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whitebeast is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 01:25 PM

I am not a robot. ;;

And I am capable of short replies! -pouts-

... I hate people who give me one liners.

I feel stumped and unable to reply. Usually takes me longer than having a LOOONG something to reply to think of a response of.

BLAH. -splatters- I feel sleepy.

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 01:44 PM

You should head to bed, whitebeast.

*pushes you toward the bed, gently.*

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PK is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 01:52 PM

You and your posting before i can even realise that you've posted DDDD : Lol.

Also, i didn't say that you were a robot, however it is rather crazy that you can type so much. I know i couldn't, especially now that i'm not used to it xD I used to be though.

xD I like earning gold too, although for me it's more about doing art commissions than by posting. Though i am not saying that i don't very much enjoy the conversations i have here xD The Menewshan community is very lovely in that respect. there's an idea. Only thing would be that i wouldn't want to spam people with my art examples o.o Also...i tend to draw a whole wide variety of things...xD Both people, and animals, amongst other things.

xD Well i hope she isn't.

...o.o I saw that too. Well, i mean on other pricing threads. All these people keep saying 'Open a shop now!' or...'Do you do commissions? :0' xD

Aww...well perhaps you should some time. I can't wait to enter her contest...already got alot of different poses in mind xD Mmm...don't mind me for not knowing, but...who is patchy? xD

xD Sounds like me. Sometimes i just can't resist drawing people's characters, at all. Especially if they're unusual in some way.

xD Yeah, i don't like chatspeak or leet is allowed. Not unless it's like, you, know..on purpose to show what not to do or just joking?

Hrm...that's not too bad an idea, but won't people want to see what it looks like coloured? o.o

How'd you get to talk to them then if they're barely online? D : If you're going to open up a shop, then you'll need at least one permanent pixeller who's online alot -nods-

...xD Lmao. But they could be synthetic dolls, not necessarily made urm, via intercourse.

Heh, i can draw in a variety of styles, although typically i do like just drawing however i feel like drawing xD Realism is pretty fun to do, too.

Aww...but if you're not comfortable drawing as such, then perhaps you shouldn't be drawing that way? You should really just draw in your own style :3

:0 Lucky Whitebeast! I only have a Genius tablet xD Got it for free though, so i guess i can't complain.

Really? o.o I've never Role Played with just one sentences. It was always one or two paragraphs at first xD Then, well, as the years went on, i started typing alot more, lol.

Mmm...freakily enough, i actually learned to Role Play on the very much hated site called Neo. But that was when i was alot younger, and the Role Plays on Neo were actually decent, if not awesome xD

Ah...o.o I'm so sorry to hear that <3 However, i am glad that your life has gotten back on track ^^

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:11 PM

@ PK:
I am really impressed that you started with typing out a paragraph. Then you must be a natural then.

About two years ago, I learned how to LARP in a Vampire role play. Well, I kinda found a LARP in Origins Expo in Columbus, OH. I am hoping to go again this year.

I became the Harpie for the Price last year and it was an honor to have people chosen me.

\ (•◡•) /
PK is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:19 PM

Aww...-blushes- Thankyou Sakura dear. And i suppose so, either that or i just like to ramble on abit at times xD That could also be why, heh.

LARP? You mean Live Action Role Plays? I've never done though, although it does kind of sound fun. I'd get to bash people up, well, maybe not depending on the Role Play D : Lol. If i do ever LARP though, i highly doubt i'd ever wear an overly frilly dress because none of my characters do that. Ever. xD And so help anyone who tries to make me wear one. Victorian style clothes are awesome though <3

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:21 PM

I return! ^^

I'm in a better mood now.
Watching Zorro made me happy. >w>

Exchange is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:24 PM


Zorro's the dude with the black and white mask right??
Who has the pretty sword and makes Z-marks on the bad people.
And in the end kisses a purdy-gurlie~

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:25 PM

-is glopmed-

The mask is only black, but yeah, thats the guy. xD
Ah, Catherine Zeta Jones, you are so pretty.

xD I really love her dress, I want one. >_<

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:27 PM

Just pulling your leg dear. XD

-pulls again-

>3>; What? I like talking. I thought I made that clear already... ; ; Hence long replies and we are talking about a lot of things all at once. Now if we were to talk about things one at a time then it would mean shorter posts and more 10 cents for Leek!

D8 Wanna try?

I used to earn on Gaia by drawing but I got tired of how unattached/I felt no love with what I was doing and grew tired. So now I'm just trying to slowly finish things and then get lost? XD

Ke ke ke. I don't know. -.-;

If I don't draw, I won't earn---I can't get new items!

Oh noes...

It'll be your own thread and you can post as many stuff as you want there. No one will stop you. >>; Why do you seem hesitant?

Heck who doesn't want to see art? D:

I got those comments too. I found it scary but in a way flattering? O_o; Eheh... In the one I had, one said I shouldn't belittle my ability in being able to draw a lady. But then I'm not good at it! -sighs-

Perhaps just one color of the style for the sample though. Not that one style, different colors... That'll hurt. It's just a preview after all.

Besides the catalog will be just a list with images.

The pet's evolution/stages will be presented through custom drawn images with the doll's items and such, attributes, etc. Yup. Not pixel art. But real trad art with funky art noveau whatevers. Each stage will be marked by new art from me.



It's bad enough people think BJD means blow job doll.

-cries- I only tried out realism since it was the 'in' thing and how artists who drew in anime/manga like ways were clumped together and not given such due credit. I felt also very insecure looking at their work.

But looking at me trying it out---I feel eew? What the hell am I doing?! But I'm developing it anyway. Who knows I might actually like it someday. If I don't...discard into forgetfulness.

Pfft. D8

I'm getting it as a late Christmas gift. I wasn't... I don't know. I didn't think I would.

Must put it to good use though.

Exchange is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:29 PM

It's been so long since I watched that movie~

Was her dress flowy??
I like flowy dresses.

I also like Victorian dresses, but not their hairstyles.
Their hairstyles are . . . @_@

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:31 PM

@ Leek:
You reminded me the time that the guy ( I had a crush on or still has one, I do not know... ) wore a Zorro costume about 5 years ago. He look so hot in it too.

@ PK:
Yup Live Action Role Play. It is a lot of fun and you get to meet a lot of people there. I dressed up one time though, I was disappointed that I could not change on time. But I will be ready though for this year!

There was girl last year that had the most gorgeous dress I ever laid my eyes on. I am hoping to see her and the others this year.

I also will be in the art shopping area. I found that last year. I do love my art!! I am hoping to find the guy that drew something for me last year. I had his business card and I cannot find it. DDD:

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:31 PM

It's not a great movie.
But damn, he has a sexy voice.

xD I shall find a picture of it.

Yeah, the hairstyles are quite scary sometimes, I wouldn't mind putting my hair in ringlets.
Ringlets are so cute. >w<

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:38 PM

My computer is being weird to me. It keeps freezing on me. - Head Floor -

@ Leek:
Yes I agreed! He does have a sexy voice that makes you melt.

Exchange is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:42 PM

Smexy voices remind me of Pirates of the Caribbean~

This be an extremely WEIRD-O hairstyle. xPP

And this be a hairstyle that must kill many brainstyles, no wait, brainCELLS, but I adore the dress!!

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:43 PM



Hello Leek... You're back!

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PK is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:46 PM

Spanish Leek Squared:
:0 You were watching Zorro? Argh...i absolutely love that movie! xD And personally, i had a crush on Zorro after i first watched it : x -such a dork ;0-

xD I know.

-tries not to kick in reflex-

And again, i know. It's just that...How on Earth do you keep replying with such long posts? Albeit, i keep replying with long posts, but oi vey, we have one extremely long (and not just post-length, but considering quantity of posts as well) conversation ahead of us xD

Wanna try what? D : Or do you mean getting my art priced by people or...your friend specifically? xD

And haha, i never earned gold on Gaia doing art. Most likely, because i never offered it as a service xD I mostly just vended and kept to myself really : x I no longer go on there, as you can probably tell xD Although Leeky dear here did get me to visit her little hangout, lol xD

xD You mean via links? Unless i want to resize everything into like, sort of thumbnails and not pratically stretch the thread xD As for why i seem hesitant that may be because i'm still thinking about doing an art auction : x Lol.

xD Noone doesn't want to see art? Everyone wants to see it.

...xD Lol, that's problem when it comes to being a perfectionist, or at least, for me anyway. I never think my art is good enough ;0

Hrm...yeah, one colour would work xD Just to see what it looks like in colour.

xD But i'm not talking about sex and dolls? I'm talking about, well, how seeing as they're dolls they can have children without sex xP They're not alive, after all. Well, in terms of the imagination, yes, but, know what i mean : x

....xDDD Oh my, seriously? That is bad.

I tried out realism because i felt like it. Ended up -cough- going realism crazy after that.

Aww...well it's great to try everything :3 That way you find your own style, which is whatever you're comfortable drawing like. Other styles will just conform to your own xD That's how, obviously, you can tell who drew what because each person's style has it's own little quirks ;0

xD Yes you should. I love my tablet to death <3

Exchange is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:48 PM

-Pokes whitey-
T 3T


PK has tablet??
Isn't that a drawing thingamabob for good artists like chuus~?

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:49 PM [size=2]- I really like this one. >w<

These dresses. >w<

When I see those hairstyles I think major neck pain, ow.

Oooh, yes, Johnny Depp. <3

Sakura; It's the badboy effect.
You just want to jump them. >w>

xD Vin Disel's voice has that effect too.

Beast; Yes, I am! x3

PK; xD Me too.
Did you also have a crush on Aladdin and Sinbad? I did. >w>

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:52 PM

@ PK:
I left a post for joo!!

@ ox3tyi:
That hairstyle would hurt a lot!! I wonder how they have them so big? There was not hairspray or gel at that time, or was there?

I must be getting offline now. My mum will have a fit if I am still on this computer. BAI BAI everyone! <3333

PLEASE visit my quest and shop threads!! *begs* Links are on my siggy.

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:54 PM


Link's dead.

Thanks, Leek. D8

Ooh~! I feel so sleepy.


Yi said what? O_o;

-blinks- I don't understand...

Spanish Leek Squared
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Spanish Leek Squared is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:54 PM

Sakura; Maybe they used wax.
I think most of those were wigs though.

Byee! I shall stop buy to your shops tomorrow, i'm too tired to move to another thread.

Beast; Dx Meh. Damn google.

Exchange is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 02:58 PM

johnny depp . . . savvy??

i'm going to get out my prized possessions and start watching them all over again!!


apparently, they had this cornstarch/water or something that they put in the hair. then they had this huge wire thing underneath the hair, and added random bits of horse hair or such to make it look prettier.

Guess why they invented perfume??


I don't understand half of the things I say either . . .

hmmmmm . . . yi required whitey's undevoted attention.
-makes a paper cutout of whitey and sits in front of it-

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 03:01 PM



Meaning not loyal at all.

What an attention span a person who has undevoted attention has.

Maybe you mean undivided.

PK, I love you and I love the long posts/conversations but my eyes are protesting.


-disappears- I'm making too many typos than I would find healthy.

Maybe I'll come back to finish some RP posts so I can earn a few more gold before I ship myself off to grad pictorials.

\ (•◡•) /
PK is offline
Old 01-11-2008, 03:02 PM

Hrm...well maybe i should look into whether or not any LARPs are held around here...i doubt that they are though, unfortunately D : And argh...the dresses some people wear...i need them xD So many wicked designs : x Now if only i could get a particular dress custom-made, which would probably cost tons, then that would be awesome xD

-has a certain idea in her mind for a dress xD-

You should take pictures next time you go :0 That way, all of us here at Menewsha will also be able to see the great costumes xD And art!

xD Indeed i do, and depends, there are some very, very, very amazing artists out there that use a mouse as their instrument of the trade o.o

Spanish Leek Squared:
Oh Hell yes xD We can both be geeks together! :0 <3 I think it was mostly Aladdin's singing voice though. Argh, if i guy could sing like that then i'd be all over them. Well, maybe not seeing as i'm taken but...well, i can appreciate a good singing voice can't i? xD

Aww sorry to hear that you'll be leaving us already Sakura D : Lata and goodnight then? Sleep well! And heh, i hope your mother doesn't catch you : x

Spanish Leek Squared
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Old 01-11-2008, 03:04 PM

Was this one dead?

Or this one. @_@

This one is my favourite. >w>

ox3thi; Do you have a nickname?

xD Ah, I loves him.
Have you seen hijm in Chocolat? Hes so hot. >w<

xD Yaay!

And that hair thing is really weird. >_>

To cover up the smell?

Beast; Aww. D: You're leaving?

Byee byee


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