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Smith is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:15 AM

Lol I finished... I could do that XD have him dressed with things of other events lol XDDDD
Well I'm off to sleep is so late @.@
Have a nicey night, Night night <3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:16 AM

I should sleep since it's almost 3:30, but I'm not tired.

Sweet dreams Smith~! <333

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda View Post
Sushi: that's it, let's take them all out! O<

As always. *nodnodnod*

yes~, she's so creative. xD <3

XDDD now I want there to be a Smith Soda.

Awww... D:

Sweet dreams, Sushipants! But why the drive?

Sho: xDD Pssh, I love it! ;D <33
Mochi: Yes, let's. I AM TIRED OF THE STINGY BUMS. >8|

Hee, so much creativity on Mene, it hurts. ;^;

LOL, it would have to be totally awesome, old-school styles of soda. Like stuff you'd find at a soda shop thingar, where soda jerks serve you. xD


I go to school in Pensacola, but on the weekends I go home to Panama City. It's about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive depending on the traffic. xD;

shosho is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 03:55 PM

/love some more on sara + crys. 2getherin bed HAY!! <3

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Kitanya is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 04:13 PM


Hiii~! :3

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 04:20 PM


Now I have to go-go. xD;

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 07:49 PM

*rubs eyes, staring bleakly at the clock* Why did I decide to go to bed at 7 am? D:

Event ending in a few hours. Must rush to finish all my commissions if I want commons money. D:!

Sushi: Yes! D:

Kinda... XD I wish there were more cheap artists though. *guilty snort*

Sushi: Yesss. They have that like, pop shoppe stuff... I guess it'd be a bit like that?

Ahh... I see... @__@;;

Sho: O bby. ;DD <333

Kit: hi! <333 Though I think I missed you. >: Still, long time no see. <3

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:10 PM

/drive buy hi-bye to sara <333

belated hi to kit~ <3 and to the lovely thread owner, crys~ i can't sleep XD; <3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:18 PM

D: You can have all my sleep points! *sends them*

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:19 PM

yay! i shall snuggle up to them in bed along with my dominic XD <333

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:27 PM

Dominic? >0> *tilts head*

Kieryn is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:39 PM

I broke down and spent most of my apples. I wanted to get some commons before the end of the event.

I think I'm going to crawl back into bed shortly though. It's nasty outside and I just don't want to move.

The kids seem to be in the same mood fortunately!

Ceri - I got and accepted your request! <3 Are you feeling any better today? Well, I think I'm going to go to sleep now. Hopefully I'll be back before everything wraps up. ^.^

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 08:41 PM

I'm frankly spending mine before it ends. @-@

Aww, is it bad out there? It probably is here then, too. D: <3

Yay~! I'm feeling a bit better, yeah. <3 Hope to see you before it ends, and rest well. <3

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 10:03 PM

Rescuing from page two, with Sarasvati's other pick up!

Gaaah, why are your OCs so beautiful? D:

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Eesu is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:16 PM

My project is done and handed in! I feel relief. For the time being.


Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:18 PM

W00t, go Eesu!

And whee, my pumpkin won cutest! <333

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:19 PM

Congratz!! :O
I knew you would!! :yes:

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:21 PM

Aww, thanks! <33

Heheh, working on your sketches to relax. I love no stress work. >w< <33

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Eesu is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:35 PM

Ooh, awesome! What did you win besides bragging rights? XD

I'll be back soon, hopefully before the event ends. x.x Dinner.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:37 PM

They'll be sending me 1k, I believe? @__@

have a good dinner! <3

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Eesu is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:53 PM

Ooh, 1k. =D

Finished dinner as fast as I could to spend the stuff I have. xDD

I'm gonna have to pee real bad later. XD

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:57 PM

XDD Go go go!

3 minutes left! Thanks to everyone for making this event kickass and making me happy I came back to Mene, and <333 to all new friends! XD

Den ro, hun, I'll start on your request as soon as I finish sketching Hadsvich's. <33 Float me what avy you want for sure before I draw any old outfit you're wearing, okay? :3

I <3333 you gaiz! :heart:

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Old 11-04-2008, 12:02 AM

ilu2. 8'33!!

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-04-2008, 12:03 AM

*milks every last heart while it's still open* XD :heart: :heart: :heart:

Kieryn is offline
Old 11-04-2008, 12:06 AM

Good after afternoon nap time all! How are you doing?

We've got, what? Two hours left in the event?

One of the kids decided blueberry yogurt was war paint and so now both kids are playing in the tub! <3 I love my kids! :P

EDIT: Congrats on winning cutest pumpkin Ceri! <3

Last edited by Kieryn; 11-04-2008 at 12:09 AM..


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