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The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 06:59 AM

Banner Art coerced from Ms. Nephlia

Last edited by The Auctioneer; 07-12-2017 at 10:02 AM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 07:13 AM

What's a beach without a few shops along the Boardwalk?
An Opportunity missed, sand in the wind.

Greetings, Menewshans!

Step right in folks and gather round. Examine the wares I have up for auction as close as you like. However, I must ask you to please refrain from drooling on them before the auctions are finalized. These items were researched and collected with great care.

Let's have a peek at those pretties.

Aren't they grand!

Last edited by Nephila; 07-11-2017 at 01:56 PM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 07:51 AM

Some Ground rules!

For any of you fine folks that haven't been part of a good Ol' Fashion Marketplace Auction before here's the short and long of it. Long and short? Meh, Whatever.

  • Every item starts at the same amount: 1000g
  • To bid on any of our items, use this form. Bids with out the formal paper work will be disregarded.

    This form:

    [SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Enthusiastically raises arm! [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
    [B]Lot number:[/B] (Lot numbers will be listed under each item)
    [B]My Bid:[/B] (What you're currently willing to part with)
    [B]Maximum Amount:[/B] (This is not a necessary field, in fact it would amuse me greatly if you were to put something silly and intangible here. However if you wish to forgo the fun part of any auction and are willing to part with a bajillionty gold for it. This will give others an idea of where you stand. )
    [B]Send it to: [/B](Your main, An off shore mule account or perhaps a gift for a close friend?) *valuable info for the final bids

    Should look like:
    Enthusiastically raises arm!
    Lot number: 10055
    My Bid: 2 halfpennies
    Maximum Amount: 4 halfpennies
    Send it to: A sketchy basement apartment in New York City.
  • To place a higher bid: Simply refile another form in a greater amount than the last highest bidder. Or if you're looking to cut to the chase for a much desired item. . .
  • I encourage you to fill in the optional part of the form that states the highest you're willing to go on a certain item. I do respect the bargain hunter, but charity auctions are nary the place for penny pinching. As the final gold amount will later be distributed towards charities, please be generous in your acquiring.
  • I favor attentive bidders. However, I do no hold myself to the same standards, especially if any attractive young ladies catch my eye on the beach and want to chat. When you're the only Auctioneer in town, you can do these things. I jest. Mostly.
  • Minimum Bid increase amount: 250 g
  • I will not tolerate "snipers". Although the auctions will go until the very end of the event, MAKE SURE you have Bid at least once on any items you're interested in. All last day bidding will be between those that have bid in the first six days. If, for some reason you waited until the last day to fill out the forms, you'll be sadly out of luck my friend.

Let's take another look at these beauties.

Oh, yes. Very Good! I can see your fingers are itching to get a hold of these items already. I could ramble on about the rarity and quality of each one until you die from Antisi-

Last edited by Nephila; 07-11-2017 at 02:10 PM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 08:11 AM


. . .Participation, that is.

How's that for a segue? Keep up I don't want to lose you now. We haven't even begun the auctions yet!

Speaking of losing: Defeat may be on the horizon, for some of you. Whether you're rich or poor, final bidder or first to bow out we are all Menewshans first and foremost. When an auction becomes to rich for your blood I encourage you to keep up conversations. Be a good neighbor and friend. Send wishes of congratulations or good luck to your fellow Menewshan still in the race.

Remember, even if you aren't the Final High Bidder there will always be next time. :)

Although with items like these I could hardly begrudge you.

Alright, I think I've teased you all enough for now. . .

Last edited by Nephila; 07-11-2017 at 02:16 PM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 08:20 AM


The Auctioneer holds a Gavel above his head and gives a ceremonious first strike of the block.

Lot Number 10055

Blue Gow

Lot Number 10056

How Now?

Lot Number 10453

Bloodmoon Gems

Lot Number 10454

Darkmoon Gems

Lot Number 10480

Bunchi Slippers

Lot Number 10481

Radioactive Bunchi Slippers

Lot Number 10736

Traitors of Yumeh

Lot Number 10735

Traitors of Peeblo

Lot Number 10782

Gold Commander Pendant

Lot Number 17607

Auctioneer's Ledger

Last edited by The Auctioneer; 07-10-2017 at 11:39 PM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-09-2017, 08:21 AM

Current high bids

. . .Do I hear another 1000? 250?

Lot Number 10055

Blue Gow

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10055
My Bid: 3750
Maximum Amount: A photo of Mr Popo
Send it to: HIM
Lot Number 10056

How Now?

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10056 [aka How Now for personal ref]
My Bid: 4750
Maximum Amount: My heart and soul or 50k (depends on what which is reached first)
Send it to: dragoness129
Lot Number 10453

Bloodmoon Gems

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10453 [aka Bloodmoon Gems]
My Bid: 3500
Maximum Amount: 25k
Send it to: dragoness129

Lot Number 10454

Darkmoon Gems

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10453
My Bid: 3250
Maximum Amount: A copy of Generic Schoolgirl Yuri.
Send it to: HIM

The darkmoon gems haven't been updated D:
Lot Number 10480

Bunchi Slippers

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10480 [aka Bunchi Slippers]
My Bid: 2250
Maximum Amount: 20k
Send it to: dragoness129
Lot Number 10481

Radioactive Bunchi Slippers

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10481 [aka Radioactive Bunchi Slippers]
My Bid: 2250
Maximum Amount: 25k
Send it to: dragoness129

Lot Number 10736

Traitors of Yumeh

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10736
My Bid: 1500
Maximum Amount: it really depends on how the auctions go overall
Send it to: Salvete

Lot Number 10735

Traitors of Peeblo


Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10735
My Bid: 1500
Maximum Amount: it really depends on how the auctions go overall
Send it to: Salvete

Lot Number 10782

Gold Commander Pendant


Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10782 [aka Gold Commander Pendant]
My Bid: 3500
Maximum Amount: 20k
Send it to: dragoness129

Lot Number 17607

Auctioneer's Ledger

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 17607 [aka Auctioneer's Ledger]
My Bid: 5250
Maximum Amount: I offer Kent's soul as tribute
Send it to: dragoness129

Last edited by The Auctioneer; 07-20-2017 at 01:53 PM..

The Auctioneer
Better than Santa!
The Auctioneer is offline
Old 07-10-2017, 11:40 PM


. . .Just a precaution.


Kent is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 12:18 PM

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 17607
My Bid: 1000g
Maximum Amount: My whole manga collection? ;; A;;
Send it to: this account

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 12:20 PM

I probably shouldn't have spent all my gold on raffle tickets.

Suzy Sunshine
Suzy Sunshine is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 12:38 PM

Hey Hey Auctioneer! Thanks for joining us!! :)

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 12:58 PM

Happy biddong!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 02:14 PM

Is anyone else singing out on the boardwalk in their heads? XD

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 02:20 PM

umm, under the boardwalk?

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 02:31 PM

Yep that one! XD I always forget the words


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 02:36 PM

man now star wishes she had a lot more goldies.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 03:05 PM

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10735
My Bid: 1000 g
Maximum Amount: My herd of well tamed clouds
Send it to: Main

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 03:15 PM

OOOoooh, AAAaaah a herd of cloudies...impressive biddie!

*Hime* is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 04:10 PM

I wish I didn't just spend all my gold xD
But this is awesome

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 04:31 PM

earn dem goldies the old fashioned way, the postie post!

Last edited by hummy; 07-14-2017 at 04:36 PM..

*Hime* is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 04:46 PM

I'm gonna try xD

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 04:54 PM

I will help you postie post, HIMEie

Dystopia is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 05:04 PM

Lot number: 10480
My Bid: 1000
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10481
My Bid: 1000
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10736
My Bid: 1000
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10735
My Bid: 1250
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 17607
My Bid: 1250
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

---------- Post added 07-14-2017 at 10:05 AM ----------

._ . OOPS I FUCKED ONE UP. I'm posting again because I don't want to edit a post with bids in it.


Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 10480
My Bid: 1000
Maximum Amount: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send it to: Dystopia

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 05:08 PM

good luck everyone!

hiya, Dy! *waves*

Dystopia is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 05:09 PM

ayy ty.


Kent is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 05:13 PM

Enthusiastically raises arm!
Lot number: 17607
My Bid: 1500g
Maximum Amount: My pokemon card and manga collection? ;;; A;;;
Send it to: this account


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