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Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:03 AM

Howard sighed deeply to himself, finding himself huffing with exhaustion, his frame shaking a slight. How long exactly had he been running? He could not remember, and it was probably better that way.

'They tried to kill me...' he thought grimly to himself, as he looked towards the evening sky a moment. Here, in this alleyway, one could not even see the stars. It was a shame really, in this concrete jungle he could not even feel the life of the plants. Nothing whispered here, no soothing songs pierced his mind. Just... silence. Was this what it was like for those without magic? Silent? No wonder folks lashed out so terribly. It had to be so lonely...

Pushing back up his small glasses, he then brushed his brown braid out of the way as he leaned against the wall for support. His hazel eyes seemed dull, and his complexion a slight pale. "I need to rest and eat..." He chided himself, shaking his head. Was he far away now? Far away from a place he had thought to be home?

Th simple truth was, they had discovered his secret... a secret he was not ashamed of. They had discovered his power over plants. They had seen him at work in his garden, and called it the devil's work. It had happened before, this was not the first time. He would simply have to regather, regroup, in a new town.

A town, Howard hoped, that would be kind. At least for awhile. Unfortunately however, he didn't really count on how tired he was as he slid down the wall, caught in sleep. His eyes closed, and before he could even argue his mind was out. However, it would be clear to anyone who passed by that he wasn't a bum sheerly from the fine clothing he wore. Elegant brown slacks, black shoes, and an eastern style green and yellow shirt with one long sleeve.

It made for a strange sight to say the least...

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 04:16 AM

Kyou stood outside the bar she currently owned and lived at. It was a small, run down sort of place, but she was rather fond of it. There were a few regulars, always those of the odd sort. Any creature who couldn't find a home elsewhere always found a home here. And right now, there wasn't too much to be done. It was late and all the regulars had gone home. The ones who lived with her had gone to rest. Even in the streets there was no movement.

She sighed softly to herself, pushing a shockingly bright strand of blond hair back from her face. Her hair glimmered quite nicely in the lights that illuminated the doorway to her bar. She stood in the doorway, her legs crossed along with her arms. She was dressed modestly, but still attractively. She was rather young looking to own such a place as this, but any who knew her, knew that she was older than she appeared. She wore a knee length black skirt and a black t-shirt that read "This Bites" in bold red letters. Added to this ensemble were black knee high boots and a black collar. She looked like a little goth kid, but again, any who knew her knew that it would be instant death to call her that. She was much more than another goth kid. Her eyes were enough to say that. Those eyes of hers that gazed over the street were dual colored. One was a brilliant orange, while the other was a blue-grey color. They both sparkled with an almost otherwordly intelligence.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:31 AM

After a short rest, Howard awoke again with a start, realizing where he had nodded off at. "Oh dear..." he said to himself. "This will not do at all." He had a bit of money he had been able to take with him... perhaps he might be able to find a nice place to stay? How much again... ah well. He could always get a job somewhere. He usually had no troubles with that at least.

Closing his eyes, he got himself up and started to walk once more, when he noticed a young lady standing in a doorway. He blinked, seeing her eyes even from a distance they held wonders. However, he reminded himself... it was very rude to stare. Very rude indeed.

Walking a bit closer towards her, he bowed deeply a moment in greeting. "Hello," e said quietly, his tone hushed and respectful. "I do not mean to intrude, but do you know of a decent inn I might find around here? I am afraid I am new in town and well... a bit more lost than I would like." He blushed brightly after saying this, obviously quite embarrassed. But he kept that deep bow as well, and it was clear he had no lack of manners.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 04:50 AM

After a while of waiting in that doorway, she had started to get rather weary. It was late and she had considered calling it a night when she saw the man coming down the street towards her. She raised and eyebrow when she saw him pause, but by the time he started moving again she had her face fixed into a pleasant smile and she stood straight to welcome him. His polite manner took her off guard a little. She certainly wasn't used to that. Despite that, she welcomed him full force as she welcomed all who entered her little bar.

"Well hi there! I had almost given up on anyone coming tonight! Its good that you came when you did. Come on in. I'll find you some food, and something to drink. You look like you could need it. Unless you have a problem with it, I have some food that I can warm up real quick for you. Is steak and mashed potatoes alright? I also have some fresh bread. Don't worry my pet, I'll take care of you now. Just come on in and have a seat."

She smiled widely and almost pushed him through the door. She had learned how to deal with this sort. Unless she spoke first, they would try to pay for things that they had no reason paying for or they would get shy. She preffered not to give them any time to be shy or anything of that sort.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:03 AM

Howard blinked as he righted himself, certainly not expecting her boisterous manner to say the least. "Er... sure... yes... that's fine..." he replied, wherever he could. She spoke quickly, and he slightly wondered why. Or for that matter, how much this might be. Well, he would pay what he could and if he did not have enough offer what he could. He did carry a few valuables on him after all. Things just in case. He had been through this enough times to be experienced.

Walking through the door, it was a great pleasure to be somewhere warm. He found himself a seat, before looking towards his kind hostess. "Man, thank you ever so much," he told her. "I am afraid you are far too kind and I certainly appreciate it. It is not too much trouble though is it? I do not wish to be of an inconvenience in any way..."

But, truth be told, he was certainly glad to be seated now. He was far more weary than he acted, relaxing into his chair. He took the moment to take off his glasses a moment and rub his eyes, eyes that wee lined in dark circles. "Still... I am terribly sorry for the intrusion..." he added, and one wondered why he felt the need to apologize for just about everything. "My name is Howard Stalwart, and I will pay you back for your kindness in any way I can."

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 05:14 AM

She shook her head and after seeing him seated comfortably she went behind the bar and took down two glasses, one which was filled with water, the other she put some Merlot wine in. She brought both to him and sat them down on the table that was in front of him.

Her bar was a homey sort of place. Things were almost cluttered, but it was the way she liked things. When first coming through the door the first thing that was noticable was the bar, which took up a good portion of the wall directly across from the door. On the walls to the left and right were huge fireplace mantles which were surrounded by chairs of various sizes and colors. It was obviously a place that was used for storytelling and such. Spread around the room were also a few tables with chairs around them, some of which had cushions while others no longer did. She noticed with satisfaction that he sat on one that did.

She nodded and smiled at him. "No worries. This place is just for you my dear. Its for anyone who is down one their luck and needs a place to stay. I don't need money or anything of the sort. My name is Kyou. I'm the owner of this place. This is "Scars of Wings." Its a bar and inn all wrapped in to one. You are more than welcome to stay if you'd like."

She smiled warmly and patted his arm. "Now then, it looks like you could use some meat before you go to bed. Is it ok if I microwave it? Its been a late night."

((Yes, we have modern appliances. Its a modern day RP with fantasy elements! woo!))

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:28 AM

Howard started in upon the water, as he took the sights of this place in. He smiled a slight, noting ow it had quite the home-like atmosphere to it. Certainly a lovely place to relax and rest. In a place like this, how could one think about doing anything else? Even the worst of days, if they ended in a place like this, would seem distant.

"Ah, my humble thanks Miss Kyou," he replied, dipping his head. "And certainly, that is quite fine," he added, his smile brightening a slight bit. "You are too kind," he added, dipping his water once more.

How long had it been since he had ate.. a few days perhaps? yes, he was certain at least four. "It is a rather kind service you run here, and most appreciated. Are you certain I cannot repay your kindness somehow?" he added. "I can provide some, well, gardening services," he added. "I am rather good at that... or dishes perhaps? I am well with housework too..." It seemed Howard was troubled at the idea of being seen to for free. But, that was his way.

It was just he was not used to this sort of kindness!

((Hooray! :3 Sounds good to me :P Yay microwave!))

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 05:37 AM

"I'll be right back then. And no need to call me miss. Its only Kyou."

She went back behind the bar and went through a back door into the kitchen area. She opened the fridge and brought out a steak the size of a plate as well as a nice side of mashed potatoes. She popped them in the microwave and then went to the oven which sat on warm. She opened it and pulled out a loaf of bread which she quickly cut and put in a little basket along with little packets of butter. Just as she finished with the bread the microwave beeped, declaring the steak to be done. She brought out a fork, a sharp knife, and a butter knife and from there she balanced the plate of steak and mashed potatoes as well as the bread in her arms as she made her way back to Howard. She set them on the table and smiled.

"Now then. Eat up and then we'll try to work something out, alright?"

She didn't want to make him work, but she knew that he would feel bad if he didn't do something. It was simply a matter of figuring out the best place for him. Plants didn't typically do well in a place like this, but perhaps she would let him try.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 05:47 AM

"Alright then Miss... I mean Kyou," Howard corrected, flushing a slight. "Of course. I shall try to remember that in the future." Despite himself, as the food cooked he took in a deep whiff. It certainly smelled delicious, that much was for certain!

"That sounds fair," Howard replied with a nod, as he started in upon his plate. Even the way he are, although his hunger was ravenous, said well-mannered. He sliced things up to a small size with his form, eating as politely as possible. It simply would not do in his mind, after all, to scarf things down like a wild beast!

It felt nice, however, to finally have some food within him. Much calmer, in fact. After swallowing down a bit of steak with his water, he looked towards his hostess again. "Your hospitality really is very appreciated. I am afraid these last few days have been less than kind..." he said, before continuing with his plate. He had no trouble downing the food, even at his ever-so-polite pace.

Swallowing again, he added, "And the food really is quite wonderful." Because, well, he just felt it needed to be said.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 05:53 AM

She smiled and watched him as she ate. She yawned slightly but covered it. It had indeed been a long day and she needed some sleep. She was sure that the same could be said of him.

"Well, Howard, I think we should both be getting some sleep. When your done, you'll find the rooms quite easilly. Please excuse me if I don't take you to it personally, but I need some sleep very badly. Now then, if you go to the left and go through the door by the fireplace you'll find a flight of stairs. Simply go up and find an empty room. I'll get you a key in the morning. Will you be alright finding it on your own? Feel free to wander if you'd like. Take your time eating and all that."

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 06:01 AM

He listened to her carefully, before nodding a slight. "You are quite right. Well, thank you once more, and have a pleasant night Miss Kyou," Howard replied. "I hope the dreamscape treats you well." He bowed his head once more, before continuing upon his food.

It was, after all, quite good. "And I should be fine, please do not worry for my sakes," he added, smiling brighter. He really did have a kind smile in that respect. Taking a sip of water he added, "I shall head to bed after I eat myself," he explained. "And before I do, not to worry, I shall take care of my mess. Thank you again Miss Kyou," he added, bowing his head a slight once more.

He was quite certain he could never thank her enough... literally.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 06:05 AM

She smiled and nodded to him. She went to the door on the right side of the room and turned back to face him.

"Have a good night. Don't worry, everything is fine now. I'll take care of you."

She smiled again and waved as she went through the door and down a flight of stairs until she came to th door to her room. It was a simple room with only the bare essentials. She layed down on the bed and within moment, she was fast asleep.

((I need sleeeeep... Night sib!))

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-04-2008, 06:39 AM

He blinked at her words, then smiled softly. "Alright, just please take care of yourself as well," he added. It was not too long before he finished with his plate. He took a minute to wash it, before heading off towards the indicated direction. Finding a room rather easily, he placed his glasses upon the nightstand and plopped into bed.

He sighed softly, thinking upon the week's events in his mind. Had he finally found rest? He certainly hoped so. He hoped it was all as good as it looked. He prayed to Gaia it was as such. After a soft prayer he slipped into a dreamless sleep, too tired to toss or turn. It realy had been a long week...

((Night sib! As said in the other thread, I'm off as well! :3))

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 04:42 AM

Kyou yawned widely as she stretched herself across the bed. It was morning now and she felt quite well rested. She had the whole day ahead of her. And she had to make sure her new guest was settled.

She rolled out of bed, still a little stiff as she got dressed, throwing on jeans and a t-shirt. She ran a brush through her hair and then went back to the bar area, not bothering to put on shoes as she settled herself behind the bar. She reached into a fridge that was under the counter and pulled out a bottle of water which she began sipping at, her eyes still heavy with sleepiness.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 04:49 AM

Howard was still quite out it seemed, one could hear his light sleeping if they chose to listen. After all... he had a very trying week. It was to be expected he would sleep soundly the first chance he was given!

However... other forces were at work this fine morning. A figure actually teleported into the bar, stepping forth from a portal that seemed concocted out of thin air. The figure was a young woman in stature, looking to be in her mid twenties. She had very long, wildly wavy brown hair, a pair of feline ears, bright golden eyes... and an outfit that redefined barely there.

"Howie!" she called. "Where are you! I know my fellow elementals here somewhere!" she called, as she looked around and realized she wasn't alone. "OH! Hiyas!" The lady said, looking towards Kyou and waving. "My name's Leona! I'm just looking for an old friend of mine I have not seen in awhile! Is he here... is he okay?" Leona asked, concern lining her eyes.

Here, if one could sense such things, was a chaos elemental. A pure being of chaos.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 04:56 AM

As the newcomer portalled into her bar, Kyou barely blinked. It was a common enough occurence to her. She saw strange things on a daily basis, and this time wasn't much different. She waved a little lazily and smiled.

"Hi there! Welcome to my bar. The one your looking for is still asleep I believe. I took him in last night. The name's Kyou. Care for a drink?"

She smiled and brought out a bottle of water which she tossed to Leona without bothering to wait for an answer.

"I haven't made breakfast yet. I was gonna wait for Howard. It seems like he could use a good meal. Any requests?"

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:09 AM

"Kyou then, hiyas! I suggest waffles!" she replied without missing a beat as she caught the bottle. Tapping it, her magic turned the cap into a butterfly which fluttered away. She watched it with a soft smile, always amazed at what her magic would create.

"Nice little place you have here! Glad he could find himself a good place to sleep at! Howie's always been a bit out of luck..." she started, when the aforementioned finally came down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Good morning Kyou!" he replied cheerfully, feeling much better. "I hope that you slept well. I see we have a new visitor... what is your name?" Leona looked towards Howie a moment in disbelief and facepalmed.

"Crap... I made a wrong turn again in the timelines..." she muttered. "So, Howie, hope you like waffles!"

"How did you know my name?" Howard asked.

"I'll explain over breakfast!Relax!" Howard blinked a moment then sighed deeply as he took a seat.

"I will try..." he replied, still perplexed to say the least.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 05:16 AM

Kyou looked between the two of them as the talked, one eyebrow raised. It was too early for this. She got up as they talked and went into the kitchen, yawning again as she stretched her arms above her head. She got everything all set up quickly and efficiently even in her half awake state. She made plain waffles. She had considered adding stuff to them, but decided against it. She still wasn't sure what type of foods Howard liked, much less the new arrival.

She put a huge stack of them on three separate plates and balanced those along with butter and syrup in her arms. She was quite skilled with things like this. She had had lots of practice. She brought them all back over to a table and set everything down easilly. She went back behind the counter and grabbed another bottle of water for Howard and then took a seat at the table.

"Well, now that the food is here, why don't we all sit down and chat a little. The day is young and I'm not. So what brings you here Leona?"

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:27 AM

"Thank you kindly," Howard replied, bowing his head once more as he started in every so politely upon his plate. At Kyou's question he too looked towards leona, a brow raised in curiosity.

"Good question!" Leona replied. "Things were getting a bit dull so I decided to track down a few old friends of mine and check up on them! Howie's been a friend of mine for centuries... or well he will be? I kind of skip centuries when I slide between planes sometimes..." she admitted sheepishly, swallowing a waffle whole.

"Mmmm... nummy! Anyways, Howie here has an elemental soul. Like I'm a chaos elemental, he is a Gaia elemental. Cool huh? But he keeps getting himself killed off during his lives before he ever figures it out, silly Howie!"

Howie blinked a moment. "Er... well Mam... I am afraid I am a slight confused."

"Of course you are! Someday I'm sure you'll figure it out, and if you stay alive then, well, you'll finally unlock yourself and be free! We have some great adventures yanno. So, what are you two plotting to do with the day eh? Its still young you know!" she added, ever the ball of energy.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 05:35 AM

She shook her head a little at hearing Leona talk. She was a rather confusing one, and by the look on Howard's face, he was thinking the same. She took a bite of one of her waffles.

"So let me get this straight. You know Howard here in the future? How far in the future are we talking about?"

It was rather complexing that someone could skip through time like that. She'd known many who could teleport from one spot to another, but this was the first one she had met who could go through time.

"As for my plans for the day, I plan to set Howard here up in a job so that I can keep him safe and happy. I also plan to find somehwhere where we can set up a garden or something of that sort for him."

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:47 AM

"A garden eh?" Leona asked, scarfing down another waffle. "Good idea! And yes! You got that right. Well... I kinda tend to loose track of time. Howie, what year is this?" Leona asked, brow raised.

"2008," Howard replied. "Why?"

"Lesse here, carry the five, divide by three... multiply by six... AHAH! I believe two thousand three hundred and four years into the future." Howard arched a brow.

"How is that possible?" he asked quietly.

"Elemental! Silly, elementals have a long lifespan! But who knows how many more lives you'll lead before awakening eh?" Howard flushed slightly, shaking his head.

"You really are chaotic..." he mused. "Quite a bit confusing I am afraid..." he added, before eating another slice of waffle. He looked towards Kyou, to see if she understood things any better.

"Oh! A job and a garden? Are you sure? Really Kyou, you are too kind!" he said, blushing brightly as Leona laughed softly.

"No matter what life you lead, you never change," she commented, seeming amused by something only she could know.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-05-2008, 05:51 AM

((I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. I'll pick this back up in the morning sib))

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:56 AM

((Alrighty, sounds like a plan to me! Night, take care! :3))

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 02-06-2008, 01:56 AM

Kyou smiled between the two of them and finished off her waffles. She was hungrier than she thought she would be. It was starting to wear her down to be up so late. But that was alright. It was all for a good cause. She was keeping everyone and everything safe from harm and wasn't that really all that mattered? In a world such as this, she knew how vital her role was.

Just as she thought of that a little furball on the floor mewed at her. She blinked and looked down, seeing one of those that had found a home here. Her name was Blade and she had crimson red eyes and small black streaks that seemed like tear marks going down her cheeks. Currently she was in the shape of a small cat. She had been that way for a while now. Kyou wasn't sure why that was, but she took care of her nonetheless. Blade mewed again, more urgently this time and Kyou set her plate on the ground so the little one could lick it clean which she did so happilly.

She still had so much to do. She had an area where she could let Howard set up a garden, but the problem was, was that the ground was nothing but sand now. All the nutrients had been destroyed. There was a back door through the kitchen where a small courtyard was. It had once been a lovely place with trees and plants and even a small pond complete with koi fish, but it had since fallen into ruins. She would show it to Howard anyways though. She just waited for Howard and Leona to finish their conversation before she interupted them.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 02-06-2008, 04:55 AM

Howard sighed softly. "You act so knowing and yet..." Leona grinned.

"Childish, yes I know! Someone has to counteract your seriousness plant boy!" she teased, reaching over and ruffling his brown hair as he flailed a slight. "Haha, see you're still touchy about your hair. Score one for me!" she added, when she saw the small kitten upon the floor and squealed.

"I love kitties! How cute!" She popped into a housecat form, and mewed towards Blade 'hello' with her head tilted slightly, before popping back to her regular form just as easily, and with a last gulp downing a waffle whole. Howard had finally finished his as well, and had pulled a kerchief from his pocket to wipe with.

"Thank you Miss Kyou, that was most wonderful!" Howard commented, beaming a slight.

"I second that! You're a great hostess!" Leona added, still making cute faces at Blade and waving like a small kid who had found a puppy. One had to wonder just how old the elemental really was!


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