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Blaidd_Tywyll is offline
Old 05-08-2007, 08:27 AM

Other than the profs at my college,(you have to have written a book to get your doctorate, that's what your doctoral thesis is) I haven't actually met any authors. I have, however, exchanges mail with Terry Brooks, the author of the Shannara books. I also had an odd meeting with the son of Stephen R. Donaldson. I was in Excalibur(a cutlery/sword&dagger store) at the mall when this guy asks me if I'm a Tolkien fan, since I was looking at a reprodution of a LotR sword. I answered yes, and we talked for a bit about good authors. He asked if I'd aver read anything by Donaldson, and I proceeded to name a list of books. He beamed this huge smile at me and said, "That's my father!" I nearly choked, and asked if he was serious. He said yes, and told me what books to watch for coming soon. It was pretty cool, even though Donaldson isn't one of my fav authors.

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Old 05-08-2007, 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by Blaidd_Tywyll
Other than the profs at my college,(you have to have written a book to get your doctorate, that's what your doctoral thesis is) I haven't actually met any authors. I have, however, exchanges mail with Terry Brooks, the author of the Shannara books. I also had an odd meeting with the son of Stephen R. Donaldson. I was in Excalibur(a cutlery/sword&dagger store) at the mall when this guy asks me if I'm a Tolkien fan, since I was looking at a reprodution of a LotR sword. I answered yes, and we talked for a bit about good authors. He asked if I'd aver read anything by Donaldson, and I proceeded to name a list of books. He beamed this huge smile at me and said, "That's my father!" I nearly choked, and asked if he was serious. He said yes, and told me what books to watch for coming soon. It was pretty cool, even though Donaldson isn't one of my fav authors.
That's so awesome :D I'd be less nervous about meeting the author if I had met their son or daughter first, that's for sure ^^

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Old 05-08-2007, 07:37 PM

I was going to say I haven't met any, but I have met Tim Parish, who wrote Red Stick Men as well as other short stories. It doesn't really count, though, since he taught at my uni. xD But we had to read his stories for my lit class and he came to talk to us.

And ended up quoting Spinal Tap the entire time.

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Kazzy1231 is offline
Old 05-08-2007, 09:42 PM

i have met 1 author andrew collin or somethink like that

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Old 05-10-2007, 01:26 AM

I've met Joy Kogawa who's pretty well-known here in Canada. She's such a happy person.

Caeluma is offline
Old 05-11-2007, 02:53 AM

Well I have met two @_@ my bosses twin 13 year old girls have both published a book!

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Old 05-12-2007, 08:46 PM

I've met quite a few authors at various conventions, but the only one who I met that I was going just to meet him, was Terry Goodkind (the Sword of Truth series.) At the time I met him, I was trying to get myself published and he really opened my eyes to a lot.
He told me about how long it took him to get published and that it really was more luck than anything else. He also told me how the publishers push harder and harder for each book once you are successful so that you aren't able to put into the later books the same as you put into your first.
Meeting him convinced me that I don't want to make a career of writing. I love writing too much to let my stories become like that and if I hadn't met him I might still be pursuing that career.

lilazngirl100 is offline
Old 05-17-2007, 11:27 PM

Authors I met were Margaret Ruurs- the author of those emma the chicken books *lol* and this one author *forgot his name* who wrote darn it i forgot...But in my whole life time I met 2 authors!

[Placid Pandemonium]
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Old 05-21-2007, 10:46 PM

I going to go see Chuck Palanuik tomorrow. : D


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