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Taliah is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 04:40 AM

I've been recently introduced to the Dragonlance book series, with Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Weis & Hickman.

I've nearly finished the book, and I think it is safe to say that I will be looking forward to the next one... and the next, and so on.

My question is: Do you read Dragonlance? If so, which is your favorite authors of their respective books, as I hear there are many. Do you have a favorite character? Favorite race?

Please, no spoilers! I am a diehard reader, and I want to read and find out plots and events in due time. Having someone ruin a book for me, is like being tossed in a bull pen wearing a bright red jumpsuit with no means of escape. It's terrible I tell you!

Thank you for respecting this small favor. I appreciate this greatly and with much enthusiasm.

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mmariep2 is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 08:34 AM

I can remember reading a few back when I was in high school, but its been such a long time since then that I can't remember exactly which book/s it was and who the author was.

I do remember though that I did enjoy reading them because they were detailed and interesting reads.

Zen And Tonic
Zen And Tonic is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 04:33 PM

Oh, man. When I first read the Dragonlance Chronicles, I started with the third book (Spring Dawning), and then read the series backwards. So, spoilers galore for me! I did it because that was the first one I found XD

I loved the books as a teen, but I'm not such a huge fan of them now. :)

Mint Car
Mint Car is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 06:20 PM

I started reading Dragonlance in high school and it has been a while since I've had time to read them again but I still love them.
My favorite series is either the original Chronicles series or the Legends series but oddly enough my favorite character isn't in them much. My favorite character in the books is Dalamar the Dark. I am completely infatuated with the elves in those books. The culture is so fluid and lovely that I just can't help it. There is a book solely about Dalamar that I loved as well.
Weis & Hickman are by far the best authors in the series but I haven't read one that I haven't liked so I can't say that any of them are bad.
I do recommend you read the Chronicles, Legends, the book called The Second Generation and The War of the Souls before you start pulling from other places. It gives you a basic framework to work from. Otherwise you miss some the important points in the history.

Taliah is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 08:02 PM

@ Mint Car - Thank you for the next few books to go by, that's very helpful. ^_^

I'm glad everyone's had good experience's with this series. It makes me feel good to hear it.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 09:47 PM

I've read the trilogy you're talking about and the Twin Saga, so I've only read Weis and Hickman. My sister has read a slew of them but has only stuck with those authors. I think I would prefer it because, if I understand correct the other stories would be about different characters, or if they're not I don't think I could handle reading about the same characters written by a different author.

The Dragon Lance books are good but I find myself more partial to more romantic books. :oops:

Taliah is offline
Old 03-11-2008, 10:11 PM

@ Sho-Shonojo - Hehe ^_^ There's nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone has their book preferences. Some may encompass more genres than others, or be singled into one set area, but this is the wonderful thing about diversity. :)

Weis and Hickman's writing style is well done, in my opinion. Being nearly finished as I am (I'll probably finish it tonight, actually) I'm hooked like doomed fish. ^_^

dark_tenshi17 is offline
Old 03-13-2008, 08:26 PM

I remember reading them when I was still in elementary school when some of the original books were still coming out. I stopped reading them after the Second Generation because I lost interest in them and Raistlin (my favourite character) was not in the books anymore. I still enjoy reading the ones I have though.

Taliah is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 05:56 AM

Raistlin seems like a very deep and full character, though I've only just started reading Dragons of Winter Night. The bond he and Caramon have has me very curious. Although, I'm with the rest of the companions, I suppose, he gives me the creeps.

Fizban was another character I was fasinated with, and I still wonder if he has a major part to play.

However, Tassleshoff is probably my favorite, the comic reliefs almost always are. The kender themselves are hilarious, and can't wait to learn more about them.

Zen And Tonic
Zen And Tonic is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 06:43 AM

Originally Posted by Taliah
Raistlin seems like a very deep and full character, though I've only just started reading Dragons of Winter Night. The bond he and Caramon have has me very curious. Although, I'm with the rest of the companions, I suppose, he gives me the creeps.

Fizban was another character I was fasinated with, and I still wonder if he has a major part to play.

However, Tassleshoff is probably my favorite, the comic reliefs almost always are. The kender themselves are hilarious, and can't wait to learn more about them.
Both Raistlin and Fizban are very important characters. You'll find out the truth about Fizban soon enough!

Tasslehoff was my favorite character on the series, because he's really funny. If you like kender, be sure to check out the book Kendermore once you're done with this series!

dark_tenshi17 is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 07:29 AM

Tasslehoff is a big character in a little way. If you read a lot of the books that are off-shoots you'll see he's in a lot of them. One of my friends reads a lot of them because he's in them.

Fizban is hilarious, but sometimes I get his name mixed up with Death Gate Cycle's Zifnab. Not that there's too much difference there.

Taliah is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 05:00 PM

@ Zen and Tonic- Ooh, I'll have to find those eventually, if only for the goofy laughs. ^_^

@ dark_tenshi17- Fizban really gave me the giggles with his fireball spell. And his little puffball light. These kinds of characters I fall in love with easily ^_^

dark_tenshi17 is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 05:35 PM

If you really like him then I would suggest reading the Death Gate novels after you've finished with Dragonlance, or at least Elven Star. Their written by the same authors as the DL novels.

Taliah is offline
Old 03-14-2008, 07:30 PM

Thank you very much for the recommendations ^_^

I'll keep a lookout for them as a I continue reading.

The PyroKittie
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Old 03-15-2008, 08:20 PM

I was introduced to Dragonlaance through one of Wies and Hickman's other book series. Darksword Trilogy. From there, I picked up Time of the Twins, Test of the Twins, and War of the Twins. From there I was in love with Dragonlance. They are great books and fun to read. The movie wasn't very great, but it did follow the storyline and a few of the voices were just perfect for the characters.

I <3 Tas. Kenders are great and Tas is the best. Kenders are just so interesting. If you look at Wikipedia for the life style and such of a Kender, they are just facinating little creatures.

Of course I like Dalamar the Dark as well. Even if he's kind of a man-w****. My favorite books out of the series are: Wanderlust, Souldforge, Dalamar the Dark, The Second Generation, and Time of the Twins.

Weis and Hickman are my favorite authors out of all of them. I've read almost every other non-Dragonlance series they have put out. My favorite out of all of them that I've read is Darksword followed by Dragonlance. ^_^

Caeluma is offline
Old 03-15-2008, 08:56 PM

I have read that one I like that first serise the best I own almost all the dragon lance books by those two accept the newest ones I think I own about a dozen and haven't read half I got distracted and it's been years now. But I definalty liked that first trilagy the best.

I love Tasslehoff and Flint lol

Taliah is offline
Old 03-16-2008, 12:33 AM

@ The PyroKittie-

That's interesting, I didn't know they had made a movie of Dragonlance. Was it live action or animation?

Also, I think I may go look the kenders up on Wikipedia now, as that sounds like a lovely idea. ^_^ Thank you

The PyroKittie
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Old 03-16-2008, 01:47 AM

Originally Posted by Taliah
@ The PyroKittie-

That's interesting, I didn't know they had made a movie of Dragonlance. Was it live action or animation?

Also, I think I may go look the kenders up on Wikipedia now, as that sounds like a lovely idea. ^_^ Thank you
It was 3D dragons and 2D characters and some of the backgrounds were 3D. It was really cheesy, but enjoyable to watch. Lucy Lawless was Goldmoon's voice. Kiefer Sutherland did Raistlin's voice. Michelle Trachtenberg was Tika's voice. Jason Marsden was Tas's voice. So it had decent names in it. It came out this year, back in January.

It was based on Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight. It followed the storyline rather well. It was a very bad animation because of budget cuts. Originally it was supposed to be live action, but at the last minute the budget went down hill and they opted for crappy animation.

But I loved every second of it and I hope they do a second one and make it so much better.

I don't recommend this movie to new comers of Dragonlance. Kind of a sour spot in a timeless, amazing book series. But for what it was, it was worth the $5 I spent on it. ^_^

IMDB link to the Dragonlance movie:

Draconians from the movie (shows what I mean about bad animation):

Takhisis vs Paladine (video games have better graphics than this):

But I still loved the movie for some odd reason. ^_^

Taliah is offline
Old 03-16-2008, 02:32 AM

Wow, that's incredible. lol

The poor thing, it's budget really wasn't that great. Still, for all the die hard fans, it is a must see, simply because it's a story they enjoy very well.

Thank you for the effort you put into showing me all this about the movie, I really do appreciate it. ^_^

The PyroKittie
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Old 03-16-2008, 02:42 AM

Originally Posted by Taliah
Wow, that's incredible. lol

The poor thing, it's budget really wasn't that great. Still, for all the die hard fans, it is a must see, simply because it's a story they enjoy very well.

Thank you for the effort you put into showing me all this about the movie, I really do appreciate it. ^_^
No problem. I tend to go overboard with things. Like my Dragonball Movie thread. Though it's sort of dead now that the release date has been shoved back a full year. Oh well. I'll make another one next year when it starts to come out again. ^_^

The movie was good for one thing. Seeing all the characters actually walking around and talking. It was wonderfull to finally see that. I hope they can make a live one some day though. That would be amazing or like Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children graphics. ^_^

dark_tenshi17 is offline
Old 03-16-2008, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by The PyroKittie
Originally Posted by Taliah
Wow, that's incredible. lol

The poor thing, it's budget really wasn't that great. Still, for all the die hard fans, it is a must see, simply because it's a story they enjoy very well.

Thank you for the effort you put into showing me all this about the movie, I really do appreciate it. ^_^
No problem. I tend to go overboard with things. Like my Dragonball Movie thread. Though it's sort of dead now that the release date has been shoved back a full year. Oh well. I'll make another one next year when it starts to come out again. ^_^

The movie was good for one thing. Seeing all the characters actually walking around and talking. It was wonderfull to finally see that. I hope they can make a live one some day though. That would be amazing or like Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children graphics. ^_^
I remember reading that a few years ago they were supposed to (but it wasn't going to be a big blockbuster hit or anything). It never happened obviously ^^U

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snowmousey is offline
Old 03-18-2008, 05:38 AM

i remember reading one of the books and then wanting to read the rest, but i never got to finish the whole series because there were so many!
i loved tasslehoff the most, and i thought raistlin was interesting.
i never heard of a movie O_O

smolder is offline
Old 03-18-2008, 07:35 PM

I've never read any of the Dragonlance books but I have always heard good things about it and thought in the back of my head that I should read them at some point. I never have though, and I think thats partially because I'm a bit intimidated by the sheer volume of books there are.

Taliah is offline
Old 03-25-2008, 01:24 AM

That's kind of what made me hesitate about reading them as well. For all I know, there's thousands of Dragonlance books out there, all that I MUST read or something.

But, I tried the first one anyway, because I didn't want to miss out on a good series. I'm not exactly sure where or when I'll stop reading them, but so far they've been a great pleasure to read, something I haven't felt for a while besides the Deathly Hallow's book and the occasional tidbit I would find.

I guess if you really enjoy them, then the endless supply will keep you happy for a very long time indeed.

Shiggy is offline
Old 03-25-2008, 04:28 PM

Wow. Dragonlance. That was a while ago for me that I first read Dragons of Autumn Twilight...Oh, my goodness. FIVE years ago! And I'm still reading the books from the Dragonlance series.

Now, my favorite character has always been Raistlin; I was immediately attracted to him in the first book and I still love him very dearly, despite everything that happens in the rest of the books.

I didn't really have a favorite book, but I was rather fond of the Soulforge, by Margaret Weis (Who is my favorite author) and I did rather enjoy Richard a. Knaack's The Legend of Huma, though I didn't like any of his other books too terribly much. I think I only liked that one for Magius. He writes a lot about Minotaurs, and I don't like Minotaurs very much. :c They're mean.

And...I would recommend this series of book to any fantasy fan; the majority of it is well written and beautiful.

However...the movie? I read a post that involved someone giving praise to the movie, but I'm going to be honest--when I bought it in January, I was devastated. I thought Queen of the Damned or Eragon were bad representations of their books, but this was, by far, the worst rendereing of a book to a movie that I have ever seen...and, I have seen many MANY movies. Their may have been some good names involved, but they didn't do the characters justice at all. I hate to rant, but I'll tell you why I didn't like the movie:

The animation was horrible. I mean, the Lord of the Rings movies from over thirty years ago had better animation. And the CG sequences? Totally sucked. I've seen commercials for legos that were better than this, and if I had to say...I'd say that I'd seen CG from video games dated from a decade ago that were better.

The movie did NOT do well with following the story line. Characters felt out of character, everything seemed rushed [Come on, half a minute for Bupu? She was supposed to be so much more!], and I totally coudln't get into the movie at all. The plot seemed dumbed down and the characters interatctions were just...stupid. I think the only thing that I liked about the movie was the random squirt of blood from when Sturm got cut.

I love(d) that book--WORSHIPPED it, even.

...The movie did NOT do the book justice.


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