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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-17-2017, 09:41 PM

But he's an old puppy!

OHHH Gotcha! *goes to kill it XD* I'm having my coffee break so I'm doing some Luminos stone runs since I just dropped 4500 ruppees.

Oh my god... How did I never see this?? You are totally Pippin!! hahaha! oh my god I'm laughing so hard right now! XD lolol!!! This is such a funny comparason! I can just see you walking though a glade and seeing mushrooms, OHHH SHINY OBJECT! XD

Nice job! I met my first Stone Talus in the lower right hand of the map I think the first boss I took on and defeated was a Hinox That was a hard fight lol!

Go talk to Impa! And follow your main quest a bit first! XD There is a side quest that comes a little later regarding the fairy fountain but you need to go somewhere else first What's a watcher? are you talking about the guardians? That was brave of you! I didn't go down there for quite some time XD lol! Ah gotcha! I'm pretty badass at the shrine puzzles XD Let me know if you need help! And yeah! Those are Lizalfos! The green ones are easy though. Only 50 HP ROFL!! The fairy lady totally does look like a hooker XD hahaha!

I have some elixers. I really love the stamina elixers cause they come in handy for really long climbs or when you are taming horses that are more wild. Sure thing!

Oh, Have you had a Blood Moon yet?

It was short but I find when we come to situations like that where we are both together and there isn't any action, it's hard to write too much without preventing the other person from having some choice of where the story is going XD
Well Carl just forgot! He'll fix it!!

Ah good! That sounds like fun! I think that would have been the deck I took as well You'll have to let me know how it goes when you play with her!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-18-2017, 09:07 PM

Page two get!!!

But he’s still a puppy…

4500 ruppies!? WTFFFF??? Did you beat the stone talus?

That was so totally me. I was like I WANT THE SHINYYY!!! And then seconds later like oh shit oh shit oh shit. XD

Wait. There's more than one stone talus?!

I still haven’t talked to Impa yet. How long will I have to wait to get my next power? I’m dying to know what it is… Ah yes, I meant guardian. Have you fought one yet?

I had a blood moon on my second night on the field. I was like nuuuuu, all the monsters I just defeated!!! I was very sad. T_T I told you about that actually in the Moving Castle Thread.

That’s true.

Sure! Hopefully it will go well.

Such a busy day… I went with SB to the job site of the new building today. That lasted most of the afternoon. Then as we were leaving she started to get dizzy as we were walking across the street and was like…weaving steps and stuff, and I was like OMG but Stan was there and helped her the rest of the way across. That was a bit nerve wracking… Anyway I’m back at work for a bit. Lots to get finished before vacation… >.<

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-18-2017, 11:52 PM


He does act like a puppy XD I'll give you that. But he doesn't smell like one anymore

ROFL!!! I have made and spent a ton of rupees so far XD Currently I have 10,000 I'm telling you! Go get some Luminous Stone! I was just about to tell you something that would have revealed a game mechanic you don't have yet! GOTTA BE CAREFUL!

I did beat the Stone Talus All the gemstones!

LOL! It's a good thing though, cause there are lots of shiny things in the world and you gotta watch out for them cause they are important!

There are a bunch of Stone Talus

:| You gotta go talk to her and go to the next part of the main quest at least! Then you can go do whatever you want and work on exploring and side quests Just do that one part XD Yep! Guardians! I have fought many. They are tough to kill O.O There is a special manuver called a Perfect Guard and It diflects their attack back at them and does some really bad damage. I haven't perfected it yet. It's all about timing and you basically have to find a guardian, save and get the shit beat out of you over and over till you learn the timing >.<

Oh did you tell me already? Lol I forgot XD It happened to me on the way to see Impa and I was totally freaked out XD



Sounds like a busy day! How does the new building look? Lol XD That sounds like something SB would totally do XD "OH! It's too much! I can't take it! I'm going to faint!" #totallyinsenative

I did some yard stuff this morning and then ran around doing lots of errands this afternoon and evening. Not a very eventful day but lots of busy stuff lol XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 01:20 AM

This is very true.

So many rupies! @_@ BE CAREFUL!!!

Yay!!! I bet it was a cinch, lol!

I suppose there is that.

Interesting. Are they all the same? Or do they get harder?

I was going to try to do that tonight but I did other things and now I’m going to have to rush around to finish cleaning before my dad gets here so I guess it will have to wait. Oh gosh I am so bad with those timing things. I’m totally boned, lol!

LOL, I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who freaked out.

She was so casual about it to be honest it was really weird. @_@

Sounds busy busy! Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day for me. I have so much work to get done before vacation. I'm kind of kicking myself now for procrastinating. ^^;

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 06:28 AM


You gotta get your map opened up and then I can send you a link to a youtube vid for the best Luminous Stone locations! XD I will be careful! I'm sorry!

It was a cinch XD it totally wouldn't have been earlier on XD my first mini boss was dreadfully hard to take down! :o

I think it just depends on the location you find them. From what I can see in the handbook the Talus have the same HP but I'll have to check again to be sure.

Ah man! I guess Impa can wait lol XD! What did you get up to tonight? That sucks you have to run around to finish cleaning >.< after I got back I cleaned some stuff up, took care of the animals and then spent the rest of the evening on Mene lol XD

Nope! I totally did! I had one moment during a blood moon where I had just defeated a lot of enemies and as I was exiting the area they all came back O.O It was a bit of a mad dash cause I was out of food lolol!

For reals?? That's so weird! :o Your boss! >.< Just wow... But how did the building look??

Yep indeed! Lol Awww that sucks >.< I thought you'd have the day off tomorrow since your dad is coming


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 10:50 AM

Do you mean like open the entire map? I saw some crazy video on youtube of this guy doing the perfect guard on those guardians from the top of the mountain in that first area. I was like A. Holy shit how did that guy actually hit that thing with a bow from that far away??? And B. Wow that guard was amazing. XD

I don’t think you actually answered my question about how long I have to wait before getting my last special power…

Hm, I’m wondering what sort of mini boss you had to fight. I’m sure I’ll freak out again the next time I find one, lol!

Gotcha, well at least I know they are pretty easy to take down then!

I was working on that thing I sent you. I got some cleaning done but didn’t get to do the shower so I’m just going to wipe it down quick while I’m showering this morning. I’m hoping I’ll get to play some of the game tonight. My dad likes to watch me play Zelda games so hopefully he will be down for that.

Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to answer how the building looks. I saw it before they started tearing it down and I saw some pictures when it was dirt floor and a mess after they excavated everything. Now they have the steel beams up for the first floor so it looks like a lot of frame work. It will be interesting to see it when it’s all done but it’ll probably be a year before the whole thing is completed.

Yeah, no. He is driving so he won’t arrive until evening around the time I get home from work.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-19-2017 at 10:58 AM..

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 08:21 PM

Yep! The entire map! I can tell you a good place to get some Luminous ore though once you unlock the region in the bottom right corner. There is a really good run there. WHA?? really?? I should watch some perfect guard vids and see if I can hone my skills XD I've been able to diflect it but I haven't had a perfect guard go back at the guardian >.<

I didn't answer cause I didn't want to give it away XD What powers to you have now? I can't remember! :o We are talking Sheika Slate powers right? If you really want to know


You get the last power when you follow the main quest after talking to Impa. She tells you to go someplace and then once you go there and start doing some stuff for the main quest, you will get the last power

I wanna tell you! But I don't know if this is a monster that is in other games or not so I don't want to say anything XD LOL! I can't wait for you to find it in your adventures and go OH SHIT! *runs away* XD But yeah. If you want some more info, I can take screen grabs of my Official Guide and post them up here for you They have page for the Bokoblins, Lizalfos, Talus and other asorted enemies Gives HP and some basic info about each differnt kind (like there are more than Red and Blue Bokoblins)

Ohh gotcha! XD Shoulda put that together Well thanks for taking the time out of your gaming for that Lol! THat works! XD Ah yeah that's right! I remember you telling me how he liked to watch you play Wind Raker! (or whatever it was called ) That will be fun! Let me know how far you get!

That's ok XD Ohh that sounds like fun! I love seeing the skeleton of a building! Did she buy the whole building? or just some of the floors? And what floor will y'all be working on? Whoa... A whole year?? that's a lot of work! O.O

Gotcha. Well that will be nice to have a chill evening with him!

It's such a nice day out today! I'm tring to split my activities between working outside and taking care of cleaning and stuff inside XD Cause of the Hospital visit and the yard debris, I'm a week behind on the inside cleaning before the bug man gets here to spray for carpenter ants. So much to catch up on!

And then I haven't played much of anything in the evenings cause I'm trying to get all aquainted with my new Mod duties! XD lol! So many things to do!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-20-2017, 11:49 AM

Whaaa, that’s going to take a long time!

I don’t want spoilers! Just that I finally went to go see Impa and she has this jar sitting in her house and I feel like that has the power but she totally didn’t give it to me. I have the round bomb, square bomb, ice, time stopping, and magnetic thingies so far so I’m just waiting for the last power. The one that is all the way to the right on the bar.

Oh. My. God. I was exploring a bit last night and I came across this area on the map. There was some guy wandering around a waterfall with a torch in his hand. I thought it was an actual dude but it turned out to be a wizrobe and I totally got my ass pwned. Then I loaded the game back to where I saved just before I went to fight it and then all these mini stone talus came out of the ground and tried to kill me too! And my sword wouldn’t hurt them at all! I reloaded again and ran the flip out of there before anything else could get me. Wowza that was crazy. I finally got to the next town but with minimal exploration because my dad was getting tired. Oh yeah, and all these fridges ninjas keep attacking me now from the Yiga clan. Gosh they’re such annoying posers.

Wind Waker. Sheesh!!!

Yeah, she bought the whole building. The first floor will be the shop and some offices, second floor will be more offices, third floor is like a guest house/work storage, and the fourth floor will be SB’s apartment. That’s going to be annoying for sure.

Sounds like you have your work cut out for you!

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-20-2017, 08:42 PM

Well like I said, if you can get the bottom right unlocked then I can tell you where to go XD

It wasn't a spoiler! Now that you are in the next town, you are very close to the next power!! Go meet the next person!
That glowing thing comes into play later on. I think it's a side quest that you have to activate. I'll look it back up XD

Oh I think I know this place you are talking about! Was it though a kind of tunnel with ore around? Anyways, those mini stone monsters have to be blown up with bombs! I almost got owned by the wizard but I managed to kill it first time ah yeah the Yiga Clan! I was so freaked out the first time I ran into one of those guys XD they are all over the place

Wind Waker!!! Right!!

Ah gotcha. That's gonna blow to have her upstairs when she's not at work >.< like she's not here today! But don't slack off cause she could come down and check at any time

Indeed! I got some planting and stuff done though so that was nice! I'm over at Jill's today with the kids. I hope you are having fun with your dad and outback! *still jealous*


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-21-2017, 12:50 AM

Oh I thought you said the whole map. ^^;

The power is a camera? Laaaame. I’m having a hard time finding one of the photo places to get Impa to talk to me. V_V

Yeah, a tunnel with ore. Ah, I figured it might have been something like that but I just wanted to get out of there, lol. I’ve been running into some pretty powerful mobs today. I had to waste a bunch of my fairies but I took one down and got some really awesome swords! I’m really having a tough time getting more hearts though. All the shrines I’m coming across are combat things which are too difficult for me. :/ And ugh those Yiga people are so annoying. At least they give you rupies I guess. I have 30 bundles of wood to buy the house but not the rupies, not even close. Is it worth it to buy the house? Does it give you anything special?

Yeah, for sure. She’ll be there all the time, even when she’s sick. V_V

That sounds nice! We went to Target to return the pillow that I didn’t want and then had tons of train trouble trying to get into Manhattan. Apparently today was the marathon so there were lots of people crowding the trains for that and then lots of construction and delays. I was honestly a bit disappointed by Outback. They took my favorite thing off of the menu and what I got just wasn’t as good. :/

After that we went into Home Depot to get some stuff to fix up my apartment with: foam to deal the door from my neighbor’s icky cooking smells, some foam insulation panels for my air conditioner which will hopefully help keep out some of the dirt/dust/bugs that come in through the small gap in the current side panels of my unit, shims to try to level out the refrigerator, and a really nice power strip that will solve my video game issues!

Most of our home improvement plans were foiled though. The foam didn’t work for the door and the fridge was actually level so that couldn’t be fixed. The power strip is going to work out really nice though. I’m going to have my dad mount a couple of screws on my video game tower so I can hang the power strip vertically on it and get my cables off the floor. Hopefully the air conditioner panels will work, I haven’t tried them yet, and then the only other thing we will have to do is put my bed up on the risers that he built. I’m really disappointed that we can’t fix the door though. V_V

So far everything’s going pretty well. There’s pretty much no room in here when we put the air mattress down since it takes up all of what little floor space I have but we’re making it work. I think Yuna is pretty confused by it though, lol!

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-21-2017, 05:40 AM

I did initially but there is a Luminous stone run next to the tower of that region in the lower right that will net you close to 2000 rupees every 3 or so blood moons

AH! OK! So you got the camera! Now I can tell you what I almost told you earlier! If you go and take a picture of a luminous stone deposit, you can go into the compendium and set your Sheika Slate detector to detect Luminous Stone Deposits! Awesome right? I know it's not a super cool power compared to the others but it's quite a powerful searching tool!
Ah gotcha! I'm pretty sure the ore in that Tunnel is Luminous stone... You might want to go back there and grab it! :P
ACK! Fairies are hard to come by! So have you run into Moblins yet then?
Gotcha. Well there are only a few Shrines with Minor/Major test of strengths (aka fighting Guardian Scouts) There is a specific way to fight them. There is an armor set you should look at getting in Hateno Village too that should help you fight things. Sell as much stuff as you can to get it cause holy crap it helped me so much in the beginning!

Guardian scout tacticsX

at first they do basic attacks that you can dodge at the perfect time to initiate a Fury Rush. Then they will do a spin attack. You can cancel this attack by shooting them in the eye with an arrow. Continue to do this until they emit a blue beam and spin around. An updraft will be created which you can jump up and hit your paraglider to float on. position yourself over the scout and when the beam stops, preform an areal attack with your melee weapon. Continue to do this until is starts powering up for it's devastating beam attack. If the beam attack hits you, it will only fire 3 times. if you can outrun it, there will be 4 blasts. Stay close to it and chose your most powerful weapon. Attack in between shots until you defeat it.

Yeah the Yiga are a pain. I actually haven't come across one in a while XD You found the house already?? I didn't know about that until I read it in the book XD lol! SO yeah. The house

Hateno Village HouseX

You can purchase this house for 3000 rupees and 30 bundles of wood. once you do, you have an (empty) house. You can further purchase from (Bosen I think his name is?) upgrades for the house all totaling 1500 rupees. The benefits are that you can sleep there without having to pay an inn 20 (or more) rupees so you can make time pass quickly if you need to (when trying to reset Luminous Stone Deposits or other things I shouldn't say yet. Nothing too exciting though lol XD)

Spoiler about what you get in your house:
3 Weapon Racks
3 Bow Racks
3 Shield Racks

that will seriously blow to have SB above you all the time >.< I hope you can find a new job before then! Anything moving on that front lately?

It was nice! A good chill day Helped the oldest nephew with a scrapbook and then later on, played with him and the other 2 youngins on the Xbox XD Aftere their dad came home he introduced me to the mini battle games on minecraft. it was pretty fun :P We were supposed to go shopping at Fred's afterwards but it got pretty late in the afternoon by that time and I wanted to get back in time for evening activities

Ah nice! Is your dads Pillow working out for you a little better? Balls that sounds crappy >.< THat's funny though. We had the Pole Peddle Paddle here which is a solo or team effort triathlon! It was pretty crazy out with drivers today here O.O
Aw man! That blows! What's your favorite Outback meal? I hope it was at least a good birthday meal for your dad!

YAY!! Time to fix stuff up!! I didn't know there was so much other stuff besides the door! I love that you got a new power strip though! XD lol!

OH noes! Best laid plans! Well at the very least, I hope you can get the panels for the AC figured out I'm sorry you have to live with the cooking smells >.< Have they been cooking so your dad can smell what you're dealing with? XD

LOL! I bet! That must be a tight squeeze with two beds in there! XD Does Yuna at least like to play on the mattress?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-24-2017, 11:50 PM

Wow. I’ve been wondering for a while why you haven’t replied to this and it turns out that you actually did and I’m the one who forgot!

Ah yes, I forgot to take a picture of the luminous stone deposit. I’ll have to remember to do that when I get home.

The moblins are the really tall ones yeah?

I just bought the amor but I’m not sure how much it will help yet since I haven’t gone to fight anything since I got it, LOL.

Hrm, I honestly can’t remember how to do the perfect guard. I’ve been trying to practice it but either I forgot or I just can’t get the timing right because I haven’t managed to do it since the tutorial.

I have the wood for the house but now I need the 3000 rupies. I’m not sure it’s worth it to spend them all just yet though…

I haven’t.

Nah, I tried dad’s pillow but it looks like I’m going to keep the feather one I got from target for now.

My favorite Outback meal was the teriyaki beef medallions but they don’t serve it anymore.

They cooked something really vile the very first night, lol.

Yuna did enjoy jumping on the air mattress. I was pretty worried that she might pop a hole in it but thankfully she didn’t.

Let's try to drop some of these yeah?

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-26-2017, 12:09 AM

ROFL! I just figured you were busy with stuff though I was wondering when you sent me some long PM messages why you hadn't responded yet XD

Also, if there's something you don't want to reply to or want to drop, you can just drop them If there was something I really wanted an answer to I'll bring it back up

You do gotta get that pic! I've been hunting mini bosses The upgrades for the armors get pretty extravagant as you go along >.< Well as soon as you do fight something, you'll notice a difference right off! :P

I get really frustrated with the Perfect Guard >.<

THe house for me is more like a luxury. With the weapons, bow, and shield stands, I can keep my best of the best weapons back there untill I need them for a really hard boss or something. And then too, when you need to replenish your hearts or need to pass some time, it can be nice to go back and use the bed

You haven't what?


Oh that sounds super yummy! Such a shame that they don't serve those anymore :/ one of these days I need to go to an outback steakhouse just so I can get a bloomin onion XD

EW >.<

I remember back in the days when you lived on an air mattress for a year or so and you kept having to patch the mattress cause of Yuna! Such a punk!

I got a cold. This sucks. I have so much to do before this weekend, during the weekend, and then before the bug guys get here on tuesday. I'm trying to slam it with as much medication as I can and resting so I can kick it by tomorrow I feel pretty tired and un motivated >.< I managed to get into town to grab some grasses for planting but besides that I haven't gotten much done besides busy work.

I hope things are going well with your vacation!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-26-2017, 01:54 AM

Yeah, no, it was because I forgot.


Speaking of dropped things you didn’t answer me if the moblins are the tall brown ones…

Do the minibosses respawn?

What button do you have to push to do the perfect guard though? You have to hold the L trigger and then jump to the side or backflip yeah?

Gotcha, the house sounds like a luxury sort of thing. I’m sure I’ll need to save the rupies for other stuff in the beginning.

I haven’t had time to look for jobs.

Yeah, I was super disappointed that I didn’t get to have that meal again. At least the bloomin’ onion was good.

I actually only slept on the air mattress for a few months. It went okay until eventually there was a hole I couldn’t find and I tried rewatching a different hole and then I was totally sunk.

That really sucks. I’ve been sick since last Saturday. It really sucks being sick on vacation but I guess it’s better than being sick at work. Hopefully we can both kick our respective colds quickly.

I got to my mom’s house today and Sapphire was seriously trying my patience. After 3 nights in a row of very little sleep and Sapphire being on her worst behavior I was very very close to flipping a shit today.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-27-2017, 06:15 PM

lol! XD It's ok


OH! Sorry! Yes, Moblins are the tall brown ones! Though they come in some differnt colors!

Yep! Every blood moon all the minibosses respawn! Including the Guardian Scouts in the shrines! So you can go back and fight them for better weapons as you go though the game

OH! The Fury Rush dodge attack? If you hold the guard button and press back or side to side on the movement stick while pushing the jump button at the perfect moment, you'll initiate a fury rush. The Perfect Guard is when you stand and wait for a guardian to shoot you with a big blast and pull your shield up just intime to diflect it back at them.

Indeed. Better to save at the beginning XD


You got to have the bloomin oninon?? I'm so jealous!!

Oh lol! Seemed longer that you had the air mattress out XD That must have been super frustrating to not be able to find that hole >.<

You too huh?? Sounds like yours is sticking around! Mine has been mild but really saping me of energy. I hope yours goes away before your vacation is over so you can fully enjoy it!! And yeah, totally better than being sick at work XD

That sounds a bit annoying I hope you had fun on your sleep over at least!

I've been mostly just cleaning and getting things ready for the visit from the kids tomorrow. Mostly still a mess but It's getting there lol! It's been super hot and I'm way behind on watering the pastures cause I haven't been able to get out and start the pipes >.<

Besides that, I got some new headpones the other day to replace the ones that are breaking down! Corsair Void They are the comfiest headphones I have ever had I'm so glad I got them! all my other headphones squish my ears!

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-29-2017, 04:54 PM

Oh wow, I didn’t know that you could multiply the number of hearts you get from those hearty dishes, that’s awesome! Ah, I haven’t caught any crickets, I’ll have to try to find some of those.
If you equip a single handed cutting weapon (i.e. a sword and not a club) then you can do a charged attack in the tall grass and when you release it, it will cut the grass and there are usually crickets that are pretty commonly found underneath. You can also find lizards and rarely fairies this way.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-29-2017, 06:11 PM

Oh, that’s good to know about the respawning!

Yeah, I haven’t been able to do the fury rush since the first tutorial. I’ll have to keep practicing it I guess…

Well the bloomin’ onion was the whole point of going to Outback!!

Ooh, those headphones do look super comfy! Do they cover your whole ear without pressing on it?

Thanks for the tip on finding the lizards! I’ve seen a bunch but just am not really fast enough to catch them. ^^;

I saw you posted on the roleplays! I loved Dragumand's reaction. XD

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-29-2017, 07:14 PM


LOL! Gotcha XD It takes time to figure out the timing of the fury rush but it's quite handy when you do. I will say that you should get a grasp on it for sure cause it saved my butt during one of the mini bosses! I can almost guarantee you'll need it as well!

Well I had no idea you liked bloomin onions! But that's totally why I'd go to the outback! XD

It's like... two little cherubs are sitting on my head whilst delivering to me a wonderful sound from the computer! The cups are super deep so there's almost no pressure at all on my ears. Easily the best headphones I've ever ever had.

Sure thing! A little tip for things like Lizards and fireflies and such that you see in the wild, if you walk, not even crouched, just the slowest walk you can do, you can walk right up to them and grab them without having to run. Best to go at the lizards from behind though.

I did! I was sitting at the guild meeting and got inspired lol XD

It's taking forever to clean >.<


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-29-2017, 11:42 PM

Yeah, I’m sure I need to learn it, I’m pretty bad at the combat in that game. ^^;;;

I don’t like onions that much but I make an exception for bloomin’ onions.

ROFLLL!!! Such a silly description, but I’m glad they are working out for you. How much do they cost?

Can you just grab the lizards or do you have to slash them?


I’m sorry. >.< I did some raking earlier. This evening around sunset it started sprinkling and…

The most beautiful fucking double rainbow! It was seriously the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen!!!

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-31-2017, 04:31 AM

LOL! I have my up days and my down days with the combat. I'm pretty good with the bow and arrows now and I really preferr onehanded weapons for fighting

Hah XD Deffinitly gotta make an exception for Bloomin' Onions! XD

:P They are just so comfy!! They cost 99.99 BUT... They are currently on sale right now for 79.99. I just bought an "extra" pair. Which is to say, I'm gonna swap the boxes and send the "extra" pair back with the older invoice so I can get the 20 bucks back XD lol!

You can just grab them though I think you can kill them? I haven't tried to shoot them with an arrow either so that might work. I know you can blow up fish with bombs and shoot them with arrows too so maybe with the lizards too!

That Rainbow is really something else! I can't believe how full it is! XD We haven't had enough afternoon showers around here to get any rainbows yet. They usually happen in the summer when there are thunderstorms going though

Finally got the bug guy to come and spray the house today. I think I already mentioned that in the PM XD lol But yeah. I did a bunch of sweaty cleaning this morning and was so pooped I ended up taking a short nap late this afternoon aftering doing some yard. I slept in my hammock and dreamt that I was sleeping in a hammock and was having these crazy feelings of movement cause the hammock (in irl) was swaying softly XD lolol!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-02-2017, 02:38 PM

I hate how the game gives you so many big two handed swords. I much prefer a one handed sword. But my favorite weapon by far is the spears. They’re all so weak though which is really disappointing.

All this talk of bloomin’ onions is making me want another one.

You should send me a pic of you wearing your new headphones sometime! Haha, I would totally do that as well to get the $20 back. My fan crapped out while my dad was here visiting and I had to order a new one. When I got the first one it was for $32 I believe? They have the same fan but in black only now and it costs $50 now! I bit the bullet and ordered it but a couple days later it was listed at $42 instead which was pretty frustrating but I didn’t want to go through the hassle of trying to get my $8 back. >.< $20 is another story though…

I’ll have to give it a go. I caught one lizard once by shooting it out a tree but that doesn’t seem like the best way of doing it. ^^;

It was really such an amazing experience to be able to witness a rainbow like that!

Do all the things! That’s a pretty silly dream though, lol! I feel like the feeling of swaying in my dream would make me dizzy… I could seriously go for a nap today though. I still haven’t managed to catch up on sleep after my vacation. >.<

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-03-2017, 03:17 AM

Yeah they can be kinda frustrating to work with. I did feel like I got lots of two handers in the beginning but they can be useful in the beginning too. They tend to do a lot of damage so can be really good to help finish off a hard opponent with a fury rush or two I love and hate the spears. As I've played, the damage of the single and double handed weapons has increased quite a bit. But the spears have not. Granted fury rush with a spear does about the same damage in a flurry of strikes, it just seems like they are really under powered and all you get is reach.

LOL! I have a recipe to make one in the air fryer. I've been trying to make it since last year and keep forgetting XD lol! I buy the onion and then it goes bad!

Hah! XD Alright I will! But yeah. I have it all printed out to send back. Just gotta package it up XD lol! It's totally worth it for 20 bucks! that sucks that your fan went down in price right after you bought it >.< I hate how much the price of stuff can fluctuate on Amazon :/ At least you got your fan though! Even though it's 8 bucks more than you could have spent

Probably not but once you get all the way though zora domain, Arrows are expendable you just go back to the start after the monsters respawn and kill all the lizalfos again XD lots and lots of arrows! But yeah. walking slowly is probably the most efficient way of catching bugs and lizards lol

I bet! I'm jealous! We've been having almost thunderstorms earlier this week and none of them turned into anything but clouds lol

XD It was! I haven't remembered a lot of my dreams lately but that one was fun XD Ah yeah! there was a moment in the dream where I was crazy dizzy! I didn't know which way was up down or where I was lol! Still?? You really need to work on getting some restful sleep...


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-03-2017, 08:13 PM

I really need to get around to perfecting the fury rush. >.< I like my reach thanks. XD I finally went down to Hateno (sp?) beach and defeated that huge mob there to save the lady’s sheep, wow that was quite the trial but I finally did it, yay!!!

Hm, I wonder how that would taste. I’ve never seen or eaten anything made with an air fryer before…

Yeah, I really like this fan because it has a remote which is really handy for when I’m in bed and want to change the speed or the way it’s facing.

I went around and sorted through some of my map markers today and went back to some shrines I wasn’t able to defeat so I still haven’t gotten around to going up to Zora’s Domain, lol!

Yeah, I really do need to catch up on sleep. I took a sleeping pill last night and finally got about eight hours so that helped a bit. Hopefully I can get some more rest tonight as well.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-05-2017, 03:10 PM

You do! It's such a helpful move! LOL XD The reach is very helpful for sure XD It's harder later in the game with the opponents that have spears and more HP cause they can really do some damage if you arn't careful. Oh nice! Way to go! I just recently did that one too XD They were indeed pretty tough There is an interesting rock out in the bay around there that you should check out sometime

It's not exactly the same but it does a really good job of cooking things like a fryer does! I've made fries in it and it's just like the real deal! :P

Oh that's cool! Controllers are certainly handy

Nice! I am currently in the process of marking all the mini bosses and completing all the shrines. I'm glad I have the book because I wouldn't be able to find all the shrines without it lol. Also, you finally made it to Zora! Yay!! Did you get lots of arrows?

Ah well that's good! Is your neck still doing good after the chiropractor? I hope you ended up getting some better sleep over the weekend. I hope you had a good weekend too! I ended up doing a lot of gardening and getting the planters cleaned up and looking pretty It was a lot of fun!

Also, I finally got those pics of Zeened XD
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Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 06-06-2017 at 01:31 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-08-2017, 01:24 AM

I’m going to pull this from your message and respond here if you don’t mind:

You tried getting ON Farosh?? That must have been interesting XD And you got to Gerudo Desert already?? THat's crazy! I didn't go there till just recently XD you'll be ok down there if you can get a heat resistant potion i believe Indeed I could! You've been all over! Have you gone to the top left of the map yet?
Well it seemed like a good idea. I feel like if I took one of those electric resistance potions maybe I could have done more with it. I did get a couple heat resistant potions for the desert but I didn’t get enough and it seemed like a pretty difficult area so I backed and explored elsewhere.

I started practicing the fury rush a bit on the lizalfos and managed to do it a few times so I’m getting there! Hm, I wonder if I’ve been out to that rock you’re mentioning. I explored around there a bit but I’m not sure.

Mmm, I love crispy fries.

Yeah except it isn’t working now. I wonder if the battery already died…

Have you finished the main quest? Do you have the master sword yet? How many hearts do you have? #allthequestions Yeah, I made it to the Zora domain. I got quite a few arrows but not as many as I thought. Then again I ended up avoiding as much of the combat as I could. I totally got boned by that electric wizrobe and ended up climbing around it, lol. It was really quite an adventure getting all the way up the mountain. I feel like the game didn’t sufficiently warn me that it would be such a trial. @_@ I saw a message in Zora’s domain about a helm? Is this a real thing that you can find? I’m a bit stumped by it. I haven’t gone to fight the mechanical boss thinker but I did get the tunic and I’m totally in love with the way you can swim up the waterfalls with it! *squee* I’ve explored a bit behind Zora’s domain too and wow… Two big mini bosses that I haven’t tried to fight yet. And I went back to try to get the top right tower but there’s some crazy shit going on there so I don’t think I’d be able to make it so I went off towards the Goron area but gave up on that when I found out you need to use yet another potion against heat. I’m getting tired of this potion thing, lol.

My neck is doing much better, thanks! I’m still not sleeping great though. :/ Ooh flowers! That sounds like fun!

WOW!!! He looks so SUAVE now! Like mega smooth. Like Head and Shoulders commercial model. XD I like it!

I got a new watch yesterday:

Click on thumbnail for full view

It's suuuuper duper thin. No fitness tracking but it's completely water proof and I won't have to charge it. XD

Also, I saw this today walking home. Apparently my street is gonna be famous:

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Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-08-2017 at 02:02 AM..


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