...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-22-2016, 11:41 PM

I had two as well but I think I gave one of them away. >.<

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 04:32 PM

yeah oh well. maybe one day i will see my ancinet mew again...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 10:28 PM

You could always grab one from ebay.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 06:23 PM

Ooh... maybe I should get a litten for the s/o. That's her favorite, but she can't play pokemon because it's too flashy.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 06:30 PM

The Wandering Poet, always the kindest heart


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