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Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 04:04 AM

Niki smiled a slight at that. She was terrible at following advice. Good at giving it, or rather at times commanding it of others. But taking in and living it herself... not so much. She was a tough kind of girl, and didn't like for others to see her cry. "I'll try," she replied softly, burying her head in his shoulder. "I'll... I'll try." It was a strange sight to see when Niki was shaken up however.

And that was when Reyn's parents came. Niki found herself embraced in a tight hug by Leslie and blushed. She always loved Reyn's mom, she was certainly one of the coolest people on the list! "I know..." she replied with a sigh, looking towards Leslie a moment. She thanked her for the jolly rancher, glad to see it was her favorite flavor, blue raspberry. "I'm sorry..." she added then, looking towards Reyn. Still, despite wanting to try harder really, she found she could not cry in front of everyone. She would not.

Niki's parents arrived then, her mom's eyes filled with worry and agitation all on ne. Her Father, all worry lined his old eyes. He still had his mechanics attire on and all. "Nicole!" Her mother, Marie yelled. "Whatever were you being so reckless here for? You both could have gotten hurt, or killed! I thought we had a talk about this just-"

"Now now, kids will be kids," her father, Lavon replied. "Thanks for looking after here until we could get here Mam," he told Leslie with a nod of his head, as he scooped up Niki into his arms and hugged her tight. "When I got the call I was so worried! Thank God you're okay!"

It was clear however, her mother was still fuming. "Marie, why don't you wait in the car, you can get in your say on the way home. I'll clear things up here," he offered, before turning towards Nicole and squeezing her tight again.

* * * * *

Shiandre looked over towards him with a blush, and a regretful look. "Sorry Loki, I know it was rash of me. You'd think I would have learned by now not to be so rash huh?" she asked, shaking her head. "I know... I just... when I heard what she wnated to do I could not let her leave and... I should have contacted you but... sorry," she added, sighing deeply. "I have no excuse." She knew very well what the price would have been, and yet she had gone anyways. And just what would the aftershocks have been?

When it was said she might have helped start the beginning of erosion for the world, her expression turned to shock. "What?!? Are you sure?" she asked, and THEN she felt guilty. After all, it had been a very pretty world, so unlike their current one. And it had been exactly like...

When she heard about Tobi being alone, again she hung her head a moment and got up. "Alright, I'm on it. And... I am sorry," she added. "I should think a bit more... always been bad about that," she added, as she started up and out. Man, she had really blown it today! Just KABOOM!

* * * * *

Tantalus, as he was called now, was nearly running down the hallways. Actually, it really could be considered running, as he had felt his love's return. He knew these days, they needed each other more than ever. And he wished to welcome her back personally. It wasn't very long, before he arrived in her quarters. His skin was light these days, his hair in streaks of black and kept short. But his dark eyes were of a different sort of intensity as well, that many could not stare long in.

"Artemis!" he said, coming into her room. he looked over and saw her rocking back and forth on the bed, and was quick to sit upon the bed beside her, and take her into his arms. "Artemis, tell me everything." He was always, after all, there to listen. To her and her alone. No matter what, after all they were in it together.

* * * * *

Once upon the surface, Shiandre was quick to appear beside Tobi. "Oh man, I am so sorry. Things didn't get too hectic alone here did it?" she asked, hopeful, as she looked towards the bright man. "I didn't er... cause anything with that fight did I Tobi?"

She felt guilty about it, really. But then, she felt weird about the whole situation now in general. "I... I got to see what the dragon torue looks like..." she added. "Did you see it as well?" Although, the way the Toque looked, it was hard to use the term it wasn't it? But yet, she did not want to attach that name to it either, that would be too much. So it left a sort of quandry...

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Old 04-20-2008, 04:42 AM

"Don't ma'am me, Lavon. Niki's as much as my child as yours," Lesley replied with a bright grin. She set a hand upon Reyn's shoulder. "Lets go home, okay?" the woman asked her son, who nodded and stood up. He cast Niki a strange look, one that seemed to be of worry and regret. And, for a moment, his eyes flashed a dark color, much like the man from before... But then he had turned away, walking past the ambulance, back up to where his mother had parked. His head was cast down, though it was apparent Lesley was trying to cheer him up. She ended up slowing into a silence, realizing there was nothing she could do, and simply walked by her son's side.
A short figure was kneeling under a window, seeming to try and hide inside a crumbling house. Before the person was several golden glowing orbs, constantly shifting and parting. When Shiandre appeared, the orbs spasmed, spikes growing out of their perfectly symmetrical forms. The cloaked boy, who appeared rather female, looked up and gave his partner a very faint smile. It was soft, and forgiving, before bending back down to the sphere on his wrist. "No, not really," he answered.

Tobi wasn't one who was much for talking. He answered questions, and explained things, but offering commentary was rare for the Dragon Knight. "I don't know, Shiandre. I don't know," he answered, standing up. "I was a bit preoccupied with this timespace." He listened to her, eyes staring out across the wasteland. When asked if Tobi had seen the Torque, he sighed and turned back to Shiandre. "Stop it," the boy commanded. He was much younger than Shia, perhaps the youngest of all the Knights, but no doubt the most brilliant with their technology. "If you continue talking like that... Acknowledging the existence of an illusion will only erode their timespace faster."

The Dragon Knight jumped through the window, landing on a dirt road and glancing around. "I think we should head back down. Our presence here won't be escaped for much longer," he suggested, turning and calmly walking back for the tunnels down. He could have simply warped there with their quanta, but, Tobi wanted to talk to Shiandre where there were no prying ears. "Shia, you're my patrolling partner, right?" he began, in one of those rare moments where he actually spoke what he was thinking, instead of the facts of a situation. "And, as such, you are partly my responsibility. I think you're weakening, and I fear you might fall into the darkness."
Artemis looked up when Tantalus came in, her eyes wide from terror. However, once he took her in his arms, the Knight calmed down and settled against him, crawling onto his lap and holding herself there. "I saw the Dragon Torque..." she whispered, her voice hoarse and more fragile than normal. "She looks exactly like Nicole!" the girl cried, voice raising and tears beginning to come from her eyes. "She was exactly the same, Tantalus, as she was so many years ago... She... And.. Reyn was there too. I could swear it was like something from our past. Oh, Tantalus... I think I'm losing it!" Artemis' tears were streaming down now, and she was beginning to rock back and forth again. Her slender, white fingers were tearing through her hair, grabbing at the flesh around her scalp.

"I feel like I'm falling into the darkness, Tantalus! I... I... It is Nicole, I swear!" Artemis cried hysterically. "And I wanted to use her-- I wanted... All I could think of was her as a Dragon Torque!" The girl flung her arms around Tantalus' neck with enough force to knock both of them across the bed. Artemis was sobbing into him now, her body curled against his for the comfort she knew Tantalus alone could provide.
Outside, Loki listened to what Artemis was saying. He was waiting for things to calm down, for Tantalus to work the magic he did, to come in. Encountering Artemis at this time was suicide.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 05:02 AM

The spheres, no matter how many times she saw them, always fascinated Shiandre. She loved to look at them, although she knew they served a better purpose then to be just stared at really. "I see..." she replied. It was good to see he was alright at least. She knew he could handle himself, but in a really bad fight or encounter it might get a slight hairy.

"Sorry... you're right," she replied with a deep sigh. It was unusual to see Shiandre as muted as she currently was, but a lot of things bothered her about that encounter, more than she really could place into words.

"Alright," she agreed, following him down into the tunnels. She was a bit however, startled when he asked a question out of the blue like that. "That's right," she replied, giving a nod. Was this about her running off like that earlier? She really just had the best of intentions in mind!

She blinked a moment, looking at Tobi for a moment incredulous. "Not a place I wish to be I assure you. I suppose I was blinded Tobi. The torque... it was in the shape exactly like someone I once knew, and was very close to." She clenched her fists a moment and shook her head. "Such a cruel trick to play on the mind. The last thing I wish to do is fall into the darkness, but it did throw me for a loop," she added, looking downwards as she walked. "I want to get stronger, and do what is best for the dimensions. This is... a situation I never thought I'd find myself in yanno? What do you suggest?" she asked then.

She did not want to loose her way. Ever. Too much was at stake here, wasn't it?

* * * * *

"Shhhh," Tantalus replied, as he gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "Remember, that for is but an illusion. Perhaps an illusion meant to make this very sort of reaction," he added. "We both know Nicole is long gone, for a better cause." He held her close now, kissing her forehead lightly in reassurance.

One of his hands gently moved hers so she wouldn't tear at her hair. He instead interlocked his fingers into it. "That was the DRagon Torque, not Nicole. The past is past and shall never be present again. It is... not the Nicole we both knew. Stay focused Artemis... the last thing I wish is to loose you," he added, gently.

"What we have here is real, right now, and togetehr we can protect it. Next time... next time I will go with you, alright?" he asked calmly as for a few minutes he just held her.

He had known, for some time, she was slipping. And in a way, he supposed at times he was too. It really was a harsh world, this one. But he would continue to fight out there, and during times like this, to keep it alive. No... rather to keep Artemis alive. The rest, he actually didn't care much for. Tolerated at best. But for her, he would keep it all alive.

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Old 04-20-2008, 05:48 AM

Tobi blinked as she asked for his help. He stood there, thinking for a moment. Not many people listened to the young Dragon Knight, as much as he tried to help. "What you can do, for now," he began, slowly, so as to get the wording right, "is make sure the Dragon Knights don't fall apart." He looked up at Shia, eyes set with a sort of determination. "And remember this illusion is simply a Dragon Torque, in the guise of young girl, meant to confuse you." He fell the rest way through the tunnels, landing in the civilian's living area. People stared at the two Dragon Knights as they made their way through, Tobi walking swiftly and impatient to get away. He hated these places... It reminded him too much of the past.

Once in the military section of Ceilidh, Tobi turned to Shia, "You should go eat something. The encounter with Artemis must have drained your Reizu." Again, the rarity of his suggestion was almost stunning, for it implied his worry for Shiandre, as Tobi turned and walked down the hall. He was always such a quiet, introverted person it seemed to surprise people that most of his thoughts were how to solve their problems.
Artemis began to calm down, listening to her love speak to her, assuring her of what she already knew. The Dragon Knight was beginning to regulate her breathing, laying there atop Tantalus, occasionally giving her lover soft, short kisses. "Do you think Tobi is right?" Artemis breathed, sitting up and bringing Tantalus with her. The woman had her arms around him still, her mouth playing against his neck while her head lay upon his shoulder.

The door whooshed open just then, Loki standing there staring at the two. "Tantalus, you may stay," he assured, knowing how homicidal Artemis grew away from him. That, and he honestly feared the woman who was so rapidly slipping into the darkness. "Artemis, do you know what you did today?" he began, voice in a reprimanding tone. The woman simply hung her head, clutching Tantalus' head. Loki took this for a yes. "Yes, you were following orders, but that does not mean you are to go around fighting other Dragon Knights, causing timespace erosions and ultimately giving the Dragon Torque an immediate reason to distrust us!" At the end of his lecture, Loki was practically snarling, though the emotion never reached his eyes.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 06:05 AM

Fall apart? Could that... could that really happen Shiandre wondered. But then again... didn't today prove that it very well could. And perhaps someday... no! Absolutely not, no never! She wouldn't allow it, out of the question! They were in this togetehr, and would stay together! There was no way the Knights would fall, no way!

She nodded, a glint of her usual fire in her eyes as she found that determination as well. "Right, you're absolutely right. We cannot allow ourselves for any reason to fall apart, too many depend on us!" she added. "I'll remember that," she added, thinking very highly about Tobi and his words.

She noted the stares they were receiving, and quickened her pace as well. Granted she usually did things that garnered attention somehow, but this wasn't the way she liked it either!

At his suggestion, she blinked, quite surprised as well. That surprise however softened into a smile. "I will, you should too though yanno. I bet you were working pretty hard out there today too." She was thankful... he indeed had the right words to say again. It always made her wonder why more people didn't listen to him.

She made up her mind to apologize later, and do her part to help ensure the Knight kept together. But for now, food! Yeeeeah, her Reizu level was pretty low anyways.

* * * * *

"Of course," Tantalus replied in a soothing tone, as he returned her kisses with one of his own beside her ear. He gently caressed it with his tongue, knowing that with Artemis, showing his affection in every way would help.

That was when the door swooshed open and he blinked a moment, looking up. There stood Loki, but Tantalus wasn't too badly phased. After all, this was hardly the first time him and Artemis had been caught in such a situation. Plus, Tantalus had nothing to hide. If everyone saw him being affectionate with Artemis, he could care less. Let it be known.

He gave Loki a nod of acknowledgment, grateful. At least the point was understood. As Loki began to speak he held Artemis closer gently stroking her hair with a soothing hand and kissing her once or twice, in places he knew she would remember.

"I am sure she knows what she did today wasn't the best way to go about things," Loki replied. "But in the future, shall strive to change course to a better route. I too, shall help in this," he offered. He never moved once from beside Artemis, and had no intention to ever do so. Even if she was punished for what occurred, he would stand beside her and help face it as well.

'Please don't be too hard on her...' he thought to himself, knowing just how very fragile she truly was. Knowing far better than anyone else here just how fragile.

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Old 04-20-2008, 06:34 AM

Tobi was once again surprised at how Shiandre took his words. Not many people regarded them so, and it made the youngest Dragon Knight give her a weary smile, turning. "I'll get some water later," he assured before walking down the long, gray halls. People of Ceilidh didn't need much food, considering they were mostly composed of data although they did need at least five glasses of water daily. The energy they used from their data-bodies was slower than normal bodies, and so food was only needed when Reizu levels were at their lowest, to help speed up the process in regenerating them. Sleep did, too, but not nearly as much as solid, healthy food.

The boy stopped one of the grunts, who told him Loki was giving Artemis her customary lecture. Tobi nodded and headed off for their barracks. He wouldn't approach the lieutenant of the Dragon Knights, but would wait until he was done before talking to him. Appearing before Artemis and Tantalus -for the two were constantly together- was the last thing Tobi wished to do.
Loki shook his head at Tantalus, "This is not your place to speak. I permitted you to stay, so please don't push my generosity." Artemis clung to her husband, hiding her face against his chest, trying to focus upon the sensation of his hand in her hair, of his soft lips upon her skin, his body so close... It kept her stability, and after a few minutes the woman finally looked over to Loki, eyes hollow.

Upon seeing Aretmis' empty eyes, Loki backed down. He could see how fragile she was now, how calm she'd become. "I see now... You already know what you've done," he sighed. Sometimes, it was hard to tell who exactly Artemis was. She often forgot painful things, or shameful, and other times she kept them close to her hand, using the accusing moments masochistically. Loki was never sure whether to scold the girl or leave her alone. "From now on, neither of you are to leave the Birdhouse without my direct permission. If you are, you will be forcefully reeled back." Loki then took his leave, surprised to find Tobi waiting there.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 06:47 AM

Shiandre really did love to eat actually, moreso than perhaps any other Dragon Knight. She just liked food in general, moreso than most. So to have an excuse to eat, she would take anytime! After getting her food, she decided to sit down in a commons area for a time and eat.

Her mind was better at ease now at least, purpose renewed. At seeing the illusion, it had been thrown off but... it was clear now what came next. Very, very clear. She idly hoped that Loki wasn't too hard on Artemis, the girl was fragile these days after all...

* * * * *

After the input, Tantalus was indeed silent, but continued his actions with Artemis. Of course he was fiercely protective of his wife, but he knew to say anything more might put her in a worse position. Something he was not willing to do.

The judgment was fair, and Tantalus gave a nod to acknowledge it. Better Artemis didn't go down there anyways and see that... illusion. He held her closer as Loki left, gently kissing her lips. "Are you alright?" he asked her quietly, wishing to see her reaction, so he would better know how to handle it.

He also knew he was the only one who could withstand her tempests.

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Old 04-20-2008, 07:10 AM

While the two talked, Tobi suggested they go down to the commons. He knew that was where Shiandre would be, considering it was her normal eating spot. It was peaceful there, in the customary silver-slate color of the walls. When they reached it, Loki's eyes fell upon the Dragon Knight. "Go talk to her... You two used to be friends," Tobi suggested, turning and walking away to get a glass of water.

Loki hesitated, before walking over and sitting across the white and green-haired woman. He didn't look at her first, his pride blinding him, until -like most of his emotions nowadays- it quickly died. Leaving him void of feeling. The man looked to Shiandre, eyes flat as always, "I think Artemis is beginning to realize Tobi's right. I hope the rest do, too," he whispered, running a hand through his graying hair. "What do you think of it?"
As lieutenant Loki left, Artemis collapsed into Tantalus' arms in complete exhaustion. "Tantalus..." she whispered, her voice riddled in her weariness and growing hoarseness. "I need water." She was too mentally strained to put out any sort of violent reaction, and instead crawled from his lap to lay upon the bed once more, leaving a space open for him to perhaps rest beside her.

Artemis lay a hand over her stomach, something she did when she was deeply troubled. "Tantalus..." the woman whispered, closing her tired eyes, "Do you remember our baby?" This was dangerous territory. It was the event that set her downward spiral into motion, and the driving factor to her hatred for anyone younger than Tobi. Artemis had been pregnant once, a few years after high school, with twins. It had ended badly. One of the twins didn't get enough oxygen in the uterus and died after six months of pregnancy. The other, when born, was clinically ill and had to be taken away immediately. After six days, it, too, died from complications with the brain and lungs.

Calla, as she had been known back then, had tried to kill herself. But, as Tantalus had been once known, Q successfully stopped her. He reminded her of their unyielding love and how she could focus her love for their children into making others. Artemis never had, fearing the same result. She instead went into a state of post traumatic stress, using only Tantalus as a connection into reality, not trusting anything or anyone else.

"You remember how beautiful they were...?" Artemis whispered, her voice cracking and wavering, the fragility beginning to fail. "We were going to name one Nicole... and..." the woman bit down upon her lip, beginning to chew upon it enough to peel back skin, yet still did not stop. "Oh, Tantalus..." the woman moaned, her fingers flying up to rip through her hair, trying to claw her scalp.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 07:34 AM

Shiandre blinked, looking over with surprise as Loki took a seat. But... he had a feeling she knew who was responsible, and the thought made her smile a slight. "I hope so Loki, I really do. I think with time they will, if they just get past their own pride. I... really want us all to be together on this," she added sincerely.

"I'm sorry for earlier by the way... I should have thought of anotehr way about things. We all need to stand together," she added, nodding a slight.

"I just... need to remind myself of these things, and a few others. Friends shouldn't fight after all," she added. "It was easy to be blinded down there, but I just gotta tell myself I'm not falling that easy. Too much rides n us here..." she added, wondering how to put her thoughts into words without babbling. She knew she was the most val person here, so when she stumbled for words conversation might become a bit difficult...

* * * * *

He was quick to being her a glass of water, as asked, and set it beside her. Gently taking a place on the bed to rest beside her, he blinked as she asked her question. It was a question she asked at times before. Never, however, was it any easier.

He remembered it, after all, far too well. A time when he thought he might loose her completely. "I do," he replied calmly, his tone quiet. "I do remember them..." he added, and his hands were quick to meet her own, once more gently holding them back. It was... anotehr reason he could always be found close to her. He vowed never to allow her to harm herself.

He instead held her once more. "I know... it was a difficult time," he replied, quietly. Very difficult time indeed. "Artemis... please. Just get some sleep, rest. I know you are weary, so please allow yourself to rest. I shall remain here," he promised her. "Always." He wished he could say more, and make it alright. But he knew he could not, and this was the best way to help her now...

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Old 04-20-2008, 08:08 AM

"Next time, we will all go down together," Loki informed, placing his chin in the palm of his hand. The Dragon Knight sighed and shook his head, looking up to Shia. "Things haven't gotten better in all the years we've been down here. There had to be somewhere we've gone wrong." The man was surprised, really, that she hadn't gone on rambling. It was almost expected from the normally optimistic Shiandre.

Tobi came then, sipping a glass of water as he sat down. The boy looked over to their leader, though didn't say anything, as per normal. He was very watchful, and reliable, doing his best under every circumstance thrown at him. The poor boy was perhaps at least five years younger than any other Knight, and put through great stress. Loki had noticed, however, that Tobi hadn't faltered through what made even himself cringe. What had his past been like? And how, through even those, could he have grown into such a kind-hearted soul? "Are you going to speak the next meeting with your results?" Loki inquired. Tobi looked surprised, and shook his head.

"I cannot help," the Knight stated bluntly, before taking another drink.
Artemis, at first, struggled to get her dainty hands from his, but soon stopped. She remembered that he was doing this for her safety, through his love for her, and allowed him to placate her. Without the water, she curled against him, wrapping her arms around Tantalus and nodding numbly. "All right, Tantalus, I will sleep then," the Knight agree, then hesitated, "I... I love you." It was not an uncommon thing for Artemis to say, no, for she liked to constantly remind him of their bond. But there was such a depth to the words, such a firm resolve within them, it was as if it were the only clear thing within her mind. The only firm support in a crumbling world.

It did not take long for Artemis to fall asleep in Tantalus' warm embrace. He was very comforting to her, and very protective around others. Many left the two alone, through fear or being put off. Both Artemis and Tantalus often reprimanded others than each other, in such a cruel way, that it made their lonely lives repulsive to others. However, there were a few, such as Shiandre, that occasionally saw through into Artemis' weak state, which showed through the most when she fitfully slept.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-20-2008, 08:22 AM

"Okay," she agreed, feeling that the better route to take indeed.

Which, really, just showed that the circumstances and everything else wore down upon Shia as much as anyone else here. It... really hadn't gotten better, had it? Despite all of their efforts? She sighed softly.

"But, at least, we have given it our all," she replied. "And I know we shall all continue to do so. If there's a way... we'll find out. That much I'm sure on." At one time, her words would have had no 'ifs.' It would have been a definite.

She... after this perhaps might take a nap. If she didn't remain cheerful... who would?

* * * * *

Tantalus smiled at her words, finding a depth to them many missed. "I love you too Artemis, always," he replied, kissing her gently, as he watched her sleep, watching over her. He would be there to send away the bad dreams, there to soothe away her sorrows.


It was the weekend, and Niki promised herself she would keep her word. Of course Mother had been very... verbal about things, but thankfully, as usual, Father helped bail her out. As such, she was getting the gang together, as she said she would, and so had. It was... it was her first time out since the incident actually. The day after... she had tried to sort things alone. Once alone, she could cry. But she finally convinced herself it could not have been real. There was simply no way.

Her friends were here, alive and well. The strange people were gone from her life, and time was moving forward as it should. No flying cars... it was all good. Plus, Reyn was alive and well! And she would see him again! She had plenty to smile about. Although she felt guilty for not returning anyone's calls yesterday. She should have at least... no. She couldn't tell anyone. Not even Reyn what she had seen.

Walking up, as always, she was impressed by Q's immense mansion. The kind servants still attended to, his family had always been filthy rich. She rang the doorbell, and it after being let it walked upstairs, where she knew everyone would be waiting for her already...

It was okay. More than okay, it was all good! She was ready to meet everyone again, and remind herself of just how lucky she was. Treasure and cherish everyone, just the way they were. "Guys, I'm here!" she called up, but had a feeling they already knew. Oh she hoped Nona wasn't in a glomping mood...

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Old 04-20-2008, 07:42 PM

Reyn, when he heard Niki's call, was the first out the door and down the hallway. He rushed to her side, and, before the others could see, kissed her very gently upon the cheek. His hand raced through her hair, arms around her waist. It had taken the boy everything not to hunt her down yesterday, to remind himself she needed the time. To keep up their appearance, then, he let her go, walking a fair distance away, as the others came out.

Calla was racing Nona, never a good idea, and barreled down the stairs. She would have jumped on Niki, if they weren't on the stairs, and instead settled for throwing her over the woman's shoulder and hauling her off for Q's entertainment room. "Oh my god, you have to SEE this! Q's killing like, a million people on Dynasty Warriors." Reyn laughed, watching Calla carry Niki down to the door and then just about throwing her into the room.

Following, he went over to sit next to Q on his friend's massive couch. One could finally notice he wasn't wearing any sort of work attire. Instead, dark blue denim shorts and a white shirt. His sun glasses were on top of his head, pulling the hair that normally fell on his face out of the way. It also allowed a very good look at his right ear, where one could see dry blood crusted in it. It was a strange look for Reyn, since he normally had some sort of outfit from the Anne Marie on, but had taken the day off, as promised.

Calla, as she had set Niki down, still dragged the girl over to the other side of Q, sitting rather close to him. The girl was wearing a light blue linen dress, with thin straps that seemed to enjoy sliding down her arm. Underneath once could see a bikini top's neon orange halter-styled straps. The dress came down above her knees, leaving to view Calla's long, nicely shaped legs. She even had an anklet on, with bells attached, that jingled every time her foot moved. Reyn pretended to watch the game, though from the corner of his eye was intently staring at Niki, wishing she would move to the other side of the couch with him.
It was against his words, he knew. The Dragon Knight had said they'd all go down together... But he simply couldn't stand it. Everything was exactly like their past, where they lived, what was transpiring. Only, things were being set into motion far to quickly. Loki made sure to keep to the top of the roofs, following Nicole the entire way to Q's house. It was exactly like before. He jumped onto the roof, watching her enter, and then sitting down. What was he waiting for...? Why was he even bothering himself to be here?

The other Knights would wonder if he, too, was losing it. Indeed, this replica of their friend was too close, but it still was not her. He sighed, placing his head in his hands closing his eyes, trying to think over a painful throbbing in the temple. "What am I supposed to do?"

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-21-2008, 03:44 AM

Niki blushed brightly, glad to see him again. She felt guilty for not... talking through things or telling him what was going on, but she told herself it was for the best. For now, she was content with the small gesture, which she returned as quick as she could with a light kiss of her own, and by touching his hand for a moment.

She understood this needed to be kept a secret for now, but how long it would be before their friends figured it out was anyones guess! Meanwhile, she broke apart as she could hear what seemed like a stampede coming down the stairs. "Aaaaw, dang it Calla! I was gonna glomp her first!" Nona pouted a moment, but couldn't help but giggle as Niki was carried up the stairs. "Callas right, Q is AWESOME at this game!" she added, as they entered the room.

Q, with an intense look of concentration and controlling held in his hands, held a nearly feral grin. "You're all going down!" he yelled, quite into the game. And sure enough, they all were. Q himself was dressed in a pair of khakis, with a blue shirt that had a donkey on it that said I'm a smart one. After Niki was set down, Nona was quick to dash over and hug Niki tightly.

"Man oh man! Missed ya girl!" she said.

"I was only away for a day..."

"A day too long!" Nona added before perching herself atop of the couch and looking down at the scene somehow balancing herself cross-legged.

Meanwhile., Niki took this chance to steal a glance over at Reyn. Unable to help herself, she got up moved to beside him. "You know, you should dress casual more often," she told him. "It looks good on you!" She seemed, sure enough, back to her cheery self. But with Niki, it was hard telling. "I told you you could survive a day out of uniform!"

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Old 04-21-2008, 04:03 AM

The group stayed around Q's house for several hours, before all of them went outside. Calla suggested going down to the boardwalk, but Reyn complained about the amount of people, and instead suggested hanging out at the park. Eventually, they went to the beach. It was crowded, even at this late hour, and the five of them all sat around the edge of the sidewalk. Reyn was reclined against a palm tree, Niki at his side. Calla had gone away, with Q of course, for something cold to drink for them all.

"What'd I miss?" Reyn was asking Nona, eyes closed behind his shades, hand unconsciously resting a bit closer to Niki. He was truly curious about what all had transpired during his work-a-holic episodes. "Nothing too dramatic, I hope?" He honestly enjoyed relaxing like this, it had been a nice day off. The boy had laughed in the entire day than he had in a month. Things felt so light around the lot, so carefree, he wondered how he could possibly return home without going crazy.

It happened, then, that there was a startled cry. Several people ran to the scene, while others went the opposite way. Blue snow was rising from near a vending machine, making Reyn remember the other day. He stood up, looking to Niki, then back. "Oh, shit!" the guy called unexpectedly, remembering that was the direction Calla had gone. He took off, worried for the poor girl. Pushing through the crowd of people circling an area, he found a strange person clad in black. The person laid against the ground, blue snow falling down around it. The gender of the black-clad person was hard to distinguish, especially with the hood up, but was tall. A milky white hand with a spiraling snake tattoo held Calla by the throat. The poor girl flailed, trying to claw the stronger hand away, as she was raised up.

A broken, emotionless voice came from under the hood, hissing something Reyn couldn't hear at his friend. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. "Calla!" Reyn hollered, running at the woman, who simply smacked him away with her free hand. Reyn skidded backwards, breath knocked from his lungs, unable to do much but lay there gasping while Calla was being strangled...

From behind Niki, another black-cloaked person appeared. It was the same person who had saved her last time, and set a hand upon the girl's shoulder. "What would you have me do?" he whispered, looking down at her from behind his dark hair. He knew he truly shouldn't be interfering with Artemis' rampage, but couldn't stand to simply watch her kill off Calla. Where was Tantalus? 'His coordinates must have had an error,' the Dragon Knight assumed. And, why were they down here in the first place? This was not what he had ordered! Loki was beginning to get irritated at cleaning up Artemis' messes...

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-21-2008, 04:16 AM

The beach... that was where it had all happened wasn't it? A part of Niki really didn't wish to go there again, and she found herself feeling a bit more apprehensive than she should. No... she had to go. She could not allow herself to be held back! Besides, Reyn was here. It would be alright.

She leaned on him a bit more than usual perhaps, getting a feeling of dread. Like... just being here would cause another strange occurrence. But that was silly wasn't it? Had she not decided it was all some strange illusion, caused by her panicked mind?

Nona, who had been perched in a tree, laughed as she started to recount the episodes of the summer this far. From fishing, to catching Calla and Q being not discrete, to the karaoke contest, and various other stories she rambled through with ease. "Ya see, we gotta drag you out more often!" The girl said. "You're missing out on it ALL!"

And that was when the familiar cry resounded, and Niki's eyes widened. She was about to dash forward, when a hand was set upon her shoulder. She... knew who it was. But... he wasn't supposed to be real was he? None of this was supposed it be real was it? "Please, help Calla!" she said quickly, as she herself was heading for Reyn's side. Upon closer look, she could see Q was sprawled out flat as well. At least they hadn't been killed but this wasn't good, not good at all!

At least to get him out of there, she had seen before what that pale woman could do! 'Please help her...' she thought, and suddenly she knew this was all real. It was all very real, somehow. But that meant...

* * * * *

Tantalus, meanwhile, found himself racing. 'Damn those coordinates!' he thought, going as quick as he could. He knew just where Calla would have been headed... he had somehow fallen asleep. And when he woke up, she had been gone. He just hoped that he wasn't too late! This was not good, not good at all!

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Old 04-21-2008, 04:40 AM

Loki nodded at Niki's desperate cry. He rushed forward, and when Artemis threw her arm out to knock him away, grabbed it and snapped her the other way. This sent Calla to the ground, and Artemis out towards the ocean. The woman landed on her feet, back in front of her leader in an instant, throwing punches. Loki grabbed both her wrists and slammed his forehead into hers. Artemis wavered, before returning a head butt of her own stronger enough to let Loki release her.

Reyn slowly got up, looking to Niki. "Is... is Calla okay?" he groaned, feeling his stomach were Artemis had hit it. He glanced over to where his friend lay, finding that Calla wasn't moving, not even with the two strangely dressed people fighting inches over her body. Instantly, Reyn was to his feet, running back there and ducking behind the female, so she didn't see him, around behind Loki, grabbing Calla under his arms. This caused Artemis to spot him and with raging insanity threw Loki off-guard, rushing for her previous prey. However, Loki was on top of Artemis just then, strong arms around her torso, stopping her from moving.

Artemis let out a crazy howl, hood thrown back, struggling against Loki. He tightened his grip on her, and hissed in her ear, "Calm down or I'll forcefully recall us." Artemis paused in her profanities for this, but only long enough to activate her spin weapon. For the second time, the world stopped, Artemis throwing a bomb in Loki's face, who fell backwards, arm raised over the damage.
Tobi was doing something he normally detested, sprinting down the hallway for Shiandre's room. Throwing himself against it, the boy began pounding, desperate to get her up. "Shia!" the kid called, "Loki and Artemis-- come on, get up,," he urged. This was bad... If they didn't stop, then the Dragon Torque could activate her powers... The world... Spin weaponry was being developed upon it, things were going badly. All because of Artemis' stupid rampages.

Unable to wait any longer, he threw himself off her apartment door, rushing for the Birdhouse. He had to get down there fast! Tobi knew he was hopeless in physical confrontations, and his presence would only help the world corrode faster, but there was no choice in sitting around. Tobi had the feeling he had something to do down there...

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-21-2008, 04:54 AM

And now the pale woman was fighting the man. Who didn't she fight? but really, Niki wanted her mind to be as far from them as it could be. She had to make sure Reyn, and Calla, were alright! "Easy Reyn... I'll find out," Niki replied. but he was running towards her before she could. It was all going to Hell... again! Why? Why were these strange people here?

And why Calla?

She ran to help, finding herself dangerously close to the fight being a few inches away from Calla and Reyn when the world stopped. Once more, everything looked strange, and unreal. But she herself and the cloaked figures were moving fine. It had happened so suddenly, in fact, that she had gone straight through her friends. It was all happening again...

* * * * *

Shiandre, having ate her fill, had rested quite well. So much so, however, her movements were a bit slow. But she had heard her door being pounded upon, and was quick to bolt out. Her speed was quick as ever, and it wasn't long before she saw Tobi. "Whats going on?" she asked, knowing Tobi was headed for the only place nearby of any importance: the birdhouse. Thins must have really gone awry for Tobi to want to go down there in such a rush...

* * * * *

Tantalus could finally see the fight before him. And the figures as well, from his distance. Was that... wait. There were younger versions of... so she had! "SHIT!" he swore, as he saw who Artemis was in battle with.He dashed downwards, setting a hand on Artemis's arm. "Artemis!" he said. "This isn't the time or place for this! You don't want to fight him, alright? Let us go back right now, of we just might loose the dragon torque altogether and fail altogether!" He kept his words stern enough to be heard...

But... she seemed truly out of it. But he could not let her be injured either. He would protect her, even if he knew she was in the wrong in this situation.He could not allow her to be hurt...

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Old 04-21-2008, 05:14 AM

Loki recognized Niki was behind him, even as Artemis jumped further away. She was gathering energy into a larger attack, and before she threw it he had turned, back turned to his enemy. The Dragon Knight had his arms wrapped around Niki, trapping the girl to his chest and taking the blow to protect her. It threw the man forward slightly, but he managed to keep her unarmed. The man waited, expecting another attack from Artemis, but finding it never came. Releasing Niki, Loki stood up, only to find that Tantalus had come.

The other Dragon Knight was trying to throw herself out of Tantalus' grasp. Artemis glared at him, before it seemed to occur to her who, exactly, this was, before pausing. "But... I..." finding that words could not possibly express this current state, Artemis knelt down into a crouching position, letting out a hideous snarl. "He's protecting them!" Loki stood still, not wishing to provoke Artemis in this state, yet not willing to back down, and instead waited for her next move.
"Artemis is having another episode," Tobi mentioned. He ran to the coordinator director, telling him where to place them, before setting up his Reizu line and nodded. "Release," Tobi commanded. The floor dropped out, transporting the two through timespace. Reizu floated around them like snow as the two landed exactly where he had directed. Tobi saw Artemis about to attack, Loki defending the Dragon Torque. Tantalus was there also, but the Dragon Knight knew exactly who he would side with.

Disappearing, Tobi came up next to Niki. He, with very gentle and cautious hands, took hold of the girl and dragged her away. "Are you hurt? Can you tell me what happened?" he asked. The Dragon Knight was useless in a physical confrontation, but he knew that calming the Dragon Torque was vital. If her powers were activated... Then the world was as good as lost. He had to make her feel safe, in order to keep her true power sleeping.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-21-2008, 05:28 AM

There was no way she could get out of the way quick enough... no way.. this was bad. This was really, really, BAD! Her eyes widened, and that was when the man was before her again. She blinked, filled with complete surprise, as the man took the hit instead. Who... who was he really? And why did he seek to protect her it seemed?

"Artemis!" Tantalus said again. "Look, this isn't the time nor place. With everyone here, you're likely to get yourself injured, and that is the LAST thing I wish to see. There is always anotehr time, another opportunity, but this isn't it. Let us return before any damage is caused! I care too much to see you get injured!" He... he had the sinking feeling however, it just might be past that point. And if that were the case... if it was...

Well, maybe he could distract things long enough for individuals to be reeled back up? This fight, after all, was pointless. It didn't need to occur...

And if it did, someone might not walk away.

* * * * *

Shiandre appeared then, and saw the chaotic scene before them. Loki... he would need help! Because it was oh so very clear who Tantalus would side with, and judging from Artemis's appearance, a fight was imminent. And that could be disaster! If a fight started, she would have to help end it quickly! Friends should not have to fight friends. But, she would help end it come to and end if she needed to she thought, coming quickly to Loki's side. "Are you alright?" she asked, glancing towards Artemis and Tantalus.

Niki blinked as another cloaked figure came. This one was... calm. Much calmer than any of the others. "This... none of it makes sense!" she said, shaking her head. "Why did she try to kill Calla... when their eyes are the same? They... it..." She shook her head. "None of this is right! Calla could very well be killed and... for what? I don;t understand any of this! Reyn is hurt and... and..." she inhaled deeply, looking towards the suspended world about her.

"I think I'm loosing my mind... that's the only rational explanation for all of this. None of it should be happening. My friends... they need help... but I can't even touch them. I'm the only one not frozen... I don't... I don't get it at all..." she said, finding herself shaking both literally and mentally.

She... she wanted to yell. She did, but she was strong. She wanted to scream, and wake herself up. But she had a feeling there was no waking up from this...

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Old 04-21-2008, 04:23 PM

Artemis blinked and looked back to Tantalus, her eyes confused and yet so sturdy in their blinding insanity. "I..." the girl looked back to Loki and Shiandre, eyes flashing with rage at seeing the second Dragon Knight who had come. Suddenly, Artemis was not there, but before Tobi and Niki. The short boy moved himself before Niki, but Artemis simply struck Tobi, sending him to the ground. Artemis snatched Niki into the air, using her teleportation once more not to return to the Birdhouse, but to Q's mansion.

The youngest Dragon Knight picked himself up off the ground, glancing shamefully to Loki and Shiandre. Loki was before Tantalus then, grabbing the Dragon Knight with a fury he didn't normally even show to his enemies. The emotion even touched his eyes for the first time in a decade and a half, "Where could she have taken the Dragon Torque!" Loki growled. It happened, then, that while the Spin Weapons had stopped being activated, time restarted itself.

Tobi looked to Shia as Reyn saw the group of them there. He knew they should leave, but not without Loki! And, somehow, knew also their leader would not leave without protecting the girl, the Dragon Torque. Reyn had stood up now, Calla still in his arms, and viewed the scene. Two of the strange people were still fighting but... where was Niki? She had been here a minute ago! And the crazy lady... She wasn't here either. Reyn, putting two and two together, rushed over to Q's side, setting Calla down there, and looked around until he spotted Shiandre. The boy ran to her, grabbing the Dragon Knight with a firm hand. "Where'd she go!" he hollered, eyes blazing. "Where's Niki!"

Tobi looked to Shiandre, pulling his hood up and walking to the girl's side, so as not to freak Reyn out. "We should find some place more private. I can track Artemis down here, but it could strain the world... Our presence is beginning to have an affect on time." This made the Knight frown. Things were going to wrong, he wasn't even sure what to do, or how to act. Things just weren't going right.

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-21-2008, 04:52 PM

It really had happened so fast. Damn it, why had Tobi and Shiandre shown up as well? They could have handled this but the more Knights here... the worse it was getting. This place, this illusion, he knew it was affecting Artemis in ways the others could not understand. Perhaps never would.

Loki, it was clear, was furious. In fact, Tantalus could not recall the last time he had seen Loki in such a way. Was it because the Torque was involved... or something else? Was Loki descending into darkness as well? Not that there was time to think about that, or much of anything in the current hold. His first inclination was to scream that he didn't know.

Although... he did know. It would be the one place she felt safe in, the one place that she always returned to when things were at their worst. But... if he said this... it could place Artemis in danger.

If he didn't say it, the Torque itself might be in danger, considering Artemis's current state.

"...You should be able to figure it out," he replied, as he tried to free himself. "Let me go and I'll take you there. But you cant hurt her damn it!" But he knew Loki could.... but he would do what was best for the Dragon Torque first. To get Artemis out of this situation... at least this way he would be there as well. He could not allow Artemis to get hurt! But what about when they came back to the Birdhouse? Damn it... perhaps a false trail? But he had a feeling Loki was too smart for that...

Shiandre, who had seen things were out of hand and was getting ready to ask Tobi a question, found Reyn grabbing her hand. She looked at the boy with her same gold eyes, blinking. It was... strange. This world was ll an illusion, but it echoed the past too closely. This Reyn really was like...

"I don't know," she told Reyn. "But I DO know that freaking out won't get you anywhere." She nodded towards Tobi in agreement, pulling her own hood up as well since she knew green and white hair were not exactly common around here. "Then we must act quickly Tobi," she said, "And find them as soon as we can. This way," she added, knowing of a good place they could do so unseen by the general eye. And well away from Loki and Tantalus as well, where she had a feeling things could get heated.

She had the feeling, since this Reyn was so similar however, none of this would be any good to him. But it couldn't be helped...

Q meanwhile, who was up and a bit more lucid, had Calla in his arms. "Easy Calla... we're going to get you some help," he told the girl lovingly, as he started to walk. Where? Anywhere but here. Here wasn't safe right now. What of everyone else? That was when Nona came up.

"I called her an ambulance," she explained. "Just... just what is going on here? Where's Reyn, and Niki?"

"One thing at a time Nona," Q commented. "We take care of things one at a time. And right now Calla's life is in danger here."

'But what of the others?' Nona thought, and it all had her worried. Surely there was something that could be done?

* * * * *

"Sir?" Niki asked, when Tobi had been struck. But before anything else could happen, she found herself being dragged and pulled into the air. But not in a good way, definitely not in a good way. Looking back, she saw the one with Calla's eyes, only... crazier.

And looking below, she could see Reyn. But for a second, before they were gone. She didn't even get a chance to yell, as she found herself in a very familiar place. Where today had started of all things. "...Why are we here?" she asked the cloaked figure. "What do you want from me?" Her questions felt like they could choke her, so much going on at once and not a bit of it made sense. The illusion had stepped into reality full force, and now she was in the hands of one she was pretty sure wasn't sane.

((Phew, another monster to type. Geez, talk about things going to Hell :3))

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Old 04-22-2008, 12:41 AM

Loki didn't let Tantalus go, even as the man declared that he'd take them there. His eyes narrowed, the blackness flashing with a brightness of fire in it. Before his friend could blink, Loki had his fist aimed for the man's face, and then released him. Turning, Loki watched Shia leading himself, and Tobi, away. "Return to the Birdhouse, Tantalus. Now." Loki walked away, tempted to grab Reyn and tell him to leave, to take care of Calla. But... that wasn't what he had done, was it? "Tobi," he grunted, trying to calm himself, "Can the world take it?"

The young Dragon Knight blinked when he saw their leader following, but said nothing until the question was asked. "Probably not. But it would be worse if the Dragon Torque began using her powers." Reyn frowned at that, disagreeing with the way they talked about Niki, as if she were an item! Once the four reached the private place, Tobi took a series of squares from under his cloak, throwing them into the air. As the cubes activated, golden orbs came out, as did the one over Tobi's forearm, though this was had a dark gold ring around the outside, unlike the others.

"The world is wavering..." he informed, watching the orbs. They seemed to jerk themselves to and fro, as if trying to right themselves during an earthquake. This made Tobi frown, as it made it hard to read coordinates. Suddenly, the one on his arm jerked and imploded against Tobi's arm, with enough force to fell the poor boy. The strange devices fell with a clatter, no longer levitating as sporadically as before. Loki watched Tobi, praying for him to stand, and yet not allowing others to help. Eventually, he picked himself up, hand to head. "The Dragon Torque is about to use her abilities..."
Artemis set Niki down on the lawn, pushing her down and beginning to pace around her. She didn't answer, yet seemed to fight something in her head, hands clawing through her hair. "Do I kill you!" the woman groaned, shaking her head and then casting a glare Niki's way. "You're an illusion, not Niki!" Artemis growled, lunging for her, wrapping her thin fingers painfully around the child's arms, shaking her. "You're nothing but a Dragon Torque! You will save us... But Tantalus..."

Here, Niki was dropped once more and the Dragon Knight returned to pace. "Tantalus said Tobi was right!" Artemis snapped to herself, kneeling down and curling her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. The Knight's eyes remained on Niki, feverish in their insanity, seeming to be looking for someone on the girl's face to help her decide. But then, Artemis was up again, the tattoo on her arm extending and becoming a fine, pointed tool, which she held to Niki's throat. "Either way, dead is dead is dead!"

((I was thinking like, ya know, now might be a good time for that necklace to show up. XD))

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-22-2008, 02:25 AM

Tantalus could of course, do nothing but take the hit from such a close range. As he was struck hard, stunned really. So... Loki was still as smart as ever, and had seen through things. He should know that Tantalus cared for Artemis far more than anything, or anyone else. But... he also knew there was nothing he could do right now, nor any questioning of the order. In order to help Artemis when she returned... he would need to be there.

He sighed deeply as he returned, plotting. Surely this wasn't all he could do? Damn this world... he didn't care if it bloody disintegrated damn it! Look at all the trouble this illusion had already caused! He just cared for her...

Shiandre nodded, knowing this abandoned warehouse would serve well as a temporary place. She grimaced at the thought of the Dragon Torque's powers being activated already, knowing what had been said would happen. As if this place wasn't unstable enough! She watched just the same, as Tobi produced the squares which were a familiar sight as always.

"obi!" Shia said with a gasp, eyes widened as the one exploded. She of course moved to help, but Loki blocked her way. Frowning deeply, she could only wait until her partner was back on his feet again. "What?" she asked, in disbelief. "There's nothing we can to stop it?"

If only they knew where she was... this was bad. Really, REALLY bad.

* * * * *

Niki looked back at Artemis as she was grabbed, wincing as the painful hold. "I don't even know what a Dragon Torque IS!" she insisted. "I am Niki! Who else would I be?" she asked, trying to gather her courage which continued to falter in the face of a person much older, stronger... and crazier than her.

"About what?" she asked, when she found the weapon to her throat. 'I don't want to be dead!' she thought to herself. Not when she had just found love, not when she was so young and still had so much to do, she didn't want to be gone!

"I don't want to be dead!" she yelled back, looking towards Artemis with a mixture of fear and fight. And that was when she felt it, some strange warm feeling growing in her body. Like.... an energy. It circled mainly upon her wrist, spinning there until it settled into the form of an ouroboros.

"W-what is this?!?" she asked, eyes wide.

Yep, after this, she was permanently checking herself into the local insane asylum...

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Old 04-22-2008, 02:42 AM

Tobi was still standing when Shiandre asked the question. Once again, time froze over, the world become strange colors and freezing Reyn. The Dragon Knight looked to Loki, who was frowning deeply. "We have to get her out of this world... If things continue, we won't be able to protect her in such an environment and this very world will... Well, become like Ceilidh."

"Did you find out where the Dragon Torque is?" Loki demanded. Tobi nodded, and listened the coordinates. Loki took off, but Tobi grabbed Shiandre's arm before she could. "I... don't think there's any more we can do," he told her. "This is a fight beyond us. Let us return to Tantalus." Letting go, Tobi allowed himself to be recalled to the Birdhouse. The travel through timespace, as always, was disorienting, and he took a moment after getting back to readjust himself. Taking out the Reizu support, Tobi clutched his arm under the cloak, waiting for Shiandre.
Artemis hissed and backed away at seeing the Torque, eyes narrowed in fear. She watched time stop, and, instinctively called her Spin Weapon out. "Put that... that thing away!" the girl growled, crouching like a feral animal. In her hand, the weapon was already growing, creating one of the spheres she used so often. Though, honestly, the Knight did not know if it would work against the Dragon Torque. Damnit, she should have killed the illusion before this all happened!

However, the signs of Reizu teleportation appeared before the Dragon Torque, Loki appearing. He saw Artemis' position and narrowed his eyes. "Tantalus has gone back to the Birdhouse, Artemis! Go now, and you shall be pardoned of most of your ridiculous actions." The woman snapped, but did not attack, hesitating. "Go to your love, Artemis," Loki said, more softly this time, "He's waiting for you..."

That seemed to decide it, and Artemis was gone. The Dragon Knight Loki turned to Niki, his face full of apology, though once more nothing reached his eyes. "I'm sorry, but this needs to be done. Trust me, please," Loki told her, kneeling and opening his arms, motioning for her to come into them. "This is for the best, trust me," he urged, reaching a hand out directly for her. All he had to do was protect her...
Artemis arrived in the Birdhouse directly across from Tobi. She glared at him, flexing her fingers as if she wished to do more, but then turned and stalked off for Tantalus. The woman had a feeling he'd be in her room, for his own was the closest to Loki's. By the time she reached it, Artemis already regretted her actions. She was tearing her hands through her hair, her body trembling too badly to even open the door. Artemis sank down outside her room, thudding her head against the door.

"Why, Artemis... Why?" the Dragon Knight groaned to herself, hitting her head a slight bit harder now. "Why be so stupid?"

Leona of the Zodiac
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Old 04-22-2008, 03:00 AM

Shiandre inhaled sharply as the world started to shift colors again, and she could guess what had just occurred. It wasn't right! This all seemed so very off. Was it all of them, being here? She grimaced at Tobi's last words. This alternate world, becoming like their own? It was a grim thought at best.

And he called it right, as Shia had been just about to dash off as well to see if she could help. But, she trusted Tobi's advice. "Alright," she said resigned. She took a moment longer, to look towards the frozen Reyn. It wasn't fair, this illusion, was it?

But she recalled herself, finding Tobi waiting. "Is your arm alright... does it need to be tended to?" she asked, concerned.

* * * * *

"I don't know how!" she replied, looking at the Spin Weapon. "I don't even know what it is!" Well, she knew the name of it anyways, but nothing else. She found herself backing up a few paces as well, when the blue snow appeared and with it... the man from earlier.

Artemis... that was the crazy one's name. But what was his, this one man who seemed to protect her each time? She watched as Artemis left, when the man turned towards her again, hand outreached. She shook her head.

"I'm not going anywhere," she replied, gathering her courage once again as she looked towards him. "Too much to do here, this is where I belong. I won't leave him," she added, determination in her eyes.

Even as her mind reminded her.... Reyn had been placed in trouble twice already with her being here. She was being selfish. But she didn't want to leave him, her friends, everything. It would all work itself out right? Things always did didn't it?

And yet.... she also wanted to trust this man too...

Reyn... she hoped he was okay. Where was he? Hopefully close...

* * * * *

Tantalus had indeed been inside Artemis's room, sighing deeply to himself as he rubbed a bit where he had been punched. What a mess, what a mess. How could he have not seen this coming, not stopped it? Why couldn't he be stronger in this, to take down anything that stood in his love's way? That was when he heard the thunk outside the door, and again a bit harder.

"...Artemis?" he asked, opening the door for her. Seeing her alive and well, unharmed, his face brightened. "Thank goodness," he said, as he drew her protectively into his arms.


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